Karen Barges Into Neighbor’s House To Lock Horns Over Parking, Faces Him Naked After Shower
Statistics claim that today, for a population of 339 million in the United States, there are more than 283 million registered vehicles. The only problem is that a significant part of the urban infrastructure was planned and designed back when there were many orders fewer of these cars. Accordingly, parking is becoming a critical issue.
The author of today’s story once also faced the fact that his driveway was regularly blocked – and in an attempt to cope with this problem, he unwittingly provoked a very comical situation. However, let’s tell everything in order.
More info: Reddit
When the author of the post was in college, he rented out an old house with his friends
Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
The main problem was with a daycare in the neighborhood, since the parents used to block the driveway while picking up or dropping off their kids
Image credits: anonymous
Image credits: Anna Guerrero / Pexels (not the actual photo)
The author and his friends started blocking the parents’ cars in return, thus making the daycare owner livid
Image credits: anonymous
Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
One time, this lady broke into the author’s house when he was getting out of the shower with demands that he move his car
Image credits: anonymous
The author couldn’t deny himself the pleasure of just starting to dry his hair with the towel, taking it off his hips – so the lady turned pale and left immediately
So, the Original Poster (OP) tells us that when he was in college, he and his friends rented an old house next to daycare. And it goes without saying that literally all the parents dropping off or picking up their tots perceived their driveway as a place for their short-term parking.
But there were a lot of parents, which means that in the morning and evening the driveway was almost always blocked. Our hero and his friends, fully aware that they could do almost nothing to change this, began to simply block the cars of these parents in response. One after another – like the hands in the now-worldwide popular game APT.
Of course, the owner of the daycare was 100% unhappy with this “game,” and one fine day, having discovered the cars of her clients blocked again, this decent lady found nothing better to do than simply barge into the OP’s house with loud demands that he immediately move his car. And everything would have been fine – only the author at that time was just getting out of the shower…
Seeing a naked man in only a towel on his hips, the neighbor immediately fell silent in embarrassment, and our hero, enjoying the achieved effect, took off the towel and began to carefully dry his hair… The lady tried to retreat, but here’s the problem – she slammed the door so hard, entering the house, that it got locked.
The guy had to leisurely walk to his bedroom to get the key – and when he returned, the owner of the daycare was already paler than snow. She flew out of the house like a bullet and, apparently, called the police – because after a while, the cops arrived. However, having learned that our hero was at home, and the neighbor actually invaded his property, they only asked if he wanted to file a counterclaim against her.
The guy didn’t want to escalate the conflict, so the situation ended there. The original poster admits that this didn’t solve the problem with the daycare parents’ illegal parking at all – but five minutes of fun are definitely worth it…
Image credits: Kindel Media / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Well, purely theoretically, the police could have charged the original poster with indecent exposure – after all, despite the fact that he was at home, he really understood that the neighbor could see him, and deliberately took off the towel. Thus, the HG legal portal notes that calling the police in such a situation is lawful.
“This point of contact usually results in a warning that if the individual does not stop, he or she can face charges for indecent exposure because others can see him or her engaging in activities naked,” the dedicated article on HG claims. So, apparently, the cops did give the OP a warning. Which he took to heart.
Now, trespassing is a different matter. And the author notes that the cops asked him whether he invited the lady into the house or if she came in on her own. According to SHouse Law Group website, the situation described in this tale can be classified as trespassing rather than breaking and entering simply because the lady didn’t use force to invade the original poster’s home, but had an unauthorized entry onto their property.
On the other hand, since the author didn’t demand that the neighbor leave the house immediately, this was most likely a mitigating circumstance. Either way, the story has more of a comical tone than a criminal one.
People in the comments also agreed that it was quite weird for this woman to call the police after committing a more serious offense herself. As for the constant problem with illegal parking, the responders strongly recommended that the author use the services of a towing company if his driveway is blocked again.
“If someone parks in your driveway without permission isn’t that grounds to have them towed?” one of the commenters asked reasonably. By the way, the hero of our other story also does this regularly. And what do you, our dear readers, think about the behavior of the characters in this tale? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
People in the comments sided with the man, claiming that the lady committed a privacy violation and she was 100% wrong here
Poll Question
How do you feel about the author's reaction to the daycare owner's intrusion?
Completely justified
A bit extreme
Hilarious and harmless
I love all of the comments about people suggesting buying a boot. Had no idea you can do that. So smart. Thanks everybody!
You want a real prank, buy a boot and go leave it on some car at the Walmart. Will take dude 2 days and the fire department to free it. Aim for someone you dislike, preferably.
I'd put a gate up. Or lay down spike strips and pick them up before I pulled in. You can put up a WARNING: SPIKE STRIPS PRIVATE PARKING FOR RESIDENTS ONLY sign
One-way spike strips at the base of the drive. You just have to remember to pick them up before you pull in.
Pretty sure that's a way to get a hefty fine or jail sentence yourself. Don't give stupid illegal advice online. You'll kill someone.
I love all of the comments about people suggesting buying a boot. Had no idea you can do that. So smart. Thanks everybody!
You want a real prank, buy a boot and go leave it on some car at the Walmart. Will take dude 2 days and the fire department to free it. Aim for someone you dislike, preferably.
I'd put a gate up. Or lay down spike strips and pick them up before I pulled in. You can put up a WARNING: SPIKE STRIPS PRIVATE PARKING FOR RESIDENTS ONLY sign
One-way spike strips at the base of the drive. You just have to remember to pick them up before you pull in.
Pretty sure that's a way to get a hefty fine or jail sentence yourself. Don't give stupid illegal advice online. You'll kill someone.