40 People In This Online Group Confess The Most Selfless Thing They’ve Done That No One Knows About
The truth that we should help each other is as old as the world. However, in today’s context, as people have become more individualistic, there is nothing strange about the fact that humans are more interested in their own problems than showing compassion for others. One might even think that a lot of things that are shown, especially on social media, are staged, so if you see a video of a person doing a good deed, it doesn’t necessarily mean that their actions are genuine. But maybe things are not so pessimistic and there are still people who love to offer a helping hand to others?
One Reddit user asked, “What is something you’ve done purely out of the goodness of your heart, but have never told anyone?” and the thread was filled with stories of people helping others without wanting anything in return. In fact, some of them shared these situations with others for the first time in their lives, meaning that no one from their friends or family knew about them doing good.
The thread has 33.2k upvotes and 7k comments where people share and discuss these stories of helping others and changing someone’s life for the better.
More Info: Reddit
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At the beginning of the pandemic, I was volunteering at a local pizza shop to distribute slices to kids who otherwise couldn't get fed because the schools were shutdown.
There was a woman with 3 kids that came by every few days to get slices. Turns out the father had died unexpectedly right before the pandemic started and they lost their house because of the slumlord they were renting from. The mother lost her job because she had no one to watch the kids. They were living in their minivan and things were bad for them.
They were so nice and grateful, but ashamed when they'd come by to get slices that I genuinely felt for them.
I had lost my job and got a pretty decent windfall of 2 months worth of unemployment and the CARES Act at once. My landlord had a few properties open and is a close friend, so I got in touch with him and we worked out me paying their security deposit and the first 2 months of rent and he'd cover their utilities.
I gave her his number and said he might be able to help and they moved in the next day. They've been there ever since and are doing extremely well now.
I was homeless at one point in my life, but didn't have children. I couldn't just stand idly by, especially because I had been given way more money than I even knew what to do with. With everything that was happening and uncertainty of what was coming, I figured that money needed to be used for good rather than my own selfish needs.
The most generous people are often those with only a little more than they need for themselves. Those with millions in cash and possessions rarely seem to be so altruistic
Whenever I see s cashier having a tough day, I always look at the candy selection, if there is one, and look stumped as to what to get. I ask them "I can't decide. What's your favorite?" I buy whatever they say, then hand it to them after the sale and tell them they're doing a great job and to have a great day. It perks them up every single time.
It's my little thing.
When I was in high school, there was a girl that never talked to anyone, was all alone, and I never once saw her speak for long periods of time, unless it was for projects or something, but that really isn’t the main thing. The first time we had the Valentines Day party, I noticed she seemed really down, because (I think) all the other girls where getting flowers and such from the boys (you could buy flowers and other stuff for someone if you wanted), so I kind of felt bad. I decided to buy her a flower, but anonymously. When she recueved the flower, she seemed...confused, but at least she smiled. The next year, same thing happend, every girl with flowers except for her, so I did the same, this time she once more seemed surprised, but not bad surprised, happy surprised. Next year I did the same, but this time I gave her a whole bouquet of flowers, she seemed overflowing with joy. People asked her who gave her those, and she said she didn’t know, but was happy. Maybe not the most interesting story here, but putting a smile on someone really made me feel happy.
When I was 19 I needed blood work done and it was super icey out. I just finished and was getting ready to leave when two elderly ladies came in. They commented on how slippery it was and if the clinic had anyone to help them walk back to their car.
They were told no, so I sat back down and waited. Half an hour later they went in and the receptionist told me I could leave, I was done. I told her "I know" and sat there.
When the ladies came out they looked a little scared to walk outside and I stood up and said I heard them ask for help and I would help them to their car.
I walked the ladies one at a time, letting them hold me for support as I shuffled us to their car. Then, after they were both safely inside, I scraped the ice off their car so they could leave.
They offered me money, but I refused and just wished them safe travels.
After they left I went to my own car, where I proceeded to fall on my butt fives times.
I was getting some breakfast one time after a late night out. I was sitting in the restaurant waiting for my food and this younger boy comes in - probably 13-14 or so and orders some food. By the way he was dressed and how he looked you could tell he was definitely living in rough times.
He ordered and when they told him the total he pulled some wadded up $1 bills from his pocket and some change - he ended up like 4-5$ short.
He had this defeated look on his face and apologized and turned to walk out. I stopped him, asked the cashier to re-ring up his order, added a large drink and an extra burrito to it, and paid for the whole thing. He tried to give me the money he had and when I refused he just stood there and slowly tears came over his eyes. I told him to stay strong and not give up because things will get better.
I walked out and barely made it to my car before I broke down too. I used to be that kid.
Bought insulin for the child of a lady in front of me at the pharmacy. The woman (single mom) was in tears & didn’t have the $200 copay for that month. I gave her my number & told her to call me within the next few days. That was a few years ago. She now manages the office at my practice, makes enough $ for anything she needs/wants, & is one of my closest friends. (And now she has excellent insurance for herself & her son!) Be kind—it can literally change lives!
Waiting to see my doctor. I see an elderly man with a walker talking to a driver service for seniors/handicap people about getting him a ride home. Apparently there was a mix up and they couldn't get a driver there. My doctor called me in and when I came out, the elderly man was still there talking to the driver service. I told the guy if he trusts me I'll take him home. He responded "but I haven't seen the doctor yet" I told him I'll wait. Dude looked like he was going to cry.
He was actually a really nice man and it was a pleasant ride.
Back when quarantine and stuff first started, I was headed back from the store and came across a broken down car. He had almost made it into the CVS parking lot, but the car gave out just outside of it. I pulled into the parking lot and asked if he wanted a push out of the road, he did. I pushed the car, and got it half way up the little incline going into the parking lot, but couldn't get it any further by myself (he had a bad leg and couldnt help...plus he needed to be behind the wheel), but it was out of the street. I asked him what happened, and he told me he had run out of gas. Asked if he had a gas can, and he pulled out a small gas can, I offered to run it down to the gas station and bring it back. On the way back from gilling it up, I began to think to myself that this little bit of gas wouldn't get him very far, and as I had just gotten paid and had just pulled some cash from the bank, figured he could use a little help.
When I got to the guy, I gave him the gas can as well as $40 and I told him, "I'm not sure how far you need to go, but that little bit of gas isnt gonna get you very far, I hope this helps you out some". He just looked at the money and back at me, like I'd given him the keys to a new house or something. He started telling me, "I get paid tomorrow, I can give you my address and I will pay you back" but I insisted I didnt want anything in return. He looked like he was on the verge of tears. He explained how he had just gotten out of jail a few months before and was trying really hard to stay on the right path, working an honest job and everything, but that it was hard. He told me he would take my kindness as a sign that he was on the right path and thanked me several times. Had I known how much it meant to him, I would've given him more. I hope hes doing well
It’s not much, but whenever I see a work of art online, be it a painting/drawing, original music, a dance, creative writing, etc, I always try to leave a small compliment/acknowledgement of their work because I know how much courage it takes to post your creative work online.
I was extremely stressed and took a mental health day, planning on going to mom's and crying myself to sleep. We ended up going to the mall, and even though money was really tight for her, she wanted to buy me lunch (we split the bill). She realized that she lost a newer $50 bill while walking around. She was devastated.
