40 Memes Which Roll Back Time To The Good Old-Fashioned Past, As Posted By This Instagram Account
Do you know why we love to be nostalgic about the past so much? Well, as you know, everything used to be much better, bigger and more interesting. There used to be Tetris, slot machines and Internet Explorer, and now... now there is only a light sadness for those wonderful times when we were younger.
And we will be taking just this fascinating journey into the good old days with you, thanks to Bored Panda and this collection of absolutely wonderful vintage memes, lovingly collected by a dedicated Instagram account. So fasten your seatbelts, put your favorite cassette into that old Sony Walkman, here we go!
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I was about 6 when I opened my Angel Tree present and received the AUTHENTIC Crayola 256 Box Set (I knew how much it cost, something like $25) and not 1, not 2, not even 5, but 10 whole coloring books all for just me! My parents swear they thought I had won the lottery!
These are still around! Last Christmas I bought one for my husband and one for my daughter (and one for myself).
The most interesting thing is how our perception of "good old days" changes over time. As someone whose teen years were in the 90s, I remember very well how the adults resented these newfangled Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls, comparing them to the great rock classics - certainly not in favor of the youth. And now, nearly thirty years later, we're shedding tears watching the reunited Spice Girls on YouTube, and this time their hits are in our hearts somewhere between Stairway To Heaven and Under Pressure. So tell me what you want, what you really, really want... and I'll tell you, we want to go back to our childhood again.
Psychologist Alan R. Hirsch in his report, “Nostalgia: A Neuropsychiatric Understanding,” defines nostalgia as a yearning for an idealized past - “a longing for a sanitized impression of the past, what in psychoanalysis is referred to as a screen memory - not a true recreation of the past, but rather a combination of many different memories, all integrated together, and in the process all negative emotions filtered out."
And indeed, the more we live in this world, the more value we attach to things and phenomena from our youth. Often downplaying what we have now. Although, you know, I personally would probably sell my soul if I had my current smartphone somewhere in the late nineties!
I actually made it all the way to the Willamette Valley with my entire party... TWICE! Yeah, two of them were sick, one had a busted leg, and we were all in rough shape from hunger, but I did it!
I present the past, recently found in my loft after 30+ years. Only a smidge of what was up there, unfortunately no PC1512 anymore to look at them. The-past-6...a2ca69.jpg
You know it was way more fun to watch the characters named after your classmates die of dysentery
Dawg my fam made it to Oregon and brought peace upon the alliac bay from war
My daughter did! And she named all the characters after Firefly characters. Walsh pushed Jayne into the river.
Children in the UK still play this in school, apparently it's educational nowadays
There is a game loosely based on this called Organ Trail which is pretty cute.
you can still play this game online in several websites. Some are more accessible than others. Just search for it, for a blast from the past. I play it a few times every couple of years.
That was when we actually encouraged our children to play on the computer.
Didn't even know what dysentery was back then I just knew I died from it.
I recently found the game on an archive website and I did make it past (twice even)
i played the oregon trail a few times. never won, died about 4 days in
Chucky Cheese still uses floppy disks to run their animatronics ! They are unhackable!
13 yr old here beat the game in 3 hrs with losing two people as a carpenter
I don't know if I can throw mine away. It's like saying good bye to a faithful friend. When Spotify is down or my music is so obsolete that it doesn't exist in digital form, my faithful compact disc's will always be there to sing to me. Now, I just don't know what to play them on...
And, of course, the Internet and social networks come into play, literally fixing every step of any more or less famous person. For example, would we be so categorical in adoring Michael Jordan as the greatest basketball player of all time if we were guided not only by old VHS tapes of his games and Space Jam? Or would we vehemently discuss each of his missed shots and failed interviews like we do with LeBron James? Okay, okay, the second Space Jam really wasn't even half as good as the first one! Or is this where nostalgia kicks in again?
Be that as it may, memes are a great excuse to take a little trip back in time, recharge with the energy of our youth, and return again to the crazy, fast contemporary world that has become so incredibly small with the development of all these technologies. Okay, let's digress for a couple more minutes - just scroll this list to the very end, point out the memes you like best and just share your own viewpoint on whether nostalgia is really that cool.
I had the clear phone in my room, and the ringer was LOUD! I would turn off the ringer and it would still light up when it rang, so my friends could call me late at night and not wake up my parents (I had my own phone line in my room paid for by my babysitting money).
They are easy to throw and catch, and the sound they make when you catch one is the same as their name (Koosh!),
yooo my grandma had them and let us eat golden ghrams in front of the tv on saturday mornings, probably one of my favorite memories
This isn’t nostalgic, the first movies was 2010. The first iron man movie is older than this, wouldn’t call that nostalgic, and this pic is from the 2019 movie
Im 12. I know of half of these. I was born in 2010. What does that mean?
same, im also 12 i think some of these are just more recent than you'd think :)
Load More Replies...i was born in st. petersburg, russia, in 2005, and i have never been more confused in my life
I went to your city, 20 years before you were born. It was named Leningrad, then.
Load More Replies...I never know what to think of these posts. On the one hand, it's fun to see silly stuff from my childhood. But on the other hand, a LOT of this still exists, and the "Kids will never know "X" kind of bothers me. But I'm a Gen X'er, so what do I know?
the kids will never know also bothers me. Not everything you grew up with has completely disappeared. It's such a strange thing imo
Load More Replies...At the rate things are going actually owning a house (much less anything in it) will count as nostalgia.
I'm 80 and most of those apply to my kids. So, in my way, I still remember them.
You want to play 'I remember"? Try the 1940's and 50's. This stuff is all super new!
Just a thought here: I know the articles about „big bad/ stupid USA“ are going on everyones nerves, but consider this: THIS article is also about the US! Yes there are some things that you could find in many other countries, but mostly it is US centred. And there are lots of similar articles like these on here. Just FYI
Toys in my day you pulled back so spring push car forward. Shesh younging
Im 12. I know of half of these. I was born in 2010. What does that mean?
same, im also 12 i think some of these are just more recent than you'd think :)
Load More Replies...i was born in st. petersburg, russia, in 2005, and i have never been more confused in my life
I went to your city, 20 years before you were born. It was named Leningrad, then.
Load More Replies...I never know what to think of these posts. On the one hand, it's fun to see silly stuff from my childhood. But on the other hand, a LOT of this still exists, and the "Kids will never know "X" kind of bothers me. But I'm a Gen X'er, so what do I know?
the kids will never know also bothers me. Not everything you grew up with has completely disappeared. It's such a strange thing imo
Load More Replies...At the rate things are going actually owning a house (much less anything in it) will count as nostalgia.
I'm 80 and most of those apply to my kids. So, in my way, I still remember them.
You want to play 'I remember"? Try the 1940's and 50's. This stuff is all super new!
Just a thought here: I know the articles about „big bad/ stupid USA“ are going on everyones nerves, but consider this: THIS article is also about the US! Yes there are some things that you could find in many other countries, but mostly it is US centred. And there are lots of similar articles like these on here. Just FYI
Toys in my day you pulled back so spring push car forward. Shesh younging