“My Good Reputation”
I wanted to do a self-assessment so I might feel better. It gets so depressing to think that I’m a failure and always will be… stewing in that mentality until becoming soft and over-boiled. Here’s part of who I am and was…
“My GOOD Reputation”
No One Will Ever Know That I…
(except now they might)
⦁Asked the editor, my boss, at E.R. Sentinel to interview The Penguin Lady on my route, which they did. She was over 90 years old with 1,000’s of Penguin objects.
⦁Weeded/Pruned mean old Betty Merkle’s ‘Wedding Day’ Rose bed. They looked dead. Some lived.
⦁Tried to stop a gun fight between two gangs on top of Mt. Washington in Los Angeles. Be careful of parties you’re invited to by good friends.
⦁Gave several gifts to Caring Tree at Glendale Galleria for Salvation Army with my 1st SSDI check. Half were for girls and half were for boys.
⦁Found BofA money bag at Glendale P.O.-Woman behind the counter stole it-Supervisor threatened me. But then they understood. I just Let It Be.
⦁Gave some pay back whenever I could. Called it a “Rebate”. Got me more work that way. Did the same with loan paybacks, too. Then friends were glad to repay me.
⦁Union Sugar gave Christmas $100 bonus in 2 sugar bags. My boss’ wife tricked me out of the two they gave me. I only found out because an employee got upset they had given me two 5 lb. bags of sugar. I lived at the hotel my boss owned.
⦁Met Art Snyder at E.R. City Hall and asked about getting some street cleaning equipment. I offered to volunteer cleaning newspaper stands, phone booths and bus stops in my area. He said tools weren’t in their budget. I was 12 or 13 then.
⦁Found Al Hernandez’s credit cards/carbide drill bits at Christmastime. Brought them to him the next morning at Scotty Tools where he worked.
⦁Almar Security/saved a Mother and her 11 year old daughter working overnight cleaning at B.K.. The man was after the kid./also caught phoney $15,000 check casher at a coin store.
⦁Shot at while trying to stop gunfight on top of Mt Washington. I was standing with my friend when the shooting started. I walked between the two gangs and held out my arms yelling for them to stop. But then a guy looked right at me and started shooting. I soon joined John who was hiding behind a car tire.
⦁Had a pistol pointed at me while trying to save a drugged, kidnapped young girl on Hollywood Blvd. I can still see her face, too. A gang of black youths got her. Plenty of people around but no one would help me. They just ignored me and them. It was mid-afternoon. Well, I stood my ground until the one angry kid got about 8 feet from me. He would have shot me right there if I hadn’t turned and walked away.
⦁Caught the trucker who stole me and George Velasquez’s backpacks 4 months earlier. He abandoned us but I got a job at the truck stop he last fueled up at…HA! I called the Sheriff who knew the story by then. He came out and he got caught. I had out things back in 2 or 3 days. Everything was there. He’d steal from hitchhikers and just throw the backpacks in his garage.
⦁Paid for skycoaster/race cars with Sonny and David and Lorna’s kids. I was broke and homeless. That was all my money I got from S.S.A. for money they owed me.
⦁Found Kai’s watch in Saco River at River Run when camping with Judy, George and Julie.
⦁Worked for food and shelter in a backyard tent at “House of Ruth” in Santa Maria, CA.
⦁Rescued a bunch of girls on the highway shoulder with flat tire near San Antonio. They hired me to work the ring toss joint at their carnival.
⦁Watched a big, walk-in sized tent/belongings at East Beach Travel Park for a guy who worked on an oil rig. Several times for 2 weeks each.
⦁Watched Grandmas apartment for a month at Gulf Breeze.
⦁Gave my Milwaukee friends all my furniture when I moved. For free. They grabbed.
⦁Greyhound lost all my luggage-I didn’t need or accept their offer for 3 nights emergency lodging until they could trace my things. Got everything back.
⦁Rowed a party on a houseboat back to Hernando when it broke down. I was in a small ‘john boat’.
⦁Made my friend David $5000 extra dollars. He got $5 per VCR tape, not $4 when he closed his video store. He gave me a small 13″ tv set.
⦁Made Kathy and Harold Phillips $5000 extra dollars when their house sold.
⦁Made Mildred McLaughlin an extra $10,000 when her house sold to her neighbor.
