Ever since the first motion picture film was made in 1888, cinema has captured our minds and our hearts, starting something that brought countless unforgettable stories to our lives.

But some of those stories never reach the final cut, let alone get caught on camera. Since this makes them relatively unknown, they become all the more interesting, and that is precisely why people online love to share these facts, just like in this thread. Scroll down to read what these Redditors said, and if this list proves insufficient, we’ve got plenty more truths and secrets to satisfy your curiosity!

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Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online Lotr fans are known for knowing every single trivia. but i find it weird that not more people know that Gandalf says you shall not pass because the allies motto during ww1 was they shall not pass and Tolkien served during ww1.

Hockeyplopp , Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In ‘Contagion’, the autopsy performed on Gwyneth Paltrow used a prop head that was originally made for the finale of ‘Seven’. The latter decided against showing what was in the box and thus, years later it was repurposed.

    In other words, we finally got to see what was in the box.

    thepoeticpatient , Cringe Cook Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online Anthony Hopkins was on screen less than 17 minutes in Silence of the Lambs. This did not stop him from winning Best Actor academy award.

    tsarchasm1 , Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online Anthony Hopkins is an incredible mimic. Throughout his career, he’s looped (post production sound re-recording) many well known co stars who were unavailable for re-recording sessions. He’s never taken credit for this.

    smdanes , anthonyhopkins Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online The crew agreed to do the shower scene in Starship Troopers so long as the director was also naked. And he was

    KermitTheFraud92 , Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In Edward Scissorhands, the version shown to critics and reviewers contained a scene that got cut from the final theatrical version. The scene was during the opening when the grandmother starts telling her story to the little girl. Essentially, it made it clear that everything we are seeing in Edward’s story is not as it actually occurred, but rather we’re peering inside the little girl’s imagination, seeing how she’s interpreting what her grandmother is telling her. This brings whole new meaning to things like the way the houses are painted, how all the dads leave for work at exactly the same time, and the quirkiness of how everyone behaves. Once you know that this scene exists, you see the movie in a very different way. Much of what we think of a “Tim Burton weirdness” is actually childlike imagination once you know.

    So, go watch it again. It’s not a whole new movie, but it feels and comes across in a whole new way.

    Darnitol1 , Report

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    Sarah Suelzle
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've only ever seen it with cut scene added back. I still appreciate knowing this though and it makes a lot of sense.

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online Robert Eungland, Freddie Kreuger...originally auditioned to be Luke Skywalker... but didnt get the role. He told his roommate Mark Hamil to go try out instead.

    Zefram0911 , Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In Fight Club, Marla's original line after having sex with Tyler was "I want to have your abortion". The studio deemed this WAAY too offensive, and demanded it be changed. The producer agreed to change it only after the studio agreed that whatever he changed it to, they would have no say in it.

    He changed it to "I haven't been f****d like that since grade school"

    Bikesbassbeerboobs , Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In Wayne’s World, when Wayne plays Stairway to Heaven and the store clerk points to a sign that says No Stairway to Heaven, the audience is led to believe the clerks banned the song because they were tired of hearing it. However, the actual song was supposed to be featured in the movie but Led Zeppelin’s PR people pulled the plug at the last minute. So when Wayne says “no stairway, denied”. That’s what he means.

    Dimebag0352 , Movieclips Report

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    Der Kommissar
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Guitar Center calls it the forbidden riff. Also applies to " Smoke on the Water :"

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online The original choice for Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story was Billy Crystal. He turned it down and went on to say it was one of the biggest mistakes of his career. When the opportunity to voice Mike in Monsters Inc came up he jumped at it, as he didn’t want to make the same mistake twice.

    DorkusMalorkus89 , Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think that worked for the best. I can’t imagine it any other way.