I traded my smaller bills to a cashier for a newer $50, folded it like she would, and tossed it under the seat of her car. The next day she called me, almost crying because she was excited to find it and said that without it, groceries would've been pretty tight that week.
Taking me out that day prevented me from having a full breakdown. I think $50 was a small price to pay for what she did for me that day.
My fiancé lost the ring I made her and she was super distraught about it. I hand crafted our rings myself, (I metal work) they are interlocking one of a kind designed and made entirely by me. So she lost it and we couldn’t find it. She was so sad since she loved it, I worked from home during the pandemic so every time she went to work I started to make a new ring. And in about 4-5 days I said I found it and handed her the one I made brand new. She still doesn’t know. I’d like to keep it that way as well. I don’t need her feeling terrible.
A lot of homeless people in Lahaina (on the island of Maui) get by on fishing.
One night, while leaving a restaurant, my girlfriend and I saw an elderly man sleeping near the Old Banyan tree. She pointed out that the fishing pole next to him had been snapped multiple times, with splintered ends and everything (probably by some a-hole tourist).
Knowing that fishing pole was how he'd kept himself fed and seeing his livelihood compromised like that really bothered us. So my girlfriend and I got in my car and drove to the only Walmart on the island in Kahului (all the stores in Lahaina usually close by sundown).
We bought a new fishing pole and gear and drove back to Lahaina. Fearing the cops might suspect him of stealing this new gear, my girlfriend wrote a note on the receipt saying, "Hold on to this," and left it in the tacklebox. When we got back to the Banyan tree, I set the gear down next to the old man.
The next day, we saw him fishing with the new pole on Front street.
Please remember to Practice Aloha.
The reason we know it was likely a tourist is because it was definitely not a local. Locals treat each other's fishing gear as sacred. To intentionally damage or steal one is as taboo as a Texan stealing his neighbor's propane-powered grill.
I do IT work, usually small business and a lot of home repair. I have many wealthy clients and a few not so fortunate. It is not unusual for me to go to a home and it is obvious they are barely scraping by. So I either don't charge those people, or make it a nominal fee. I also refurb the old PC's and give them to people who have one that is not repairable.
My best fee ever was a basket of home grown creole tomatoes, damn those things are delicious.
I lost my mom earlier this year and am still working through the grief. The first week a came back my coworkers had gave me a check for several hundred dollars as a kind gesture. I was truly overwhelmed by the generosity.
The following week I came into the break room to find one of the techs with a lost look on her face. She had just gotten a phone call that her brother had been murdered the night before. She had moved to our city just a year prior and didn’t have any family close by. As I held her and listened to her cry, I booked her a flight home. It was several hundred dollars as she is from a small town and the flight was for later that day. I told her to go be with family and let me know when she was ready to come back. I had no doubt that is exactly what my mom would have wanted me to do.
My friend from college was struggling to get the money to pay for his cat’s surgery. We did everything we could to raise the money, I even asked my father to put this little donation box on his craftbeer bar, but we were still missing a few bucks. My friend doesn’t know it, but I added some really good money to the box before handling it to him and, omg, I still remember how grateful he was when he saw the money was more than enough… He also told me, after the surgery, that he never believed we could make it but he saw the dedication I put into it and believed in me
I imagine your friend will forever remember how grateful he was after witnessing what you made possible, and he'll one day pay that forward.
I was in my art class in high school and there was a girl who I didn't really know a few grades younger. I could tell she didn't have many friends but was really sweet. She was talking to me one day and told me her birthday was soon and that she was so excited. I decided to send her those balloons and whatnot you can get through the student store on her birthday, though she didn't know me very well so I didn't sign my name. It just so happened that the student store worker brought them in during our art class and I got to see her reaction. She lit up and kept telling us it had to have been her mom or her best friend who did it, and how she couldn't believe that someone got her something and she wouldn't stop smiling the whole rest of class. I never told her it was me, I was just happy she felt special. That was a pretty good day.
A lady was fleeing an abusive marriage without much more than her kids and the clothes on her back. Word went out within a whisper network requesting a few essentials she needed.
Packed up several things from the request list and also one thing that wasn't requested. I make jewelry as a hobby. Put a pair of handmade earrings into a gift bag: silver and pearls. Added a handwritten note that every woman deserves something beautiful and sending good wishes her way.
I’ve never even told my husband this story.
I work night shift and one night before work, I stopped at the local Walmart to grab a few snacks etc. This young guy stops me in the parking lot and asks me for money. I said I was sorry I didn’t have any cash.
It was blistering cold outside. Where I live, in the winter the wind blows so hard and so cold you can get frostbite.
I got to the door of the Walmart and turned around and went and found him in the parking lot. I told him to follow me in and wait at the McDonalds inside. I went into the store, bought him long underwear, a thermal shirt, wool socks and gloves. I got back to him, gave him the stuff and bought him a meal at McDonald’s. He was so thankful for the warm clothes he started to cry. As I was leaving the McDonald’s, a lady put her hand on my arm and said “that was very nice of you. I watched everything you did.” I just nodded and walked away. Don’t need recognition for that. He needed something and I was in a position to help him, so I did.
I used all my tissues... goodbye now. These restored some of my faith in humanity! :')
Saw a homeless guy walking on the sidewalk in the middle of a 100 degree day and it was clear that his feet were severely burned. He was hobbling and his feet were clearly sunburned.
I had a brand new pair of shoes in my trunk so I pulled over and handed it to him. He literally cried and said that I would never understand what this meant to him.
It broke my heart.
I grew up with not a lot of money and definitely not in the best neighborhoods. My parents struggled with drug and alcohol abuse so we never had any money. I got myself through college and finally landed a pretty good job. I was visiting a friend of mine who still lived in the same neighborhood and saw there was a girl scout table out in front of a convenience store. Nobody was really buying the cookies. I had just gotten my first bonus from work and had a couple hundred bucks on me. After I left his place I went over and bought $500 worth of Girl Scout cookies. The little girls were so excited! Over the next few weeks I just randomly gave all those boxes of cookies away.
I went to the web site: onesimplewish.org which specializes in providing foster kids with things they wouldn't ordinarily get. An 11 year old was asking for a bike for his birthday, but his foster family couldn't afford to buy him one. For less than $200 I paid for the kid's new bike.
Anyone else go to onesimplewish.org and try to buy someone something?
There's a semi-secluded bus stop beside a store I used to work at, and a homeless guy started sleeping there on the bench halfway between the stop and the parking lot one winter.
One day I got to work 15 mins early and saw him sleeping, wearing just a flannel and jeans. So I ram into the store, bought a blanket, and covered him up with it.
He never woke up so he didn't know it was me. Every time I saw him sitting on the bench he had the blanket wrapped around him.
My brother is a heroin addict and has been homeless for 15 years. In November he wound up in a coma with severe blood poisoning and ultimately lost both of his legs to frostbite. Broke my heart because apparently frostbite is extremely common in the homeless community and a lot of those you see in wheelchairs, that is how they lost their limbs. So I put together 10 winter kits each with new socks, a beanie and gloves, a face-mask, rain poncho, emergency blanket, water bottles, some food, chapstick and many hand/feet warmers. Kept them in my car and handed them out whenever I saw someone in need
This is a brilliant idea, if more people did this, it would really benefit so many people. I was approached once by 2 homeless men asking for loose change so they could get a bed each. It was bitterly cold, Norwich UK in January. At the time, homeless rough sleepers were being doused in water and there were some deaths. Heartbreakingly cruelty to helpless people. I had no money, but I had several cards for free coffee from Macdonald's, and my packed lunch for my night shift. I also gave them my hat, scarf and gloves. Broke my heart I didn't have any money to give, I was the victim of economic (and every other type of) abuse.