⦁Didn’t sue when Glendale Adventist had left a huge shard of glass in my finger. They kept telling me “There’s nothing in there!”. Only an inch and a half sliver of glass!!
⦁Helped the Kirschner’s, Hartley’s and Berry’s move 5 times.
⦁Helped a Marine named “Lincoln” that was moving to Jackson Hole, WY area.
⦁Asked Scientology for work/helped all night moving them. No one could drive the moving van so I did. I’d told them to just pay me what they think my work was worth. They’d shared a pizza with me earlier. When I went to get paid the guy had disappeared. The next day I went into their new building to inquire. “We already paid you 2 slices of pizza because you said you were hungry!” I worked hard all night for 2 pieces of pizza! People are very cruel sometimes. Quite often!
⦁Needed food and worked at Glendale church yard sale-paid with a small cross.
⦁Sparrow dying on Caraway St in Dr. Phillips-buried it with Lorna’s kids.
⦁Sparrow flew into window at Heritage Hospital-buried it with patients there.
⦁Mary and John Hair-cleaned their super hoardy/filthy apartment some after ’94 earthquake. They were very nice to me though.
⦁Me and a trucker ran into thick fog outside of Sacramento-helped 2 small children after their Grandparents ran into a bridge support and were killed. Poor kids.
⦁Truck ran over kitten-had to use woman’s exhaust pipe to end its life.
⦁Ran after car to tell woman she left her purse on top of car roof.
⦁Helped save Mexican woman and 11 year old Daughter at Burger King.
⦁Helped catch phony check-cashing con artist at coin shop on Brand Blvd.
⦁Donated to Bruce Robert’s Toy Fund for remembrance of John & Sally Quirk, Marie.
⦁Finally told on John Bridges at The Ambassador for all his creepy activities.
⦁Caught Mitch Lehman(Gymnastics Instructor) having sex with a very young girl at the YMCA-no one even cared. “What, are you jealous!?” I Let It Be.
⦁Told Janice Berry about Amanda having sex with the man next door. She didn’t even care. Later told her about Amanda coming to me naked late one night. I just told her to go back to her room. She was 12 and looked only like a baby to me.
⦁Warned women investors at YMCA about A.J.-they didn’t care-he disappeared later.
⦁Found an open snack machine at YMCA and secured it-reported it to company. There were two tall stacks of dollars that I could have taken. I was alone there, too.
⦁Found Clarence’s wallet on top of coffee machine at YMCA. Returned it to him.
⦁Donated $140 so a Mexican kid could go to Camp Fox at Catalina Island.
⦁Cooked Thanksgiving for 22 residents at YMCA out of my own pocket.
⦁Cooked several Thanksgivings for the Ambassador apartments neighbors.
⦁Found Al Hernandez’s ID, credit cards and carbide drill bits and returned them to him.
⦁Cooked breakfast for Boy’s Gymnastics team before competition. Bought food myself.
⦁Detailed alley behind Glendale Post Office. Was in Glendale News Press.
⦁Was first in line to be tested for bone marrow for Sarah Kappler.
⦁Had yard sale for flood victims-donated $40 to them(gave it to Craig Yassi).
⦁Gave Christina at CVS $10 to give to a girl that got robbed there to buy her lunch.
⦁Cooked several Thanksgivings for Ambassador Apartment residents.
⦁Captured thief trucker who stole backpacks and abandoned me and George.
⦁Donated several times to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
⦁Helped save Harold Phillips after falling off ladder in Hernando, Florida.
⦁House and pet sat for Shirley Quirk 12 days. Cleaned whole house and yard.
⦁Volunteered in kitchen for Meals-on-wheels at Salvation Army.
⦁Donated bellringing time to Salvation Army(three times, 2 days each).
⦁Helped snow shovel, move friends(lots!), grounds keep for Jim Reed.
⦁Adopted a highway in Orlando. Bought all the needed tools myself.
⦁Detailed kids play area in Santa Monica outdoor mall area. Removed all cigarette butts.
⦁Helped Princeton three times with Earth Day Back Cove cleanup.
⦁Distributed notices for free to all apartments for Princton(lots of times).
⦁Cleaned our side of alley at Princeton for free(three times).
⦁Cleaned up at Princeton after wind storm for free. About 7 large stacks of branches.
⦁Cleaned 2 bike rack areas for Princeton three times. Added dirt to repair low areas.
