My Mum Is A Mosaic Artist And Loves To Create Amazing Artworks That She Upcycles From Skips And Creeks (No Animals Were Harmed In The Making Of These Artworks)
She has showcased many exhibitions and many people have called her a freak for her art so please do not post any harmful things about her art. My mum also sells these things on Etsy. Her shop is called Rebecca’s Art’n’Treasure. I hope you enjoy her art as much as I do.
Don’t worry, she finds all the bones and animal parts off of already dead animals
Two shadow boxes in her shed/workspace
Just some random artwork of hers
My mum spent over 72 hours making this dollhouse
That’s my mum standing next to her dollhouse
Tattoo design my mum came up with
Another shadow box
All of this material was found on the beach
Ratty and Betty (the two on the far left)
A cute dollhouse my mum put furniture in
A lot of history in this one (all of the things here are quite old in this photo)
Lots of creepy dolls
Samurai baby head (I came up with the name)
A cute little grotto made out of a bathtub my mum Mosaiced
A Buddha
Lots of art material in front of our house
Another Mosaiced dollhouse
Lots more creepy dolls
some more mosaics
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