Though many before him had failed, the great acrobat Mr. Tibbles was certain he could successfully complete the infamous kitty-kibble-headstand. The stunt, first perfected by the KittyClysm Brothers in the 1920s, had not been done since JoeyCat had burned the secret of a non-fatal landing, along with himself, several innocent stagehands, and a stack of old love letters, at the end of his last and best acrobatic show in 1942. Mr. Tibbles had studied hard, even going to the site of JoeyCat’s grave with a ouija board, but now it was the moment of truth. Could he eat all the catfood in mid air while flipping through the air on his way down from the top of the tallest cat tree in the world? Only time would tell…

“Mr. Tibbles, we have seen your amazing talent, but it is currently not what we are searching for. Good luck finding someone.” The circus manager sent Mr. Tibbles away, leading him out of the door. Mr. Tibbles walked over to his Mercatese Benz and got in. He thought back. He knew the feat has only been preformed by the greatest of catrobats, and wondered why he wasn’t good enough. He drove back to his house, alone and sad. He sat as his computer and looked up the nearest circus’s that were hiring.

Mr. Tibbles was scrolling through job listing for catrobats in his general area, wondering how the trick could’ve gone so horribly wrong. Sure, he had landed without serious injury, and he’d even eaten all the food, but he’d done a triple reverse back flip followed by a double vertical spin, when he should’ve done the patented KittyClysm double reverse back flip and quadruple horizontal rotation with a diagonal twist. How could he have missed such an important detail? Though there was a nearby circus looking for a somewhat small mammal to shoot out of a confetti cannon, Mr. Tibbles decided to return to his research. He began to pull his grandfather’s copy of ‘greatest catrobats and their secrets to success,’ when something fell out of it and onto the floor. Mr. Tibbles picked it up. It was a diary! He flipped the small book open to the first page and began to read. “Property of Mabel KittyClysm, sister of the great KittyClysm Brothers…”


Mr. Tibbles reads the diary. How he could have known that Mabel KittyClysm was as a matter of fact one of the three KittyClysm siblings, all of whom were the best catrobats of all time. He learned about the secret trick. The left-foot double hop kick flip milk sip! The milk sip! Of course! Food is too easy. Every one can eat food flying out of the air. But the skill required to drink flying milk is something beyond comprehension. After practicing for hours, days, even weeks, he got it. After gallons of milk, and lots of headaches, the day to audition for the Pawsome Circus was open. So many catrobats were there! Finally, it was Mr. Tibbles turn…

He silently walked over to the pad. Everyone watched with bated breath. And thus, his performance begun…

tibbles was trembling he was so nervous, but he wouldnt let nerves stop him, he performed like crazy and by the time he was finished he could taste the gold….en trout. That was until he saw señor kittyjandro…*FLASHBACK WARNING HAHA*… wi’l tibbles was doing kartwheels on the playground, tossing twirling, wheeling. Until, CRASH, ‘meow’ tibbles says….[o im sry i forgot u dont speak cat like the rest of us bp users, ill translate]…’watchwhere your going’ tibbles said. The now on the ground cat send daggers into tibbles his gaze was so strong, ‘mrawr’ ‘do u know who ur messing with kit’ the cat said, ‘meraaawrr’ ‘you dont know who your messing with subordinate’ tibbles growls, ‘mew’ ‘i am señor kittyjandro the greatest gymnast of our generation u extra’ jandro replies, ‘meooow’ ‘now bow to your king! You are nothing, kit. You will never amount to anything, and you will never, ever be good enough to join the Pawsome Circus.’ *FLASHBACK END WARNING*…


The music started, Mr. Tibbles’s cue to step to the edge of the platform and take the daring plunge, but he could not move. He recalled the last words Señor Kittyjandro had said to him on that playground all those years ago. “You are nothing, kit. You will never amount to anything, and you will never, ever be good enough to join the Pawsome Circus.” Mr. Tibbles looked out over the crowd, their faces blurry from the distance. I could see Ringmaster Pawsey, rapidly signaling for him to jump, and beyond her, Colonel Butters. The Colonel had, to this point been Mr. Tibbles’s biggest supporter, the only one who believed in him even when he himself thought he would fail. It had been Colonel Butters who had got him this audition, despite the fact that no one there thought he could complete the kitty-kibble-headstand. Mr. Tibbles watched as the hope slowly faded from the eyes of the ex-military MonsterCat operator’s eyes…

