Share Before & After Pics Of Your Extreme Haircut Transformations
You just know that when a girl shows up with a radically different haircut or goes for that long to short hair look, it's either she just broke up with her boyfriend, she's trying to get your attention or was feeling sad and chose the best pick-me-up known for humankind.
Every one of us who have cut their hair at least once knows that blissful feeling of losing a few kilos from their heads and starting afresh. There's really no better way to improve your mood than shearing away those sad and boring locks and sport a new short haircut. However, for most of us, it takes time and courage to make this step finally.
Below you'll find photos of brave heroes to whom going with a short hairstyle wasn't enough and their idea of an extreme hair makeover was to sport a shaved head. If you have undergone similar short hair or bald head transformation, post it to this list. The best before and after haircut changes will be later featured in a separate post that will be shared on our Facebook pages, and well, who knows, maybe you‘ll become internet-famous!
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"waves" Of Confidence, "dam*s" Of Society... "gone!!" Through All... ;-)
Before And After Haircut
I love the pixie look! Did the same years ago, now I can't decide whether to cut again my hair or keep growing
I Just Got My First Haircut In 6 Years. What Do You Think?
This Girl Dramatically Changed Her Style By Cutting It All Off And Going Blonde
Got A Haircut And Trim From The Art Of Shaving. I Went From Charles Manson To Dapper Manson
Tsa Doesn't Randomly Pick Me Anymore
I think you look better with a smile on (: and about your hair - it's cool either way!
Before & After
Wow! Reminds me of Audrey Tautou, the actress from Amelie, or Audrey Hepburn!
We All Need Changes From Time To Time
I Shaved Off My Waist-length Hair For A Cancer Fundraiser Called Bald For Bucks In June '14 In Honor Of My Husband Who Has Fought Twice. I Donated The Hair To Wigs For Kids.
New Gender, New Hair (my Transition)
Before / After
A Bit Drastic
10 Inches Off And Gone To Charity!
Long... Cut For Surgery... Lost From Chemotherapy... Keep Growing
Decided One Morning To Go And Cut My Hair Really Short. My Students Didn't Recognize Me When I Went To School 😂
perfectly done. short hair looks amazing.. beautiful heart shaped face.. :-)
Chopping It Off Made A Whole Different Charakter Out Of My Appearance. People Loved Or Hated It
It's gorgeous. You have a lovely face, why hide it? The bangs really show your eyes.
Capillary Prosthesis
Aw, bald can be good too! A lot of guys just shave the rest of their head really close if they lose the hair on top.
My Way Of Dealing With The Heat :3
That will do it! Now you are so cool you are hot! *L* (sorry, bad joke)
Its Just Broken Hair After 6 Years...
Extreme Haircut In 20 Minutes!!!!!
The Hairdressed Refused To Do This At First But It Turned Out Well, I Think!
This Is All In A Six Months Time.
when she had the long, purple hair, I thought she was a young Tina Fey 😄
Saves Me Half An Hour Every Morning :3
Cut Hair Add Glam
From Magical Unicorn Damaged Hair, To Healthy Short Hair.
Short To Long
Time To Grow Old...
You don't look "old" but a gorgeous young woman who's kicking a*s with confidence
Me Now ... Me Earlier... Bald Suits Me Good.. 😎
Wow! You look great in both, I like the second better just cuz you can see your eyes.. You have beautiful eyes..
Head Shave For A Kids With Cancer Charity Event
Well done you. You're beautiful! With hair. Without hair. Your heart and soul is the key and many women wouldn't have the heart to do this ❤️
Having My Ultimate Hair Cut 2017.
Before And After.. No Regrets!
Before And After
First Time Short- Ever!
I Could Change My Haircut Every Month
Woah, that had me really confused for a second! It looks like the yellow striped wall is still a part of the deck that the shorter-haired woman was on, and with longer hair, she was another lady sitting on the table for some reason!
Change Is Nedded...
From No Hair To Mohawk
Short hair makes u look totally aggressive. Great look if this is what u were going for. Next two pics make u look more playful and creative, which I love!
Needed A Change!
Before, After & Right Now
Mine Is Just Not Cutting It For Two Years. Haha.
From Short Thick Hair To Really Long Thick Hair. (the Brows Had A Transformation Too!)
Long To Short.
I've Made Some Changes
long is beautiful...love your fair skin with your hair color and freckles too
I Cut 75cm Off My Hair And Discovered I Had Curls
I am trying to understand what exactly this picture means. Because of the perspective that to me does not look like a full head of hair worth amount in the ponytail, but I might very well be wrong. OP can you clarify how long your hair was before... that might help.
Hold My Beer, I Got This! Xd
Fundraising And Donating My Hair For Children's Wigs
it shows in your smile how much you are loving this look.. naturally beautiful .. i think you could even pull off a pixie cut with those cheekbones.. you look amazing.
