Money might be the root of all evil, but we still need it. It helps us afford necessities and adds comfort to our lives. Conversely, the emptier our pockets and bank accounts get, the more challenging our days become. It can be hard to believe, but you're not a failure if they run dry; there are so many things out of our control. So to remind everyone that we're in this economy together, we at Bored Panda compiled a list of funny and accurate posts about (personal) finance, courtesy of this subreddit. Keep striving, stay resilient!
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Social Security taxes are withheld on income up to the *maximum taxable earnings* amount **per year**. After a person earns that much in a year, no more SS taxes are withheld for the rest of that year. In 2025, the amount is $176,100/yr. (Repeat: SS taxes are not deducted from a person's payroll after that person earns $176,100 in 2025.) So, why don't they just raise the maximum taxable earnings amount to, say, $200,000/yr to add more to the pot instead of decreasing benefits – well, because someone in the US government would rather hurt the people who have the least to give