I Tested A Neural Website With 20 Historical Figures To See If It’s Any Good
Have you ever wondered what Mona Lisa and Napoleon Bonaparte would look like in real life? Or maybe you always wanted to find out what Michelangelo's sculpture David would look like if he were alive? Well, I wondered the same thing and decided I would try out this new Neuro website.
The website is called Neuro Love and proves that A.I. is learning quickly. You don't need to be a digital artist anymore to make something more realistic or bring statues and fictional characters to life. The website does a great job, although there are still many places where it could do better. Neuro Love has problems recognizing accessories and some faces look kinda wonky, but it's getting there!
More info: neural.love
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Mona Lisa
William Shakespeare
Napoléon Bonaparte
Galileo Galilei
Julio Cesar
Albert Einstein
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Isaac Newton
Benjamin Franklin
Ben here, and Abe Lincoln, went through hell and had hard, stressful lives. People didn't have nice skin, these photos are a bit "young" and cleaned up, I think. If you can find pics of A. Lincoln before the Civil war and after it's shocking how much he aged, and reasonably so. It's not a sin to be older than your years, battle worn, weather worn and tired. I see pics in the past of people who look like they're in their 60s and they're 27. Life was hard. These are look like they're run thru the filter of Today, smoothed and IG pretty. I applaud the effort but they don't ring true to what we know and have seen of a lot of these people. So why make them hipper and less flawed? It's part of their beauty to show the lives they lead
Abraham Lincoln
Henry Viii Of England
Why doesn't AI recognize red hair? Both Van Gogh and Henry VIII were definitely red heads.
George Washington
Frida Kahlo
Pretty sure Frida Kahlo would look like she did in the many photographs of her...
Jane Austen
Vincent Van Gogh
Thomas Jefferson
Joana D'arc
These are all mind boggling that they seem so real, but as a long-time portrait artist, I see lots of discrepancies in the AI presentations. (A good tip if you're trying to reproduce something exactly, is to turn both upside down, as it defuses your brain's vision somehow and you can then see differences more clearly).
i would be fascinated to meet him, but this AI portrays him like he just caught whiff of a really bad fart. BAD. FART. and he's looking right at me. so, no.
Girl With Pearl Earring
O can undersrand the paintings..but photo? I think Einstein looked like himself in his pic 🤔😄
Yeah, aren't three of these photos based off of photos? I mean there are photos of Frida Kahlo ( and as I say this I'm sure some shutterbug is gonna rush in and correct me with "those aren't photo's! those are deguerreotypes!" )
I think this is a failure. What makes us think that the paintings and sculptures are inaccurate? To say nothing of the photos, of course. The AI reading is just too overgeneralized and softened. Based on some weird algorithm that clearly doesn't hold up.
O can undersrand the paintings..but photo? I think Einstein looked like himself in his pic 🤔😄
Yeah, aren't three of these photos based off of photos? I mean there are photos of Frida Kahlo ( and as I say this I'm sure some shutterbug is gonna rush in and correct me with "those aren't photo's! those are deguerreotypes!" )
I think this is a failure. What makes us think that the paintings and sculptures are inaccurate? To say nothing of the photos, of course. The AI reading is just too overgeneralized and softened. Based on some weird algorithm that clearly doesn't hold up.