Huh? What’s this? Mr. Tibles thought to himself. No one had said a word, the winner had not been announced. The audience sat on the edge of their seat while the judges whispered to one another. Finally the silence broke. “The winner remains unannounced.” They said. “We will now proceed with a face-off between-“ he looked down at their paper, “Mr. Tibles and Señot Kittyjandro. “MEOW!!” Mr. Tibles cried. He still had a chance!! The contestants met face to face. “Prrrrrrepare for you fluffy kitty behind to be smothered by my talent!” Kittyjandro hissed. Mr. Tibles gulped, but then pushed his fear down and replaced it with a confident face. “May the goodest boy win.” Suddenly Kittyjandro backfliped, and pushed off one front paw into a 360. He turned to face the crowd. They cheered, and under Mr. tibbles fluffy hair his face went red. He climbed up the curtain, then proceeded to fall and NOT land on his feet,(Basically he fell and didn’t land on his feet, which impressed the crowd because it was damn near impossible for a cat)


As he lay on his belly (where he had landed not on his feet), Mr Tibbles knew that he had to pull off something truly magnificent to beat Señor Kittyjandro. Suddenly, the solution appeared in his mind. The secret technique found by reading the diary backwards using only the first and last words on each page. The Quadruple reverse twist aerial Milk ‘n’ Kibble, a technique not attempted by any catrobat in over a century. Mr Tibbles looked over at Colonel Butters, and gave him a wink. The colonel looked shocked and scared for Mr Tibbles, but nodded. Mr Tibbles sprang off of his belly into the air and started the move as Colonel Butters threw two bowls into the air, one milk, one Kibble. As he twirled Mr Tibbles ate and drank and landed…

Mr. Tibbles! He was shocked. His breath caught in his throat and the cheers of the crowd faded into the background. He had done it! He had proven Kittyjandro wrong and secured the golden trout. But on top of that, he had made his friend, and secret crush, Catalina Catman, realize how incredible he was. On his way out, Catalina walked by his side. As they were about to get into his Mercates, Kittyjandro and a couple of brawny cats walked up to him. “Well well well” said Kittyjandro. “You really won. But catrobatics isn’t all about who can perform the best. It is about power. Pawsey was supposed to make ME the winner. I blackmailed him with my knowledge of his secret ‘nip dealing business. But he went ahead and double crossed me. But he has been taken care of. Permanently. And now for you. I can’t have you tarnishing my reputation like that. So you have two options. You can say you were on performance enhancing ‘nip, or you can say good bye to your girlfriend.” Tibbles looked up andsaw one of Kittyjandro’s cronies holding Catalina. Tibbles snarled and leaped into action. But the henchman was quicker. “Tsk tsk tsk” Kittyjandro said. “We can’t have that. I will take Ms. Catman with me for the next forty eight hours. You have that long to decide, or she will bear the consequences of your actions. Good day, Señor Tibbles.” And he walked away, Taking Tibbles’s one true love with him…


Mr. Tibbles suddenly got a fierce feeling. He has to save Catalina! He chases them, and does a catrobatics move and kicks the cronie holding Catalina in the face. She runs to Mr. Tibbles, and they run to his Mercatese Benz. “Get in, mi amor!” He shouts to Catalina. She gets in the passengers seat and they drive away together. All of a sudden, he hears a roar He looks behind him and…

“Mi amor,” Catalina says. “It is just the pawlice.” Mr. Tibbles’s eyes focused, Kittyjandros car was cut off by the cops. He heaved a great sigh of relief. The car ride was pleantiful of silences, and the sun dipped below the horizon. Street lamps flicked on and lit up the road. “Ay dios mío,” Catalina says finally. “You are one incredible cat.” Mr. Tibles thinks on that for a little. “Yeah, I guess I kind of am.”

‘No, Tibbles,’ he thought. ‘Kittyjandro was the nothing. I got hired for the circus. And where is he now? Rotting in jail for attempted catnapping. Still though…’ Mr. Tibbles was about to perform the double-loop twist water-cannon tuna back triple handspring into a dive through a wheel of fire. The last of Esmeralda’s secrets. ‘do it for Catalina,’ he thought. And very, very, slowly, he stepped out onto the stage


His heart was pounding out of his fuzzy chest. While walking out, he saw the seats of the circus all around him, the smell of dust, cotton candy and catnip filling his nose. He opens his eyes to look at the crowd. But… there’s only 3 people there. He recognized them. It was… the Kittyclysm siblings. This was a dream… they were dead… but he could still feel their gazes like knives. The first brother begins to speak. “You’re not going to listen to an outlaw, are you?” Mr. Tibbles instantly knew he was talking about Kittyjandro. The second brother speaks. “Nothing but a kit. Huh. I know potential when I see it.” The sister speaks. “You are meant for much more than a circus, I want you to know that. Despite being young and scared, you have faced so much more than we have. “We must go.” Mr. Tibbles began to talk. “Where the hell are you going!?” He screamed. “I must know more! Tell me!” But it was too late. He woke up. And now, in front of him, was an audience, but instead of being overwhelmed, he felt a wave of confidence engulf him. He would not let the Kittyclysm siblings down.

