Even if you have 20/20 vision and you’ve been watching the silver screen since you were a kid, chances are that you’ve missed plenty of hidden details in movies. For instance, did you know that R2-D2 from Star Wars made a surprise cameo in Raiders of the Lost Ark? And Star Trek? I’ll bet that got your attention.
Buckle in, dear movie-lovers, our team has collected the definitive list of Easter eggs and other not-so-obvious references sprinkled throughout films for you to enjoy from the extremely popular Movie Details subreddit with over 1.7 million members. Remember to upvote your fave details and let everyone in the comments know which ones blew your mind the most! Give r/MovieDetails a visit when you have a chance, too, and read on for Bored Panda's interview with one of the subreddit's moderators!
We know how much you enjoy finding hidden movie details, dear Pandas. So when you’re done with this list, check out our posts about other movie details you probably didn’t notice, as well as the awesome Easter eggs hidden in the Harry Potter films and the Toy Story animations. You’ll be real hits at movie nights then.
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In "A Grand Day Out" (1989), The Creators Had Wallace Say "Wensleydale" Because It Made His Face Look Nice And Toothy. They Did Not Realize The Factory Where Wensleydale Cheese Is Made Was About To Declare Bankruptcy. This Film's Success Brought The Factory Back From The Brink
After Steven Spielberg Screened Schindler's List (1993) For John Williams To Compose The Score, Williams Was So Moved He Had To Walk Outside For Several Minutes. Upon Returning Williams Said That The Movie Needed A Better Composer Than Him To Which Spielberg Replied "I Know, But They're All Dead"
That makes me sad. So many beautiful musicians lost to both time and the Holocaust.
In Die Hard (1988), Alan Rickman’s Petrified Expression While Falling Was Completely Genuine. The Stunt Team Instructed Him That They Would Drop Him On The Count Of 3 But Instead Dropped Him At 1
Reddit user Niiue, one of the moderators of the Movie Details community, spoke with Bored Panda about the hidden details in movies and whether directors place them in the hope that the audience will find them.
"Most details are definitely there for the audience to find, but I think a lot of it also just comes down to creative people wanting to have fun with their projects. Speaking from experience here (though I work on video games, not movies), it really is a lot of fun to add little Easter eggs and whatnot just for the hell of it," Niiue said.
We were also interested to know which production houses and directors are most adept at hiding Easter eggs in their movies.
"Besides the obvious choices like Pixar, I think Edgar Wright is another example of someone great at hiding details in his movies. Shaun of the Dead, Scott Pilgrim, and Hot Fuzz are the first ones that come to mind in this regard. You'll find that his movies tend to get featured on this subreddit a lot, which I think reflects his skill as a director."
In Thor: The Dark World (2013), Natalie Portman Couldn't Make It To Reshoot The Final Kiss Scene. When Asked To Choose From A Lineup Of Women To Take Her Place. Chris Hemsworth Instead Brought In His Wife , Who Wore Natalie's Clothes And Wig To Shoot The Final Kiss
In "Hercules" (1997) Hades Says "Guys, Relax. It's Only Half-Time" Exactly At The 46-Minute Mark, The Halfway Point Of The 92-Minute Movie
In Big Hero 6 (2014), This Happens
Moderator Niiue also told us all about their personal favorite hidden movie details. "Personally, I liked the way Scott Pilgrim had a recurring number motif tied to the Evil Exes. For those who aren't familiar with the story, the gist of it is that the protagonist has to fight his new girlfriend's six ex-boyfriends (and one ex-girlfriend) in order to continue their relationship, as a parody of the bosses fought in a typical video game," they summed up the plot of the movie.
"In the scenes before each fight, there are numerous references to the corresponding Evil Ex; for instance, right before the fight with Lucas Lee, the main characters pass by two crossing signs with an X design, a reference to Lucas being the second Evil Ex. These kinds of references even continue after the Evil Ex in question is introduced, such as Lucas Lee saying (twice) that it will take "two minutes to kick [Scott's] ass", and later fighting Scott accompanied by his stunt doubles."
They continued: "Sometimes these motifs even apply to the protagonist. Later in the film (spoilers!), after defeating Evil Ex #4, Scott's girlfriend dumps him, saying that he's 'just another Evil Ex waiting to happen.' Afterwards, Scott's seen wearing a Fantastic Four shirt with an edited logo saying '4½.'"
In Up (2009), Dug Is The Only Dog To Successfully Track Down The Tropical Bird Because He Is The Only Hunting Dog (Golden Retriever). All The Others Are Guard Dog Breeds
Titanic - 1997 The Couple Shown In Bed Together Having Accepted Their Fate Is Isador And Ida Straus. They Were The Co Owners Of Macy’s. Ida Refused To Leave His Side When He Refused A Life Boat Spot B/C There Were Still Women And Children On Board. They Were Last Seen Walking Arm And Arm Together
When I first saw Titanic, this scene made me cry the hardest. I think it hit me because Jack and Rose's story, while sad, is a relationship of a few days. This was a couple still saying "I'll never let go" even after decades.
