Digital Artist Combines Characters From Popular Movies And TV, And The Results Are Hilarious (30 New Pics)
Many fans get excited when movies or TV shows feature characters from different franchises or even universes. These mash-ups are intriguing: the characters interact with each other in really unique and interesting ways, the fandoms get to mingle, and many more plot possibilities open up. One of the best (and the most successful) examples of this is Marvel's Avengers, or any other comic book interpretation, for that matter. But fans want more and more.
Which is why it's great to have digital artists like the Hungarian PixelFaker.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | pixelfaker.com | twitter.com
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The skillful photo editor uses Photoshop to juxtapose characters and their environments and make them interact with the setting in a convincing manner. Nobody thinks they're interested in seeing Terminator mingling with the cast of Dumb & Dumber until they see these pictures. And then the realizations hit, and the idea of an unlikely combination starts to sound more and more alluring.
It isn't the first time that PixelFaker has enjoyed the spotlight of Bored Panda. So make sure you check out the first part if you missed it. As always, check out the artist's Instagram for more of their content, and if you like it, follow them. The artist has 7k followers as of this moment, so every little bit of help counts!
PixelFaker is a mysterious artist, and would like to remain such. The artist omits any information regarding his personal life or his background. All we know is that he is a graphics artist, and he enjoys books and anything creative. He also doesn't like explaining his works or talking about the process, which leaves more room for interpretation. Despite the mystery, PixelFaker loves to talk about his art and what inspires him. "It’s seeing how characters look when they swap places with other characters or are placed in scenes they don't belong in." And he assured us that as long as one has a good idea and knows what they're doing, it doesn't take long before the image comes to life.
"My favorite thing about art is when ideas come one after the other. Wings of fantasy, I like to call them. And my least favorite part is when I have no ideas. Then I have to stop and do something else. I never do anything by force." He left us Degas' quote, which tells a lot about PixelFaker's philosophy regarding his art. "Art is not what you see, but what you make others see"
that look. when you been huge successful all along, but boom. they bring in a REAL player, a true star...
If they can make "Leprechaun In the Hood" they could certainly get away with this.
Um, where are the adult women? I looked through the first 30 images. There were 2 women, and they each had men in the photos too. Come on. The lack of representation here is super disappointing. Counting men now to compare...
Says more about what goes on movie posters in general in the first place, than anything about the artist who's remixing them...
Load More Replies...Um, where are the adult women? I looked through the first 30 images. There were 2 women, and they each had men in the photos too. Come on. The lack of representation here is super disappointing. Counting men now to compare...
Says more about what goes on movie posters in general in the first place, than anything about the artist who's remixing them...
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