*One month later* The cheers of the crowd roared throughout the circus. The new mouse trainer, Sir Cheeseburger, glanced toward the main tent. “Wow, what’s happening?” Whiskers, who ran the concession stand, was the first to answer. “That’s Mr Tibbles’s performance,” she said proudly. Sir Cheeseburger looked awestruck. “I knew he was incredible, but I never expected such a powerful reaction from the crowd.” Suddenly, a mysterious figure appeared, as if from thin air. Whiskers stared at him, trying to remember who he was… she was sure she recognized him… whatever, it probably wasn’t important. “Hello, how can I help you? Would you like some popcorn?” she asked. The stranger laughed, and Sir Cheeseburger shivered. “I’m not here for popcorn… I’m here for revenge,” the stranger said ominously. Whiskers gasped, realization hitting her like lightning. “It’s Kittyjandro!” she shouted, panicked. Suddenly, something hit Sir Cheeseburger on the back of the head- and the world went dark.

Mr. Tibbles growled. “Oh shitake mushrooms! *sigh* I’ve been watching too much spy kids. He leaped at Kittyjandro. Right when he was about to sink his claws into the horrible man’s flesh, he passed out, feeling like he hit a wall. Darkness engulfed him. He opened his eyes, but he only saw darkness. He stood up, not knowing where he was. It had only felt like a few seconds since he lunged at Kittyjandro. He was somewhere else. He got the strange feeling that someone was behind him. And there was. The Kittyclysm siblings. Mr. Tibbles felt nothing but pure rage when he saw him. He would not have lost Sargent Cheeseburger if it wasn’t for them. “GET ME BACK THERE! I CAN’T LOSE HIM! I’LL LOSE MY FAME!” He cried. The sister simply just laughed. “I think it’s time to formally introduce ourselves. I’m Mable. These are my brothers, Donut and Rose, Mabel continued. “Your newly acquired arrogance is tearing people down. Those who used to marvel, now fear. Those who used to pity, now bow down to.” Mr. Tibbles simply scoffed. “Me? Arrogant? Ha! I’m nothing bad! I am the best! Nobody is better than me!” Mr. Tibbles just looked at them rolling their eyes. “Did I do something?” Donut started talking. “You died, you know. Jumped before you noticed the gun.” Rose made eye contact with Mr. Tibbles. “You don’t truly love Sargent Cheeseburger, do you? If he wasn’t getting you thousands of dollars, would you have saved him? You are not the Mr. Tibbles I used to know. The kind, brave, Mr. Tibbles. Fame has ruined you.” Mr. Tibbles face went white. “You guys are telling me way to much. I’m… dead?” Mable looked at him. “You are as dead as we are. But we can help you escape.”(Mr. Tibbles is going to have to relearn loving others to escape. How will he do it?)

The kittyclysm syblings approach tibbles, mabel reaches out her paw,”well mr. Tibbles what do you say?” Tibbles looks down, and ponders, “tibbles?” Donut says loosing his patience. Jolted back to reality tibbles shakes mables paw aggressivly, “take me back.” Tibbles agrees. Rose grins all sinister like, “he wont make it pass the first trial” donut scoffs. Mabel releases tibbles paw and walks off,”wait!” Tibbles shoits, “i thought you were gonna take me back!?” Mabel turns, causing earthquakes with her gaze, “oh, we’ll help you” she says. Tibbles stands in confused angst, just then his head starts pounding, and everything turns into a swirled blur. Leaving only the image of the vivid eyes of mabel, Rose, and donut then BLACK. tibbles opens his eyes, rubbing his pounding head, he squints as he looks around at a familiar but strange world…

Credits to;


