21 Before-And-After Pics That Show How Times Have Changed, As Shared On ‘Old Photos In Real Life’ (New Pics)
It is incredible what story two pictures, put side by side, can tell us. And what a difference decades or hundreds of years can make to our landscapes, architecture, and overall history. Therefore, something like rephotography has gained huge interest from people by showing contrasting images, one from the past and one from the recent times of the same place.
We will never run out of sights to rephotograph, therefore, the subreddit OldPhotosInRealLife will always have something new for us to explore. In this post, we have selected photos that illustrate the most visible changes. A place that was just a plain field has more recently been inhabited by fish. Some places that were full of life are now abandoned and overgrown, or vice versa.
Seeing how much, in the relatively short period of time that cameras have existed, things have changed, we can only imagine what the world was actually like thousands of years ago. Luckily, in the future ahead, our grandchildren will have something to look back at, but for now, we invite you to explore the already existing shift. And if you feel hungry for more, see our previous posts on Bored Panda here and here.
In addition to this post, Bored Panda got in touch with an incredible photographer named Mark Hersch who specializes in rephotography and adds his little twist to it. Instead of putting pictures side by side, he combines the images into a single one, which reveals parts of the old world and the new one. Feel free to visit his website and for the interview, read down below.
More info: markhersch.com
This post may include affiliate links.
Today I Got To Fly In My Grandfathers Restored WW2 Hurricane!
Elsie Allcock Has Lived In The Same House For 104 Years
Abandoned Mansion In Poland, Left In Ruins. But Now, It Has Been Restored To Its Former Beauty
Western Theatre Of Laodicea On The Lycus (Turkey). Before 2003 vs. 2021
Düsseldorf , Germany - 1990-2019
The Paghman Gardens In Afghanistan 1967 And 2008
"Almost Certainly A Canoe Tree Cut By The First People. These Impressive Photos Of A River Red Gum Are 130 Years Apart!
Tried My Best To Find The Same Location. Satiam Wagon Road, Oregon. 2022 vs. Date Unknown. Road Was Used 1860-1930s
They got pretty close, and that's saying a lot given what they had to go off of
Normanton Church, Rutland, UK. 1970s - Present
Old Market Street, Bristol (1895 And 2020)
View Across Central Park In NYC Towards The Beresford Building – 1932/2022
The Glynne Arms, Also Known As The Crooked House
Elizabeth Tower From Westminster Bridge. C 1869 & 2022
Swimming Pool Section Of The Grande Hotel Beira, Beira, Mozambique (1958 And 2015)
I have photos of my family there in the 1960s. It's where many Zimbabweans (then Rhodesians) went on holiday.
Warsaw City Centre, 1944/2022
The Pines, Fallsburg, NY. (1950's-Semi Recent)
The Oldest Surviving Camera Negative – Lacock Abbey, England, 1835 And 2022
at this point there seems to be a lot "first negative" floating around these days 🙃
Chicago 1930s vs. Chicago Today
Eureka, Colorado 1899/2020
My grandmother was born here in Eureka. Thanks for the older photo.
Crawford Notch In New Hampshire, As Depicted In 1839 vs. 2020
Disheartening... I understand that with modernization things change, but come on...
Waiting Area In Michigan Central Railroad Depot, Detroit (1965 And 2014)
She's back! This one deserves a second update: https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/detroit/2024/06/03/michigan-central-station-opening-photos-tour/73785367007/