35 People Are Sharing Their Most Awkward Dates And It’s Both Funny And Painful To Read
We all deserve love and to be loved. I mean, is it too much that we’re asking for? But if you've ever walked in the shoes of a singleton, and at some point we all have, you know what a blessing and a curse it may be. Let’s face it, the dating game is not for the faint-hearted, no matter what the media and apps that people download and delete in a cycle of despair and hope would tell us.
In fact, a Pew Research survey showed that most of those on the romantic hunt, which makes up 15% of American adults who are single and looking for a relationship, are dissatisfied with their dating lives. How come?
Well, the answer lies somewhere between the lines of real-life stories from people who survived the most awkward date. And although the degree of awkwardness varies substantially from one date to other, anyone who’s had a bad one came out of it with a fun (hopefully fun) memory to talk about.
Thanks to Twitter user Steven Glansberg, who asked “What’s the most awkward date y’all ever been on?” we now have a collection of honest answers that tick all the boxes for a well-made drama film. Psst! After you're done, make sure to check out our previous post with the worst first date stories right here.
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In a sense, every date is like your first date. The nervousness is real, but the level of it varies from person to person. Some see it as a test they want to pass real badly, others go with a more relaxed approach and see where the encounter takes them.
So previously, Bored Panda contacted Susan Winter, love coach and author of “Breakup Triage: The Cure for Heartache,” to find out what she has to say about nailing the dating game. It turns out, even if the impulse to create romantic relationships exists, the skill set to do so may not. Susan said that there’s been an increasing loss of capacity for clear communication and clarity of "dating purpose."
Not an ideal date situation but at least his parents are happy. It has to be better than learning that mom is cheating on dad.
You got the assignment wrong. This thread is for bad dates only. This one sounds awesome.
According to Susan, it’s important to know what you want and how you want it: “Without mental clarity, there is no emotional clarity.” Firstly, “we must know what we want out of a relationship.” And secondly, “we must define those goals to our perspective mate, using language they understand, e.g. 'I want a partner,' or 'I'm just looking to have fun.'"
I adore her! Now I’m curious who it was... I looked it up. His name is Mark Anthony "Gator" Rogowski
Wow, that's toxic as all hell. Using your children to guilt women into camping home with you, is just terrible. I feel really sorry for that kid.
How long do you think he sat there, timing your "bathroom break" before he realized what happened?
When asked whether people still date in these unprecedented times, the relationship coach assured us that they indeed do, but nobody really calls it “dating” anymore. “This seems to be a resistance to the term itself. 'Dating' may feel too formal a word for some people who'd rather say they're hanging out, or hooking up,” she explained.
This could easily be one that ended in "and we were married a year later"
Meanwhile, more and more singletons are now getting into doing "proper dates." Susan explained: “Old-school protocol can seem interesting and new wave when it's a novel departure from the norm of nondescript get-togethers.”
“If your partner takes the time and energy to plan a great date, then you know they have the capacity to invest time and energy into a relationship.” So no date should be overlooked. Planning a first date is a way to show that you're invested in making a good impression. “Plan in advance. Know your partner's preferences: their likes and dislikes. Be creative. Be thoughtful. Be kind,” suggested Susan.
Sounds like the pastor was c**k blocking you for his own selfish reasons.
not sure if i should upvote cuz it fits the title or downvote cuz bruh
In his mind you already proved that you're very rich, so you surely wouldn't mind buying him a ps5. Logic....
As much as I agree that this person dodged a bullet, I find it really weird when people go to a restaurant and don’t order anything.
I was asked on a first date to a party. I really liked this guy so to make his drive shorter I told him to pick me up at my mom' house. I got ready at my place, favorite jeans and a cute sweater. He picked me up dressed to the hilt. Turns out we were going to a ritzy wedding reception it an upscale neighborhood. This guy made a quick stop on the way to change into jeans. We were the only two dorks in jeans on fancy pants occasion. Pretty sure that's reason I married him. Now it's 38 years, 3 kids and 8 grandchildren later. Yeah, I got one of the good ones.
