No pundemic can stop the good ol’ dad jokes surfing around. But with the entire world in a lockdown, cracking one-liners may be nearly impossible.
Luckily, one neighbor from LA has decided to be of public service amid the hard times and cheer everyone up. Since the beginning of the lockdown, he has put up a new poster featuring a selected dad joke on a front lawn. And not just at random. The neighbor is making one every single day, which helps keep the members of this community from getting lost among the all-too-similar days of quarantine. “This is how we Tweeted in the ’80s,” said the Imgur user and boy, he’s right. Any Pandas out there have a joke to crack on hand? Share in the comments!
This LA neighbor posts one joke a day on his lawn
Image credits: Julesgirth
Image credits: Julesgirth
Image credits: Julesgirth
Image credits: Julesgirth
Image credits: Julesgirth
Image credits: Julesgirth
Image credits: Julesgirth
For those who were expecting to be out and about for the Easter holiday, your plans will have to wait. President Trump previously showed a desire to reverse drastic self-isolation measures, giving false hopes to some.
But last Sunday, Mr. Trump changed his mind. He instead announced that all Americans must continue to avoid going to work, gathering in groups, dining out, and traveling till the end of April.
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, urged Mr. Trump not to cancel the measures too soon. “Dr. Birx and I spent a considerable amount of time going over all the data, why we felt this was a best choice for us, and the president accepted it,” Dr. Fauci toldthe New York Times.
This is what people thought about it
He wanted to see how many of the first week and a halfs jokes worked... sadly, no pun in ten did. (I'll show myself out).
He hasn't missed a day since he started. You have to admire his pun-ctuality. (I used to hate that sort of pun, but they've groan on me.)
Load More Replies...We still get to go outside, we just have to stay 6 feet apart from each other. His neighbors probably see the posters when they go for a walk or jog.
Load More Replies...He wanted to see how many of the first week and a halfs jokes worked... sadly, no pun in ten did. (I'll show myself out).
He hasn't missed a day since he started. You have to admire his pun-ctuality. (I used to hate that sort of pun, but they've groan on me.)
Load More Replies...We still get to go outside, we just have to stay 6 feet apart from each other. His neighbors probably see the posters when they go for a walk or jog.
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