Most of us skeptics by nature blame films, *cough cough* romance movies, for being far-fetched and nothing like real life. However, the scriptwriters are not to blame for why you don't get flowers sent to your office. Yet, they are to blame for the expectations they raise. Either way, it's widely accepted that certain things that work in movies simply don't work in real life. These are the so-called film tropes — a set of cliches overused in movies.
One of which is when a leading actor (ref Tom Hanks in The Terminal (2004)) hops in a random taxi they caught on the street and asks the driver to take them home. Just home, no address or anything. As if the cab driver knows where each of his passengers' homes is. Funnily, this movie trope was "exposed" in How To Be Single (2016) with a snarky comeback from a taxi driver. Yet, this is just one of the many movie tropes that have been used, recycled and used again in filmmaking.
Horror movie tropes arguably rank second (if not first) in frequency. A cabin in the woods is probably the most prevalent theme in teen screams. However, tropes in movies go beyond the romance and horror genres. When a user on AskReddit asked, "What happens in movies or TV that seems to be normal and you think to yourself 'that is not what people in real life do'?", thousands of trope-hunters revealed the most common movie tropes recurring on the silver screen.
Below, we've assembled this movie tropes list from the many answers people left in the thread, revealing the most frequently recurring cliches/tropes in films. Make sure to give the cliches you see way too often an upvote and write down any more movie tropes or 'things that don't happen in real life yet do in films' missing from the list in the comments!
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"A Woman Rejects A Man And He Keeps Pestering Her With Gifts And Attention Until She Changes Her Mind. In Real Life, That’s Called Stalking And She Won’t Appreciate It"
80% of Bollywood in a nutshell. The worst thing about it is that boys look up to the “heroes” of the movies and do the same to their crushes. It’s happened to me before
"Women Can Be In The Jungle For Weeks, And They Don't Have Hair Growing Anywhere. Men Immediately Begin To Grow A Beard"
Also, somehow womens makeup never gets smudged when traversing through rough terrain and getting coated in dirt, sweat, and mosquito bites, but the second they have an "emotional moment" their mascara runs down their cheeks in an entirely unrealistic way.
"Getting Eaten By Dinosaur. Rarely Happens In Real Life"
"Being A Young, Aspiring Artist Living Alone In A Nice, Spacious Apartment In A Prime Area Of A Big City Like New York Or LA"
"Women Running Around In Heels With Perfect Hair And Makeup, And The Dirt And Sweat Making Their Hair And Makeup Look Even Better"
LOL I'm a film and TV makeup artist and any time I question the realism of how it should be applied, the response I always get from the director is "it's not a documentary!" lol
"School Buses Honking And Waiting For Kids Who Are Still In The House. If I Wasn’t At The Bus Stop When The Bus Arrived, It Would Drive On By. It Didn’t Stop. It Didn’t Honk"
"No One Using A Computer Ever Uses A Mouse. It’s Just Constant, Frantic Typing"
Just as annoying as seeing people using a laptop without a charging cable. And then not switching it off overnight.
"Having Highly Confidential Conversations About 4 Foot Away From The People They Are Talking About, And Not Being Overheard"
"Everyone Has One Paper Bag For Groceries, And It Has A Celery Stalk And Loaf Of French Bread Sticking Out The Top"
Sadly, you must buy your own celery and french bread here. Sometimes they even make you buy the bag
Load More Replies...I read somewhere there is a reason why they are doing this. If they did not show what's inside the bag, viewers get curious on its content. Their attention will tend to fixate on that instead of the main plot lines. Showing celery, baguette and other common groceries items will remove that curiosity.
Hey how this person get so spendy using the paper bags, it's plastic or the same bag you used 100 times before without cleaning to save the environment.
Unless it's a rom-com, then it's french bread and flowers sticking out.
The baguette is actually there for defence, those things are hard! I prefer soft breads and my first real baguette was a huge disappointment.
Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you bought a baguette? It's been years for me!