Brad Bird Was In Part Inspired To Make This Movie (The Iron Giant 1999) As A Memorial To His Sister Susan, Who Died At The Hands Of Her Husband By Gun Violence. His Pitch Was This: "What If A Gun Had A Soul And Didn't Want To Be A Gun?"
Movie Easter eggs can (and do) bring a lot of joy to film-goers. For example, one of my favorite movies is 2002’s Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks. The movie’s based on a true story about con artist Frank Abagnale. (Minor spoilers ahead.)
I can’t tell you just how blown away I was to learn that the real Abagnale made an appearance in the movie as a police officer arresting DiCaprio playing Abagnale!
Though I never had the patience for Alfred Hitchcock’s movies (I still need some more maturity for them), I can appreciate his dedication to his craft. One of the most influential moviemakers in all of cinema, Hitchcock is known as one of the very first directors to put Easter eggs in his films.
One of his recurring hidden details is the fact that he makes cameos in his own movies. He appeared in a total of 40 of the 52 movies that he directed.
And don’t even get us started about Pixar and Disney movies that are chock-full of subtle references to pop culture and other animations. One thing’s for sure, I’m going to watch movies like a hawk from now on. What about you, dear Pandas?
This Design Of The Back Of This Ambulance In Joker (2019) Looks Familiar
To be honest took me a while to see... but once you see it u can't unsee it...
Steven Spielberg Filmed E.t. In Chronological Order In Order To Help The Child Actors And To Capture The Most Real Emotions During The Ending, Since It Would Be The Last Time They’d All Be Together
Kid Notices Something That Most Of Us Wouldn't Have: Up(2009), Cars 2 (2011)
Home with a sick kid today watching Up. Suddenly the 7 year old says, "Mom, wait. I've seen this scene before in another movie!' We pause and I take a picture of it (pic below), and within seconds he navigates to Cars 2 and pauses the screen on this exact scene (pic 2 below). What?!! They're the same. How in the world did he notice this? Unbelievable.
Incredibles (2004) Elastagirl’s Original Suit Was Red And Mr. Incredible’s Suit Was Blue, Their First Child’s Name? Violet
Mr. Incredible asked Elastigirl what she wanted to name her kid, and she said, "Eh, I'm flexible."
In Star Wars: A New Hope (1977), All The Wide Shots Of Luke Flying Across Tatooine In His Speeder Were Achieved By Placing A Mirror Underneath A Version Of The Prop With A Motor And Wheels
In The Beginning Of Joker (2019) There’s A Familiar Face In The Mirror
In Ant-Man (2015) Actor Garrett Morris Makes A Brief Appearance In A Scene. Morris Was The First Person To Ever Portray Ant-Man In A 1979 Saturday Night Live Skit Called Superhero Party
In Coraline, The “Welcome Home” Cake Features A Double Loop On The O. According To Graphology, A Double Loop On A Lower Case O Means That The Person Who Wrote It Is Lying. There Is Only One Double Loop, Meaning She Is Welcome But She Is Not Home
In Finding Nemo (2003), Gill Is A Moorish Idol. This Species Is Known To Not Handle Captivity Well, So Him Being The One Who Constantly Comes Up With Escape Plans Makes Sense
Wasn't the volcanoes name "wanna hock a loogie" as well... love this movie
Disney's "Lilo & Stitch" (2002) Used Watercolor Backgrounds, Exclusively. The Studio Had Some Financial Failures And Was Doing Ambitious Things Elsewhere, So They Left The Filmmakers To Their Own Devices, Off At The Florida Studio. The Only Other Watercolor Films Are Dumbo And Snow White
Toothless Animation For This Scene In "How To Train Your Dragon" Was Modelled On One Of The Animators Cat With Tape Stuck To It's Tail
In Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, Professor Lupin Sleeps Through Most Of The Train Ride To Hogwarts. The Date Is The 1st Of September, 1993. There Really Was A Full Moon The Previous Night; He Was Exhausted Because He'd Transformed The Night Before
In Man Of Steel (2013), Henry Cavill (Superman) Was Asked To Shave His Chest For The Collapsing Oil Rig Scene, However He Refused Saying That Superman Had Chest Hair, Citing The Famous "Death Of Superman" Graphic Novel As A Reference
In The Incredibles 2, The Painting In Helen’s Hotel Room Is An Illustration Of Her Seperation From The Family
The Poster For The Movie Legend (2015) Mocked One Of Its Negative Reviews By Hiding The Two Star Review Between The Kray Twins Heads
In Lord Of The Rings You Can See That Gandalf Carries His Pipe In His Staff
In The Truman Show, We See Truman Taking High Dose Vitamin D At Breakfast Time. This Is To Counteract The Deficiency He Would Have Becouse There Is No Real Sunlight In The Constructed World He Inhabits
It. Pennywise Secretly Watched His Victims Throughout The Whole Film. Sometimes, He Appears In The Most Unexpected Places. Neither The Characters Nor The Viewers Notice This
