My Furbaby Saved Me 🐈⬛
Almost 10 yes ago my then 11 yr old cat Salem had always been My devoted little mate more that Anyone around me. I’d been sleeping in a recliner chair for about 20 years due to back and other problems. Always quiet, her purring would lull me to sleep each night. Waking to Salem on my chest looking intently into my eyes and rubbing her whiskers on my cheek then touching my lips with her paw, l didn’t know what was going on but knew this was unusual for my girl.
Then l saw my sons worried face and he told me that Salem had set up Howling like he’d never heard from her, he came out to see her jumping and repeatedly pumping on my chest.
At that moment l had started breathing again and he realised what she’d done. It happened again almost 3 weeks later and not long after l was diagnosed with Sleep Apnoea. My Sweet Furbaby Saved My Life Twice! The truth is she saved my life many times with comforting me when my depression went OTT, which was most days. She was there when l could barely move because of my back, and when my knees both went out,
When my system reacted badly to meds and every day when l wanted to give up. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 13 yes of age. Losing her was as bad as the day my son was stillborn.
Both of these Blessed children are in my heart forever.
Salem wasn’t just my furbaby, she was my Soul Mate.
And l miss her every day much more than words can say.
Namaste. Blessed Be. 🐈⬛ 💜 🌹 😢 🎄 👍 🇦🇺 🐈⬛

Almost 10 yes ago my then 11 yr old cat Salem had always been My devoted little mate more that Anyone around me. I’d been sleeping in a recliner chair for about 20 years due to back and other problems. Always quiet, her purring would lull me to sleep each night. Waking to Salem on my chest looking intently into my eyes and rubbing her whiskers on my cheek then touching my lips with her paw, l didn’t know what was going on but knew this was unusual for my girl.
Then l saw my sons worried face and he told me that Salem had set up Howling like he’d never heard from her, he came out to see her jumping and repeatedly pumping on my chest.
At that moment l had started breathing again and he realised what she’d done. It happened again almost 3 weeks later and not long after l was diagnosed with Sleep Apnoea. My Sweet Furbaby Saved My Life Twice! The truth is she saved my life many times with comforting me when my depression went OTT, which was most days. She was there when l could barely move because of my back, and when my knees both went out,
When my system reacted badly to meds and every day when l wanted to give up. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge at 13 yes of age. Losing her was as bad as the day my son was stillborn.
Both of these Blessed children are in my heart forever.
Salem wasn’t just my furbaby, she was my Soul Mate.
And l miss her every day much more than words can say.
Namaste. Blessed Be. 🐈⬛ 💜 🌹 😢 🎄 👍 🇦🇺 🐈⬛