I could never understand how someone would buy french bread that was sticking out of the end of the bag! Even before COVID!! One-hundred YEARS ago, I could understand. I don't even buy the brands of regular bread that only has the one plastic bag. I get the ones wrapped in cellophane and THEN put in a plastic bag. I could always picture employees taking a slice of two from each bag to take home. Or HOMELESS people snacking on them! Oh, public service message, I throw the little plastic square thing on the bags as well as TWISTIES AWAY and use a big plastic clip. Don't want pets (or toddlers) to find them!
Thanks for ruining the planet for the rest of us. You know that fruit and vegetables grow out in fields where birds and animals go toilet, right?
Load More Replies..."Running Upstairs In Horror Movies. If There Was Something Chasing You, Wouldn’t Head For The Door To Get Outside?"
"Guessing The Passwords Of Other People Correctly"
"If A Simple Miscommunication Happens, No One Stops And Clarifies With The Other Person. Like If One 10 Sec Conversation Can Derail An Entire Plot Thread I'm Not Interested"
Girl Vomiting Means Pregnant, Hiccups Means Drunk, Coughing Means Seriously Ill
"Ordering A Beer Without Specifying What Brand Of Beer They Want"
True. Living in /somewhat/ of a beer state; you HAVE to specify, and then again. "I want "version", of 'brand'."
"People Splashing Cold Water In Their Faces And Looking In The Mirror To Indicate A Character Is Upset"
"Young Singles Living In Million Dollar Condos That Overlook The City"
ok but the example here is iron man,, like, his whole thing is that he's a billionare . this trope is better shown in movies where their only job is a waiter and they have a huge apartment?
"On The Phone Making Plans: 'Ok, Meet Me At 5?' 'Sure.' And That’s The Whole Plan. Where Are You Meeting?"
"Wearing Shoes On Their Beds. Like Who Actually Does That?"
Wearing shoes in the house!!! I made the police take their shoes off before they came in my house!
"Crying Without Face Getting Puffy And Red And Ugly"
Or being pregnant but only having the belly. Sorry, but pregnancy isn’t just the bump. Your body changes pretty much all over the place, and you don’t give birth and hop out of the stirrups with your skinny pre-pregnancy body back, especially if you’re not a teenager or someone blessed with a hyper fast metabolism.
"Absolutely Everything Related To Pregnancy And Especially Childbirth. You Don't Just Instantly Rush To The Hospital"
LOL I worked on the series "Private Practice" and every single birth scene they had us makeup artists spray them with tons of water until they were soaking wet and the actress would scream bloody murder. We used to joke that epidurals were banned at that hospital, lol
"Doctors Performing Surgery Without Safety Glasses"
"Hitting Someone On The Head With A Whiskey Bottle To Knock Them Out. Pretty High Risk Of Killing Them"
"Knocking On The Door And Someone Opening It Within Two Seconds"
"Throwing An Unspecified Amount Of Money On The Bar And Walking Out"
I’m glad I’m not the only one bothered by that. I always wonder, is that the correct amount?
"Going To A Friend's Place, Staying There For All Of 30 Seconds To Talk About Something Plot-Relevant, Then Just Leaving Right Away"
"When A Couple Wakes Up In Bed Together (With No Wild Bed-Head Hair, Mind You) And Just Start Making Out"
"Scenes Where Someone Is Painting Something, Like A Wall Or A Chair, Wearing Nice Clothing, With No Tape, Coverings, Or Paint Splatter Anywhere"
"Taking Turns Talking. Like In Cop Shows When One Cop Begins An Explanation, Then The Next One Picks Up The Story At A Seamlessly Convenient Spot"
"Furiously Making Out While Coming Through A Front Door"
My ex actually tried that one on, thinking it was "hot" and "romantic" (we were both young idiots). It ended with me bashing my elbow on the wall and yelling "will you STOP THAT!"
"Every Time Anyone Sneezes People Assume They're Sick, Like Don't They Ever Get Random Sneezes"
"The Stupid Slow Motion Kiss Or Hug As The World Is Falling Apart"
"Getting Fired From An Office Job And Walking Out With A Box That Has A 3-Foot Tall Plant Sticking Out"
"Suppressors On Firearms Making Them Whisper Quiet"
Everyone walking around not seeing a bunch of dudes running around with guns that have "longer" barrels now lol. Silencers and suppressors don't make the guns invisible plus why are you guys running? Should I run too??