I'm a member of a Sims group on FB where people talk about the game, expansion packs etc. I noticed a comment by a teenager who said her favourite pack would be Pets but she can't afford it. I went onto her page and saw that she really loved horses. I could also tell from her pictures that her mum was disabled and money looked tight. I was fortunate enough when I was her age to always get the packs on the release dates and I used The Sims as a wind down from revising and school. I thought that this girl needed the escapism way more than I ever did so I bought every expansion pack, messaged her the activation codes, a link to a YouTube video on how to use them, and a short message saying I hope you enjoy playing and to keep smiling.
I really do wish her the very best.
On winter weekdays when I go downtown to practice the organ, there's usually a destitute man on the front steps of the locked church.
When I unlock the door, I invite him in out of the cold and let him sleep on a cushioned pew in the relative warmth of the building while I practice or teach organ lessons.
He's always very appreciative of the relief from being outside and leaves with obvious appreciation when it's time for me go.
This is a small act and probably a bit weird, but growing up as the oldest daughter by 7 years left my younger siblings and I's relationship a bit distant. There just wasn't much to relate to(my flavor of adhd also makes emoting really hard for me), and honestly I just always found younger kids annoying so I wasn't a very good sister to them- to be honest I was just a bully. But when I was around 14-15, my siblings came up to me to show me a couple shiny coins they found- they seemed so excited about it. The youngest, my sister kept talking about how rich she was with one of those ear-to-ear grins kids get when their excited about something. It was really refreshing to see my siblings so happy, and it was honestly adorable. Since then whenever I had spare change I'd "drop" it somewhere I knew they'd notice around the house and just let them find it whenever. They got so happy every time they found one. Now I'm 19, (my siblings are 12 and 8), I still on occasion sneak a dollar into their laundry or something, and we're a lot closer now. I have considered telling them since I'm moving out really soon, but I think this'll just stay a secret. At this point telling them will just ruin the magic.
No don't tell please! Keep the magic alive for them, enough disappointment in the world.
If I'm walking a trail and i see a tree or sapling is damaged i do my best to either mend its injury or remove the broken part to let the tree grow unencumbered. It's rewarding to come back after a year or two to see the sapling you helped take good roots and refuse to wither
My daughter and her best friend are hikers. They always take a small trash bag each to pick up other people's trash along the trails they hike. At the end of their hikes, they almost always have two full bags.
The ex army old fella moved in next door around a year ago
We get along OK, eventually I found out he lives on pasta.. just pasta with nothing else because money
I like to make extra food and take over any leftovers fairly regularly
I usually take a beer over as well but I suspect he doesn't drink these
It's not a big thing but I think it helps out
I saw this homeless man eating some pizza and after we talked a bit, I let him use my shower and offered to let him sleep on my couch for the night. He declined the couch, but his laughter in the shower made me really smile. I've never told anyone this.
I was cleaning out my car at one of the big stops where they have pull up parking with a vacuum hose on both sides. This car pulled in next to me trying to park in the space between the spots. Me being cynical I'm annoyed and grumbling in my head. Turns out it was this little old lady. For some people the soft spot is kids or animals but for me it's old people. Anyway, I helped her get her parking sorted and ended up vacuuming her car out as well. In my eyes it looked pretty spotless already. My grandma treated her car the same way. By the end she was in tears when saying her thank yous. What took me all of 10 mins would have taken her much longer. Felt good.
When I was around 12-13 I gave this homeless man a bottle of water and sandwich every day for 2 months. I was in a summer program and brought my own lunch, since they also gave us lunches I would give it to him
One weekend when I was in my teens, I was wandering around outside daydreaming as bored teenagers with no close friends tend to do. In the vicinity of an old one-room schoolhouse, I found a plastic jar that said "OPEN ME" on the lid, and I did so.
The jar was filled with dry black-eyed peas, plus, buried within, a small illustrated flier that said "Goodbye, Earl!"
It was a certificate from a local country music station redeemable for free tickets to a Dixie Chicks concert. I found out the next day from a classmate that it was part of a contest in which the station gave out daily clues during airtime as to the jar's location, so listeners could search for it. I had stumbled across it entirely by coincidence.
I had no interest in country music, but I knew that a girl in one of my classes was a Dixie Chicks fanatic. A couple days after finding it, toward the end of class, I left the certificate on the floor by her desk where she would find it. (I had never spoken to this person, nor would I go on to - beyond the shared space of a classroom, our milieux did not intersect.) Her look of sheer, incredulous joy and the way she rushed to catch up with one of her friends to show her as the class filed out was the highlight of my day.
Anonymous acts of kindness and generosity are definitely the best, people who does things purely out the goodness of their own heart are living angels.
I sneaked $50 into a woman’s purse upon overhearing her tell her child that they “couldn’t afford peanut butter."
I was out with my wife and she heard a mother telling their kid she could afford a new rucksack, my wife casually checked out the isle, saw the bag the kid was fawning over, waited for them to leave then bought it. Because she's an introvert, she made me approach the woman and kid outside. The woman said that she could afford it, she just didn't want her daughter having 'yet another bag', so I kept it. I've still got my giraffe & zebra bag!
Nothing like the other ones.. But my mum had saved forever to buy herself her dream dining table and chairs. They were super expensive but she had a picture on the fridge, saved for a year and knew she’d have them forever.
I visited one day when she wasn’t home (my parents have no issue with us coming over without them there) and noticed the dogs had gotten in and absolutely destroyed one - they were still untrained puppies and had ripped off all the material, buttons, etc.. I popped it in my car, threw it out, found a place an hour away with the same chair and bought it ($300 chair so wasn’t cheap!).
She doesn’t know because she would’ve A) been shattered but found a way to fix it as best as possible, which honestly would’ve been impossible. And B) refused for me to replace something at that cost.
I’m just glad it was me who saw it first. She’s happy and always comments on how nice her table is and how she will have it forever, lol!
Driving downtown on a Sunday afternoon a few years ago. A light up ahead turns green with some moderate traffic around me - such that my view of the disabled old lady using a walker standing in the middle of the street is obstructed by another car until it’s almost too late. I stomp the brakes and stop with maybe 20 feet to spare - but the guy behind me isn’t paying attention and rear-ends me. No one is hurt - but both cars have significant damage.
We wait for the cops to come and do a report for insurance purposes. While he’s at it - he takes the old disabled lady’s statement, along with ours, and quickly deduces this is all her fault. He hits her with a $100 fine for jay walking. The old lady starts crying because she clearly has nothing and can’t pay it - she’s living in some shelter nearby.
The cop leaves, and I’m exchanging info with the other driver, but the lady is beside herself. Not paying the ticket probably has no consequences for someone in her shoes, but still, she was nearly run over, and was traumatized by the whole affair. Plus, her life clearly just sucks. She’s old, disabled, destitute, and alone. And now she’s infused all of her unhappiness and anxiety into this dumb ticket she can’t hope to pay. She can’t stop crying - she going to pieces on a random sidewalk in Denver.