⦁Raked trashy grass area next to plaza two times. Put removed dirt on low areas.
⦁Took note of light pole numbers and outages for Lyndsay, for free after she asked me to.
⦁Often picked up dog poop and cleaned around dumpster at Princeton many times.
⦁Gave a portable washer to the downstairs young neighbors expecting a baby soon.
⦁Helped same young couple unload their uHaul when they first moved in.
⦁Gave several new neighbors a ‘Housewarming’ industrial-sized roll of paper towels.
⦁Cleaned Shirley Quirk’s whole house and yard when I pet sat for her for 12 days.
⦁Swept up 61,456 cigarette filters off of Congress Street.
⦁Donated twice to Camp Sunshine through Princeton on Back Cove.
⦁Cleaned up trash out of the Back Cove on my own.
⦁Helped rescue Harold Phillips when he fell off a ladder, hurting himself badly.
⦁Adopted a highway in Doctor Phillips neighborhood in Orlando. Bought my own tools.
⦁Cleaned up yard and smoking area at Heritage Hospital in Beverly Hills, Florida.
⦁Cleaned up smoking area several times at Broadway Crossings in South Portland, Maine.
⦁Went at 6 AM to sweep cigarette butts at Maine Medical. The ground was frozen…the joke was on me…HA!(All the cleaver plans of mice and of men.)
⦁Gave the black kid who said “Hello” to me often at Princeton 12 new Gideon t-shirts.
⦁Reported a girl driving wrong way and hit elderly woman’s car to Police, who got her.
⦁Found “John P Doyle Jr.”s’ unsigned/brand new C.U. debit card. Gave to Portland Police.
⦁Gave 9 rolls of toilet paper to 3 different neighbors during Coronavirus crisis.
⦁Gave 3 rolls of hard roll paper towels to 3 elderly neighbors during Coronavirus crisis.
⦁Gave a hard roll of paper towels to my mail carrier during Coronavirus crisis.
⦁Gave my mail carrier a bottle of dish soap. Made her a wind chime earlier.
⦁Made Christmas Tree decoration out of IBM cards for Princton office.
⦁Bought and placed 4 bags of coco bean shells underneath the bush downstairs.
⦁Tied up snow blower damaged bushes branches and saved one side of it.
⦁Always gave Princeton Flowers/Decorations at Holidays.
⦁Gave Lyndsay a little inspirational “Willow Tree” decoration.
⦁Always gave The Ambassador gifts/Decorations at Holidays.
⦁Protected The Ambassador Owners and residents from their evil manager.
⦁Got $1200 stimulus. Gave $50 each to Chris, Ken & other maintenance Princeton guy.
⦁Bought water at CVS and put outside for birds/neighbor’s pets on some really hot days.
⦁Never sued any Hospitals after wrong or cruel things. Sometimes they even begged me not to. I don’t trust Doctors and Hospitals one bit. I’ve seen too much.
⦁Didn’t sue the Dentist for their worker telling me to “Just Be A Man and give it 2 more days!” when I’d called to say my face was swollen and I was in real bad pain. I had an infection when I’d rinsed the blood clot away from the tooth-removal site. I ended up giving it only 1 1/2 days before I called 911 crying, saying I needed help. They rushed me into surgery and saved my life. I was in intensive care for 11 days.
⦁Didn’t sue “The Great Lost Bear” after serving me a .370 B.A.C. limit on my birthday…and I almost died. Even the hospital nurse said I could and should sue them. We all came to the conclusion the young bartender was probably trying to harm or even kill me on purpose. People are getting kinda ‘questionable’ these days. Does anybody still care about others anymore? I’m really starting to wonder.
⦁Gave a hard roll of paper towels to my moving out troublesome downstairs neighbors that almost constantly disturbed me with their loud noises and barking doggy.
⦁Always left my apartments or houses immaculate when I relocated…except once.
⦁I didn’t cause an issue when “Goofy” purposely tried to harm me when we were installing fire doors in Shirley Quirk’s house on State St.. He almost got me good.

I wanted to do a self-assessment so I might feel better. It gets so depressing to think that I’m a failure and always will be… stewing in that mentality until becoming soft and over-boiled. Here’s part of who I am and was…
“My GOOD Reputation”
No One Will Ever Know That I…
(except now they might)
⦁Asked the editor, my boss, at E.R. Sentinel to interview The Penguin Lady on my route, which they did. She was over 90 years old with 1,000’s of Penguin objects.