"Car Gets Hit, Scratched, Rolled, Goes Off A Cliff, In A Car Accident... It Blows Up"
That’s because, way back in the days before safety testing of automobiles (thank you Ralph Nader!), cars could catch fire or blow up on impact, as for some reason the fuel tanks were generally just put where they fit, even if that was the absolute worst place. So, the trope was created back in the early days of filmmaking when cars were so much more dangerous, by their safety-ignoring design, than they are now. You’d think someone would’ve updated the trope by now, but of course why would they do that if they can make a scene more dramatic by using it? They forget that audiences are a bit more sophisticated now, and aren’t as willing to suspend their disbelief as they used to (unless of course the story isn’t trying to be realistic, like a movie based on a fairytale or sci-fi or something). Any movie that’s trying to go for today’s realism had better rely on more updated versions of well known tropes. Cars don’t blow up on impact. Women don’t fall in love with their stalkers. The bad guys’ guns won’t always miss the hero, and the hero’s gun won’t kill all the bad guys surrounding them.
"Just Asked A Random Girl: "Hey Wanna Get Dinner Tomorrow? I'll Pick Up At 5". You Dont Have Her Adress Or Her Phone Number"
They go home, have sex, instant love, dude breaks her heart, dude says he's sorry, have sex again. Rinse and repeat :).
"Turning On A Shower And Jumping Right In Without Checking The Water Temperature With Their Hand First"
Há joke's on you, i Never check the water temperature with my fist. I use my foot.....
"Find A Parking Spot Right In Front Of Their Building"
"Wake Up At 6am No Matter What Time Of Year And It Is Bright And Sunny"
I live below the tropic of cancer and I can confirm that where I live, the sun begins rising at 6:30 minimum
"Drinking Heavily Without Consequences"
"Instantly Drying, Even Though They Just Jumped Into Water Fully Clothed"
"Dreaming Of Kissing A Beautiful Woman, But Actually You're Just Being Licked By An Animal"
"Highschool Bullies In Movies"
IMHE, bullying involves the entire student body singling out one victim, rather than one bully and a few toadies picking on a victim. More like a flock of chickens than lions and wildebeests.
"Waving 'Full' Coffee Cups Around"
"Putting Baby In A Playpen When Your Friend Visits And Said Baby Doesn’t Scream"
"Soldiers Running Towards The Enemy Instead Of Hanging Back And Setting Up Suppressing Fire"
Yea... I was gonna make a snarky joke, but then i realizei this dude is right....
"Computers Doing A Soft Priiiiiip Every Time A Line Of Text Appears On Screen"
"Walking Into Friends' Houses Without Knocking"
Yes! I never understand how everyone in movies leaves their doors unlocked 24/7
"People Opening The Oven Only To Be Surprised And "Oh No" To A Completely Black Roast/Turkey/Meat Of Some Kind. And Then Have Smoke Just Billowing Out Of The Oven"
"The Amount Of Ultimatums In "Romantic" Movies Is Appalling"
"Make The School Dance A Big Deal"
So I guess movies and TV shows are actually not realistic. Who would've thought...
True, but their unrealistic stuff actually fools people in real life, and not just stupid people. Like CPR and defibrillators: They never do CPR right (always bending their elbows and other techniques that are just wrong) Defibrillators can't restart a stopped heart, that's not what they're for. They fix an irregular rhythm (too fast or two slow AND uneven) they're a reset, not a jumpstart. That screws with people in life threatening situations.
Load More Replies...Driving a car with the column shift lever all the way up meaning the car is in park. Moving the steering wheel left and right as if driving a slalom course. 50 year old military people wearing stripes normally earned after a year or two. Fist fights. A two-way radio conversation carried on normally with no one saying "over." British actors playing an American, speaking in a perfect American accent but then referring to their cell phone as their mobile.
If a column shift lever is up it could be in the 3rd or 5th gear as well
Load More Replies...I'll add, you want to destroy whatever is in a computer, so you smash the monitor, as if that does anything at all.