So I gave her $100 cash. Even though she cost me hours of time on a weekend, and caused several thousand in damage to my car. It was worth it just to see the look on her face. She clearly had not experienced any act of kindness in forever. Never told anyone about it until now - not even my wife.
I hope she spent it on something besides that stupid ticket.
In the UK it would have been the fault of the driver who rear ended the car in front. They should have been far enough behind to stop in an emergency without smashing into the car in front. The pedestrian would never have been considered at fault. But then we don't have a thing called 'jay walking' here, we're trusted to cross the road safely. I don't understand why American's have so many really petty laws. It's like people are set up to fail and when they do society says, "I knew you'd f**k up". Yet they're the land of the free!
Saw a minivan lose control on a gravel road and roll into a slough. I u-turned back and went in to pull the driver out. It rolled onto its roof and was roughly half submerged upside downs. I had to go in through the back hatch to get the driver out.
Another one that makes me sad. Yes, you did the right thing, but in many countries if you witness an accident, you are obligated to go and help or at least call the emergency services for assistance. I got caught up in an accident where the car in front of me stopped to make a right turn on a busy road and forced me to stop and several cars behind. Unfortunately it was over a little bit of a crest with a 60mph speed limit and a car ploughed into the back of a smaller car. First thing I did was pull my car to the side of the road and go and see that they were alright - they were shocked but fine - then I waited for the police to arrive in order to give them an accurate description of what happened. But this is what is expected of a fellow driver.
My mom was sitting with me at a Costco food court. She saw a family and children were hungry crying. My mom get up split our whole pizza and gave it to the family and kids. I was so astonished my mom did that out of nowhere
I had a neighbor I didnt know very well at all. She had a young kid and a boyfriend who yelled a lot. We exchanged numbers for some reason. She texted me out of the blue and asked to borrow money but wanted to meet me at a gas station instead of at the house. I assumed it was so I could just put gas in the tank but went and got cash. She was so squirrelly when I got there and I felt like something was up. I gave her a 50 and I filled her tank. She kept saying I was helping her out so much and no one else would and the she would pay me back. I told her I don't lend money, it's a gift.
I never saw her again. I have no idea what the was about, what she did with the money. I'd nearly forgotten about it. I hope she's okay.
I used to walk with a blind student to class in undergrad. He could’ve gotten to class no problem, but said it was easier for him to have someone accompany him and it gave him someone to talk to.
I was in a class of only 12 people at uni, one of whom was deaf. She read lips, and the prof trimmed his beard and moustache way back but he mumbled and she couldn't understand him. So while he lectured, I would repeat everything silently, and she, sitting across from me, could read my lips. Worked pretty well.
Followed a guy from the gas station to a McDonalds 10 minutes away to give him his gas cap that he'd forgotten.
OK I've read all 40 of these - now I need a new box of tissues. A huge THANK YOU to to you all xxx
Aww. Someone once followed me home to tell me my brake lights weren't working. It wasn't at all creepy and I was really grateful for him going out of his way for a stranger.
More than likely the guy wouldn't have been at a standstill long enough at a stop for the other to safely get out of their car to give it to them.
Load More Replies...Here's my story: I was moving and getting rid of an old bed that I knew Salvation Army wouldn't accept (they don't accept bedding), so I posted it on Craigslist. Some guy called almost immediately and said he had to get a truck, but would be there tomorrow. He asked if I can hold it for him and he was really insistent, so I said "sure" - but people on Craigslist are flaky, I didn't think he'd really come. He called the next morning and said he was on his way over. He showed up to get the bed and was so happy, he said that he had just gotten of prison, had a place to live and nothing else, he slept on the floor... I asked him what else he needed and he said "everything". I was in the middle of packing for moving and had a bunch of stuff ready to donate, so I said "wait here", and then I started coming out with boxes of cookware, dishes, sheets, towels, etc... even gave him the couch and TV since I wasn't sure I wanted to haul them to my new place anyway. He was almost in tears.
Granted, this wasn't a big sacrifice to me, I was getting rid of most of the stuff anyway, but I like to think it made a real difference to him. Ex-cons have a hard life, they spend years locked away with limited contact with the outside world, then they're set free and expected to make a life on their own with little support, even though the deck is stacked against them.
Load More Replies...I once worked as a private nurse caring for end of life patients in their home while on a working holiday in the UK ( paid for by the NHS so for everyone one not rich people). When their time came and they were too sick to be cared for at home I would have to take them to the hospice and was suppose to let my employer know so they would move me onto the next job. If I knew my patient was going to be alone at the hospice I never called into my employer and stayed with them until the end as nobody should ever have to die alone
I JUST saved a dragonfly that had somehow gotten into my bedroom. Made me smile when I saw it fly away.
At the beginning of the pandemic, when morons were hoarding toilet paper and paper goods in general, I was at Target. I bought a large package of Cottonelle - because the only toilet paper they had left was the really expensive stuff. An elderly lady ahead of me was taking things out of her order because she couldn't afford the toilet paper on top of dish soap, bar soap, and laundry detergent. I just stepped up the the cashier and told her to ring everything up on my credit card. The older lady was shocked, but I told her that it's just what people do, and I wouldn't have considered not doing it.
I've also paid for groceries that way a few times. I can well afford to do that. I will never miss the money. But having been homeless as a teenager I remember very well what it was like to dig for food in grocery store dumpsters and if I can help someone else so they don't have to do that, I will.
Load More Replies...A few years ago a coworker who had a second child on the way and was having financial issues had his phone cut off. I was secretly pregnant as well (not his), but I hadn't told anyone I was pregnant at that point. I knew I needed to be saving money myself but I I worried about him and his wife so I got him a prepay phone with an additional months payment on it and discreetly gave it to him at work.
When I figured out Santa wasn't real as a kid, my mom took me to the store to pick out one of the angels from the angel tree. Basically they were little paper angels with the age and gender of a child written on it and a list of what they'd like for Christmas. People could take an angel, buy the items on the list and they would be sent to that child. It made a huge impression on me as it was my first concrete understanding of the consequences of poverty. I took on the tradition as an adult and kept it up every year until I had my own kids and money got tight. I'm hoping to continue it once I get a little more financially stable. Every kid deserves to have something to unwrap on Christmas morning.
I live in Toronto were there is a lot of homeless people, and once I was going to Chinatown and decided to treat my son and I to a Slurpee. As I was paying, we heard a commotion outside. 5 teenagers were outside ripping and tearing apart this homeless man's tent. They left and my son and I went over to see if he was okay. He was fine, but his tent, sleeping bag and his small grill were ruined beyond repair. I went to Winners across the street, and found a tent, sleeping bag and some clothes and paid for them. When I came out, he was scrambling around trying to put his tent together. Without a word, I put the bags down in front of him and handed him 50 dollars. He looked at me, and grabbed the bag and looked inside. He cried. "Ever since my son kicked me out because his wife didn't like me, no one has ever been so kind to me" he said through tears. I smiled at him and waved and walked away. Now he works at Canadian Tireand always greets me with a smile
This happened to me one time. I was homeless and had nothing but the shirt on my back. This guy comes out of restaurant and gives me a salad. So I'm eating on the planter box outside and the waiter says do you want to sit at a table. Im like ok, not really sure if it was the right thing to do, then they gave me water and bread with butter and said take your time. I took the mayonnaise on the table and just smothered the salad with it. I felt like, ohjeez what am doing, but I was starving I hadn't eaten for like three days. The waiters didn't give me a hard time. They were really nice. This was in Oakland, California in Piedmont in November 2016. Thanks for being so nice.