⦁Weeded/Pruned mean old Betty Merkle’s ‘Wedding Day’ Rose bed. They looked dead. Some lived.
⦁Tried to stop a gun fight between two gangs on top of Mt. Washington in Los Angeles. Be careful of parties you’re invited to by good friends.
⦁Gave several gifts to Caring Tree at Glendale Galleria for Salvation Army with my 1st SSDI check. Half were for girls and half were for boys.
⦁Found BofA money bag at Glendale P.O.-Woman behind the counter stole it-Supervisor threatened me. But then they understood. I just Let It Be.
⦁Gave some pay back whenever I could. Called it a “Rebate”. Got me more work that way. Did the same with loan paybacks, too. Then friends were glad to repay me.
⦁Union Sugar gave Christmas $100 bonus in 2 sugar bags. My boss’ wife tricked me out of the two they gave me. I only found out because an employee got upset they had given me two 5 lb. bags of sugar. I lived at the hotel my boss owned.
⦁Met Art Snyder at E.R. City Hall and asked about getting some street cleaning equipment. I offered to volunteer cleaning newspaper stands, phone booths and bus stops in my area. He said tools weren’t in their budget. I was 12 or 13 then.
⦁Found Al Hernandez’s credit cards/carbide drill bits at Christmastime. Brought them to him the next morning at Scotty Tools where he worked.
⦁Almar Security/saved a Mother and her 11 year old daughter working overnight cleaning at B.K.. The man was after the kid./also caught phoney $15,000 check casher at a coin store.
⦁Shot at while trying to stop gunfight on top of Mt Washington. I was standing with my friend when the shooting started. I walked between the two gangs and held out my arms yelling for them to stop. But then a guy looked right at me and started shooting. I soon joined John who was hiding behind a car tire.
⦁Had a pistol pointed at me while trying to save a drugged, kidnapped young girl on Hollywood Blvd. I can still see her face, too. A gang of black youths got her. Plenty of people around but no one would help me. They just ignored me and them. It was mid-afternoon. Well, I stood my ground until the one angry kid got about 8 feet from me. He would have shot me right there if I hadn’t turned and walked away.
⦁Caught the trucker who stole me and George Velasquez’s backpacks 4 months earlier. He abandoned us but I got a job at the truck stop he last fueled up at…HA! I called the Sheriff who knew the story by then. He came out and he got caught. I had out things back in 2 or 3 days. Everything was there. He’d steal from hitchhikers and just throw the backpacks in his garage.
⦁Paid for skycoaster/race cars with Sonny and David and Lorna’s kids. I was broke and homeless. That was all my money I got from S.S.A. for money they owed me.
⦁Found Kai’s watch in Saco River at River Run when camping with Judy, George and Julie.
⦁Worked for food and shelter in a backyard tent at “House of Ruth” in Santa Maria, CA.
⦁Rescued a bunch of girls on the highway shoulder with flat tire near San Antonio. They hired me to work the ring toss joint at their carnival.
⦁Watched a big, walk-in sized tent/belongings at East Beach Travel Park for a guy who worked on an oil rig. Several times for 2 weeks each.
⦁Watched Grandmas apartment for a month at Gulf Breeze.
⦁Gave my Milwaukee friends all my furniture when I moved. For free. They grabbed.
⦁Greyhound lost all my luggage-I didn’t need or accept their offer for 3 nights emergency lodging until they could trace my things. Got everything back.
⦁Rowed a party on a houseboat back to Hernando when it broke down. I was in a small ‘john boat’.
⦁Made my friend David $5000 extra dollars. He got $5 per VCR tape, not $4 when he closed his video store. He gave me a small 13″ tv set.
⦁Made Kathy and Harold Phillips $5000 extra dollars when their house sold.
⦁Made Mildred McLaughlin an extra $10,000 when her house sold to her neighbor.
⦁Didn’t sue when Glendale Adventist had left a huge shard of glass in my finger. They kept telling me “There’s nothing in there!”. Only an inch and a half sliver of glass!!
⦁Helped the Kirschner’s, Hartley’s and Berry’s move 5 times.
