I hope this is a pet pig and it won´t be slaughtered (sorry, veggie here since 1985).
So cute, and if anyone keeps a single goat they should be reported to animal rescue groups, these animals, like most of our pets, except for cats, dogs and the nocturnal hamsters, should never be kept alone.
Goats are extremely social and some act affectionately back to people.
Now this is how chickens should live, in the green where they can also pick the one or the other worm, and not in tiny cages or as "free range hens", where they can hardly turn around without colliding with other hens.
Are these churches? Where please? Whatever they are, they are just breathtaking.
This almost reminds me of the Versailles Castle a bit, only the King is missing...
Awsome, when I visited Nancy in France in 2003, while I was on a rehab cure in the Saarland, I admired the old buildings there, this here reminds me a bit of the old town.
Thank you for sharing 🙂. These were all very beautiful 💖. Are you a photographer? Just wondering because you take great pictures.
These are really lovely. I can tell you have great love for animals and your hobby just has to be photography bc you're good at it !
Thank you for sharing these photos. I loved them. Could you tell us something about the indoor photos?
I took them at The Breakers newport mansion its from like the 1800s or something so pretty cool
These are really lovely. I can tell you have great love for animals and your hobby just has to be photography bc you're good at it !
Thank you for sharing these photos. I loved them. Could you tell us something about the indoor photos?
I took them at The Breakers newport mansion its from like the 1800s or something so pretty cool