This isn't the "most selfless" thing I've done but it's relevant I guess. I once found a stamped envelope on the pavement in town and it was addressed to an insurance company. There was obviously a cheque in there and some poor person had dropped it or it fell out of their bag or whatever. I popped it into the nearest post box. That person will never know and I haven't really told anyone I did that because it's a pointless thing to brag about. I've only mentioned it here because it's the subject of the article.
You're a good person, if only more people were like you, thinking outside your own head and your own comfort.
Load More Replies...Reading these makes me wonder why, in any developed country, we have things like hunger and homelessness. Just to start, I can't think it would be that hard to have a place where anyone (even the rich ((swallows down the nausea))) can get a meal. It would create jobs, solve a problem that just should never exist, and make the world a little place. It'd would be open all the time, they would exist everywhere, and anyone, regardless of age could eat. Have the all the public transit offer rides for free to get there. Hell you could even take stuff home. I know it seems like folks would take advantage, but to be honest, so what? People are eating. It's stupid that this crap exists and it speaks poorly of me, my fellow countrymen, and our country that this isn't a thing.
If you start by implementing good public healthcare, you would have one big problem off your shoulders. No one would have to go into debt to get treatment. Everyone would be healthier because they would not have to choose between health and food.
Load More Replies...Ooh I have a story. In 6th grade I went to a camp for a couple nights for a school program. None of my close friends were in the program so the only people I really knew were my teammates. (The program has you in teams of 4). So at the camp we were playing games and stuff with my teammates friends in one of their rooms. In the main building of the camp they had vending machines so earlier I had gotten some skittles, and I was sharing with everyone even tho I didn't know most of them well. So I offered them to this one girl, and she seemed really really happy about it, so I gave her another skittle and for me that's just something I do all the time, but she was super excited and said "No one ever shares anything with me" so I said "I have to go real quick I'll be right back". I came back with another bag of skittles and gave them to her. She was soooo happy and it also made my day seeing her happy :)
This was not me, but my father. He was a pressman during the Chicago Tribune strike. A great number of his buddies were hurting bad. My father was a bit older, late 50's and had managed to put away some money. All the kids were grown, so it was just him and my mom. After he died, we found letters from five different people asking my dad for money. He never told us about it. He did for some reason, write on the letters how much he gave them. But I know he never asked for it back. That wasn't who he was. But I could see him wanting to make sure he didn't get them mixed up. Some were as small as $200. But one was $5,000. He was really a great man.
I was exiting a restaurant parking lot and I saw a woman sitting on the curb down the road crying. I pulled up and asked her what was wrong. She said she needed to get antibiotics for an infection she had, but that she didn't have the money for it. i said "How much do you need?" She said 5 bucks. I said I can cover it and for her to meet me at the Walmart that had her prescription. I stopped at the bank, pulled out $60. When I met her, I handed her $20 and said "Here is for the thing you need." Then I handed her the other $40 and said "Here is for the thing you want. Spoil yourself with some cookies, cake, make up, new shirt or shoes. Whatever you want." She started crying and I was surprised at the enormous hug she gave me. She said "no one has been this nice to me in a long time." Told her I was glad to help, wished her luck and told her I hope she felt better soon. I was tearing up as I got to the car.
Grew up dirt poor with a bad sperm donor. watched him steal, lie treat people like garbage. vowed to never be like him. have done a lot for many people and kids. but my fav thing to do is at my job I have to pass through border patrol checkpoints between el paso and del rio texas. i see what these men, women and dogs have to deal with, so when i can, I get them either taco's, donuts, or pizza and the good babies get duck jerky. I cant do it as often as I like, but seeing them light up, and the dogs being so happy just makes my heart melt.
Quite a few years ago my daughter and I were up at midnight to get our brand new twilight eclipse dvd from Walmart . We were in a redicoulas long line circling the store and behind us was a sweet young lady who had just got off waitressing. Her tips that night were going towards her dvd even if she ate sandwiches for two weeks. So in line to pay for the dvd I made eye contact with the cashier and did the old nod and finger flick to purchase the girls dvd as well. Then my daughter and I booked it out of there But she caught up to us and insisted that she reimburse us. Nope I say. Pay it forward one day and then my daughter and I left The look on that young ladies face awesome The pride on my daughter's face for her ole mom: priceless
I was raised to help out whenever I can, especially when people are hungry, so it's not unusual for me or the rest of my family, to get daily visits from the homeless guys who live in the park across the street. They know they can always knock on my door during the day and we'll give them food...
“Let me live in my house by the side of the road- It's here the race of men go by. They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong, Wise, foolish- so am I; Then why should I sit in the scorner's seat, Or hurl the cynic's ban? Let me live in my house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.“ From the poem “House by the Side of the Road” by Sam Walter Foss (Link: http://ipoet.com/ARCHIVE/original/Foss/House.html)
Load More Replies...These stories I wonder at times if they are made up to get upvotes or to get comments. Just wondering....it may be not or maybe????
If you post something you have done, then you will know it's true
Load More Replies...Not that I haven't done anything, I'd just rather share about someone else. Like most companies, my sister's employer had everyone working on from home for quite awhile because of the pandemic. When the lockdown eased up, they went to a three day schedule. One of their workers, who had really struggled during the pandemic, was asked to work at a different office. Problem was, she was worried about gas. My sister didn't have much cash, but gave her enough to get across San Diego to the other office. When she called the other office to check on the young lady, it turned out that another employee gave the woman enough money to make sure she could fill up her car for the commute until payday. My sister wanted to pay the other employee back, but she wouldn't take it. Her attitude was much like the people above: she had the means to help this person out, it was the right thing to do, so she did it. My sister and I both got emotional over it.
After more than 30 surgeries, I received a liver transplant. Of all my many surgeries, it was the hardest, with the Dr's assuring my daughter every day that I was not going to make it. After 14 days in the hospital - and still on dialysis, as my kidneys refused to 'wake up' - I was sent home on hospice care; I was sent home to die. As I waited in the lobby for my daughter to pull the car around, I overheard a young woman speaking on the phone; her ride home from her daughter's appointment (a sweet 4 year old) was canceling. Apparently, she'd traveled 80 miles for the appointment and she was really frightened. Everything in me just wanted to go home and get on with the end of my life, but I could not leave that poor woman there. 2 1/2 hours later, when we finally pulled into our driveway, I had a fever, collapsed as I walked in and broke my shoulder, too. In spite of it all, I got better after that. I may not have saved her life, but it was the beginning of my repayment of the debt
We recently moved but I stay in contact with some friends in our old home town. Due to corona things have been hard on my particular good friend. She was nearly depressed due to the lack of physical contact to others. I got hold of some mutual friends and asked them to give her a hug next time they saw her. We established how corona guidelines could still be observed and they even took a self test voluntarily on the day they would meet her (her health is not the best). It was wonderfully! Apparently she was in tears. I wish I could have been there.