⦁Helped a Marine named “Lincoln” that was moving to Jackson Hole, WY area.
⦁Asked Scientology for work/helped all night moving them. No one could drive the moving van so I did. I’d told them to just pay me what they think my work was worth. They’d shared a pizza with me earlier. When I went to get paid the guy had disappeared. The next day I went into their new building to inquire. “We already paid you 2 slices of pizza because you said you were hungry!” I worked hard all night for 2 pieces of pizza! People are very cruel sometimes. Quite often!
⦁Needed food and worked at Glendale church yard sale-paid with a small cross.
⦁Sparrow dying on Caraway St in Dr. Phillips-buried it with Lorna’s kids.
⦁Sparrow flew into window at Heritage Hospital-buried it with patients there.
⦁Mary and John Hair-cleaned their super hoardy/filthy apartment some after ’94 earthquake. They were very nice to me though.
⦁Me and a trucker ran into thick fog outside of Sacramento-helped 2 small children after their Grandparents ran into a bridge support and were killed. Poor kids.
⦁Truck ran over kitten-had to use woman’s exhaust pipe to end its life.
⦁Ran after car to tell woman she left her purse on top of car roof.
⦁Helped save Mexican woman and 11 year old Daughter at Burger King.
⦁Helped catch phony check-cashing con artist at coin shop on Brand Blvd.
⦁Donated to Bruce Robert’s Toy Fund for remembrance of John & Sally Quirk, Marie.
⦁Finally told on John Bridges at The Ambassador for all his creepy activities.
⦁Caught Mitch Lehman(Gymnastics Instructor) having sex with a very young girl at the YMCA-no one even cared. “What, are you jealous!?” I Let It Be.
⦁Told Janice Berry about Amanda having sex with the man next door. She didn’t even care. Later told her about Amanda coming to me naked late one night. I just told her to go back to her room. She was 12 and looked only like a baby to me.
⦁Warned women investors at YMCA about A.J.-they didn’t care-he disappeared later.
⦁Found an open snack machine at YMCA and secured it-reported it to company. There were two tall stacks of dollars that I could have taken. I was alone there, too.
⦁Found Clarence’s wallet on top of coffee machine at YMCA. Returned it to him.
⦁Donated $140 so a Mexican kid could go to Camp Fox at Catalina Island.
⦁Cooked Thanksgiving for 22 residents at YMCA out of my own pocket.
⦁Cooked several Thanksgivings for the Ambassador apartments neighbors.
⦁Found Al Hernandez’s ID, credit cards and carbide drill bits and returned them to him.
⦁Cooked breakfast for Boy’s Gymnastics team before competition. Bought food myself.
⦁Detailed alley behind Glendale Post Office. Was in Glendale News Press.
⦁Was first in line to be tested for bone marrow for Sarah Kappler.
⦁Had yard sale for flood victims-donated $40 to them(gave it to Craig Yassi).
⦁Gave Christina at CVS $10 to give to a girl that got robbed there to buy her lunch.
⦁Cooked several Thanksgivings for Ambassador Apartment residents.
⦁Captured thief trucker who stole backpacks and abandoned me and George.
⦁Donated several times to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
⦁Helped save Harold Phillips after falling off ladder in Hernando, Florida.
⦁House and pet sat for Shirley Quirk 12 days. Cleaned whole house and yard.
⦁Volunteered in kitchen for Meals-on-wheels at Salvation Army.
⦁Donated bellringing time to Salvation Army(three times, 2 days each).
⦁Helped snow shovel, move friends(lots!), grounds keep for Jim Reed.
⦁Adopted a highway in Orlando. Bought all the needed tools myself.
⦁Detailed kids play area in Santa Monica outdoor mall area. Removed all cigarette butts.
⦁Helped Princeton three times with Earth Day Back Cove cleanup.
⦁Distributed notices for free to all apartments for Princton(lots of times).
⦁Cleaned our side of alley at Princeton for free(three times).
⦁Cleaned up at Princeton after wind storm for free. About 7 large stacks of branches.
⦁Cleaned 2 bike rack areas for Princeton three times. Added dirt to repair low areas.
⦁Raked trashy grass area next to plaza two times. Put removed dirt on low areas.
⦁Took note of light pole numbers and outages for Lyndsay, for free after she asked me to.
⦁Often picked up dog poop and cleaned around dumpster at Princeton many times.
