Sometimes, the best way to deal with the chaos of our daily lives is to enjoy memes. These digital tidbits hilariously capture our struggles, triumphs, and everything in between. Whether you are trying to juggle a demanding work schedule, navigate the quirks of a relationship, or simply try to be an adult without going crazy, you might find solace in these funny jokes.

And while we love memes of all kinds—animal, weird—the Bored Panda team has scoured the internet for funny memes just for you. These posts will make you laugh and nod in agreement and perhaps even make you feel a little less alone in this crazy rollercoaster that is life.



Hold My Beer Report

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patriciakersting avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Don’t remember which presidential election it was, but back in the 1960s or ‘70s, a whole lot of people voted for a write-in candidate named None of the Above.

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Memes have, over the years, become a strong way of communication for individuals from different backgrounds and cultures. Scholars researching modern means of communication have argued that memes can be considered a language in themselves.

Well, these digital nuggets are appealing to all because they humorously deal with common human experiences and emotions. It makes us feel better when we know that we are not the only ones and that others also face similar problems.



Tony Matthews Report

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Mohsie Supposie
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You get to make three wishes. There is no guarantee they will be fulfilled. You just get to make them!

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One of the things that many people relate to is workplace challenges. In its State of the Global Workplace: 2022 survey, Gallup discovered that 19% of individuals are dissatisfied with their jobs. However, despite the challenges people face in the office, there's a shared sense of humor that keeps things in perspective.


Work memes often encapsulate the travails of employees, whether it’s finding amusement in your coworkers’ eccentricities or coming up with innovative ways to survive the daily grind.


There’s also the universal feeling of dread that comes with the start of the workweek. Many of us might feel the alarm clock is our arch-nemesis as it rudely interrupts our blissful Sunday sleep-in.

And when you finally manage to put on something smart, then the tortuous commute will make you think about the existential question: “Do I really need this job?” But hey, duty calls, and you need to pay those bills.


Additionally, let’s not forget funny idiosyncrasies and conflicts with family members too. Sometimes it seems like moms and dads have an international code book of questions they should ask kids about.

Parental pestering over issues such as career choices, love affairs, or hygiene habits is faced by many children.

As kids, many of us have had some amusing experiences with our siblings. For example, the never-ending fight for your parents' attention or the laughable argument over who will take the last pizza slice. Family dynamics can be quite complex, but they are what hold you down at times.



Ashlie Tavares Report

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Rosie Red
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I had to send my cat to Rainbow Bridge two days ago. I would give anything to have her sit on my head just one more time.

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Sometimes it’s neither work nor family. Occasionally, we find ourselves getting upset by minor accidents. For example, suppose you have a very tight schedule. You need to go to the gym, then buy groceries from the market, and go to the office before attending a friend’s birthday.


But you just realized your wallet is still at home. In such cases, one may either get annoyed or step back, laugh, and come up with some possible solution.

Another popular type of meme is about technical challenges. Let us start with autocorrect, which is an unwanted assistant who thinks he knows better. You are trying to send a simple message, but it translates your words into something like ‘I’ll be bear moon’ instead of ‘I’ll be there soon’.

Moreover, think about those glitches that happen when they are least expected. For instance, your computer has somehow decided to upgrade itself right in the middle of an important meeting, or perhaps your phone freezes when you were supposed to show a boarding pass on it.

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“I will start working out on the 1st of next month" is an excuse many of us make when we want to begin our health journey. Many people intend to exercise frequently or maintain a healthy diet, but occasionally they are unable to do so. And while it might make them feel somewhat guilty inside, relatable workout failures might make them feel lighter.



Tony Matthews Report

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Mimi La Souris
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No, I’m a panda °dark circles around the eyes °a diet that does not suit me and that I digest badly °hairy everywhere °sleepy all day °people are dead laughing when I do gym

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Makenzee Jade Report

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slapdash1 avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Also: don't act surprised if he refuses to put up with your toxic sh!t

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In life, we are all going to have inconveniences. All the same, it's comforting to know that there are other people facing similar issues. Which of these memes best captured your experience? Remember to upvote your favorite posts, Pandas.



Brandy Michelle Gerber Report

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Ali H M Salehuddin
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you let an uncooked pizza run through, by the 3rd slide it'll be done.

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Female Memes Report

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bobward_123 avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You don't have a Cleaning playlist? That implies weed is not legal in your state. My house is spotless

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Cyan Mor Report

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laura lee
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2 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Tangent topic, just found out Jimmy Pesto (Bob's Burgers rival) voice actor just pleaded guilty as one of the Jan 6th insurrectionists.

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Laugh Lounge Report

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stephanieafernando avatar
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2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My friend started sending me voice notes when he’s driving as, obviously, he couldn’t text. It was great - enables us to keep talking to each other without the horrors of actually talking to each other.

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Tony Matthews Report

Note: this post originally had 73 images. It’s been shortened to the top 40 images based on user votes.