Scientists Discovered A New Cat-Fox Species Which Was Previously Believed To Be A Myth
For centuries, stories recounted by shepherds living in Corsica about meter-long cats with long sharp teeth that would attack ewes and goats at night were dismissed as a myth. However, in 2008 one such cat was accidentally caught in a chicken coop which encouraged scientists to extend their research of the new cat species.
Image credits: AFP
The researchers from the National Office for Hunting and Wildlife (ONCFS) recently captured the animal dubbed as the cat-fox themselves and are confident that this is the creature that was previously believed to be a myth.
Image credits: AFP
Known as cat-fox in English or as the ghjattu volpe in Corsican and the chat renard in French, this cat may look similar to domestic cats but is quite different in some ways. While the domestic cats are 46cm (18inches) in length on average, the discovered cat-fox measures 90cm (35inches) from head to tail.
Image credits: AFP
The cat-fox also has much longer canine teeth, short whiskers, and wide ears. Another important distinguishable feature is their tail with four rings and a black tip.
Image credits: AFP
Chief environmental technician of the National Hunting and Wildlife Office, Pierre Bendetti couldn’t hide his excitement over the find of the animal. “It’s a wonderful discovery,” he told AFP. After all, he got to hold the fox-cat which is believed to be a brand new cat species.
Image credits: AFP
“We believe that it’s a wild natural species which was known but not scientifically identified because it’s an extremely inconspicuous animal with nocturnal habits,” Pierre Benedetti added.
Image credits: AFP
The animal was captured using nonviolent methods, along with other 12 cat-foxes since 2016. It is estimated that 16 of them inhabit Corsica.
Image credits: AFP
“The cat-fox is part of our shepherd mythology. From generation to generation, they told stories of how the forest cats would attack the udders of their ewes and goats,” says another ONCFS agent, Antone Cecchini.
Image credits: AFP
The researchers hope that within a couple of years, the cat-fox will be officially recognized and protected.
Here’s how people reacted
Share on FacebookWhat rotten luck. Cat-Fox's big coming out and he picks the same week the Crow-Gorilla story broke. Upstaged. Cat-Fox - you should have listened to your agent and waited till later in the summer to make your appearance.
It doesn't look any bigger than a regular cat. I'm pretty sure that's what it is. They're pulling our legs.
That was my actual first reaction, then I remembered that rabbits aren't related to guinea pigs despite looking like they are.
Load More Replies...Just looks like a tabby to me. I could find at least one just like it at our local SPCA.
The article says it's nearly double the size of a house cat, but it sure doesn't look so big in the pictures. Adorable tail, though.
Load More Replies...What rotten luck. Cat-Fox's big coming out and he picks the same week the Crow-Gorilla story broke. Upstaged. Cat-Fox - you should have listened to your agent and waited till later in the summer to make your appearance.
It doesn't look any bigger than a regular cat. I'm pretty sure that's what it is. They're pulling our legs.
That was my actual first reaction, then I remembered that rabbits aren't related to guinea pigs despite looking like they are.
Load More Replies...Just looks like a tabby to me. I could find at least one just like it at our local SPCA.
The article says it's nearly double the size of a house cat, but it sure doesn't look so big in the pictures. Adorable tail, though.
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