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online It is a widely discussed easter egg in Toy Story 3 that at the beginning of the film, there is a garbage man who wears the same t-shirt that Sid wore in the first movie. Many online outlets were quick to point this out, theorizing that this might actually be Sid now grown up. What all of these outlets failed to realize is that while they were distracted by the credits sequences, Sid was actually listed in the credits. So yes, it is Sid. Hard confirm. You are not a sleuth for noticing this.

    Yerm_Terragon , Report

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    PeepPeep the duck
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I find it funny they always tried to make out like he was destined to be a failure as a human, but I’ve met garbage truck drivers in aus, sub contractors earn so much money and the regular drivers arnt bad off pay wise either.

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In Titanic, the lake in Wisconsin where Jack says he fell through the ice didn't exist yet. When Jack told Rose about how cold the water in the North Atlantic was, he mentioned himself falling through the ice in Lake Wissota, Wisconsin. Titanic sank in 1912, and Lake Wissota wasn't created until 1917.

    hoopajewpp , Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Grew up swimming in that lake. The name was a business decision to combine the names of Minnesota and Wisconsin. The waters are stained with tannin from the peatbogs of northern Wisconsin. Very dark and spooky six feet down with a snorkeling rig.

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online The couple kissing in Hook as Peter and Tinkerbell fly over them are George Lucas snd Carrie Fisher.

    itzshif , Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online Elle Woods has a different hairstyle in every scene in Legally Blonde

    mossadspydolphin , MGM Report

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    Smiley MG
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Of course she does... Uh...hello... She is the Queen of ispiration for ambitious and fashionable young ladies... Hairstyling goes with the outfil... She was actively flaunting her style choices...

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online John Candy was paid less than $500 to appear as Gus Polinski in Home Alone.

    BobEvansBirthdayClub , Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not everyone can walk the tightrope between tragedy and comedy like John Candy did.

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    When Iron Man mentions shawarmas at the end of Avengers, he didn't know they were filming, and neither did he when he offered Banner blueberries at one point.

    IntrovertedBidoof5 Report

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    Sa Ruuu
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I read that RDJ purposefully hid snacks around the set to use during scenes.

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In Pixar's Coco, the boy who was going to play Miguel hit puberty, changing his voice. The people in charge replaced him with someone younger. The original boy got a cameo where he is the guy working the stage asking him if he's ready to go on.

    numbersev , Report

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    Midoribird Aoi
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is why kids are so often voiced by adult women, who can mimic the voice of a preteen boy without this kind of worry...if they do it well, that is.

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In _Fight Club_, in the scene where Ed and Brad wreck in the car, Ed crawls out of the driver's side, an early clue that he is Tyler. the part that few know is that there was an argument about it. Production thought it was a continuity error. Fincher was like 'nah' and didn't explain.

    coprolite_hobbyist , Report

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    Skullface VonHornhelm
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There's also another scene where Ed received a call from Tyler on a payphone. The phone had a sticker on it saying that it can not receive incoming calls.

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online The original Halloween (1978) took place in Illinois in October. However, it was filmed in California in the springtime. To make it more believable, they had bags of dead autumn leaves shipped in.

    There was a person whose job it was to scatter the leaves around the set, then bag them back up and move them to the next filming location.

    TMac1088 , Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online Every single scene in Home Alone contains something red and green in it.

    Go check for yourself if you don’t believe me

    WilHunting2 , Report

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    Stephanie Did It
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just watched it again and after thinking how 80s the home's decor was, I also realized that I really loved the color scheme and decor.

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online The ship built for the Titanic set was 90% the size of the real thing.

    James Cameron spent more time with the real Titanic than those who sailed on her.

    LordyIHopeThereIsPie , FilmIsNow Movie Bloopers & Extras Report

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    steven mayes
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I read yesterday that Cameron only employed extras 5 foot 8 inches or shorter to make the sets look larger

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online Who Framed Rodger Rabbit

    Judge Doom (played by Christopher Lloyd) never blinks once the entire movie. I won’t say why for the sake of spoilers.

