If you think you are having the worst day ever - take a look at these photos. Chances are your troubles won't look as bad compared to these, and as cliche as it might sound, after the storm comes a calm!
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Yep, That's Snow
Only Realised They Were There After The Flash
I Dropped It...
Oh No
I've Been At Work For 4 Hours Now. I Just Saw This
This Is What Happens When You Forget To Roll Your Window Up Before A Snowstorm
Oh... Uhh... Well, Sh*t
The bear looks as surprised as him. Like "oh. Oh hi... So, this is awkward."
Some Water Running From The Roof Got Stuck By The Paint On The Ceiling. Now What?
Well, Good Morning
I Broke My Apple Slicer And Accidentally Created A Very Dangerous Apple
What Happens When You Go For The Rear Defrost But Hit The Sun Roof. Alaska Style
How's Your Day Going?
That makes my stomach hurt. And I've been out of college since 1988
My Mom Almost Crashed Her Car Today Cause A Snake Started Coming Out Of Her Vents While She Was Driving
How To Lose At Life
This Guy Having A Bad Day At Glastonbury 2017
F**k This Kid In Particular
The F Fell Off My Ford Fiesta Flame. Now I Drive A Ford Fiesta Lame
I don't know why , but this is hilarious. Can't stop laughing x'D
I Live In A Town Where I Have Been Waiting For This To Happen For Almost 24 Years. Today, It Finally Happened!
Kid On The Scooter Had A Bad Day
A Porcupine Fell From A Tree And Fell On Her Head. The Apex Of Unluckiness
Today Is Not My Day
Well This Happened Today...
Well Sh*t, Now What?
This Happened To The Plane Mid-Flight. The Whole Plane Shook And Our Collective Buttholes Puckered
I Just Wanted Some Water
Why... is a fridge... running Windows!? I'd think Java or *nix, but that's the last place I'd expect to see Windows.
Worst Morning Commute Ever
Some Teacher Is Having A Bad Day At School Today
reminds me of when a guy in art class was using a bottle of black paint. He held it upside down and thrust it downward (like you do with a ketchup bottle) , to get some of the paint out into a jar. Then the bottle cap came off...Yeah...
So My Sister Got Her Allergy Test Done And She Was Allergic To Everything They Tested For. Her Worst Reaction Was To Horses
reminds me of my brother - not only did he react to everything - he reacted to the control - tap water!
This Guy Who Didn't Want To Risk His Wiper Blade
When All I Want To Do Is Make Spaghetti, But All Signs Point To It Not Happening
My Basketball Got Stuck Between The Backboard And The Wall Behind It, So I Threw A Rock At It. Then This Happened
A Girl I Know Went To The Zoo And Accidentally Dropped Her Phone. She Didn't Want It Back
Well, Sh*t
The aerosol says "fly and mosquito killer". Spider does what it says on the can. :-)
This Just Happened When I Took My Bananas Out Of A Bag
Well, Sh*t
When You Slice A Bread And Can't Make The Sandwich
Now What?
paint that spot under his feet, walk backwards towards the edge while repainting over his foot steps, jump down and break both legs.
The New Milk My Mom Bought Tastes Funny
Well, Sh*t
On Second Thought, I Think I'll Walk
So This Actually Just Happened At My Aunt's House
After Years In Retail, This Is The Worst Case Scenario
They Forgot To Put Their Drain Plugs In
Oh Sh*t, That Wasn't Grass
Happy Birthday, Muffin!
A Friend Of Mine Found Out Today Why Offices Aren't Based Outside
Well, Crap
Just Came Back From Lunch To This
Well it can't have been the dog.....it is in its cage after all .....