⦁Gave a portable washer to the downstairs young neighbors expecting a baby soon.
⦁Helped same young couple unload their uHaul when they first moved in.
⦁Gave several new neighbors a ‘Housewarming’ industrial-sized roll of paper towels.
⦁Cleaned Shirley Quirk’s whole house and yard when I pet sat for her for 12 days.
⦁Swept up 61,456 cigarette filters off of Congress Street.
⦁Donated twice to Camp Sunshine through Princeton on Back Cove.
⦁Cleaned up trash out of the Back Cove on my own.
⦁Helped rescue Harold Phillips when he fell off a ladder, hurting himself badly.
⦁Adopted a highway in Doctor Phillips neighborhood in Orlando. Bought my own tools.
⦁Cleaned up yard and smoking area at Heritage Hospital in Beverly Hills, Florida.
⦁Cleaned up smoking area several times at Broadway Crossings in South Portland, Maine.
⦁Went at 6 AM to sweep cigarette butts at Maine Medical. The ground was frozen…the joke was on me…HA!(All the cleaver plans of mice and of men.)
⦁Gave the black kid who said “Hello” to me often at Princeton 12 new Gideon t-shirts.
⦁Reported a girl driving wrong way and hit elderly woman’s car to Police, who got her.
⦁Found “John P Doyle Jr.”s’ unsigned/brand new C.U. debit card. Gave to Portland Police.
⦁Gave 9 rolls of toilet paper to 3 different neighbors during Coronavirus crisis.
⦁Gave 3 rolls of hard roll paper towels to 3 elderly neighbors during Coronavirus crisis.
⦁Gave a hard roll of paper towels to my mail carrier during Coronavirus crisis.
⦁Gave my mail carrier a bottle of dish soap. Made her a wind chime earlier.
⦁Made Christmas Tree decoration out of IBM cards for Princton office.
⦁Bought and placed 4 bags of coco bean shells underneath the bush downstairs.
⦁Tied up snow blower damaged bushes branches and saved one side of it.
⦁Always gave Princeton Flowers/Decorations at Holidays.
⦁Gave Lyndsay a little inspirational “Willow Tree” decoration.
⦁Always gave The Ambassador gifts/Decorations at Holidays.
⦁Protected The Ambassador Owners and residents from their evil manager.
⦁Got $1200 stimulus. Gave $50 each to Chris, Ken & other maintenance Princeton guy.
⦁Bought water at CVS and put outside for birds/neighbor’s pets on some really hot days.
⦁Never sued any Hospitals after wrong or cruel things. Sometimes they even begged me not to. I don’t trust Doctors and Hospitals one bit. I’ve seen too much.
⦁Didn’t sue the Dentist for their worker telling me to “Just Be A Man and give it 2 more days!” when I’d called to say my face was swollen and I was in real bad pain. I had an infection when I’d rinsed the blood clot away from the tooth-removal site. I ended up giving it only 1 1/2 days before I called 911 crying, saying I needed help. They rushed me into surgery and saved my life. I was in intensive care for 11 days.
⦁Didn’t sue “The Great Lost Bear” after serving me a .370 B.A.C. limit on my birthday…and I almost died. Even the hospital nurse said I could and should sue them. We all came to the conclusion the young bartender was probably trying to harm or even kill me on purpose. People are getting kinda ‘questionable’ these days. Does anybody still care about others anymore? I’m really starting to wonder.
⦁Gave a hard roll of paper towels to my moving out troublesome downstairs neighbors that almost constantly disturbed me with their loud noises and barking doggy.
⦁Always left my apartments or houses immaculate when I relocated…except once.
⦁I didn’t cause an issue when “Goofy” purposely tried to harm me when we were installing fire doors in Shirley Quirk’s house on State St.. He almost got me good.

Thank you very much for your encouraging and thoughtful words. I think you and your parents raised you very well and good. I wish more people were just like you are. I only try to be a sweet person, the heart earns by trying. My big secret is that I just don't want to feel 'compromised'. I tried "bad on purpose" small things and I didn't enjoy the way it made me feel. I have to live with myself after all. Can't do that if I don't like me any. Thank you again!