Born Brunette, Then Blonde, To Silver, And Currently Rainbow!
My Mom Cried A Little When I Did It, But Now She Loves It!
A New Me!
Half A Year...what Needs To Be Done When Your Hair Dies
The silver/grey look suits you the best. Slick and edgy with out being cartoony.
From Brown To Violet :) I💜 My Haircolor
I Have Depression And I Always Wanted To Shave My Head. So I Shaved It And Donated My 28 Inch Long Hairs. You Can See Full Story On My Youtube Channel And Instagram - Sanghamitra Gautam
From Blond To Unicorn
My favorite is the pink blonde in the bottom left-hand corner but in each one you are very beautiful
Long(ish) And Natural, To Short And Red.
its perfect on you.. red works with the skin tones and the short is definitely best.. georgeous.
Being Able To Overcome One Of Your Greatest Attachment, Makes You Perceive World Differently. Before And After Hair Cut.
I Donated All My Hair For The (polish) Rak N Roll Organisation And They Were Used For Making A Wig For Cancer Patient That Will Recieve It Without Spending A Single Penny! I've Never Felt Better & Gained A Lot More Confidence
To Get The Job I Wanted....
Donated My Hair. They Make Wigs For Children With Alopecia Or Cancer.
The new look is great too. U look so pretty with the shorter hair as it frames your face better.
Befor And After
Changes In A Year
Bangs Love
I love bangs in general but the after style looks adorable...and wow, you're a doll! So pretty.
Donated 10+inches
Change The Country, Change The Hairstyle :)
I Always Liked It Shorter.
You are beautiful with short hair. It shows your elegant neck and fabulous face, you are much more than your hair.
I Did Regret It After
Oh, that's a shame, coz it looks great! Really highlights your beautiful deep brown eyes!
Homemaid, And Two Hours Earlier It Was Light Brown...
Love Is In The Hair!!! ;)
First Got It Cut For A Girl, But Now I'm So Glad I Went Shorter.
One Day I Just Woke Up Wanting To Com White
I meant to go***!! OMG why can't I edit this?? XD
Short To Long. 7 Years, Lots Of Care And Henna.
Shaved My Head For The 'shave For A Cure' Fundraiser For Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand.
Before & After
From Dark Short Hair To Long Light Hair
Long Red, Short Red.
Through The Years
After A Year..
You look even more fantastic, but what is the difference regarding your hair style?
Changing In 30 Min 😎
Drastic Hair Change
New Hair, New Life.. Just Kidding, It Still Sucks, But My Hair Not Anymore
This Is Me With My Long Beautiful Black Hair, Then I Change It Because I Thought I Need It A Change I Didn't Like So I Change It Back😆
Eight Inches Off For Charity
From 2013 .....to 2017 I ❤ My Short Hair
Rocking the short hair and those glasses! The confidence you're showing is awesome
3 Years Transformation .. Get Beard And A Long Hair
I like it! ..lets trim/groom that beard a little bit :0 you look more mature
18" Donated To Pantene Beautiful Locks
Haircut Transformation 💇🏻
Tried Out The Longer Hair For A Bit And Now Back To A Short Cut.
Yep..orange Is The Color !!
J'avais Envie De Changement !
Before And After Getting Your Hair Shaved Off.
Before & After
Needed A Change... What's Better Than A Haircut ?
My Hair Transformation: Long/red --》short/blonde
So I Thought - I Love My Princess Hair...now 52cm Is Off And Away To Make Someone Else Feel Like A Princess!
Short Hair Makes Me Look Childish. #happiernow
Ruthy's Headshave For Cancer Appeal & Hair Donated To Princess Trust October 2016
Before And After
Can't really tell a difference other than color with the way it's worn in both pics.
One Year Hairstyle
It's Just Hair
I Shaved My Hair.
Had Looong Hair, Got Bored Of It And Donated It. Now A Colorful Young Man ! (2 Years Hairvolution)
Long To Short And Blonde
8 Eight Inches Off For Charity (dont Have Any Photos Of Me With Long Hair Without The Filter)
Now And Then - One Year Apart
Transformation Over The Last 3,5 Years
2013 And 2017
New Year, New 'do
I've never dyed or heat styled (I don't own a blow dryer or straightener) my hair. I donated this batch to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.
Epic Transitions All Within One Year
Before And After...
Donated 13 Inches.
From Normal To A Cringy Emo
Grew It Out After Cutting It Super Short And Then Cut It Again, But Grew Out More And I Cut It Even Shorter. Also Got New Glasses.
After - Short On Sides & A Bit Curly On Top
Hairdresser Said We Cut "at Least" 24 Inches Off
7 Inches Off
Older Me
Finally, I'm No Longer A Waitress Forced To Have "normal" Hair
My Seven Year Old Son Donated 10" Of Hair To Pantene Beautiful Lengths.
