50 “Stupid Facts” That Sound Fake But Are Genuinely Real
Not everything that you read on the internet is true. In a similar vein, far from everything that sounds made up is fake. Fact is often stranger than fiction, and some truly bizarre things about life on Planet Earth are closer to reality than myth.
Reddit user u/Mmemyo sparked an interesting discussion on r/AskReddit. They invited everyone to share the “stupid facts” they knew which might sound suspicious and weird but are actually correct. We’ve collected the most intriguing ones to share with you, Pandas. Scroll down to check them out! Hopefully, you'll learn something new.
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The Bored Panda App used to be perfect, but now the App just wants to sell you stuff from Amazon which is a real shame.
The Eiffel Tower can be 15 centimeters taller during the summer due to thermal expansion.
Cows have best friends and can become stressed when they're separated from them.
-40C and -40F are the same temperature.
In the USA the Mortal Kombat character Sub-Zero is called Sub-Thirty Two.
You have to kill about 400 people to get enough iron from their blood to make a sword
A man named John Young brought a corned beef sandwich to space illegally and shared it with his colleague on board and he would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for the recording of them talking about the sandwich.
Someone named the fear of long words hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia.
Sloths are most vulnerable to predators when pooping. They have to climb down to the trees to the floors floor, and it is a bit of a process for them to actually poop leaving them at risk of predators.
When basketball was first invented, at every game, they would have a man who would go up a ladder to retrieve the ball after every basket. It took them around 20 years to figure out maybe it would be a good idea to cut the bottom of the basket out to make retrieving the ball a lot easier. 20 years!!!
This is a Canadian TV heritage minute. If I remember correctly, the intervening step was to cut a **small** hole in the bottom of the basket, so that the caretaker could poke the ball out with a broomstick.
Pink is really just a light shade of red, but we think of it as a distinct color because we have a word for it that stuck. Not all languages have that. In Italian, they have a similar word for light blue, called “azzurro,” and it’s so common they actually think of it as a separate color from blue. We have the word “azure” in English, but it isn’t nearly as common, so we tend to think of that color as just a shade of blue.
A bone “break” is the same as a “fracture.” Fracture is just the medical term. It does not have any correlation with the severity.
Huh. All my life, I’ve thought a fracture is a crack, and a break is … er, a displaced fracture. You know: it’s no longer in one piece. I have no idea whether someone told me this, I saw it on a medical drama, or I worked it out myself (incorrectly, apparently).
A species of frog, the African clawed frog, was the most reliable pregnancy test for a few decades before at-home tests were widely affordable and accessible.
The test was that the woman peed on the female frog. If the frog began to ovulate, the woman was pregnant. It was actually pretty accurate.
The vikings, who came from Scandinavia, used iron as their main ingredient for forging weaponry, but it was also common practice to add the bones of dead animals to the mix. The belief was that it would infuse the weapon with the spirit of the creature, making it stronger, but they ended up making a primitive version of steel because of the carbon in the bones mixing with the iron making the weapon stronger, just as they thought it would.
Pure speculation. There's every reason to believe that the vikings were borrowing technology from the Middle East and Asia to produce their steel, nothing to suggest that they just threw bones in at random. In any case their production, especially of the very special "Uthbert" swords, would require charcoal, so they must have known what they were doing, even if it was not fully understood.
A man named Wilmer McLean owned a farm in Manassas, Virginia USA where the very first battle of the US Civil War was fought. After the battle he's like "I'm outta here" and bought a farm way out in the country at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia...where Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Gen. Ulysses Grant in McLeans living room four years later.
If you open your eyes in a completely dark room, the name of the color you will see is eigengrau, a kind of dark grey shade
I finally decided to translate it with »custom gray«...beside that, it's spelled correctly »Eigengrau«...🌫️
Bananas are berries, but strawberries are not true berries (in botanical terms berries are defined by their structure, and bananas fit the bill while strawberries don't)
Our planet will exist long after humans go extinct
- [ ] Of the few people who have top secret clearance at the White House one of them is the person who writes all of the party invitations.
The longest place name in the world is Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu
You can go the rest of your life without breathing.
For every single human being on Earth, there are 2.5 MILLION ants.
Yes, this means that there are about 20 QUADRILLION ants on this planet.
If the ants decide to take over, are you strong enough to handle the 2.5 million that you'll be responsible for killing? If you've got kids, you might have to kill more because a 2 year old isn't going to accomplish a god damn thing if millions of ants are marching towards them.
Redheads require more anesthesia than non-redheads.
Honey never spoils
It does if you pour it into an electrical device - it spoils it good and proper.
The Earth is not round. It is an oblate spheroid.
Actually I have it on good authority from YouTube that the world is flat and surrounded by a giant ice wall. The "globe" is what our secret lizard overlords want us to believe.
18% of adult Americans claim they have seen or been in the presence of a ghost.
And they're all crazy, just like being abducted by aliens. Like they would really find intelligent life there!
The plural of cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac
Plurals apply to the noun, not the adjective, hence mothers-in-law, courts martials, poets laureate, astronomers royal etc.
Cleopatra is closer to the invention of the iPhone than the building of the Giza pyramids.
Dung beetles navigate using the Milky Way
The original name for the color orange was "geoluhread," which means "yellow-red" in Old English
A lot of averages.
Example: The average number of legs humans have is less than 2.
The average number of testicles per person is one.
The Atari 2600's release date and the last execution by guillotine happened less than 24 hours apart.
Some invader (don't remember specifics) sent a letter to sparta saying that "If I invade Lakonia you will be destroyed, never to rise again" and the Spartans sent a letter back with a single word in it. "If"
Pirates wear eye patches to see better in the dark (covered eye doesn't get used to sunlight and is more sensitive after uncovering).
This is pure speculation. Much more likely, pirates wore eye patches because being a pirate was inherently dangerous, and many of them lost eyes. Point of fact, health insurance was invented by pirates. They would pay extra out to those who were injured during raids, with a set rate based on injuries.
Less than 40% of great white sharks have filed their 2022 tax returns
The Bored Panda App used to be perfect, but now the App just wants to sell you stuff from Amazon which is a real shame.
There was a plan to dose Hitler with oestrogen in the hopes that the female hormone would make him less aggressive.
I’m closer to being a millionaire than Bill Gates is.
We thought to put wheels on luggage after we got to the moon.
The lighter the Roast the more caffeine coffee has.
A new car costs less than it's equal weight in Hamburgers.
Neil Armstrong struggled with his luggage, taking it up the gantry to Apollo 11 without wheels.
There are more planes in the ocean than boats in the sky
There are more Hydrogen atoms in a single molecule of water than there are stars in the entire Solar System.
This is just silly maths. I wish they wouldn't keep including it, it's the sort of thing that baffles a five year old, but I'd hope we were better than that.
The Bored Panda App used to be perfect, but now the App just wants to sell you stuff from Amazon which is a real shame.
Chip Wilson, the founder of Lululemon
created the name (Lululemon) to have many L's so that it would sound western to Japanese buyers, who often have difficulty pronouncing the letter. He later remarked that he found it "funny to watch (Japanese speakers) try and say it" and that "it was the only reason behind the name"
Less than half of these are actually "real", and none of them have become more so since they were last posted just a few days ago.
Most of these are repeats. After repeats. After repeats. But never mind, it's copied and pasted from Reddit.
Less than half of these are actually "real", and none of them have become more so since they were last posted just a few days ago.
Most of these are repeats. After repeats. After repeats. But never mind, it's copied and pasted from Reddit.