Things like this restore my faith in humanity. In my street, I'm kinda dubbed as being unfriendly. But I have serious resting B face, and I'm often lost in thought when walking along (add). Little do they know though, I volunteer, help my mum out, look after my friends kids and have also paid for strangers shopping when they've been short on cash. I'm no Saint but I'm a good person and I sprinkle native wildflower seeds nearby to add a bit of colour.
Yeah, this is really not much of anything, but why not. After my overnight shift at the hospital I had stopped at the Aldi close to my house for a couple things and on my way out an elderly gentleman stopped me. It seems he locked his keys in his car and was looking for a ride home. It was a really pleasant morning and for some reason I didn't even think twice, but said sure. He seemed pretty embarrassed and a little ashamed. Turns out he lives not too far from me in the same development so I brought him to his house. He pulled out money to give me, but I refused it. He seemed pretty surprised and very thankful. I know he mumbled something about paying me when he asked for the ride, but that's just silly. I wouldn't have wanted money either way, but particularly not since he lives so close to me and it's literally not even out of my way. As a sidenote, I'm transgender and I'm proud that I am finding myself able to interact with people directly. Strangers have always frightened me so this probably did just as much good for me as it did for him. ❤️ Sh*t, I hope he had a house key....
The sister of a high school best friend of mine had come into the grocery store where I worked. I went to talk to her and could tell she was distraught. She had told me she was on her way home from the hospital. Her youngest son had an accident on a 4 wheeler and was now paralyzed from the waist down. She went to swipe her card and it declined. Several times. She broke down in tears. I swiped my card so fast. She hugged me and cried on my shoulder for about 10 minutes. She still thanks me to this day for that. I adore her and her whole family.
i try to do things for others when i can just because we are all humans & should do for each other when the opportunity arises. but, there is one unsung hero in my life. about 30 yrs ago, christmas coming-hubby not working unexpectedly for awhile & my job didn't cover all so savings being drained. a lot of bills were getting overdue & the creditors are calling. some were real ass-hats but most were understanding as our payment history showed we had been good customers. but, one day i was just stressed out when one called & i just spilled how frustrating it was to go through all of this right before the holidays to which there would be little to give our son. the guy was very professional. at the beginning of the call he told me the past due amt & asked what i could pay. after hearing what i said he told me that my account was currently up to date and past due fees that had been applied in error had been removed, leaving 'x' for the balance. hope he had good karma for that.
This is just awesome to hear. I hope everyone can benefit from reading these stories. God bless and I hope we can speed the love and kindness in this world If your reading this I hope you have a great day and know. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV
I so enjoyed reading how nice so many people are. As trite as it sounds, it made me feel warm inside.
About 10 years ago, I met a young, homeless woman, that stood in front of the train station and asked passers-by for change. I asked her if there was anything she urgently needed. She said she was on her period and was trying to get enough money for tampons. So I took her to the nearest drugstore and provided her with everything she needed. I also bought her a menstrual cup ... because, in the long run, it was cheaper for her, than using tampons. We talked a bit and I gave her addresses and phone numbers of aid organizations that "deal" with homeless women and minors (she was 17). We also exchanged numbers ... and texted from time to time. The last time I heard from her, she was moving into a house with her lovely friend and was about to get married.
Thank you to all these people. Never give up on kindness, it's the most rewarding thing in the world.
A fairly minor example, but I felt it was pretty nice - about a year ago (towards the start of the pandemic), my dad and I were driving around town, and at one point came across a homeless couple who asked if we had any donations. We ended up going to the bank to withdraw some money before going back to the parking lot and giving it to them, and they were very grateful - I hope they're doing well now.
I can't say they're things I did anonymously but I am always looking for ways to help strangers. Like the time I found two backpacks on a curb as I was bicycling up a hill in San Francisco. They turned out to belong to two German teenagers (17 & 19). Their passports, credit cards, and German ID cards showing they lived in Berlin were inside. I tried contacting the local consulate but they were closed for the weekend so when I got home I contacted a friend who lives in Berlin and had him look up their families and give them a call and tell them that their stuff would be at a police station to pick up. I have always imagined the state of panic I would have been in to be in a strange foreign country, 10,000 kilometers from home, and losing all those things when I was their age.
I LOVE doing random acts of kindness for strangers. It was tiresome when I did anything for friends -- they would ALWAYS come back for another favor . . .
I've had my share of helping people, and being helped by others. But I put it all down to the example of my parents. When I was about 12, a girl I was friendly with and went to school with had a house fire a couple days before Xmas. They lost tons of stuff. I wasn't close with this girl, but when I told my parents about it, they didn't hesitate to go out and buy her and her family a new XMas tree, and a few presents for under it. They also gave her parents a couple hundred dollars so they could buy what needed to be replaced and make sure my friend and her brother had a good Xmas. My parents are the most generous and giving people I know, and they taught me and my sister to help when we can, just by being an example and always helping others.
I have a lawn service. I see your leaking/dripping hose bib. With my wrench (I carry for this reason) I give the packer nut a quick turn. I am the only one that knows. And perhaps that is still one too many?
Thoroughly enjoyed reading these, brightened my day and gave me lots of good ideas
Here's my story: I was moving and getting rid of an old bed that I knew Salvation Army wouldn't accept (they don't accept bedding), so I posted it on Craigslist. Some guy called almost immediately and said he had to get a truck, but would be there tomorrow. He asked if I can hold it for him and he was really insistent, so I said "sure" - but people on Craigslist are flaky, I didn't think he'd really come. He called the next morning and said he was on his way over. He showed up to get the bed and was so happy, he said that he had just gotten of prison, had a place to live and nothing else, he slept on the floor... I asked him what else he needed and he said "everything". I was in the middle of packing for moving and had a bunch of stuff ready to donate, so I said "wait here", and then I started coming out with boxes of cookware, dishes, sheets, towels, etc... even gave him the couch and TV since I wasn't sure I wanted to haul them to my new place anyway. He was almost in tears.
Granted, this wasn't a big sacrifice to me, I was getting rid of most of the stuff anyway, but I like to think it made a real difference to him. Ex-cons have a hard life, they spend years locked away with limited contact with the outside world, then they're set free and expected to make a life on their own with little support, even though the deck is stacked against them.
Load More Replies...I once worked as a private nurse caring for end of life patients in their home while on a working holiday in the UK ( paid for by the NHS so for everyone one not rich people). When their time came and they were too sick to be cared for at home I would have to take them to the hospice and was suppose to let my employer know so they would move me onto the next job. If I knew my patient was going to be alone at the hospice I never called into my employer and stayed with them until the end as nobody should ever have to die alone
I JUST saved a dragonfly that had somehow gotten into my bedroom. Made me smile when I saw it fly away.
At the beginning of the pandemic, when morons were hoarding toilet paper and paper goods in general, I was at Target. I bought a large package of Cottonelle - because the only toilet paper they had left was the really expensive stuff. An elderly lady ahead of me was taking things out of her order because she couldn't afford the toilet paper on top of dish soap, bar soap, and laundry detergent. I just stepped up the the cashier and told her to ring everything up on my credit card. The older lady was shocked, but I told her that it's just what people do, and I wouldn't have considered not doing it.