    I could talk at length about the crazy techniques and control rigs they developed to create what was the best ever integration of live action and animation, but that’s my favorite fact.

    DracoAdamantus , Renato Land Report


    Cary Elwes broke his toe on a 4 wheeler during filming The Princess Bride. He was worried Rob Reiner might fire him so he kept it a secret. He worked the scenes before the Fire Swamp to make his character kind of nonchalant but really he couldn't put much weight on his foot.

    Inevitable-Roof4992 Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He talks about this at length in his behind-the-scenes book As You Wish. It was Andre's four wheeler that they'd given him to help with his mobility issues, which he encouraged Cary to try out. On the long shot when Westly and Buttercup are running towards the Fire Swamp, you can see Cary lurching around ridiculously.

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In Casablanca with Humphry Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, there is a farewell scene with the two stars kissing inside an airplane hangar. The hanger has a plane outside (Lockheed Electra 12A) with a bunch of people working around it.

    The production was not allowed to film at an airport after dark for security reasons, so they used a sound stage with a small cardboard cutout airplane and forced perspective. The strange part is to give perspective of distance, they used little people for the workers.

    Ruslan124 , Report

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    Cyril Sneer
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't describe it as A scene, but rather THE scene. The one with "We'll always have Paris" and "Here's looking at you kid". One of the most iconic scenes in Hollywood history.

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online Most of the cast of The Sound of Music, particularly Christopher Plummer, thought the movie was corny as hell. Not that they don’t appreciate its legacy or impact - it’s just objectively a ridiculously saccharine, albeit classic, film. Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer were so overcome by the corn fest that is the song “Something Good” that they couldn’t get through a take without laughing and giggling. The decision was made to obscure their faces slightly, which is why the scene we see today is in silhouette.

    neerdowell , Report

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    Jumping Jellyfishes
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Julie and Christopher would jokingly call it, "The Sound of Mucus". The reason they couldn't stop giggling during the scene for "Something Good" is because there was a sound emitting from one of the lights that sounded like farting. The director solved the problem by filming their shadowed profiles instead

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In the first Shrek movie Lord Farquaad is removing all the fairy tale creatures from the swamp. He wants Shreks home too. In the old DVD extras they explain it’s because he wants to build a theme park there. It’s not explained at all in the movie.

    bickel89 , Report

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    PeepPeep the duck
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We’re so used to movies where the king just takes it for the hell of it that I guess I never questioned it

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, when the Candyman starts singing the Candyman Can song there is a scene where he lifts the counter to walk out and the counter smacks this little girl in the head.

    Justinsw , Report

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    two-sided llama
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    this started his spree of murder later leaving to his own movie Candyman (1992)

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    Annie (1982, Carol Burnett and, a propos to this tale, Albert Finney)

    The scene where we first meet Daddy Warbucks (Albert Finney), he's looking at the Mona Lisa and tells the servants to "Take her away!" Then he changes his mind saying, "She has an interesting smile. I could get used to that smile. Hang her in the bathroom!" The joke here is that the first owner after Leonardo died was King Francis I of France, who had her hanging in his bathing room.

    revchewie Report

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online When filming the rooftop scene in The Departed, a giant inflatable Arthur the Aardvark on top of a nearby children's museum would have dominated the background of many of the shots. The museum graciously agreed to temporarily deflate and remove Arthur.

    el_goyo_rojo , Movieclips Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For anyone interested, this movie is currently available for free viewing on TUBI.

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    In The Neverending Story, the horse (Artax) didn’t die- however, Noah Hathaway almost drowned during the famous scene where the horse sinks in the swamp. The horse was standing on a platform that sunk into the mud, and Hathaway’s shoe got caught in the mechanism and started to drag him under.

    captcha_trampstamp Report

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online Carrie Fisher said that one time Alec Guinness gave Mark Hamill £10 to leave him alone. 😂

    HauntedHippie , Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online The theme song from Mission Impossible spells out MI in Morse code in repeat.