THIS WENT : what a silly take a date party, without telling its a weeding TO awww that's so sweet. Yes, you definitely got one of the good ones. Wish you happiness and health.
I joined a dating service with so many pretty ladies. One of them picked me, so I gave her a call. We had a basic "dinner & movies" type date. She was agitated and overreacted to everything I said during dinner. She said she was a nurse at a nearby psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane. She explained she was acting a little weird because she was cooped up with psych patients every day, and it rubs off. I was so nervous, I started to walk out twice. After the movie, I dropped her off at her apartment. No invitation to come in, no problem, I wanted to get out of there. So I called the psych hospital a couple of days later since she didn't give me her number. I wanted to thank her anyway for going out with me. I asked if I could speak to Nurse XXXX. The phone went quiet for a moment, and then the receptionist said, "Sir, we don't have a nurse by that name, but we do have a patient. Do you want to speak to her?" Apparently, she was out on a weekend pass. Yikes!
Oh my. One the other hand it looks like she did all in her power to have one single normal date. I kind of feel sad about it.
Load More Replies...I have so many of these. I think the one that fits this one is this: Met a guy online, we meet for coffee, hit it off and agree to dinner a few says later. We meet at a restaurant near a mall and have an hour to kill before our reservation so we go window shopping. He stops in a shoe store and wants to buy me a pair of shoes, I decline because I don't know him well enough to accept gifts and he becomes very insistent almost to the point of anger. Then he tells me that I wouldn't get to keep them anyway, he wants to buy them, have me wear for the date and then he will take the shoes home with him. Um...I noped right out of there and didn't even go have dinner with him.
I was asked on a first date to a party. I really liked this guy so to make his drive shorter I told him to pick me up at my mom' house. I got ready at my place, favorite jeans and a cute sweater. He picked me up dressed to the hilt. Turns out we were going to a ritzy wedding reception it an upscale neighborhood. This guy made a quick stop on the way to change into jeans. We were the only two dorks in jeans on fancy pants occasion. Pretty sure that's reason I married him. Now it's 38 years, 3 kids and 8 grandchildren later. Yeah, I got one of the good ones.
THIS WENT : what a silly take a date party, without telling its a weeding TO awww that's so sweet. Yes, you definitely got one of the good ones. Wish you happiness and health.
I joined a dating service with so many pretty ladies. One of them picked me, so I gave her a call. We had a basic "dinner & movies" type date. She was agitated and overreacted to everything I said during dinner. She said she was a nurse at a nearby psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane. She explained she was acting a little weird because she was cooped up with psych patients every day, and it rubs off. I was so nervous, I started to walk out twice. After the movie, I dropped her off at her apartment. No invitation to come in, no problem, I wanted to get out of there. So I called the psych hospital a couple of days later since she didn't give me her number. I wanted to thank her anyway for going out with me. I asked if I could speak to Nurse XXXX. The phone went quiet for a moment, and then the receptionist said, "Sir, we don't have a nurse by that name, but we do have a patient. Do you want to speak to her?" Apparently, she was out on a weekend pass. Yikes!
Oh my. One the other hand it looks like she did all in her power to have one single normal date. I kind of feel sad about it.
Load More Replies...I have so many of these. I think the one that fits this one is this: Met a guy online, we meet for coffee, hit it off and agree to dinner a few says later. We meet at a restaurant near a mall and have an hour to kill before our reservation so we go window shopping. He stops in a shoe store and wants to buy me a pair of shoes, I decline because I don't know him well enough to accept gifts and he becomes very insistent almost to the point of anger. Then he tells me that I wouldn't get to keep them anyway, he wants to buy them, have me wear for the date and then he will take the shoes home with him. Um...I noped right out of there and didn't even go have dinner with him.