I would add to this list the size of kids bedrooms. They're always ridiculously huge. I don't even have that now. Also, the amount of times young people can get into bars and nightclubs without any issue. And also how students dress in school. Some of these shows have girls dressing like they're going to a club in heels and miniskirts. Even when it's a catholic school uniform or something, the main character's length of skirt is always WAY higher than would ever be allowed at school.
Stopped watching Buffy because of this. Not that I liked it that much anyway.
Load More Replies...Why didn't anyone mention that everyone driving constantly has their windows down and doors unlocked. Mid winter? No big deal freezing half your face off. Being chased? Not even thinking of locking the doors.
Another one: Boyfriend hurts girlfriend's feelings, he offers to drive her home but she refuses and decides to take a taxi instead. Within the next 2 seconds and a few steps away, a taxi has been already waiting for her.
People never thank someone for giving them something or for doing something for them.
or more annoying, they hang up the phone without saying "ok you got it? Are you sure? ok good bye." no, they phone the hero, give rushed instructions including addresses, coordinates, bank account numbers, etc., and then hang up. Errrrr no.
Load More Replies...Yelling, just stay with me at an injured person... Consciousness is NOT required here, breathing and circulation are
I know it's done for entertaining reasons, but the amount of characters who work full time, stressful jobs and still have the energy to go out at night... It just feels like tv shows and movies have more time in the night than the rest of us do. Their nightlife is super full and last a long, long time. They're also able to stay up all night and still work those high stress jobs the next day like nothing.
One that wasn't on here: When people walk into their house and don't close the door. Like? I guess you don't have pets? Close the damn door when you walk into your house!
Losing their job and not finding a new one for several months but continues to buy expensive coffees and designer clothes as if their income hasn't been cut off.
Probably just me because I worked in a Sheriff's Office for 15 years, but Cop shows where the cop shows up, sees someone laying on the ground and then determining they're dead instantly instead of checking for a pulse and breathing, calling it in and beginning CPR. Seriously, unless they have a massive head or chest wound, start CPR. Also moving/hugging someone who's been in a major accident. Stop it. Unless something is endangering them do not move them. They may have a serious neck or spine injury and you're making it worse!
hmm.. It depends on how long they've lain there. If they've been there an hour or so they should start to go yellow.
Load More Replies...Having all the lamps on indoors in the middle of the day. You need that extra lighting indoors or else the scenes are too dark.
Street fights. In movies they are so slow with people facing off between punches. I lived in the hood and saw a lot of fights. They normally about 10 seconds of extreme brutality. They happen so fast that you can barely tell what's going on.
My favourite is the queueing system. Hero in the centre, surrounded by 10 guys, they politely take turns to attack him and get beaten down with one strike per baddie. Real life: they all jump him at the same time and stab him to death.
Load More Replies...NOISY AF ANIMALS. Every time we see a mouse or rat, it squeaks immediately or can't stop squeaking. Cats always meow or hiss. Dogs always bark, growl, or whine. And the best one: Spiders emit a cicada- like noise and it gets louder as they get closer. IRL most animals STFU because they're not trying to get eaten or killed. I had a pet rat, mf never squeaked.
I had gerbils for years, if they made a sound I didn't hear it.
Load More Replies...A lot of these are purposeful movie techniques, so of course it's not supposed to be real. However as movie cliches and tropes in the storyline, well... that's another thing.
Two that I never noticed until they were pointed out, and now I cannot unsee them. 1) It's always the beginning of a text conversation, even between people who should have several previous texts (S.O.s, family, best friends, etc). 2) Opening the elevator hatch to climb out. Those DO NOT open from the inside, they're locked and open from above the elevator car so emergency services can get in to you...if they just opened from the inside, dumba**es would be climbing up onto elevator cars constantly, and probably filming it for TikTok
Car chases are obstacle courses in traffic. In every at least American state I've ever been to, as soon as you see sirens and hear lights you PULL OVER.
car chases period. I hate movies with car chases and automatically skip them. same for sex scenes. Not relevant to the plot in 99.9% of the cases, so skip.
Load More Replies...How about tracking or listening decided having a light on them and a soft beeping sound when they're supposed to be discreet.