    BelgianBeerGuy , Report

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    Stefaan De Clerck
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Theme from Mission: Impossible" is the theme tune of the TV series Mission: Impossible (1966–1973). The theme was written and composed by Argentine composer Lalo Schifrin and has since gone on to appear in several other works of the Mission: Impossible franchise, including the 1988 TV series, the film series, and the video game series. The theme is written in a 5/4 time signature, which Schifrin has jokingly explained as being "for people who have five legs". The Morse code for M.I. is two dashes followed by two dots ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▄ ; if a dot is one beat and a dash is one and a half beats, then this gives a bar of five beats, exactly matching the theme's underlying rhythm. It has been suggested that Schifrin consciously used the Morse code as a starting point for his composition, but this cannot be verified.

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    For *My Cousin Vinny*, the director did research at actual criminal trials in the South, and that's where they got those gems like "Hiy-einous crime" and "all our little ol' ancestors."

    (source: DVD commentary)

    heidismiles Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The director, Jonathan Lynn, has a law degree from Cambridge University. He was determined the film would be as legally accurate as possible.

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online "E.T." and "Poltergeist" were developed from the same story about alien abductions.

    Steven Spielberg wrote a story treatment called "Watch the Skies" and had John Sayles flesh it out as a draft called "Night Skies." Spielberg later decided to shift it in a more heartwarming direction, resulting in "E.T.", so he tapped Tobe Hooper to film the original version, but Hooper replaced aliens with the paranormal and it became "Poltergeist."

    joshak3 , Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Apparently lots of similar movies actually do come from the same original script; I've seen speculation that Megamind and Despicable Me did.

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    The movie Dead Zone and Christmas Story were being filmed only a couple miles away from each other at the same time. Both productions were waiting for snow so they could film. It was an usually snowless winter.

    Finally late in the season there was a significant snowfall. The scene where Sheriff Bannerman arrives at Johnny’s house is being filmed at the exact moment of the tongue to the flag pole scene.

    Annual_Rooster5678 Report

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    In The Professional when Gary Oldman responds EVERYYYONNEEE, he was just supposed to say it quietly like a quick "yeah, everyone," but just started screaming like that instead.

    Here's Gary Oldman talking about it in an interview

    AdWonderful5920 Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In Aliens, after the first encounter with the aliens, as the Marines are retreating, there is a scene where they get in the troop carrier, and as they are getting ready to leave, an alien tries to get in. Hicks picks his shotgun off the deck, jams it in the alien's mouth, yells "Eat this" and blows it away. that whole scene was shot backwards because the actor, Michael Biehn, couldn't perform the move properly, so it was shot backwards, played in reverse, and then sound dubbed over it.

    LordBaranof , Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online In Domino, a few scenes are filmed at what was Bonnie Springs Old West Town a few miles outside of Vegas. (Bonnie Springs Old West Town closed its doors & the property was sold to a housing developer).

    In one scene, someone busts into the hotel room where Kiera Knightley was staying, and a Christmas wreath flies off the door.

    I bought that wreath, & the room was my sister's apartment. She lived there, & worked in the shops. Her door never closed well after that. She was pissed that they ruined the wreath, and they knocked some of her other stuff around as well. The film crew never compensated her, either.

    My sister passed away several years ago, and I caught *Domino* on TV a couple of months ago. Got a wave of the feels over that.

    hypothetical_zombie , Ignacio Armstrong Report

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    Luis Hernandez Dauajare
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The real Domino Harvey was on set, but refused a cameo. She, however, makes a cameo in the movie Constantine. She is the blond, shor hair demon kissing an angel at Papa Midnight's bar.

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    Okay local one from me, just for fun.

    Life of Pi movie promotion posters featured a picture of a wrecked fishing boat.