I've also paid for groceries that way a few times. I can well afford to do that. I will never miss the money. But having been homeless as a teenager I remember very well what it was like to dig for food in grocery store dumpsters and if I can help someone else so they don't have to do that, I will.
Load More Replies...A few years ago a coworker who had a second child on the way and was having financial issues had his phone cut off. I was secretly pregnant as well (not his), but I hadn't told anyone I was pregnant at that point. I knew I needed to be saving money myself but I I worried about him and his wife so I got him a prepay phone with an additional months payment on it and discreetly gave it to him at work.
When I figured out Santa wasn't real as a kid, my mom took me to the store to pick out one of the angels from the angel tree. Basically they were little paper angels with the age and gender of a child written on it and a list of what they'd like for Christmas. People could take an angel, buy the items on the list and they would be sent to that child. It made a huge impression on me as it was my first concrete understanding of the consequences of poverty. I took on the tradition as an adult and kept it up every year until I had my own kids and money got tight. I'm hoping to continue it once I get a little more financially stable. Every kid deserves to have something to unwrap on Christmas morning.
I live in Toronto were there is a lot of homeless people, and once I was going to Chinatown and decided to treat my son and I to a Slurpee. As I was paying, we heard a commotion outside. 5 teenagers were outside ripping and tearing apart this homeless man's tent. They left and my son and I went over to see if he was okay. He was fine, but his tent, sleeping bag and his small grill were ruined beyond repair. I went to Winners across the street, and found a tent, sleeping bag and some clothes and paid for them. When I came out, he was scrambling around trying to put his tent together. Without a word, I put the bags down in front of him and handed him 50 dollars. He looked at me, and grabbed the bag and looked inside. He cried. "Ever since my son kicked me out because his wife didn't like me, no one has ever been so kind to me" he said through tears. I smiled at him and waved and walked away. Now he works at Canadian Tireand always greets me with a smile
This happened to me one time. I was homeless and had nothing but the shirt on my back. This guy comes out of restaurant and gives me a salad. So I'm eating on the planter box outside and the waiter says do you want to sit at a table. Im like ok, not really sure if it was the right thing to do, then they gave me water and bread with butter and said take your time. I took the mayonnaise on the table and just smothered the salad with it. I felt like, ohjeez what am doing, but I was starving I hadn't eaten for like three days. The waiters didn't give me a hard time. They were really nice. This was in Oakland, California in Piedmont in November 2016. Thanks for being so nice.
This isn't the "most selfless" thing I've done but it's relevant I guess. I once found a stamped envelope on the pavement in town and it was addressed to an insurance company. There was obviously a cheque in there and some poor person had dropped it or it fell out of their bag or whatever. I popped it into the nearest post box. That person will never know and I haven't really told anyone I did that because it's a pointless thing to brag about. I've only mentioned it here because it's the subject of the article.
You're a good person, if only more people were like you, thinking outside your own head and your own comfort.
Load More Replies...Reading these makes me wonder why, in any developed country, we have things like hunger and homelessness. Just to start, I can't think it would be that hard to have a place where anyone (even the rich ((swallows down the nausea))) can get a meal. It would create jobs, solve a problem that just should never exist, and make the world a little place. It'd would be open all the time, they would exist everywhere, and anyone, regardless of age could eat. Have the all the public transit offer rides for free to get there. Hell you could even take stuff home. I know it seems like folks would take advantage, but to be honest, so what? People are eating. It's stupid that this crap exists and it speaks poorly of me, my fellow countrymen, and our country that this isn't a thing.
If you start by implementing good public healthcare, you would have one big problem off your shoulders. No one would have to go into debt to get treatment. Everyone would be healthier because they would not have to choose between health and food.
Load More Replies...Ooh I have a story. In 6th grade I went to a camp for a couple nights for a school program. None of my close friends were in the program so the only people I really knew were my teammates. (The program has you in teams of 4). So at the camp we were playing games and stuff with my teammates friends in one of their rooms. In the main building of the camp they had vending machines so earlier I had gotten some skittles, and I was sharing with everyone even tho I didn't know most of them well. So I offered them to this one girl, and she seemed really really happy about it, so I gave her another skittle and for me that's just something I do all the time, but she was super excited and said "No one ever shares anything with me" so I said "I have to go real quick I'll be right back". I came back with another bag of skittles and gave them to her. She was soooo happy and it also made my day seeing her happy :)
This was not me, but my father. He was a pressman during the Chicago Tribune strike. A great number of his buddies were hurting bad. My father was a bit older, late 50's and had managed to put away some money. All the kids were grown, so it was just him and my mom. After he died, we found letters from five different people asking my dad for money. He never told us about it. He did for some reason, write on the letters how much he gave them. But I know he never asked for it back. That wasn't who he was. But I could see him wanting to make sure he didn't get them mixed up. Some were as small as $200. But one was $5,000. He was really a great man.
I was exiting a restaurant parking lot and I saw a woman sitting on the curb down the road crying. I pulled up and asked her what was wrong. She said she needed to get antibiotics for an infection she had, but that she didn't have the money for it. i said "How much do you need?" She said 5 bucks. I said I can cover it and for her to meet me at the Walmart that had her prescription. I stopped at the bank, pulled out $60. When I met her, I handed her $20 and said "Here is for the thing you need." Then I handed her the other $40 and said "Here is for the thing you want. Spoil yourself with some cookies, cake, make up, new shirt or shoes. Whatever you want." She started crying and I was surprised at the enormous hug she gave me. She said "no one has been this nice to me in a long time." Told her I was glad to help, wished her luck and told her I hope she felt better soon. I was tearing up as I got to the car.
Grew up dirt poor with a bad sperm donor. watched him steal, lie treat people like garbage. vowed to never be like him. have done a lot for many people and kids. but my fav thing to do is at my job I have to pass through border patrol checkpoints between el paso and del rio texas. i see what these men, women and dogs have to deal with, so when i can, I get them either taco's, donuts, or pizza and the good babies get duck jerky. I cant do it as often as I like, but seeing them light up, and the dogs being so happy just makes my heart melt.
Quite a few years ago my daughter and I were up at midnight to get our brand new twilight eclipse dvd from Walmart . We were in a redicoulas long line circling the store and behind us was a sweet young lady who had just got off waitressing. Her tips that night were going towards her dvd even if she ate sandwiches for two weeks. So in line to pay for the dvd I made eye contact with the cashier and did the old nod and finger flick to purchase the girls dvd as well. Then my daughter and I booked it out of there But she caught up to us and insisted that she reimburse us. Nope I say. Pay it forward one day and then my daughter and I left The look on that young ladies face awesome The pride on my daughter's face for her ole mom: priceless
I was raised to help out whenever I can, especially when people are hungry, so it's not unusual for me or the rest of my family, to get daily visits from the homeless guys who live in the park across the street. They know they can always knock on my door during the day and we'll give them food...
“Let me live in my house by the side of the road- It's here the race of men go by. They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong, Wise, foolish- so am I; Then why should I sit in the scorner's seat, Or hurl the cynic's ban? Let me live in my house by the side of the road And be a friend to man.“ From the poem “House by the Side of the Road” by Sam Walter Foss (Link: http://ipoet.com/ARCHIVE/original/Foss/House.html)
Load More Replies...These stories I wonder at times if they are made up to get upvotes or to get comments. Just wondering....it may be not or maybe????
