A movie without a villain is just all sizzle and no steak. It takes out the joy of hating someone or something without feeling guilty, and without an evil nemesis, your hero is basically just a regular guy or gal. An especially proper villain also gives you that sweet feeling of rooting for someone who isn't exactly good, but you still wish for them to succeed. And that's such a far-fetched concept in real life that you would never think of feeling so! Except for when watching a movie, that is. Of course, some movie villains are a shameful scoundrel's portrayal, but with these (predominantly) guys, the creators of the characters and the actors who played them elevated the concept of a villain to new heights. So, here we are with our list paying all due respect to the worst, the most terrible, and the sneakiest movie villains!
A great villain comprises plenty of things, but first of all, there has to be a clear reason for why they are mad/angry/murderous. So, a backstory here is as important as ever! Then, such an evil character has to have something entirely unique about them - maybe it's their modus operandi, maybe it's their looks, or the way they talk (or don't talk at all). Only then is a villain truly memorable and frightening. And last but not least, a villain has to be likable. Maybe they're very intelligent or have a great sense of humor; maybe they're ingenious or as charming as a purring kitten. Without this certain magic, a villain turns bland, and then there's no way you can feel attracted to them, which, in turn, evokes that double-sided feeling of rooting for them. So, there you have it - a basis for creating a noteworthy movie character!
If you're interested to see which evil characters made it into our list, just scroll on down below to meet them! Also, don't forget to vote for the best movie villain and tell us why you think they are so great!
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Darth Vader
In the battle for the ultimate villain, a space enfant terrible will always win against one from the Earth.
Hey... all he wanted was a stable government, to reconcile with his estranged son, and just maybe get him into the family business!
A villain you just can't help but love - intelligent, absolutely unhinged, and frightening to the max.
Hannibal Lecter
After meeting with Hannibal, we've dropped our favorite Chianti and fava bean pairing forever.
Scheming, powerful, evil from head to toe, and scary to even look at, Palpatine surely makes it into our Top 20 bad, bad guys.
No other villain can boast about such beautiful hair, this whimsy in his eyes and mischief in his soul.
Now here's a villain that terrifies everyone without even showing his face. The eyes, after all, are the mirror of the soul!
Hans Landa
What's even more terrifying than a villain by birth? A charming villain with speech as smooth as butter. Chills!
A genocidal warlord with an objective to bring stability by wiping out half of existing life? He surely drew inspiration from a certain real person, one might think.
Lord Voldemort
Proves that you don't have to have a nose to be a terrific villain. It comes from within!
Despite having the breathing ability of a pug, Bane creeps us out nevertheless. Or maybe it's because of it.
Agent Smith
A real professional in the occupation of a seasoned villain - cold, calculating, and humorless.
Anton Chigurh
Everything about Anton screams villain - from his weapon choices to his vile hairstyle, he's definitely one you wouldn't want to deal with.
Michael Myers
No matter how many times you've seen him in various sequels and reboots, he's still one creepy dude.
Xenomorph (Alien)
Entities emerging from your body are always terrifying, but this puppy just takes the cake.
Androids are already scary, but what if they also shape-shift and are basically interminable?
Jason Voorhees
Camp cooks are always pretty scary people, but Jason took it to another level by actually becoming a killer. Nice plot twist, Jason!
Amon Goeth
Annie Wilkes
Dolores Umbridge
She needs to be castrated boiled alive chopped up and buried in an unmarked grave
Bellatrix Lestrange
Buffalo Bill
Nurse Ratched
White Witch
Jack Torrance
This scene was so weird Edit: let's be honest. He was going crazy
Patrick Bateman
President Snow
John Doe
Freddy Krueger
Norman Bates
Wicked Witch Of The West
Michael Corleone
Captain Hook
Shere Khan
Doctor Octopus
Ivan Drago
Jabba The Hutt
Tyler Durden
Tommy Devito
Red Skull
Count Dooku
Amy Dunne
Harry Powell
Ra's Al Ghul
Kylo Ren
Green Goblin
Pinhead isn't a bad guy in the strictest sense of the word.He and his cohorts are mor like entities just doing their job. They just REALLYY enjoy it., maybe a bit too much. In the original, they weren't the antagonists.
Bill Cutting
The Penguin
Lex Luthor
Doctor Evil
Vito Corleone
Boba Fett
What's with all the 'buy now' links? I feel like I've just read a very long advert
I feel like General Grievous should be on the list of villains. So should President Coin.
What's with all the 'buy now' links? I feel like I've just read a very long advert
I feel like General Grievous should be on the list of villains. So should President Coin.