Load More Replies...Dearest Marty, there is so much I want to say! I too (now age 65) was hated and abused by my family! I too have spent massive amounts of time and money being compassionate to others (and most were just using me). I too didn't "connect the dots" about an entire life of abuse from the family I loved until much later in life! I too am ADD / OCD. I am intensely focused on the details, until I get distracted! It is kind of funny! I wanted to say when I read of your abuse, that since God doesn't give us more than we can handle, He doesn't make us deal with that much pain until we are mature enough to handle it! You are there & ready now! It has been 10-15 years since I began to connect the dots for myself. During this time, I have slowly lost the pain, and gained an awareness that the crap these people gave themselves permission to do to others, is their problem, and no longer yours! It is in the past. You endured it, and didn't let it harden your heart! YOU WON!
I say that if you say that "God doesn't give us more than we can handle", then you or I have been reading the wrong Holy Bible. Mine says God gives us lots more than we can handle, but He can handle it all. We need to accept trauma for a time, then let time heal eventually. Yes, I won! I started out being a silent winner with them all being loud losers. That helped a lot. I pondered while they'd forget what they just said or did. They all hated that I was wise, that I was "good". I'd get picked up and shook, then yelled at for making them all look and feel bad. Those were crazy days indeed. You can get in trouble for doing the right things. Wrong for being correct! Eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation(avoid being unclear, support being clear.)
Load More Replies...I think it's best if you find someone trained to deal with your issues so that you can get some proper solutions.
Rather than find somebody trained to deal with my issues, I 'd rather sit over a meal while talking with someone who has been themselves abused in the same manner that I myself was. We both glue ourselves to each word spoken. I find that hard to get even from professionals who have "studied' a whole "bunch" about every flavor of mental, physical and sexual abuse there has been... so far. I have decent and good things I can and will say regarding my family who I still love very much. I must have love down here if God will want me around those people later, if He will that. Yes, I still love the family who was young once and hurt me because the 'times' were crazier than they are now. Forgiveness is sometimes a hard thing to do. It's always a well and good thing though.
Load More Replies...Thank you very much for your encouraging and thoughtful words. I think you and your parents raised you very well and good. I wish more people were just like you are. I only try to be a sweet person, the heart earns by trying. My big secret is that I just don't want to feel 'compromised'. I tried "bad on purpose" small things and I didn't enjoy the way it made me feel. I have to live with myself after all. Can't do that if I don't like me any. Thank you again!
Load More Replies...Dearest Marty, there is so much I want to say! I too (now age 65) was hated and abused by my family! I too have spent massive amounts of time and money being compassionate to others (and most were just using me). I too didn't "connect the dots" about an entire life of abuse from the family I loved until much later in life! I too am ADD / OCD. I am intensely focused on the details, until I get distracted! It is kind of funny! I wanted to say when I read of your abuse, that since God doesn't give us more than we can handle, He doesn't make us deal with that much pain until we are mature enough to handle it! You are there & ready now! It has been 10-15 years since I began to connect the dots for myself. During this time, I have slowly lost the pain, and gained an awareness that the crap these people gave themselves permission to do to others, is their problem, and no longer yours! It is in the past. You endured it, and didn't let it harden your heart! YOU WON!
I say that if you say that "God doesn't give us more than we can handle", then you or I have been reading the wrong Holy Bible. Mine says God gives us lots more than we can handle, but He can handle it all. We need to accept trauma for a time, then let time heal eventually. Yes, I won! I started out being a silent winner with them all being loud losers. That helped a lot. I pondered while they'd forget what they just said or did. They all hated that I was wise, that I was "good". I'd get picked up and shook, then yelled at for making them all look and feel bad. Those were crazy days indeed. You can get in trouble for doing the right things. Wrong for being correct! Eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation(avoid being unclear, support being clear.)
Load More Replies...I think it's best if you find someone trained to deal with your issues so that you can get some proper solutions.
Rather than find somebody trained to deal with my issues, I 'd rather sit over a meal while talking with someone who has been themselves abused in the same manner that I myself was. We both glue ourselves to each word spoken. I find that hard to get even from professionals who have "studied' a whole "bunch" about every flavor of mental, physical and sexual abuse there has been... so far. I have decent and good things I can and will say regarding my family who I still love very much. I must have love down here if God will want me around those people later, if He will that. Yes, I still love the family who was young once and hurt me because the 'times' were crazier than they are now. Forgiveness is sometimes a hard thing to do. It's always a well and good thing though.
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