Take nativity- a British state school with the same amount of money as any other low budget primary school, yet they seem to have 6000 different pristine brand new outfits for each scene. In real life they'd all be wearing dresses from a charity shop with homemade accessories and soft toys as props
People on the run from the police, especially in a surveillance state/dystopia - and nobody bothers to alter their appearance in the slightest. Not even the lame sunglasses and baseball cap combo. Nope, just wanted for murder and walking around looking exactly like the photo on TV in the bar where the news happens to be on.
So glad the “only grabs toast when mom made full breakfast” one isn’t on this list. I’m sick of it. But I didn’t see unrealistic exposition like “Hey little sis, how’s the Ivy League?” Or all gift boxes and lids being wrapped separately.
Mine is characters and people eating all of the junk food but still being super skinny or slight! Gilmore Girls was a huge one for this. Like "ooh, we're quirky cause we eat only pizza, cake, and never eat healthy" but they never gain weight. I eat a freaking bagel for breakfast and gain five pounds.
I miss running away from someone following them at walking speed and falling over and twisting ankles etc. No one can run apparently.
Not really 'believable on screen, but not in real life' but anyway...
It makes me crazy when characters go into or out of a house and don't close the door.
Throwing a hot cigarette butt into a pool of gasoline is highly unlikely to light it on fire.
hmm I have done this and it did go "woof" so... no maybe try it and see?
Load More Replies...People not swatting at 1000 mosquitoes when it's early evening or morning during the summer.
Not everywhere is like that. Some parts of the world don't have mosquitoes. They're not really here in Chicago, I haven't been bitten in years.
Load More Replies...Having characters wake up and go out for the day get dressed, etc without going to the bathroom first.
So I guess movies and TV shows are actually not realistic. Who would've thought...
True, but their unrealistic stuff actually fools people in real life, and not just stupid people. Like CPR and defibrillators: They never do CPR right (always bending their elbows and other techniques that are just wrong) Defibrillators can't restart a stopped heart, that's not what they're for. They fix an irregular rhythm (too fast or two slow AND uneven) they're a reset, not a jumpstart. That screws with people in life threatening situations.
Load More Replies...Driving a car with the column shift lever all the way up meaning the car is in park. Moving the steering wheel left and right as if driving a slalom course. 50 year old military people wearing stripes normally earned after a year or two. Fist fights. A two-way radio conversation carried on normally with no one saying "over." British actors playing an American, speaking in a perfect American accent but then referring to their cell phone as their mobile.
If a column shift lever is up it could be in the 3rd or 5th gear as well
Load More Replies...I'll add, you want to destroy whatever is in a computer, so you smash the monitor, as if that does anything at all.
I would add to this list the size of kids bedrooms. They're always ridiculously huge. I don't even have that now. Also, the amount of times young people can get into bars and nightclubs without any issue. And also how students dress in school. Some of these shows have girls dressing like they're going to a club in heels and miniskirts. Even when it's a catholic school uniform or something, the main character's length of skirt is always WAY higher than would ever be allowed at school.
Stopped watching Buffy because of this. Not that I liked it that much anyway.
Load More Replies...Why didn't anyone mention that everyone driving constantly has their windows down and doors unlocked. Mid winter? No big deal freezing half your face off. Being chased? Not even thinking of locking the doors.
Another one: Boyfriend hurts girlfriend's feelings, he offers to drive her home but she refuses and decides to take a taxi instead. Within the next 2 seconds and a few steps away, a taxi has been already waiting for her.
People never thank someone for giving them something or for doing something for them.
or more annoying, they hang up the phone without saying "ok you got it? Are you sure? ok good bye." no, they phone the hero, give rushed instructions including addresses, coordinates, bank account numbers, etc., and then hang up. Errrrr no.
Load More Replies...Yelling, just stay with me at an injured person... Consciousness is NOT required here, breathing and circulation are
I know it's done for entertaining reasons, but the amount of characters who work full time, stressful jobs and still have the energy to go out at night... It just feels like tv shows and movies have more time in the night than the rest of us do. Their nightlife is super full and last a long, long time. They're also able to stay up all night and still work those high stress jobs the next day like nothing.
One that wasn't on here: When people walk into their house and don't close the door. Like? I guess you don't have pets? Close the damn door when you walk into your house!
Losing their job and not finding a new one for several months but continues to buy expensive coffees and designer clothes as if their income hasn't been cut off.
