30 Funny And Honest Comics Reveal What Happens When You Get Too Comfortable In Your Relationship (New Pics)
Meet Mary Park (otherwise known as Murzz), an illustrator and graphic designer based in Los Angeles, USA. Park has achieved internet fame for her spot-on illustrations of the daily struggle also known as womanhood and comics that accurately depict her long-term relationship in hilarious episodes. After all, all of those embarrassing, frustrating, or just plain annoying moments can turn out to be comedic gold. Well, and we can’t exactly say they aren’t relatable either, because we are pretty sure at least once in our lives we have come to face similar situations too.
Of course, it’s definitely not the first time Bored Panda has featured Murzz’s work, so if you are interested, you can find the previous posts with the artist’s older works by clicking here, here, and here.
More info: murrz-studio.com | Instagram | webtoons.com
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I think most of us can agree, that the honeymoon phase in a relationship is slightly overrated; the comfortable stage is where the fun is really at. Just ask illustrator Mary Park! On her Instagram account Murrz Studio, the Los Angeles-based artist chronicles what it’s like to be in love with someone you’re completely at ease with even after you've seen their horrible-looking driver's ID and had farted in front of them countless times.
In an interview with HuffPost, Park describes her relationship as them just being "two big kids who are trying to ‘adult’ together! We annoy each other constantly but never want to be apart."
Of course, the relationship isn't the only topic Mary breached with her hilarious comics. Most of her cartoons could be described as a slice of life, and as of now, one of her main fortes is creating funny and realistic comics that all girls can relate to and understand. Park made it her mission to bring a smile to her readers' faces with her quirky comics, and the overwhelming support she has received over the years has only made her strive further.
Taking care of pets is getting more and more expensive. But I'll rather spend that money on them than lose them
Now, let's talk fun facts! In case you didn't know, Murrz is a professional cartoonist who loves cats, k-drama, and... torturing her boyfriend. All of these are put in the spotlight and she definitely not shying away from sharing any of her hobbies! Anything from popular webtoons, and even the latest anime shows get discussed within her weekly comics that she posts both on her Instagram and Webtoon accounts. New comics get published on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday making it 3 times a week!
At the moment Murrz has over 841k followers on Instagram, making her one of the biggest comic authors across the whole platform. Taking all of that into consideration, we think it's safe to say that the light-hearted humor and colorful art style of Mary had won over thousands of people across the globe. So Pandas, tell us, which comic is your favorite and why! All in all, It's up to you to decide fellow lurkers!
I wonder what I’ll do with that space in my brain that isn’t occupied by gratuitously shitting on myself for not looking like someone who teaches fitness classes for a living.
Yeah, except we gotta get to work on time or we'll not have a job...
Oh this is sorta relatable...My wife if 4 years older than I am, almost to the day. Sometimes I like to remind her of this fact by randomly saying " You know hon, about the time you were graduating high school, I was just starting as a freshman....Back then, I bet folks would have said you were robbing the cradle." TEEEHEEHEEE...
Idk how people can be so casual about farting. I still don't want to fart in front of my boyfriend, and if it does happen, I profusely apologize... Yes, I know that it's normal and that everyone does it. But it's a private thing for me...