Michael Chapman wasn’t the only man who hated mornings. Depending on your personality, you either love the morning or hate it. Either way, both morning and night people can agree that good morning jokes and puns are a great way to start the day.
Whether you’re waking up at 5 a.m. or starting the day at noon, funny good-morning memes can set the mood for the entire day. Many of us go online first thing in the morning. Although that’s an excellent way to keep up with current affairs, the abundance of negative headlines in the news can increase anxiety. Why not start the day on a good note by checking entertaining content like funny good morning images?
Brew yourself a coffee and get off on the right foot with some handpicked good morning jokes. We’ve compiled plenty of funny morning quotes and puns to make you giggle and brighten your day.
Do you know a morning joke that hasn’t been mentioned? Share it in the comments! And if you want even more humor for the morning, check out these mirthful one-liners! It’s time for your daily dose of Vitamin L (for laughter), so let’s get started.
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My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30am this morning, can you believe that, 2:30am?!
Luckily for him I was still up playing my Bagpipes.
I never thought I'd be the type of person who would one day get up early in the morning to exercise. I was right.
My morning alarm is clearly jealous of my amazing relationship with my bed.
I wake up in the morning and lay in my bed waiting for my mom to prepare breakfast. And suddenly I remember that I’m the mom.
What happened to the guy that accidentally made his morning coffee with some Red Bull instead of with water?
He got halfway to his work before he realized he had forgotten his car.
I would be a morning person if morning happened around 1 p.m.
If you're feeling down, try drinking a gallon of water just before you go to bed.
That will give you a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
Every day at breakfast, I announce that I’m going for a jog, and then I don’t.
It’s my longest running joke of the year.
The morning is great. Its only catch is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.
12am And Up Is Fine, Until The Sun Comes Up And Everyone Else Wakes Up Too. That's My Cue To Hit The Sack!! 🛏️ 💤 💤 🛏️
"Sometimes I can be a real morning person; like in the afternoon when I get up."
Waking up early in the morning and getting things done is one of the best feelings ever…
I assume.
How did the man burn 800 calories in the morning easily? He forgot his pizza inside his oven.
What Is the Value of Good Morning Memes and Jokes?
People often use good morning memes to start their day joyfully. Maybe you’ve hunted for a funny, hilarious good morning meme to send to your family or received one yourself. Whatever the case, these memes are fun to see, but they also have many other benefits that might surprise you.
A Penn State study published in the Journal of Psychology of Popular Media found that simply viewing memes could put you in a better mood. They also stated that memes have the potential to influence peoples’ psychological states, their stress levels, and even their ability to cope with stress.
Another study by the Dominican University of California found that creating memes could help people cope and reframe negative thoughts. It’s an excellent way of dealing with stress and increasing positive mood.
This should indicate that these morning quotes work hard to make you happy and cheerful. You can enjoy them and think of creating a few of your own. If you do make any funny good morning jokes, don’t forget to share them with us and spread the joy!
Did you hear about the man that got hit by the very same bike every single morning?
It’s a vicious cycle.
I decided to make sure my wife woke up with a big smile on her face this morning…
That’s why I can’t have Sharpies in the house anymore.
I don’t mind breakfast in bed… But I prefer it in a bowl.
Same, but do you do milk then cereal or cereal then milk? Personally I start with the bowl.
When the man who was visiting his wife’s grave said "Morning" to another visitor, what did the other man reply?
He said, "No, I'm just walking my dog."
I'm a morning person. Every morning when I wake up, I'm mourning the fact that I'm no longer sleeping.
Always!! It's Even Worse When My Back And Whole Body Is Killing Me So I Can't Stay In Bed Anymore.... 😢 😢
My outfits are typically inspired by the fact that I hit my snooze button 8 times every morning.
Every morning after I wake up, the first thing I do is make my bed.
Tomorrow I’m returning this piece of junk to Ikea.
Keep the dream alive: Hit the snooze button.
A yawn in the morning is a silent scream for coffee…
Have you heard about the guy who found a bunch of celery every morning on his front doorstep?
He thought he was being stalked.
Bacon and eggs walk into a bar…
The bartender says, “Get out of here! We don’t serve breakfast!”
What would you say if you had breakfast with the Pope?
Eggs, Benedict?
Bought one of those travelling irons yesterday.
Woke up this morning and it was gone.
What takes you the longest to get ready in the morning?
Finding the will to live.
Why don’t helicopters fly in the morning?
Did you hear about the man that found a bunch of LEGO every morning on his front porch?
He didn't know what to make of them.
What did the man say to his wife when she was grouchy all day because they ran out of bread?
"I didn't know you were lack-toast intolerant."
I was driving to work this morning when I saw a guy texting and driving.