Mabel Pines

Betta Fish

That Book lover

Do-nut touch the donut



Ash The Duck


A Wild Bean



    Though many before him had failed, the great acrobat Mr. Tibbles was certain he could successfully complete the infamous kitty-kibble-headstand. The stunt, first perfected by the KittyClysm Brothers in the 1920s, had not been done since JoeyCat had burned the secret of a non-fatal landing, along with himself, several innocent stagehands, and a stack of old love letters, at the end of his last and best acrobatic show in 1942. Mr. Tibbles had studied hard, even going to the site of JoeyCat’s grave with a ouija board, but now it was the moment of truth. Could he eat all the catfood in mid air while flipping through the air on his way down from the top of the tallest cat tree in the world? Only time would tell…

    “Mr. Tibbles, we have seen your amazing talent, but it is currently not what we are searching for. Good luck finding someone.” The circus manager sent Mr. Tibbles away, leading him out of the door. Mr. Tibbles walked over to his Mercatese Benz and got in. He thought back. He knew the feat has only been preformed by the greatest of catrobats, and wondered why he wasn’t good enough. He drove back to his house, alone and sad. He sat as his computer and looked up the nearest circus’s that were hiring.

    Mr. Tibbles was scrolling through job listing for catrobats in his general area, wondering how the trick could’ve gone so horribly wrong. Sure, he had landed without serious injury, and he’d even eaten all the food, but he’d done a triple reverse back flip followed by a double vertical spin, when he should’ve done the patented KittyClysm double reverse back flip and quadruple horizontal rotation with a diagonal twist. How could he have missed such an important detail? Though there was a nearby circus looking for a somewhat small mammal to shoot out of a confetti cannon, Mr. Tibbles decided to return to his research. He began to pull his grandfather’s copy of ‘greatest catrobats and their secrets to success,’ when something fell out of it and onto the floor. Mr. Tibbles picked it up. It was a diary! He flipped the small book open to the first page and began to read. “Property of Mabel KittyClysm, sister of the great KittyClysm Brothers…”


    Mr. Tibbles reads the diary. How he could have known that Mabel KittyClysm was as a matter of fact one of the three KittyClysm siblings, all of whom were the best catrobats of all time. He learned about the secret trick. The left-foot double hop kick flip milk sip! The milk sip! Of course! Food is too easy. Every one can eat food flying out of the air. But the skill required to drink flying milk is something beyond comprehension. After practicing for hours, days, even weeks, he got it. After gallons of milk, and lots of headaches, the day to audition for the Pawsome Circus was open. So many catrobats were there! Finally, it was Mr. Tibbles turn…

    He silently walked over to the pad. Everyone watched with bated breath. And thus, his performance begun…

    tibbles was trembling he was so nervous, but he wouldnt let nerves stop him, he performed like crazy and by the time he was finished he could taste the gold….en trout. That was until he saw señor kittyjandro…*FLASHBACK WARNING HAHA*… wi’l tibbles was doing kartwheels on the playground, tossing twirling, wheeling. Until, CRASH, ‘meow’ tibbles says….[o im sry i forgot u dont speak cat like the rest of us bp users, ill translate]…’watchwhere your going’ tibbles said. The now on the ground cat send daggers into tibbles his gaze was so strong, ‘mrawr’ ‘do u know who ur messing with kit’ the cat said, ‘meraaawrr’ ‘you dont know who your messing with subordinate’ tibbles growls, ‘mew’ ‘i am señor kittyjandro the greatest gymnast of our generation u extra’ jandro replies, ‘meooow’ ‘now bow to your king! You are nothing, kit. You will never amount to anything, and you will never, ever be good enough to join the Pawsome Circus.’ *FLASHBACK END WARNING*…


    The music started, Mr. Tibbles’s cue to step to the edge of the platform and take the daring plunge, but he could not move. He recalled the last words Señor Kittyjandro had said to him on that playground all those years ago. “You are nothing, kit. You will never amount to anything, and you will never, ever be good enough to join the Pawsome Circus.” Mr. Tibbles looked out over the crowd, their faces blurry from the distance. I could see Ringmaster Pawsey, rapidly signaling for him to jump, and beyond her, Colonel Butters. The Colonel had, to this point been Mr. Tibbles’s biggest supporter, the only one who believed in him even when he himself thought he would fail. It had been Colonel Butters who had got him this audition, despite the fact that no one there thought he could complete the kitty-kibble-headstand. Mr. Tibbles watched as the hope slowly faded from the eyes of the ex-military MonsterCat operator’s eyes…