Probably just me because I worked in a Sheriff's Office for 15 years, but Cop shows where the cop shows up, sees someone laying on the ground and then determining they're dead instantly instead of checking for a pulse and breathing, calling it in and beginning CPR. Seriously, unless they have a massive head or chest wound, start CPR. Also moving/hugging someone who's been in a major accident. Stop it. Unless something is endangering them do not move them. They may have a serious neck or spine injury and you're making it worse!
hmm.. It depends on how long they've lain there. If they've been there an hour or so they should start to go yellow.
Load More Replies...Having all the lamps on indoors in the middle of the day. You need that extra lighting indoors or else the scenes are too dark.
Street fights. In movies they are so slow with people facing off between punches. I lived in the hood and saw a lot of fights. They normally about 10 seconds of extreme brutality. They happen so fast that you can barely tell what's going on.
My favourite is the queueing system. Hero in the centre, surrounded by 10 guys, they politely take turns to attack him and get beaten down with one strike per baddie. Real life: they all jump him at the same time and stab him to death.
Load More Replies...NOISY AF ANIMALS. Every time we see a mouse or rat, it squeaks immediately or can't stop squeaking. Cats always meow or hiss. Dogs always bark, growl, or whine. And the best one: Spiders emit a cicada- like noise and it gets louder as they get closer. IRL most animals STFU because they're not trying to get eaten or killed. I had a pet rat, mf never squeaked.
I had gerbils for years, if they made a sound I didn't hear it.
Load More Replies...A lot of these are purposeful movie techniques, so of course it's not supposed to be real. However as movie cliches and tropes in the storyline, well... that's another thing.
Two that I never noticed until they were pointed out, and now I cannot unsee them. 1) It's always the beginning of a text conversation, even between people who should have several previous texts (S.O.s, family, best friends, etc). 2) Opening the elevator hatch to climb out. Those DO NOT open from the inside, they're locked and open from above the elevator car so emergency services can get in to you...if they just opened from the inside, dumba**es would be climbing up onto elevator cars constantly, and probably filming it for TikTok
Car chases are obstacle courses in traffic. In every at least American state I've ever been to, as soon as you see sirens and hear lights you PULL OVER.
car chases period. I hate movies with car chases and automatically skip them. same for sex scenes. Not relevant to the plot in 99.9% of the cases, so skip.
Load More Replies...How about tracking or listening decided having a light on them and a soft beeping sound when they're supposed to be discreet.
Take nativity- a British state school with the same amount of money as any other low budget primary school, yet they seem to have 6000 different pristine brand new outfits for each scene. In real life they'd all be wearing dresses from a charity shop with homemade accessories and soft toys as props
People on the run from the police, especially in a surveillance state/dystopia - and nobody bothers to alter their appearance in the slightest. Not even the lame sunglasses and baseball cap combo. Nope, just wanted for murder and walking around looking exactly like the photo on TV in the bar where the news happens to be on.
So glad the “only grabs toast when mom made full breakfast” one isn’t on this list. I’m sick of it. But I didn’t see unrealistic exposition like “Hey little sis, how’s the Ivy League?” Or all gift boxes and lids being wrapped separately.
Mine is characters and people eating all of the junk food but still being super skinny or slight! Gilmore Girls was a huge one for this. Like "ooh, we're quirky cause we eat only pizza, cake, and never eat healthy" but they never gain weight. I eat a freaking bagel for breakfast and gain five pounds.
I miss running away from someone following them at walking speed and falling over and twisting ankles etc. No one can run apparently.
Not really 'believable on screen, but not in real life' but anyway...
It makes me crazy when characters go into or out of a house and don't close the door.
Throwing a hot cigarette butt into a pool of gasoline is highly unlikely to light it on fire.
hmm I have done this and it did go "woof" so... no maybe try it and see?
Load More Replies...People not swatting at 1000 mosquitoes when it's early evening or morning during the summer.
Not everywhere is like that. Some parts of the world don't have mosquitoes. They're not really here in Chicago, I haven't been bitten in years.
Load More Replies...Having characters wake up and go out for the day get dressed, etc without going to the bathroom first.