Toxic Women Unveiled: 45 Pics From A Group Dedicated To Calling Out ‘Nice Girls’ (New Pics)
InterviewThe popular internet term nice guy refers to a social stereotype associated with young adult males who think that acting like a caring and empathetic gentleman makes them entitled to women's affection and romantic interest.
However, we would like to show you that such wishful thinking isn't exclusive to just one gender and introduce you to the so-called nice girls. So we invite you to take a look at the content we gathered from a subreddit of the same name, as it perfectly illustrates their peculiar ways.
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Nice Respectable Girl Can't Find A Man
"[This subreddit is meant] for all the self-proclaimed 'nice girls,'" the moderators of the online community write in its 'About' section.
"For the women who complain 'guys are only interested in sluts.' For women who complain that men are shallow for not dating overweight women, while also demanding that their man have washboard abs. For the women who hold others to the highest possible standard, but have no standards for themselves."
Not Sure If This Counts But
Suddenly, I feel like running to the bakery for honey buns. And for those who may ask, yes, I will share.
If You Can't Handle Me At My Worst
This Can Fit This Sub And R/Niceguys Equally Well
"This sub is not for female incels," the moderators clarify, adding that, "this place is not for crazy girls," either.
"This subreddit is not a women-hating subreddit," they finish off, warning everyone to refrain from making sexist comments or just being a bigot in general because it will not be tolerated and earn them a ban.
He Shall Find A Hook-Up
Just Your Typical Nicegirl
Is She Missing Anything Else?
We got in touch with the people taking care of this online community and asked if they believe there are levels to the nice girl syndrome, or is it more like a 'package.'
"It's an honest mix," the moderators told Bored Panda. "Some are extremely immature, some are extremely toxic, and others are just jerks."
But it's not just the nice girls that the members of the subreddit are fed up with. "Repost bots are the current most hated thing. These are generally accounts that have been around 4-6 months; they suddenly come to life and will repost a post from 2-5 years ago, with the exact same title, attempting to farm karma."
Does This Count?
Queen Of Clowns
My Friend Sent Me This Screenshot
ah the one that can't take the direct hint...aka the blunt honest truth...
Physically Cringing
Ah, so there's also a female version of this. Also, she called him stupid in the end (baka). Why? That's the opposite of what you should say to someone you want to date, disregarding the other weirdness.
"We'd like to add that you should always read the rules first and foremost before you post," the moderators said.
"Remembering the human is also extremely important." And that goes beyond just reposting.
Hey....can I Ask Why Have You Decided To Unfollow Me?
Never Thought This Sh*t Would Happen, Like What The F*ck
He Was Genuinely About To Leave The Library To Go See Her Too
According to writer Raluca Popescu, the notion that you have to be nice to everyone in order to be loved and accepted is basically a mission impossible and a completely useless task to even try in the first place.
"This idea is based on a deeper one that says 'you are not good enough," Popescu explains. "So you have to do things and be in certain ways to be loved. Things and ways that almost always do not reflect the real you."
"If you are a nice girl how could you say 'no' when a colleague asks for your help with that report that's his responsibility?" Popescu asks rhetorically.
"You don't have kids waiting for you at home so you spend on two extra hours to help. And he will take credit for it. But you don’t mind, you are so nice, you are happy you could help."
(Ex)gf Hit Me With A Car And Then Sent This
I Think This Is Abuse
Her Getting D Tonight Is Ok But I Guess Men Can’t?
"If you are a nice girl you are the one who always seems to attract the 'wrong men,'" the writer continues exploring this character. "Only there are no 'wrong men' as there are no 'perfect men' either (I hope you've realized this by now)."
"However, if you look at your past relationships you will find a common thread: they were all based on at least one key factor. This factor assured the impossibility of the relationship to ever turn into a fully committed one."
From A Nicegirl On My Facebook
She Is Cursed
My Ex’s Reply When I Told Her I Was Going To Break Up With Her For Cheating On Me
This key factor that she talks about can be any a variety of things, from him being married to a huge age difference and him having some type of addiction.
"As a rule of thumb, you choose a man that for some reason is unavailable to fully commit to a relationship. You stay with him as long as that barrier is there so you have something to fight for. This way you hide your own fear and easily 'blame' it on him. The mindset is: 'If he only did this or that...'"
