According to Freud, infants have an innate tendency to be self-centered. The main basic, evolutionary instinct of humans is to protect themselves and survive. In order to do so, the brain has to be 'selfish’ and largely concerned about itself. But as we grow up, we start to realize that not everything revolves around us, and our self-centeredness starts to decline.

Unfortunately, not all people grow out of it, and the I’m the Main Character online community is proof of that. It’s dedicated to shaming individuals who can’t help but just want to be the center of attention by shining even more spotlight on them. If you ask me, there’s no better way to help the entitled Karens come back down to earth.


Entitled Bride

Entitled Bride

Constant_Question445 Report

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I was on a trip to the United Kingdom. I am a Canadian and was more than glad to see the recognition for our contribution in the world wars and especially since 10% of our population served in the second. I was absolutely stunned by what I saw at the Canadian war memorial. I didn’t say a word but should I have? It’s a memorial paying respect to thousands of Canadians (usually in their early 20s) who paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom and liberation of a occupied Europe.

External-Quote3263 Report

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This POS Main Character At Aushwitz

This POS Main Character At Aushwitz

Minimum_Carry8816 Report

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As the subreddit name suggests, the behavior of these people on the list falls under the term main character syndrome. It’s a fairly new colloquial definition used to describe someone who sees themselves as the main protagonist in a movie called ‘Life’ and always needs the spotlight on them. 

Even though the word ‘syndrome’ is part of its name, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not an actual syndrome or a medical diagnosis. The term originated on social media and is colloquially used to describe people with narcissistic or self-centered tendencies.


Seconds Before She Kicked Him In The Head. Got Mad When She Was Asked To Move Seats

Seconds Before She Kicked Him In The Head. Got Mad When She Was Asked To Move Seats

deafgaming Report

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I Was Running In Lane 1 At The Track, And This Dude Showed Up And Decided This Was The Perfect Location To Lie Down

I Was Running In Lane 1 At The Track, And This Dude Showed Up And Decided This Was The Perfect Location To Lie Down

Fully aware all I had to do was run around him, which I totally did, but this still annoyed TF out of me: he stayed like this for 30 minutes and then got up and left.

Paiger__ Report

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Standing In The Front Row

Standing In The Front Row

Lady stood up and recording right as the recital started. Even though people behind her were telling her to sit down, it was about ten minutes before an administrator confronted her

Ok_Consideration_242 Report

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It started as an innocent way for people to romanticize their lives and make even the most mundane aspects of them more interesting. This shouldn't really have any negative impacts. That is, until people develop the need to make everything about themselves.


I Let A Colleague Borrow One Of My Favorite Books, And It Was Returned To Me With The Pages Written On And Stuffed With Sticky Notes

I Let A Colleague Borrow One Of My Favorite Books, And It Was Returned To Me With The Pages Written On And Stuffed With Sticky Notes

lucasnevermind Report

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Main Character Blinds Everyone The Entire Show For A Video Shoot

Main Character Blinds Everyone The Entire Show For A Video Shoot

_-undercoverlover-_ Report

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Taking Photos In A Sensitive Habitat

Taking Photos In A Sensitive Habitat

Fathom-k Report

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Main character syndrome describes the lens through which a person sees themselves,” explained Topsie VanderBosch, LMSW, a licensed therapist and mindset coach. “People who think they’re the main character tend to believe that they’re the most important person in most situations and interactions with people.”


This Person, Who Blocked No Less Than Four Electric Charging Spots

This Person, Who Blocked No Less Than Four Electric Charging Spots

thegrayman19 Report

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She Can’t Keep Her Pet Away From The Window But Expects For You To?

She Can’t Keep Her Pet Away From The Window But Expects For You To?

the_nacho_stealer Report

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My Neighbor Sprayed Herbicide On My Back Lot To Make Himself A Parking Spot

My Neighbor Sprayed Herbicide On My Back Lot To Make Himself A Parking Spot

Sheriff says that in our county you’re allowed to park on the outer 8 feet of someone else’s lawn for a day or two without their permission because it’s considered the shoulder. Come back to the same spot as many times as you want, just don’t be there continuously. You probably don’t have the right to kill someone else’s vegetation but I can’t prove it was him.

Anomalous_Pearl Report

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Generally, someone with the main character syndrome exhibits dramatic behaviors, overdramatizes life events, feels like they’re better than other people, and has a lot of outward confidence that might hide underlying insecurities. Additional ones include romanticizing experiences or relationships, constantly seeking validation from social media, and needing to outshine others.


My Neighbors Parking, And No It’s Not Temporary, Been Like This For 3 Days

My Neighbors Parking, And No It’s Not Temporary, Been Like This For 3 Days

We have an HOA but clearly they don’t care, but they do care if my garbage can is left out 30 seconds after garbage is picked up.

Rhinop21 Report

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Influencer Camera Set Up

Influencer Camera Set Up

I'm trying to take a nap during my 6 hour layover at Denver Airport and without warning or asking, a pair of people set up these bright face lights and have been complaining about people other than them being in an airport.

Dillpickle2002 Report

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American Tourist Complains Restaurant In Tokyo Gave Her The Menu Item She Ordered; Doubles Down By Blaming The Restaurant For Not Having Enough Menus In English

American Tourist Complains Restaurant In Tokyo Gave Her The Menu Item She Ordered; Doubles Down By Blaming The Restaurant For Not Having Enough Menus In English

Reddituser0346 Report

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Experts say that viewing yourself as a main character can be healthy. However, like most things, it should be taken advantage of in moderation. VanderBosch explained that developing confidence and owning one’s life choices can be the positive effects of this syndrome. But when it causes people to hurt others with their self-absorbed behavior, it becomes unhealthy. If a person centers themselves too much and expects the world to revolve around them, they are stepping into destructive territory. 


