Recently, the term 'Fake news' has become really popular, but with today's photo editing tools, even those of us with the most observant eyes may easily be fooled. From the viral rice wave to the famous photo of the first dab in history, how many of these photos do you believed to be 100% real? This list compiled by Bored Panda will show you the reality and sometimes the ugly truth behind Internet-famous photos so prepare yourself for some eye-opening shots that will prove once again - you can't trust everything you see online.


Behind The Scenes Photo Of MGM Intro

Lion undergoing a CT scan, resembling a common theme in fake viral photos people believed were real.

A photo of a lion strapped onto a machine in order to make the iconic MGM intro of a lion roaring is actually a photo of a lion being diagnosed at the vet's office. Luckily, the lion made a wonderful recovery and is now completely healthy. Also, an interesting fact is that there have been 7 lions that were used to create the MGM intro, the current one, who's name is Leo, has appeared in most of the movies since 1957.

Hai-Kef zoo Report

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    The Mustache Wasn't Enough, They Had To Add Those Angry Eyebrows

    Cat with unique fur pattern resembling a mustache, often mistaken for fake viral photos.

    The internet just loves animals, especially if they look weird or cute, or both at the same time. So there is no surprise that a photo of a cat with adorable mustache and eyebrows would go viral. Well, there is a silver lining to this story, the cat does in fact have that incredible mustache, but the eyebrows are a result of clever photo manipulation.

    spanky8520 Report

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    A Guy Creating An Amazing Fried Rice Wave

    Fake viral photos: Man poses with large wok, creating a rice wave illusion, and its replica displayed in a glass case.

    One of the recent viral sensations was the 'fried rice meme' that showed a man making an incredible rice wave in his pan. This interesting photo quickly received a lot of attention online and people from all around the world started to send in their own photoshopped images of the rice wave. Unfortunately, the original itself is already a fake photo since the rice wave is a sculpture that is sold in a fake food shop in Tokyo.

    GeneReddit123 Report

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    Astronaut Smoking Marijuana In Space

    Astronaut holding bag of cereal and Easter eggs, illustrating fake viral photo in space.

    It's safe to say that Chris Hadfield is one of the most beloved Astronauts there is. His incredible vlogs from space answered so many questions about life in zero gravity, from cleaning your teeth to sleeping, everything is different in space. Although this form of vlogging is very one-of-a-kind, you shouldn't think that this incredible guy would use any type of drugs while literally flying in space. In the real photo, Chris was actually just trying to surprise his co-workers with some Easter eggs!

    Space Report

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    Magical Castle

    Castle seemingly on a rock in water and real castle, part of fake viral photos.

    This magical castle that probably most of us would love to visit or even stay in is unfortunately a combination of a photo of a rock in Thailand and a castle in Germany.


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    Dangerous Pilot Selfie

    Pilot taking a selfie with an airplane in a fake viral photo.

    This iconic selfie of a pilot photographing himself in the air was actually a photo of him when he was safely landed, but it's important to mention, that even on the land, it's a pretty cool selfie!


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    Frozen Venice

    Frozen canals in Venice, showcasing a fake viral photo believed to be real.

    Venice is definitely one of the most beautiful places to visit around the world so there is no need to photoshop a photo of frozen Lake Baikal in Russia to make the place look even more stunning.


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    Perfect Lenticular Clouds

    Lenticular clouds over a mountain, resembling fake viral photos that appear real.

    Lenticular clouds are already pretty cool as they are, and there is no need for excessive photoshop to make them look better. Unfortunately, the author of the photoshopped version didn't really think that way. Well, we guess the whole internet didn't think that way, since the fake photo became a desktop of choice for many people.


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    Woman Squatting Like A Frog

    Person in a humorous pose at a counter, showcasing a viral photo illusion many believed was real.

    One of the most recent viral sensations was a woman weirdly squatting on a tiny shelf. Turns out she only lifted one leg, which, to be honest, is still kinda weird.


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    Unique Black Lion

    Two edited images of lions: one black, one white. Fake viral photos believed by many to be real.

    If we could make a list of the internet's most beloved topics, weird animals would definitely have their place in the top 10. It seems that finding weird and unique species is something everyone thrives in, and although it is a cool thing to come across a unique animal, there is no need to create one with photoshop, or if you're doing so, please do not try to trick people into thinking it actually exists.

    pavoldvorsky , Dennis Painting Report

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    Moon Perfectly Fitting On A Skyscraper

    Fake viral photo shows moon beside Burj Al Arab; left version edited to seem closer.

    There's is a weird obsession with moons in viral photos, it seems that if you really want to have a popular photo, just add a moon in the most unrealistic place and there you have it. That's exactly what happened with this photo taken by Mo Aoun.

    AstronomyHD , Mo Aoun Report

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    #10yearschallenge Against Deforestation

    Comparison of forest in 2009 vs. 2019 showing deforestation; represents fake viral photo concept.

    Recently the hashtag #10yearchallenge went viral with people from all around the world sharing their changes throughout the years. Some people decided to use the hashtag to warn people about the terrible impact we are having on this earth. One of the biggest environmental problems in 21st century is deforestation, and that's exactly what people tried to warn us about. Unfortunately, the image that was used to spread the message was fake - the before and after photos of a rainforest cut down completely was actually the same photo.