In Avatar (2009), The Evil Imperialists' Room Is Shaped Like An American Flag
In "The Return Of The King (2003)", During The Epic Scene Of The Rohirrim Charge Peter Jackson Requested That Only Extras Who Have Read The Novel And Could Recite The Scene, To Be Placed In The Front Lines As They Are Aware Of The Importance Of This Moment. It's How He Ended Up With This Epic Rider
In Tangled(2010) Mother Gothel Says “I Love You The Most” , While Kissing Rapunzel's Hair Instead Of Her Forehead
In Inside Out, The Pizza Toppings Were Changed From Broccolis To Bell Peppers In Japan, Since Kids In Japan Don’t Like Bell Peppers. Pixar Localised The Joke
Joker. Every Clock In This Film Is Set To 11:11. Fans Have Many Theories About This. One Of Them Says That The Clock Doesn’t Move Because Everything Is Happening In Arthur’s Head
In Interstellar On The Water Planet, The Soundtrack In The Background Has A Prominent Ticking Noise. These Ticks Happen Every 1.25 Seconds. Each Tick You Hear Is A Whole Day Passing On Earth
Hmmmm but if time is faster where gravitational pull is higher, shouldn't they be pulled onto the planet much more? Wouldn't it be difficult to stand upright and walk?
In Lotr The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001), After Boromir's Death Aragorn Puts On His Bracers As A Way To Honor Him. He'll Wear Them For The Rest Of The Trilogy
Mulan (1998) Only Has Musical Numbers For The First Half, Until The Characters Find The Destroyed Village. From There On Songs Were Avoided Because The Tone Was Meant To Be Darker
It's a very clear and audible transition, too, as the last cheerful song is literally cut off mid-lyric by the discovery of the village.
Bill Murray Falling Over On His Way Out Of The Restaurant In Scrooged (1988) Was Not Scripted. He Slipped On The Water He Just Threw On The Waiter
In The Opening Scene Of Wall-E (2008) There Are Wind Turbines And Nuclear Plants Built On Top Of Trash Mounds To Imply That Mankind Didn't Convert To Clean Energy Until It Was Too Late
Humans literally trashed our beautiful planet, then had to live in space while Wall-e tried to clean up their mess. I cried so hard when he found the little plant....
Giant Ring Used For Close-UPS In ‘Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring’ (2001)
In Avengers: Endgame When Captain America Is Going Off To Return The Stones, The Rest Are Expecting Him To Return. Bucky Says His Goodbye Knowing Steve Is Not Returning To His Timeline, A Testament To Their Friendship!
In Home Alone (1990) When They Counted The People For The Trip They Say There's 17 People In Total. An Odd Number Between Two Vans Means They Will Be Split 8/9. Since Kevin Was Missing Both Vans Had 8 People Instead, Making Each Group Assume They Were On The 8-People Van, Not Suspecting A Thing
Haha forgot about that! We were so young and innocent back in those days...
Load More Replies...Some of these need a bit more context for people that haven't seen the movie.
You get more context by watching the movie, otherwise, what's the point of extra movie facts?
Load More Replies...164 entrys later and im still scrolling down expecting more. Now ask me how many i remember or how many movies i saw or will remember if i actually see the movies one of this days.
R2-D2 also appears in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, as does a TIE fighter. They are part of the Mothership that appears over Devil's Tower.
Look closely at the Ogre next time you watch Enchanted... 0960af5f8e...220545.jpg
Fun read though the page could have done with a more accurate title. There's no way a viewer could have spotted that the composer cried when asked to do the movie score, or that someone slipped by accident rather than design... Many of these are not "details missed", as much as info not well known...
Haha forgot about that! We were so young and innocent back in those days...
Load More Replies...Some of these need a bit more context for people that haven't seen the movie.
You get more context by watching the movie, otherwise, what's the point of extra movie facts?
Load More Replies...164 entrys later and im still scrolling down expecting more. Now ask me how many i remember or how many movies i saw or will remember if i actually see the movies one of this days.
R2-D2 also appears in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, as does a TIE fighter. They are part of the Mothership that appears over Devil's Tower.
Look closely at the Ogre next time you watch Enchanted... 0960af5f8e...220545.jpg
Fun read though the page could have done with a more accurate title. There's no way a viewer could have spotted that the composer cried when asked to do the movie score, or that someone slipped by accident rather than design... Many of these are not "details missed", as much as info not well known...