My name is @Suissas. I’m from Portugal and I was born in Lisbon. It was 5 years ago that I decided to change the way I look at things and share on Instagram. I realized that life is much easier and fun from a different angle. These are some photos I have been taking.
More info: Instagram
Iron yacht.
Jump rope team.
Horse boots.
Helmet snail.
Sea straw.
Smells like freedom.
Look inside the walls.
Human energy.
Ping sun pong.
I’m so sweet.
Eiffel Clothespin.
The key to the best of lisbon.
Biggest soccer table ver.
It’s Fastastic.
Do your own art.
Cut the moonail.
Hands clip.
Airplane looping show.
Spiral peel.
The oldest umbrella ever.
Hang the life.
Crocodile forest.
Sweet cage.
Electric guitar.
Beach ghost.
Street juggler.
Christ king with his feet on the ground.
Who let the dogs out?
Share on FacebookHey, this is pretty cool! There are a lot of negative things around us, but this is really sweet! Keep up the good work!
Hey, this is pretty cool! There are a lot of negative things around us, but this is really sweet! Keep up the good work!