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    Bear Chasing A Cycler

    Cyclist chased by bear on snowy road, showcasing fake viral photo comparison.

    Even though a photo of a bear chasing a cyclist will have a far bigger effect on you than a photo of a bear running through an empty street, luckily, nobody was harmed in the making of this photo. Although there's not much information about the original photo, it is believed the photo was taken Yellowstone National Park.

    Adonis Arias Report

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    A Photo Of Marilyn Monroe And Elizabeth Taylor

    Two vintage photos, one color and one black and white, side by side.

    Oh how cool would it be to have two beauty icons chilling in one photo. Unfortunately, Elizabeth Taylor was photoshopped into a picture of Marilyn Monroe. In fact, this is not the first time Marilyn Monroe's photos were photoshopped to seem that she is spending time with iconic celebrities such as Elvis Presley, James Dean, and even John F. Kennedy.


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    First Dab In The History

    Vintage military group photo compared to its modern recreation, showcasing fake viral photos theme.

    Although all of us would hope that the first dab was captured back in the 20th century, meaning this iconic movement will never age, unfortunately, this photo is actually a behind-the-scenes photo from the movie Dunkirk, shot in 2017.


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    Photo Of The Space Shuttle

    Rocket emerging from clouds, showcasing a fake viral photo believed to be real.

    A magnificent photo of a space shuttle once again fooled many people and it quickly became a popular image to share online. What bothered many people is the need to even photoshop the image since the original one is already really cool as it is.


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    Picture Of A Dwarf Giraffe

    Fake viral photo comparison of a short giraffe and a tall giraffe in a zoo enclosure.

    A photo of a giraffe with dwarfism has been used online multiple times, although giraffes, like other animals, can have dwarfism, this photo is actually fake.


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    Bear Chasing National Geographic Photographers

    People run from a bear in a field, showcasing a fake viral photo scenario.

    A photo showing a bear chasing a group of National Geographic photographers would send shivers down anyone's spine. Just imagining being in such a dangerous situation is terrifying. But since we have already proved there's no point in believing everything you see online, you can stop feeling bad about these photographer,s since the bear in the photo is actually captured in a stock photo that can be easily found online.

    EunByuL , Juha Soininen Report

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    Giant Skeleton Found

    Person unearthed fake giant bones; believed to be real at first glance.

    The internet is filled with photoshopped images of archaeologists finding huge skeletons that might belong to giants. If this was the reality, a new chapter in history would be open and we could consider some myths to be true. Unfortunately, no science or history museum has ever accepted these findings for one simple reason: the photos that show these skeletons are completely fake.


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    An Island That Looks Like A Star

    Fake viral photo of an island shaped like a crescent with a star added artificially.

    Photos like this will definitely in spark you a great desire to travel. Imagine yourself sipping on a delicious cocktail while chilling on an island in the middle of the ocean that is a shape of a star. Well, unfortunately, such an island doesn't exist, but what you can do is visit the moon-shaped island Molokini, located between the islands of Maui and Kahoolawein Hawaii.


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    Cow Chilling On A Car

    Cow on a car's hood in a snowy setting; then the same cow in a grassy field. Fake viral photos people believed were real.

    The internet is full of photoshopped pictures that just don't make any sense and somehow we still manage to believe them. One of those fake viral photos was a picture of a cow chilling on a BMW. Well turns out, no car was damaged in the making of this photo since the cow was chilling on the grass like it was supposed to.


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    Photo Of India

    Side-by-side comparison of fake viral photos of India at night, with exaggerated lights on the left and realistic view on the right.

    A magical photo of India during the Hindu festival is actually a composite of satellite images shaded different colors. 

    earthsky Report

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    Paris Hilton's Offensive T-Shirt

    Blonde woman wearing a white tank top with "STOP BEING DESPERATE" text, part of fake viral photos believed to be real.

    The famous celebrity Paris Hilton is mostly known for spending a huge amount of money on things none of us could possibly afford. Even though this person doesn't have any problem with publicly showing her inherited money, she's definitely not that ignorant to wear a t-shirt that calls other people poor. She just calls them... desperate. Well, it's better than poor. Right?


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    Turtle Mountain

    Fake viral photo of a rock formation resembling a turtle face, with a comparison to its natural appearance.

    This would be an amazing mountain to visit, but if it actually existed, there is a great chance you would know more about it and more people would visit it. Also, there would be a far greater amount of photos from this location. So, when somebody went to that location and actually captured the mountain, it was no surprise that the "Turtle Mountain" is actually just the simple, yet beautiful ""Pilot Mountain" in North Carolina.


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    Romney Family Misspelling Their Last Name

    People in front of a flag, wearing altered shirts to spell "MONEY" and "ROMNEY," an example of fake viral photos.

    There is always a lot of controversy and fake news during the elections, especially in a country as big as the USA. So, there is no surprise that back when Mitt Romney was running for president, people were trying their best to ruin his campaign. One piece of fake news that surfed the media was a fake photo of Romney's spelling the word 'Money' instead of his last name 'Romney'.

    Ap Report

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    Viral Photo Of A Pooping Cheerleader

    Cheerleaders performing stunt on grass field, showcasing one of the fake viral photos believed to be real.


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