A Rare Daily Double Of Nice Guy And Girl
Great, these two searched and found each other: Male incel stumbles over female incel. "I always end up friend zoned!" and "Men are trash!" are a toxic concoction.
Sounds Like A Really Great Relationship
Popescu says she has thought a lot about how women can overcome the nice girl syndrome. She thinks that once they realize that they might be suffering from it, they should consciously choose to act and think differently.
"Just be curious and open about it," she advises. "Don't take yourself too seriously. Laugh when you catch yourself acting automatically as a nice girl."
"There is a beautiful, authentic you underneath the mask. Do yourself and the world a huge favor and let it shine!"
Basic Questions And Got Sas Back
My Ex’s Responses When She Broke Up With Me And I Quit Responding To Her
Good Thing She’ll Probably Never Have A Wedding!!
I absolutely hate women like that. Men have feelings just like everyone else and can cry. Shitheads like her made my fiance never tell me when he feels bad until he becomes miserable!
If you are interested in other ways this syndrome manifests in people, fire up our earlier publications: 40 Examples Of ‘Nice Girls’, A Female Equivalent Of The Toxic ‘Nice Guys’ and 35 Times People Didn’t Let The “Nice Girl” Act Slide, And They Got Shamed On This Group.
This Trend Is So Weird To Me
Nicegirl Doesn't Know Why Boys Won't Date Her. Gee I Wonder Why?
Ah yes, tumblr 'feminists'. (Read: misandrists). As a woman I apologise for this lady and would like to assure my fellow pandas that these kinds of people are both delusional and very rare in real life
And Breaking Worth 40$ Isn't Cruel?
I don't care if we've been dating for 3 weeks or 3 years, you do this to any of my games, it's out the door with you. I won't say I'd prioritize my games over my girl but breaking games is heresy in my book.
Call Ya Mom
She's Not Like Other Girls, She Has Intellagince
Ah, Of Course
Found One In The Wild On Bumble
Going to Brazil, France, Jamaica, Liberia and San Marino to practice that Spanish...
I Understand The First Two But Going To The Gym And Having Friends Is Bad?
Ex Gfs Last Message I Ever Read. She Really Went Out Of Her Way To Take A Stab. Never Responded. Blocked Out Identifying Info
A Girl's List Of Red Flags
Coming From A Basic “Alt” Girl On Tiktok
He was a skater boy, she said "See you later, boy", he wasn't good enough for her ... Emo/goth/punk people look great, I totally agree to that, but there's more to love than looking good!
Girl Wouldn't Leave Friend Alone
So Much Easier Than Communicating
just a guess that they are not rigged with a fire suppression system, just a stick on the wall smoke detector. just a guess...
Load More Replies...That's not even funny. Grow the f**k up you don't need attention all the time what the hell. Nice example
That’s a fire hazard! She could’ve dropped the paper or she could’ve burnt herself or she couldn’t extinguish the fire on time! You don’t just randomly light a fire near anything flammable especially indoors
Aw Yes, Because It Definitely Happened In The Real World The Other Way 'Round. Wasn't A Movie Or Anything
Well, this is true and hardly makes the person pointing it out 'toxic'. Fascinating how the bottom of the barrel really needs to be scraped to 'prove' that women are 'as bad as men'.
Marilyn Didn’t Really Say This But What The Hell. Let’s Roll With It
Well This Girl Sure Is Salty Lol
Another One
Conclussion: Sex and gender doesn't matter, humans can be arseholes in general.
That's what i always believe, i mean lots and lotsa people have proven it in my life. Men, women, old, young, they can be such a******s. Except cats, cats i can tolerate 😂
Load More Replies...Ah, so Bored Panda DID listen to the last weeks complaints of tending to always make the women the good guy (just an overall note to recent developments on the site and comments). Let's see if this is actually interesting now that the rules are reversed.
Oh, of course it's one of the articles the app won't load! Off to the website we go, because they still haven't found out how to fix this bug
Load More Replies...Can we put all of them on an island with the "nice guys"?
Bad things seem to be happening a LOT lately, BP!! Blink twice if you are in danger!