If you post something you have done, then you will know it's true
Load More Replies...Not that I haven't done anything, I'd just rather share about someone else. Like most companies, my sister's employer had everyone working on from home for quite awhile because of the pandemic. When the lockdown eased up, they went to a three day schedule. One of their workers, who had really struggled during the pandemic, was asked to work at a different office. Problem was, she was worried about gas. My sister didn't have much cash, but gave her enough to get across San Diego to the other office. When she called the other office to check on the young lady, it turned out that another employee gave the woman enough money to make sure she could fill up her car for the commute until payday. My sister wanted to pay the other employee back, but she wouldn't take it. Her attitude was much like the people above: she had the means to help this person out, it was the right thing to do, so she did it. My sister and I both got emotional over it.
After more than 30 surgeries, I received a liver transplant. Of all my many surgeries, it was the hardest, with the Dr's assuring my daughter every day that I was not going to make it. After 14 days in the hospital - and still on dialysis, as my kidneys refused to 'wake up' - I was sent home on hospice care; I was sent home to die. As I waited in the lobby for my daughter to pull the car around, I overheard a young woman speaking on the phone; her ride home from her daughter's appointment (a sweet 4 year old) was canceling. Apparently, she'd traveled 80 miles for the appointment and she was really frightened. Everything in me just wanted to go home and get on with the end of my life, but I could not leave that poor woman there. 2 1/2 hours later, when we finally pulled into our driveway, I had a fever, collapsed as I walked in and broke my shoulder, too. In spite of it all, I got better after that. I may not have saved her life, but it was the beginning of my repayment of the debt
We recently moved but I stay in contact with some friends in our old home town. Due to corona things have been hard on my particular good friend. She was nearly depressed due to the lack of physical contact to others. I got hold of some mutual friends and asked them to give her a hug next time they saw her. We established how corona guidelines could still be observed and they even took a self test voluntarily on the day they would meet her (her health is not the best). It was wonderfully! Apparently she was in tears. I wish I could have been there.
Things like this restore my faith in humanity. In my street, I'm kinda dubbed as being unfriendly. But I have serious resting B face, and I'm often lost in thought when walking along (add). Little do they know though, I volunteer, help my mum out, look after my friends kids and have also paid for strangers shopping when they've been short on cash. I'm no Saint but I'm a good person and I sprinkle native wildflower seeds nearby to add a bit of colour.
Yeah, this is really not much of anything, but why not. After my overnight shift at the hospital I had stopped at the Aldi close to my house for a couple things and on my way out an elderly gentleman stopped me. It seems he locked his keys in his car and was looking for a ride home. It was a really pleasant morning and for some reason I didn't even think twice, but said sure. He seemed pretty embarrassed and a little ashamed. Turns out he lives not too far from me in the same development so I brought him to his house. He pulled out money to give me, but I refused it. He seemed pretty surprised and very thankful. I know he mumbled something about paying me when he asked for the ride, but that's just silly. I wouldn't have wanted money either way, but particularly not since he lives so close to me and it's literally not even out of my way. As a sidenote, I'm transgender and I'm proud that I am finding myself able to interact with people directly. Strangers have always frightened me so this probably did just as much good for me as it did for him. ❤️ Sh*t, I hope he had a house key....
The sister of a high school best friend of mine had come into the grocery store where I worked. I went to talk to her and could tell she was distraught. She had told me she was on her way home from the hospital. Her youngest son had an accident on a 4 wheeler and was now paralyzed from the waist down. She went to swipe her card and it declined. Several times. She broke down in tears. I swiped my card so fast. She hugged me and cried on my shoulder for about 10 minutes. She still thanks me to this day for that. I adore her and her whole family.
i try to do things for others when i can just because we are all humans & should do for each other when the opportunity arises. but, there is one unsung hero in my life. about 30 yrs ago, christmas coming-hubby not working unexpectedly for awhile & my job didn't cover all so savings being drained. a lot of bills were getting overdue & the creditors are calling. some were real ass-hats but most were understanding as our payment history showed we had been good customers. but, one day i was just stressed out when one called & i just spilled how frustrating it was to go through all of this right before the holidays to which there would be little to give our son. the guy was very professional. at the beginning of the call he told me the past due amt & asked what i could pay. after hearing what i said he told me that my account was currently up to date and past due fees that had been applied in error had been removed, leaving 'x' for the balance. hope he had good karma for that.
This is just awesome to hear. I hope everyone can benefit from reading these stories. God bless and I hope we can speed the love and kindness in this world If your reading this I hope you have a great day and know. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV
I so enjoyed reading how nice so many people are. As trite as it sounds, it made me feel warm inside.
About 10 years ago, I met a young, homeless woman, that stood in front of the train station and asked passers-by for change. I asked her if there was anything she urgently needed. She said she was on her period and was trying to get enough money for tampons. So I took her to the nearest drugstore and provided her with everything she needed. I also bought her a menstrual cup ... because, in the long run, it was cheaper for her, than using tampons. We talked a bit and I gave her addresses and phone numbers of aid organizations that "deal" with homeless women and minors (she was 17). We also exchanged numbers ... and texted from time to time. The last time I heard from her, she was moving into a house with her lovely friend and was about to get married.
Thank you to all these people. Never give up on kindness, it's the most rewarding thing in the world.
A fairly minor example, but I felt it was pretty nice - about a year ago (towards the start of the pandemic), my dad and I were driving around town, and at one point came across a homeless couple who asked if we had any donations. We ended up going to the bank to withdraw some money before going back to the parking lot and giving it to them, and they were very grateful - I hope they're doing well now.
I can't say they're things I did anonymously but I am always looking for ways to help strangers. Like the time I found two backpacks on a curb as I was bicycling up a hill in San Francisco. They turned out to belong to two German teenagers (17 & 19). Their passports, credit cards, and German ID cards showing they lived in Berlin were inside. I tried contacting the local consulate but they were closed for the weekend so when I got home I contacted a friend who lives in Berlin and had him look up their families and give them a call and tell them that their stuff would be at a police station to pick up. I have always imagined the state of panic I would have been in to be in a strange foreign country, 10,000 kilometers from home, and losing all those things when I was their age.
I LOVE doing random acts of kindness for strangers. It was tiresome when I did anything for friends -- they would ALWAYS come back for another favor . . .
I've had my share of helping people, and being helped by others. But I put it all down to the example of my parents. When I was about 12, a girl I was friendly with and went to school with had a house fire a couple days before Xmas. They lost tons of stuff. I wasn't close with this girl, but when I told my parents about it, they didn't hesitate to go out and buy her and her family a new XMas tree, and a few presents for under it. They also gave her parents a couple hundred dollars so they could buy what needed to be replaced and make sure my friend and her brother had a good Xmas. My parents are the most generous and giving people I know, and they taught me and my sister to help when we can, just by being an example and always helping others.
I have a lawn service. I see your leaking/dripping hose bib. With my wrench (I carry for this reason) I give the packer nut a quick turn. I am the only one that knows. And perhaps that is still one too many?
Thoroughly enjoyed reading these, brightened my day and gave me lots of good ideas