    The boat is a Scottish fishing boat called the sovereign, It can still be seen on Fraserburgh beach in Aberdeenshire.

    ollieballz Report

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    Robert Shaw, Quint, in Jaws, could not stay in Massachusetts while filming Jaws. Had to be flown to Canada daily. Guess he owed the U.S.A. tax money, couldn't take any chances. Oh, and he was sea sick all the time on the Orca.

    meloticsmirk Report

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    Michael Largey
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He also wrote or improvised much of the dialogue when Quint talks about the "Indianapolis". Shaw was also a successful playwright ("The Man in the Glass Booth")..

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    In Jurassic Park, the goat that gets fed to the T-Tex was named Brunden.

    choosejif Report


    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online I figure people know all facts about movies but my favorite two -

    Silence of the Lambs - In the first scene with Hannibal, he gives Clariece the answer for where Buffalo Bill is. She asks about his drawings on the wall and the only one talks about is the "View from the Belvedere." Buffalo Bill was in Belvedere Ohio.

    Jurassic Park - When Newman slips in the mud after getting his Jeep stuck. There is a slide whistle sound effect. [I can't unhear.]

    Kuuzie , Report

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    Tucker Cahooter
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Although the character's actual name is Nedry, I guess Wayne Knight will always be Newman to us regardless of what he is in

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    Watching These Movies Might Feel Different When You Read These 35 Rare Movie Facts Found Online Before casting Martin Lawrence and Will Smith to be the two cops in “Bad Boys,” producers were trying to make it work with SNL’s Dana Carvey and Jon Lovitz. The script was originally named “Bulletproof Hearts.”

    GotMoFans , Movieclips Report


    The design for Bughuul in *Sinister* was based on a piece of artwork that Scott Derrickson randomly found on Google Images. He paid the original artist $50 for the rights to it.

    supermav27 Report


    In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, when the two Jones are reunited and Henry Sr. learns his son has his journal, he says: I should have sent it to the Marx Brothers. During World War II, one of the Marx Brothers was suspected of passing informations to the Russians during their shows.

    Selrahkk Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, not passing information to the Russians during WWII. Please check your facts before writing lies like this. Groucho Marx was a very left-leaning liberal. Hell, back in the 1930s just about everyone was, ffs. He was also very much anti-HUAC at a time when McCarthy was targeting people in Hollywood (of course, they were way easier targets and generated a lot more publicity for McCarthy—and his way overinflated ego—-than the much harder work of going after real communists and traitors). Additionally, the FBI didn’t really like Groucho’s anti-establishment jokes, some of which were kind of political, and especially for his early support of the Scottsboro Boys (just look it up—-but I warn you, the racism will turn your stomach) in the 1930s, which is when the bureau started keeping a file on him. The bandleader on Groucho’s 1950s TV show, You Bet Your Life, ended up under investigation by HUAC, and was told to name Groucho as a “fellow traveler”, or communist. The HUAC was really good at ruining people’s lives and forcing them to turn in friends to try to make at least some of the accusations go away, though in truth, that never happened, and the HUAC only ended up with more victims. The bandleader had integrity and refused to name Groucho. That’s pretty much the extent of Groucho’s, or any of his brothers’, brushes with the FBI. Nothing to do with WWiI or with passing secrets or information to the Russians—-who, btw, were our allies during WWII, as we had a common enemy. BTW, here are two articles about the whole stupid mess: 1). AND 2) .

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    The whole of Eurotrip was filmed in Prague. Even the US scenes.

    Simbooptendo Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not true, London, Warnemünde (germany Berlin part) Rostock ( Germany, FKK beach scene), are some of the other places. Come on it is well known that the naked man in that scene are all german.


    Baby in Dirty Dancing is supposed to be an ugly girl who Patrick Swayze gave all this attention. The hot, good looking girl was the latina.

    Weliveanddietogether Report

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    One legged Steve
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh I disagree, Baby was quite hot. Too bad she opted for plastic surgery and ruined her face.

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