So what the article is telling us is that there are just as many horrible women as there are men. As if we didn't already know that the entire human race is a f*****g dumpster fire.
Wow. Reading Bored Panda complain about toxic WOMEN is kinda like reading the Biden demand a wall on the Mexican border. And on the same day I found their article about how cute babies are?!
Can we all just agree that every demographic includes a small minority of toxic jerks?
Just wow. SO glad I'm not young anymore and having to deal with any of this. From either gender.
Plenty of ‘men are idiots because…..’ articles out there, nice to see that the fairer sex has its share of the idiots too 😀
A few of these are quite obviously between children, which made me look through them in a slightly different light. Concluded that they're nearly all from children, even if they're aged over 18.
The biggest lie told to kids is that "adults" are any different. Adults are just kids with bills.
Load More Replies...Bored Panda is getting worse, either the articles won't load at all, or like this one only some of it will load.
Toxicity - not gender specific. The only problem when you're dating in middle age is that because toxic people have trouble maintaining relationships and non-toxic people don't it's HIGHLY likely that when rarely, a non-toxic person becomes single they will end up meeting several toxic morons before finally meeting another non-toxic human..
🎶Evil woman, how you done me wrong/But now you're tryin' to wail a different song/Ha, ha, funny how you broke me up/You made the wine, now you drink the cup/Came a-runnin' every time you cried/Thought I saw love smilin' in your eyes/Ha, ha, very nice to know/That you ain't got no place left to go/Evil woman🎶
While I'm sure a lot of these women suck (besides the ones straight up stating abuse), I often wonder how common it is for an ACTUAL nice guy or gal to get thrown in one of these. It feels possible to me that someone would keep getting cheated on for whatever reason and kind of give up hope
They didn't. That's the people commenting. XD
Load More Replies...Conclussion: Sex and gender doesn't matter, humans can be arseholes in general.
That's what i always believe, i mean lots and lotsa people have proven it in my life. Men, women, old, young, they can be such a******s. Except cats, cats i can tolerate 😂
Load More Replies...Ah, so Bored Panda DID listen to the last weeks complaints of tending to always make the women the good guy (just an overall note to recent developments on the site and comments). Let's see if this is actually interesting now that the rules are reversed.
Oh, of course it's one of the articles the app won't load! Off to the website we go, because they still haven't found out how to fix this bug
Load More Replies...Can we put all of them on an island with the "nice guys"?
Bad things seem to be happening a LOT lately, BP!! Blink twice if you are in danger!
So what the article is telling us is that there are just as many horrible women as there are men. As if we didn't already know that the entire human race is a f*****g dumpster fire.
Wow. Reading Bored Panda complain about toxic WOMEN is kinda like reading the Biden demand a wall on the Mexican border. And on the same day I found their article about how cute babies are?!
Can we all just agree that every demographic includes a small minority of toxic jerks?
Just wow. SO glad I'm not young anymore and having to deal with any of this. From either gender.
Plenty of ‘men are idiots because…..’ articles out there, nice to see that the fairer sex has its share of the idiots too 😀
A few of these are quite obviously between children, which made me look through them in a slightly different light. Concluded that they're nearly all from children, even if they're aged over 18.
The biggest lie told to kids is that "adults" are any different. Adults are just kids with bills.
Load More Replies...Bored Panda is getting worse, either the articles won't load at all, or like this one only some of it will load.
Toxicity - not gender specific. The only problem when you're dating in middle age is that because toxic people have trouble maintaining relationships and non-toxic people don't it's HIGHLY likely that when rarely, a non-toxic person becomes single they will end up meeting several toxic morons before finally meeting another non-toxic human..
🎶Evil woman, how you done me wrong/But now you're tryin' to wail a different song/Ha, ha, funny how you broke me up/You made the wine, now you drink the cup/Came a-runnin' every time you cried/Thought I saw love smilin' in your eyes/Ha, ha, very nice to know/That you ain't got no place left to go/Evil woman🎶
While I'm sure a lot of these women suck (besides the ones straight up stating abuse), I often wonder how common it is for an ACTUAL nice guy or gal to get thrown in one of these. It feels possible to me that someone would keep getting cheated on for whatever reason and kind of give up hope
They didn't. That's the people commenting. XD
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