My Daughter Breaks All The Girl Stereotypes And I Try To Capture That In My Photographs (26 Pics)
I grew up as a single child in a little home set in a small urban community. I was raised by a single father who worked during the day and was an artist in the evenings. Now, I am a stay at home father, and an artist, helping to raise my daughter, Haley.
This photo essay titled “Long Summer Days” follows my daughter's journey through childhood as she struggles with the boredom of living as a single child in the same small home where I grew up. We largely choose a device-free lifestyle for her, which leads her to explore the world and envelop herself in her imagination and creativity. These images include subtle undertones and rich metaphors that disrupts the stereotypes of girls while highlighting my daughter's delightfully unconsciousness strength, independence, defiance, and playfulness.
She is at an age where she is developing her strong personality and it is a culmination of all these elements which I am capturing and documenting.
More info: nolanstreitberger.com | Instagram
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12th Street Razor
Playing Cricket
Catching Nugget
Changing Breaks
Hanging Out
The Leaves
Cartwheel In Napa
The Dead Warbler
The 5th Grade Swings
Cooling Off
I have seen this one in several places, but here on boredpanda, I am really liking it. Seems to have better definition than some other sites....
Down The Dirt Road
This looks like the cover of a scary movie. Just add a clown or something
Haley On Memorial Day At 5 Years Old
Haley At 4 In A Chair
Yep. Breaking that good old “chair” girl stereotype. Great to see a girl finally sitting in a chair instead of floating for once.
First Tooth
On The Swings
Under And Over The World
Gull Feathers
I did that too lol. The only difference is that my parents yelled at me and called me gross for it, which I can now understand cus birds can carry nasty diseases.
Dreaming In The Grass
The Ghost Towel
May I Take My Shoes Off
Parker Road Corn Field
Mapplethorpe Meets Mann
The photograph which was the catalyst of us becoming friends. Woot Woot