The fall semester is in full swing, and Jimmy Fallon has decided to celebrate it. For the hashtag segment on The Tonight Show, Fallon has asked people to tweet the craziest things about their teachers. And even thought it is a subject he already explored a few years ago, the abundance of hilarious replies prove that it's inexhaustible. From personal remarks about their marriage to social experiments in class, these teachers and professors will certainly remain in their students' memory forever. Just not necessarily in a good way. Scroll down to enjoy the funniest #MyTeacherIsWeird entries and upvote your favorites.
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In my school we had the Thompson family-- 8 kids. A lot of them were in the school band, and our band director would just call them by their number. Peter was 7. Eileen was 8. He joked that he would retire after they all graduate. Sure enough, Eileen graduated from high school, and our band director retired.
She's teaching. You found a way to speak in a public manner and fill time while keeping your audience engaged. Public Speaking 101.
I had a teacher who used to do that same thing but with his prosthetic leg
That's honestly why some people go to the bathroom, just to get out of class.
Please tell me you all threw her a party when it finally came through!
That happened during an accounting final. I went up to the professor and asked what a certain term met and I heard her say "C**p" under her breath as she stood up and announced to everyone to take their pencils and put a line through question 21, that she'd forgotten to go over that in class and that everyone would get automatic credit for it. I saw so many relieved faces.
This one's quiet easy. Make a simple equation of your class' thermostat-temperature. Easiest extra credit ever.
Our high school rugby team were known as partiers. The coach tried endlessly to find out who the drinkers were. So one road trip, he asked two of his trusted straight and sober players to make a list of names of players that were illegally partaking in alcohol. Monday morning and the team showed up with a new haircut. The right side of their heads had the hair shaved off in a line over their ears. When the coach asked who the drinkers were, they said "look for the shaved heads." It seems when these player were drunk and passed out on the floor, the honest players shaved their hair as they slept. Oopsie!
Jesus, by the time you graduate, I'll be in my mid-30s, world-weary, jaded, and... oh wait, I've been like that since I left school.
My driver's ed teacher used to answer the phone according to a popular Yellow Pages ad on tv at the time. "Tippie's Canoes..Tyler Speaking" "Franks Mule Farm..which a*s do you want to speak to."
It probably wasn't was a shower cap that some women use to keep their curlers in place.
Is that a typo for BELT out a song, or are we sincerely talking musical burping? Grimsters!
When I was 6, the whole family went camping in the mountains. As we were going to bed one night in our tent and we were just falling asleep, we heard a scream from outside. Our tent came down, everything was packed up and we left. Found out the next morning that a mother bear and her cub wandered into the campsite and my grandmother, being the strong woman she was, hit the bear in the head with a camp chair and threw canned food at it until it left. Decades later at her funeral, the pastor says.."And I understand there was an incident with a bear" at which time our whole family starts chuckling.
This would be rather traumatic! (Even though I would do the same with a glass eye)
I decided to never wear heels because of this. Every woman I know wears high heels for about 45 minutes at most, then it's stocking feet.
My mother-in-law was a teacher for a high school. She said when she died, she wanted to be cremated and mixed in with the foundation of her old high school so she could go around and haunt the kids into behaving themselves.
I had this condition during my teens that if I hit my elbow or knee just right, I'd pass out. Well one day I finish taking a written exam in driver's ed and, after turning it in, returned to my desk, banged my knee, sat down and passed out. I woke up lying on the floor with the teacher standing over me... his hands over my ears saying "Can you hear me? Are you OK? Can you hear me?" I said "Not with your hands over my ears." And he laughed. I was sent to the nurses office where the Vice Principal gave me a big hug. But I did get to go home early.
be a teacher, they said. it'll be fun, they said. WELL IT IS NOW, ISN'T IT?!
Not weird. Reflects John Cage's theory of music as organized noise.
English teacher would make gum chewers do that or they could recite the following: a gum-chewing kid and a cud-chewing cow, there is a difference I think somehow, Oh yes, I know, i've got it now, An intelligent look on the face of the cow.
Well I think you're talking about PK. The main theme of the movie is people who profit off of religion. Still a pretty bad movie, imo
When I was in college, I found out that one of my classmates was having an affair with the physics prof. I told another prof who turned red and told me he'd take care of it. i had no idea at the time that he'd been having affairs with his student T.A.'s behind his wife's back.
A teacher did this to my brother once, the cut on his forehead required stitches, she was relieved of her teaching position. This was over 30 years ago, but it wasn't the first time she had deliberately injured a child, it was just the last straw for the school and the school board.
What other response is appropriate for someone wearing crocs in public?
That wouldn't work in my school, most of the windows don't open. (there are doors that lead to outside that they prop open occasionally)
That's not the teacher being weird... and that's just disrespectful. Grow up.
A former (retired, not dead) colleague of mine would snack on peanut butter & crackers in his office, daily. After licking the plastic butter knife, he often said to me, "Mike, you know that I wash this knife once a month, whether it needs it or not..." He taught economics for business and was a tax accountant on the side. He is probably wealthier than he appears. -Dr. M, former professor of economic history & ethnic studies
My English teacher (around 65 or 70) has the best response to people asking how long their essay should be. "Like a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the essentials short enough to keep it interesting"
This post should be open for submissions, the pandas seem to have many stories of their own!
Out of the dozens of teachers throughout you school/college life there is always going to be a couple who stick in your mind forever
Load More Replies...My German teacher would start every lesson by stating how many days, hours and minutes were left untill his retirement. And once ripped the intercom from the wall when an anouncement was made while we were doing an exam.
My English teacher (around 65 or 70) has the best response to people asking how long their essay should be. "Like a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the essentials short enough to keep it interesting"
This post should be open for submissions, the pandas seem to have many stories of their own!
Out of the dozens of teachers throughout you school/college life there is always going to be a couple who stick in your mind forever
Load More Replies...My German teacher would start every lesson by stating how many days, hours and minutes were left untill his retirement. And once ripped the intercom from the wall when an anouncement was made while we were doing an exam.