    Huh? What’s this? Mr. Tibles thought to himself. No one had said a word, the winner had not been announced. The audience sat on the edge of their seat while the judges whispered to one another. Finally the silence broke. “The winner remains unannounced.” They said. “We will now proceed with a face-off between-“ he looked down at their paper, “Mr. Tibles and Señot Kittyjandro. “MEOW!!” Mr. Tibles cried. He still had a chance!! The contestants met face to face. “Prrrrrrepare for you fluffy kitty behind to be smothered by my talent!” Kittyjandro hissed. Mr. Tibles gulped, but then pushed his fear down and replaced it with a confident face. “May the goodest boy win.” Suddenly Kittyjandro backfliped, and pushed off one front paw into a 360. He turned to face the crowd. They cheered, and under Mr. tibbles fluffy hair his face went red. He climbed up the curtain, then proceeded to fall and NOT land on his feet,(Basically he fell and didn’t land on his feet, which impressed the crowd because it was damn near impossible for a cat)


    As he lay on his belly (where he had landed not on his feet), Mr Tibbles knew that he had to pull off something truly magnificent to beat Señor Kittyjandro. Suddenly, the solution appeared in his mind. The secret technique found by reading the diary backwards using only the first and last words on each page. The Quadruple reverse twist aerial Milk ‘n’ Kibble, a technique not attempted by any catrobat in over a century. Mr Tibbles looked over at Colonel Butters, and gave him a wink. The colonel looked shocked and scared for Mr Tibbles, but nodded. Mr Tibbles sprang off of his belly into the air and started the move as Colonel Butters threw two bowls into the air, one milk, one Kibble. As he twirled Mr Tibbles ate and drank and landed…

    Mr. Tibbles! He was shocked. His breath caught in his throat and the cheers of the crowd faded into the background. He had done it! He had proven Kittyjandro wrong and secured the golden trout. But on top of that, he had made his friend, and secret crush, Catalina Catman, realize how incredible he was. On his way out, Catalina walked by his side. As they were about to get into his Mercates, Kittyjandro and a couple of brawny cats walked up to him. “Well well well” said Kittyjandro. “You really won. But catrobatics isn’t all about who can perform the best. It is about power. Pawsey was supposed to make ME the winner. I blackmailed him with my knowledge of his secret ‘nip dealing business. But he went ahead and double crossed me. But he has been taken care of. Permanently. And now for you. I can’t have you tarnishing my reputation like that. So you have two options. You can say you were on performance enhancing ‘nip, or you can say good bye to your girlfriend.” Tibbles looked up andsaw one of Kittyjandro’s cronies holding Catalina. Tibbles snarled and leaped into action. But the henchman was quicker. “Tsk tsk tsk” Kittyjandro said. “We can’t have that. I will take Ms. Catman with me for the next forty eight hours. You have that long to decide, or she will bear the consequences of your actions. Good day, Señor Tibbles.” And he walked away, Taking Tibbles’s one true love with him…


    Mr. Tibbles suddenly got a fierce feeling. He has to save Catalina! He chases them, and does a catrobatics move and kicks the cronie holding Catalina in the face. She runs to Mr. Tibbles, and they run to his Mercatese Benz. “Get in, mi amor!” He shouts to Catalina. She gets in the passengers seat and they drive away together. All of a sudden, he hears a roar He looks behind him and…

    “Mi amor,” Catalina says. “It is just the pawlice.” Mr. Tibbles’s eyes focused, Kittyjandros car was cut off by the cops. He heaved a great sigh of relief. The car ride was pleantiful of silences, and the sun dipped below the horizon. Street lamps flicked on and lit up the road. “Ay dios mío,” Catalina says finally. “You are one incredible cat.” Mr. Tibles thinks on that for a little. “Yeah, I guess I kind of am.”

    ‘No, Tibbles,’ he thought. ‘Kittyjandro was the nothing. I got hired for the circus. And where is he now? Rotting in jail for attempted catnapping. Still though…’ Mr. Tibbles was about to perform the double-loop twist water-cannon tuna back triple handspring into a dive through a wheel of fire. The last of Esmeralda’s secrets. ‘do it for Catalina,’ he thought. And very, very, slowly, he stepped out onto the stage