I was so angry I rolled down my window and threw my beer can at him.
I woke up this morning to find all by books and knick-knacks scattered all over the floor.
I’ve only got my shelf to blame.
Some people wake up drowsy. Some people wake up energized. I wake up dead.
What beverage do sick people have in the morning?
What happens when you smell breakfast in the morning?
It would be bacon-ing me and I'd be very egg-cited.
Bacon-Ing?? (Making Me??) I Don't Get This Part.... Egg-Cited = Excited (It Would Be Making Me And I'd Be Very Excited)????
I couldn’t find the car window scraper this morning, so I used a plastic store discount card to clean my windows.
It didn’t work very well. I only got 20% off.
What happened to the guy that started jogging in the mornings for his health?
It's now been almost a year no one knows where he actually is.
Great start for a true crime podcast (that he would have listened to during his last run...)
What would you call having mushrooms every day in the morning?
It's what champignons eat.
What would you call the alarm clock which always goes off at 2 o'clock in the morning every day?
A ringing nightmare.
Did you hear about the man that woke up in the morning and forgot which side the sun rises from?
It eventually dawned on him.
What do iPhones eat for breakfast?
What does a croissant say to a cup of coffee in the morning?
"You're not really my cup of tea."
"I'm totally a morning person in the sense that I'm a person and mornings happen and there's apparently nothing I can do about it."
What would you say if your dad asks you how the breakfast waffles he made were?
"They weren't w-awful."
I love the early hours of the day. It’s a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there.
What would you call it if you spent an entire morning coating a ladder with grease which leads into your attic?
An anti-climb-attic morning.
What did the man say to his son when he wanted a frozen rito in the morning for breakfast?
"Son, you want a brrrr-rito?"
What would you call it if you accidentally spilled some coffee grinds in the morning?
It was grounded.
What do you say when someone compliments the eggs you cooked for breakfast?
"Well, I'm an eggspert."
What would you call it if you choke on your water when jogging every morning for a week?
The worst ever running gag.
Mornings are pure evil from the pits of hell, which is why I don't do them anymore.
What would you say to your plumber if you heard a tap on your door first thing in the morning?
"You have quite a sense of humor."
What did the one-legged woman do at the ATM every morning?
She checked her balance.
What did the man say when he woke up in the morning to find he had turned into a cat?
He said, "Don’t ask meow it happened".
What does a pastry chef say to himself in the morning every day?
"I'll be making a lot of dough today."
This morning, my Grandpa walked into my room with a young bearded guy wearing skinny jeans.
I said, “Who is this guy?”
My Grandpa said, “My hip replacement.”
What did the woman say when she realized that her morning was actually bittersweet?
She said, "That's the last time I drink spoiled milk with sugar".
Have you heard about a Frenchman that choked while he was eating his morning omelet?
He said, "Oeuf."
What would happen if you were made to promise to put on your mask before going to work every morning?
I'd be late to work every day and definitely get tired of Jim Carey.
What would you do if you got up in the morning, ran around the blocks a few times and got tired?
I'd pick up the blocks and put them back in my brother's toy box.
Have you heard about a man named Aaron who also has a son named Aaron and they go jogging together every morning?
Well, they're running Aarons.
What happened when the lawyer worried about his court case and forgot to use any coffee filter in the morning?
Well, after brewing, the coffee had quite a lot of grounds to appeal.
What would you call it if you had a gold-colored hot drink in a golden cup in the morning every day?
My gilt-tea pleasure.
Why did the morning coffee never talk to the herbal drinks?
Because they weren’t really his cup of tea.
Why did the jailer start counting the numbers of all the inmates in the morning?
Because she wanted a con-census.
Why did the man get arrested for pouring himself a cup of coffee in the morning?
The police thought it was mugging.
Why did the man make his hamster an extra-strong coffee in the morning?
He didn't want it to fall asleep at the wheel.
What did the man do when he found all his knick-knacks and books scattered all around the floor?
He just blamed him-shelf.
Which superhero delivers the morning papers?
It's Newspaperman.
Why were the man and his family crying in the morning?
They were coming back from a moving sale.
What does a Moogle need every day when it wakes up?
It needs a kup-o coffee.
Why did the man started going for body surfing every morning at the beach instead of watching the news?
Because it kept him abreast of the current events.
Why did the man always cheat on his diet in the morning?
Because he thought, at the end of the day, he's staying faithful.
Which Morning Joke Made Your Day?
Let us know if we could put a smile on your face with these good morning puns and quips. We don’t want your fun to end just yet! Continue on the path of laughter with these funny memes for friends and relatable memes that will have you cackling. Make humor a part of your morning routine because a meme a day keeps the doctor away (or so we believe)!