It is completely okay to have different opinions about music or food or anything else for that matter. It is also normal to not agree with one another. But there are some people in this world, who may have gone too far with their opposing views or are just trying to get on everybody's nerves. Recently, people on Twitter started sharing their unpopular music opinions, and some, while weird, are still acceptable, for example, standing by their love of country music. But then there were some who's opinion are simply outrageous, from calling the Beatles overrated to saying all rap music sucks, these people are definitely trying to stir up some arguments, and well, they succeeded.


Tweet expressing that popular music, specifically Beyoncé's, is overrated.

rompelreed Report

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    Tweet discussing views on popular music, emphasizing beats over lyrics and mumble rappers.

    momolicious9669 Report

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    Tweet expressing a critical opinion about popular music artist Ariana Grande.

    JarodHoffman3 Report

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    Tweet expressing thoughts on popular music, critiquing Ariana Grande's influence.

    Adam_TH_ Report

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    Tweet criticizing popular music on the radio as "utter garbage" with engagement stats shown.

    officialrosu Report

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    Tweet expressing negative opinion about popular music artist Drake.

    thegr8isa_ Report

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    Tweet on popular music: "Video game and movie music is real music."

    ItsGravy55 Report

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    Tweet about popular music, stating songs can be powerful without lyrics, by user @sharkswithteeth.

    sharkswithteeth Report

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    Tweet expressing an opinion on liking popular music, emphasizing it's fine to favor hit songs.

    hannahalvarez_ Report

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    Tweet expressing a personal opinion on popular music, mentioning sad music.

    JohnSulaica Report

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    Tweet about popular music, advising against hating new fans.

    FatherNewport Report

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Tweet about popular music opinion on Nickelback, mentioning internet influence.

    jaredgrimm20 Report

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    Tweet expressing a negative opinion on popular music, mentioning Taylor Swift's albums.

    jetthejudge Report

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    Tweet criticizing popular music from Kanye in 2018.

    DJ_Ajaxx Report

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    Tweet discussing popular music genres restricting artists' growth and creativity for audience diversity benefits.

    clvsterhug Report

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    Tweet sharing opinion on popular music and Ariana Grande's single, discussing public attention related to her personal life.

    mads_guis Report

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    Tweet praising "Hey There Delilah" as one of the best songs, reflecting popular music opinions.

    DisneyChipette Report

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    Tweet criticizing popular music, stating The Chainsmokers lack talent and don't deserve their Grammy.

    osnapitzhayleyy Report

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