    His heart was pounding out of his fuzzy chest. While walking out, he saw the seats of the circus all around him, the smell of dust, cotton candy and catnip filling his nose. He opens his eyes to look at the crowd. But… there’s only 3 people there. He recognized them. It was… the Kittyclysm siblings. This was a dream… they were dead… but he could still feel their gazes like knives. The first brother begins to speak. “You’re not going to listen to an outlaw, are you?” Mr. Tibbles instantly knew he was talking about Kittyjandro. The second brother speaks. “Nothing but a kit. Huh. I know potential when I see it.” The sister speaks. “You are meant for much more than a circus, I want you to know that. Despite being young and scared, you have faced so much more than we have. “We must go.” Mr. Tibbles began to talk. “Where the hell are you going!?” He screamed. “I must know more! Tell me!” But it was too late. He woke up. And now, in front of him, was an audience, but instead of being overwhelmed, he felt a wave of confidence engulf him. He would not let the Kittyclysm siblings down.

    *One month later* The cheers of the crowd roared throughout the circus. The new mouse trainer, Sir Cheeseburger, glanced toward the main tent. “Wow, what’s happening?” Whiskers, who ran the concession stand, was the first to answer. “That’s Mr Tibbles’s performance,” she said proudly. Sir Cheeseburger looked awestruck. “I knew he was incredible, but I never expected such a powerful reaction from the crowd.” Suddenly, a mysterious figure appeared, as if from thin air. Whiskers stared at him, trying to remember who he was… she was sure she recognized him… whatever, it probably wasn’t important. “Hello, how can I help you? Would you like some popcorn?” she asked. The stranger laughed, and Sir Cheeseburger shivered. “I’m not here for popcorn… I’m here for revenge,” the stranger said ominously. Whiskers gasped, realization hitting her like lightning. “It’s Kittyjandro!” she shouted, panicked. Suddenly, something hit Sir Cheeseburger on the back of the head- and the world went dark.

    Mr. Tibbles growled. “Oh shitake mushrooms! *sigh* I’ve been watching too much spy kids. He leaped at Kittyjandro. Right when he was about to sink his claws into the horrible man’s flesh, he passed out, feeling like he hit a wall. Darkness engulfed him. He opened his eyes, but he only saw darkness. He stood up, not knowing where he was. It had only felt like a few seconds since he lunged at Kittyjandro. He was somewhere else. He got the strange feeling that someone was behind him. And there was. The Kittyclysm siblings. Mr. Tibbles felt nothing but pure rage when he saw him. He would not have lost Sargent Cheeseburger if it wasn’t for them. “GET ME BACK THERE! I CAN’T LOSE HIM! I’LL LOSE MY FAME!” He cried. The sister simply just laughed. “I think it’s time to formally introduce ourselves. I’m Mable. These are my brothers, Donut and Rose, Mabel continued. “Your newly acquired arrogance is tearing people down. Those who used to marvel, now fear. Those who used to pity, now bow down to.” Mr. Tibbles simply scoffed. “Me? Arrogant? Ha! I’m nothing bad! I am the best! Nobody is better than me!” Mr. Tibbles just looked at them rolling their eyes. “Did I do something?” Donut started talking. “You died, you know. Jumped before you noticed the gun.” Rose made eye contact with Mr. Tibbles. “You don’t truly love Sargent Cheeseburger, do you? If he wasn’t getting you thousands of dollars, would you have saved him? You are not the Mr. Tibbles I used to know. The kind, brave, Mr. Tibbles. Fame has ruined you.” Mr. Tibbles face went white. “You guys are telling me way to much. I’m… dead?” Mable looked at him. “You are as dead as we are. But we can help you escape.”(Mr. Tibbles is going to have to relearn loving others to escape. How will he do it?)

    The kittyclysm syblings approach tibbles, mabel reaches out her paw,”well mr. Tibbles what do you say?” Tibbles looks down, and ponders, “tibbles?” Donut says loosing his patience. Jolted back to reality tibbles shakes mables paw aggressivly, “take me back.” Tibbles agrees. Rose grins all sinister like, “he wont make it pass the first trial” donut scoffs. Mabel releases tibbles paw and walks off,”wait!” Tibbles shoits, “i thought you were gonna take me back!?” Mabel turns, causing earthquakes with her gaze, “oh, we’ll help you” she says. Tibbles stands in confused angst, just then his head starts pounding, and everything turns into a swirled blur. Leaving only the image of the vivid eyes of mabel, Rose, and donut then BLACK. tibbles opens his eyes, rubbing his pounding head, he squints as he looks around at a familiar but strange world…

    Credits to;


    Mabel Pines

    Betta Fish

    That Book lover

    Do-nut touch the donut



    Ash The Duck


    A Wild Bean