My Most Drastic Hair Transformation Yet
Before - Wavy Curly Mane
A Little Change.
Grew My Hair For 3 Years To Donate 30 Cm For Wigs For Cancer Patients, Photo's Are One Week Apart
Before And After
When I First Moved To London, When I First Shaved It, Now. Many Hundreds Of Styles And Colours In Between.
Nothing Changed.
Long And Brown To Pixie Purple.
Donated It Again! Shortest It's Ever Been.
Donated More Than Half My Hair, So Glad I Did It As It Made Me And My Hair Feel So Much Better.
Looking good and I see you shed the old clothes for a really nice new fresh dress. Did you put heels on too.
After It Was Bleached Blonde And Burnt All Off.
Needed Change. And Of Course I Donated Hair To People Who Have A Cancer
Me At 20 With My Natural Hair Color
I Love Short Hair! So Once Decided To Cut My Hair. And Best Decision Eva ❤
Before And After: My Damaged Hair Gets A New Start
Inner Me
My Own Evolution... I Wanted Some "fresh (h)air" !
Long Purple Hair To Asymmetrical Ombré In Order To Grow Out The Shaved Sides.
Omg I Do Have Cheekbones!
Chopped It, Donated It, Loved It.
Bye Bye Hair!
Getting Out Of The Military Hair Transformation
Had The Idea For This Haircut On A Drunk Night And Actually Followed Through
I Did It For My Son Passing On. Its My Native Tradition For Strength.
Tarzan To Peter Pan
Cut Of All Their Rapunzel Like Hair And Donated It!
Looking sexy and suit you well. Love that you are showing off the ears.
My New Taper Cut
Got Most Of My Hair Cut Off
Before, During, And After Chemo And Radiation!!!
Before It Was Bleached Blonde And Burnt It All Off
First Short Haircut
Younger Me
Cut My Waist Length Hair And Donated To Kids With Cancer. In The Process Of Growing It And Doing It Again.
Super Short
Had It Cut Short The Last Day Of Sophomore Year And Now I'm Going To Be A Senior! I've Also Done Colors But Yikes Let's Not Go There.
These Are Some Of The Dumb Things I Did To My Hair In High School But I Will Not Find The Ones From Middle School😂
Left Is August 2016, Top Is September 2016, Bottom Is Current Growth =)
Got My Hair Cut One Year Ago, And I Love It! Makes Me Feel Way Better About Myself :-)
Omg I Can't Believe I Did It
October 2012- March 2016
Before And After
My Friend Was Bullied Because He Had Colored Hair So I Colored Mine To Show Him Support
Lets See What Happen
Grew My Hair For 2 Years Just To See What Happens. Ended Up Donating 23cm/12 Inches.
For Me It Just Means I Haven't Been Cutting My Hair For A While Now And I Am Really In Love With Colours. (sorry For The Bad Quality)
When I Was Maybe 12-13
Before And After... From Long To Short.
After Two Years Of Bleaching And Dying My Shoulder Length Hair, I Did This.
Difference Of 6 Months
Needed A Change
Needed A Change 2
2009 To 2017
Ghost 👻
Transformative changes such as a new haircut can be as rejuvenating as indulging in a bit of retail therapy.
Just like revamping your appearance with a bold short hairstyle, immersing yourself in the world of creative shopping ideas and quotes can uplift your spirit and add a touch of excitement to your day.
So many hurtful comments! No one was asking for an opinion, just showing the transformation. Wow, there are some angry pandas out there. :-o
There are some hurtful comments, which is a shame, but I think (hope!) submitters were prepared for that. You say "No one was asking for an opinion", but we all know that people have opinions and that Bored Panda provides comments fields for people to express those opinions. But yeah, I hope no one regrets being brave enough to share their pics!
Load More Replies...My wife is always threatening me with doing this, luckily we have made a deal, I'll keep shaving my head as long as she doesn't cut her hair. Before anyone attacks me though, yes it is her hair and she is free to do whatever she wants to do with it, same as I could too. But if she got a short hair cut I would find her less attractive the same way I would if she got a giant question mark tattooed on her face. I would still love her the same if she did either though.
So many hurtful comments! No one was asking for an opinion, just showing the transformation. Wow, there are some angry pandas out there. :-o
There are some hurtful comments, which is a shame, but I think (hope!) submitters were prepared for that. You say "No one was asking for an opinion", but we all know that people have opinions and that Bored Panda provides comments fields for people to express those opinions. But yeah, I hope no one regrets being brave enough to share their pics!
Load More Replies...My wife is always threatening me with doing this, luckily we have made a deal, I'll keep shaving my head as long as she doesn't cut her hair. Before anyone attacks me though, yes it is her hair and she is free to do whatever she wants to do with it, same as I could too. But if she got a short hair cut I would find her less attractive the same way I would if she got a giant question mark tattooed on her face. I would still love her the same if she did either though.