“Not Now Sweetie, Taylor Swift Is Playing My Song”

“Not Now Sweetie, Taylor Swift Is Playing My Song” Report

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How Dare An Uber Driver Not Know Who She Was! It’s Microaggression, I Tell Ya!

How Dare An Uber Driver Not Know Who She Was! It’s Microaggression, I Tell Ya!

ZhangtheGreat Report

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Test Tasting Soup Straight From The Ladle

Test Tasting Soup Straight From The Ladle

Bitter-Major-5595 Report

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The main character syndrome can also be mistaken for a similar term called main character energy. The latter has more positive connotations associated with the protagonist of a story, like confidence, charisma, and self-assurance. It’s a feeling of being in control of our own life story and embracing our uniqueness.


How About You Try To Initiate A Conversation With Someone You Are Interested In Talking To?

How About You Try To Initiate A Conversation With Someone You Are Interested In Talking To?

Downtown-Text-9368 Report

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Your Armrest = My Footrest

Your Armrest = My Footrest

ZhangtheGreat Report

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mynameisbritton Report

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Unlike the main character syndrome, it doesn’t mean to always seek the spotlight. It’s more about living with intention, loving yourself, and choosing things that represent your values and ambitions, even if it means standing out or going off the beaten path.


Larry Croft Is In Town, Ensuring Ai's Safety

Larry Croft Is In Town, Ensuring Ai's Safety

IKnowEric Report

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10% Harder Because Of Me

10% Harder Because Of Me

ages_devil , Report

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How Dare You Also Use The Pool

How Dare You Also Use The Pool

alphase7en Report

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People who have this so-called energy may run down a city street with everyone looking at them or dance in public without caring what others think. When in action, this can be a fun and dreamy way of dealing with the world. 


“I’m Taking A Long Break At A Public Gym. Don’t You Start Using The Equipment I’m Not Done With Yet!”

“I’m Taking A Long Break At A Public Gym. Don’t You Start Using The Equipment I’m Not Done With Yet!”

ZhangtheGreat Report

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These People Used Books To “Reserve” Their Seats At The Resort And Then Just Never Showed Up

These People Used Books To “Reserve” Their Seats At The Resort And Then Just Never Showed Up

Wild how inconsiderate some people can be. Reserving lounge chairs early in the morning just in case they feel like going to the pool at some point.

The box is mine from some fries I ordered.

charmcitycuddles Report

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How Dare People Stare At Me While I Take A Photo Of Them In Public!

How Dare People Stare At Me While I Take A Photo Of Them In Public!

NotASexJoke Report

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Parking Is Rough…

Parking Is Rough…

Nervous-Ad-3984 Report

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The Audacity Of This B

The Audacity Of This B

WxBird Report

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Saw A Car Actually Parked Like This In A Crowded Restaurant Parking Lot

Saw A Car Actually Parked Like This In A Crowded Restaurant Parking Lot

Fun-Application-5211 Report

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My Neighbor (Apartments) Keeps Doing This Because She Doesn’t Want Anyone Parking Next To Her Car (She’s Not Disabled)

My Neighbor (Apartments) Keeps Doing This Because She Doesn’t Want Anyone Parking Next To Her Car (She’s Not Disabled)

GhostieJillias Report

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Found In The Wild

Found In The Wild

jujuscroll Report

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Expecting Literally Everyone Else But Yourself To Care For Your Children

Expecting Literally Everyone Else But Yourself To Care For Your Children

Lando_Lee Report

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At Least The Shoes Are On

At Least The Shoes Are On

wcmotel Report

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Disney Adults Are Making His Brother's Wedding All About Themselves

Disney Adults Are Making His Brother's Wedding All About Themselves

8teengw Report

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This Terrible Parker

This Terrible Parker

[deleted] Report

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A Kingly Slumber

A Kingly Slumber

Several_Bank5722 Report

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People In My Neighborhood Bought Up 2 Houses And Now Use The Neighborhood As Their Private Truck Depot

People In My Neighborhood Bought Up 2 Houses And Now Use The Neighborhood As Their Private Truck Depot

They own at least 5 large trucks and leave em for entire weekends, alternate side parking days, etc.

issathrowaway2 Report

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You're Not Jesus

You're Not Jesus

Tylomin Report

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Andrew Tate Says He Doesn't Sleep With Vaccinated Women

Andrew Tate Says He Doesn't Sleep With Vaccinated Women

Sishi-Runak Report

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A*s Hole, Moron, Or Both?

A*s Hole, Moron, Or Both?

Internet_and_stuff Report

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Went To A Concert Recently. This Was My View 80% Of The Time. I Literally Saw The Concert Through Other People’s Phones. Seriously, Try To Zoom In And See How Many Phones Are Up

Went To A Concert Recently. This Was My View 80% Of The Time. I Literally Saw The Concert Through Other People’s Phones. Seriously, Try To Zoom In And See How Many Phones Are Up

DingoDamp Report

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Ladies, Prince Charming Is Finally Here

Ladies, Prince Charming Is Finally Here

ambachk Report

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Taking Up 4 Seats In A Very Crowded Airport

Taking Up 4 Seats In A Very Crowded Airport

gr3at3scap3 Report

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Flexing On Your Friend During Their Engagement

Flexing On Your Friend During Their Engagement

hehzehsbwvwv Report

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I’ll Pull The Car Around

I’ll Pull The Car Around

HappyEffort8000 Report

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When You're Late To Your Nieces Talent Show

When You're Late To Your Nieces Talent Show

areafiftywun Report

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