So, This Happened This Morning In Florence
Today Someone Decided To Make An Illegal U Turn At The Worst Possible Time
Well, Screw You Too, Fortune Cookie
Oh No
Spray Tan Tears Won't Go Away
My Friend Was Curling Her Eyelashes While Walking And Tripped. This Happened:
I Just Walked Around The House For 10 Min, Unable To Find Where The Dog Took A Sh*t
30 Min Before The End Of My Shift
The Owner Of The Apartment Told Us It Will Be A Green/Blue Party. (Blue Is A German Expression For Being Drunk And Green For Weed). This Guy Thought We Make A Costume Party
So This Happened
Stopped Cause I Thought My Tire Popped, But I'm Pretty Sure Someone Tried To Murder Me
Roommate Learned A Valuable Lesson Today
My mom was visiting and did the same thing, I walked in from a class and she was totally oblivious, in another room. I let out a shriek as I saw bubbles "walking" across my kitchen floor, they had made it all the way across the room and down the basement stairs. She never had a dishwasher so didn't have a clue there was "special soap". 😂
A Bad Day At Work
The Peel-Open Seal. Every. Single. Time
I Got Charged Per Onion Ring And Not All The Rings Cost The Same Amount
Never Sleep Outside With Cereal Guys
Wore A Shoelace As A Belt For Work Today Out Of Desperation. Now The Office Thinks I'm The "Thong Guy"
My Sister Was Taking Pictures Of My Nephew At School & The Little Guy In The Back Looks Miserable
Halloween 1989. That's Me On The Right. My Sister Is Behind Me And About To Have A Really Bad Day
My Coffee Turned Out A Bit Odd This Morning. Can't Imagine How It Could Have Happened
My Housemates Thought It Would Be A Good Idea To Do This While I Was Asleep And Then Leave For The Day (With The Key). I Have A Job Interview In 2 Hours
And They Wonder Why Exercise Initiatives Fail
Homeschooling Has A Whole New Meaning
The Seconds Before Realising
The paint might actually be dry. Painters don't always go back to remove the notices. Here's hoping!
My Baby Ordered 94 Dollars Worth Of Pizza Off An App Called 'Slice' That Doesn’t Ask For Payment Info Verification When Placing An Order
That is another reason not to let kids play with adult toys. Give them their own play phones and age appropriate toys. My daughter was not allowed to play with any phones or even remote controls. , for the tv, dvd player these are all adult toys. Live and learn
I'm Not Sad I'm Working On Thanksgiving, I'm Sad My Donut Shop Is Closed
Well, Sh*t
My First Day Of Class Starts In An Hour And The Battery To My Clippers Just Died. Well, So Much For First Impression
I Got Assigned Locker 68. Guess I Don't Have A Locker This Year
Somebody Must Be Having A Bad Day
I Selected A Window Seat To Avoid Human Contact
omg... so disgusting... I would "sneeze" and try my hardest to spit a lot on that foot
This SUV Broke The Sound Barrier
Hope Your Monday Went Better Then Mine
I'm A Baker. After Working All Morning On This Order, I Get This Text From My Boss
Oh No
I Spent Months Painting These Shoes For A Friend And Realized When I Was Done That They're The Wrong Size
I Can't Believe This Happened. R.I.P. My Ice Cream
If I Made A List Of Impossible Sh*t That Would Wake Me Up At 3:00 AM On A Monday Morning This Would Top The List
You Think Your Day's Been Bad?
And yet after all the stupidity (hey as a basic keep safe rule u r sposed to get out and check river crossings by foot if you intend to go into them) They then sit with feet in water of what looks like crocodile territory to me (oh but crocs only as far as Rockhampton ., b******t they do).
So My Friends At Work Accidentally Broke A Pipe Line And As Result 30 Ton Of Flour Dropped On The Floor
Only Me
How Was Your Monday?
That's what you get for buying a Mercedes. Probably cost a grand to fix.
A Tractor Trailer Slammed Into The Mablevale Overpass On I-30, Causing Frozen Pizzas To Cover The Interstate, Blocking All Traffic
If they had put it on the news and told people to come and get-um the road would cleaned in nothing flat!
Take the mat out of the car, bring it into the kitchen, place it on the table and dig in.
Worst Day Ever
The Solar Eclipse Glasses I Ordered A Month Ago Finally Came! 4 Days After The Eclipse...
So This Just Happened
At Least It's Not Stolen
Friend Went Ice Fishing And Decided To Take A Pic Of The Ice Hole. Oops
I Was Also Having A Bad Day
Glass 1:0 Toilet
How's Your Monday Going?
I Don't Know How This Happened, I Work At A Toilet Paper Factory...
I feel you......I worked at a glass factory 12 years, could never find a glass in my house!!
How I Became An "Ice Road" Trucker
This Is How A Bad Day Looks Like
You Know Someone's Had A Bad Day When You Find This In The Toilet Cubical
My View Of Metallica From The Handicapped Section At Commonwealth Stadium In Edmonton. 7 Hour Drive For This
I Made A Beast Cheesecake And Then I Dropped It
Here Is Our Daughter's First Flight In Europe. "And We'll Be Able To See Paris As We Fly Over It!"
Oh No
So I Walk Into My Office This Morning...
The Key Was A Little Bent, So I Tried To Correct It. I'm 650 Miles From Home
Someone Really Had To Wipe
Happy Birthday
My Friend Said He Could Be An Olympic Diver. This Is What Happened
Amazon Shipped My Hot Sauce Without Any Padding
They sent a bottle of liquid fertilizer in a padded envelope to me!!! what a mess!!!!!!!
This Happened Outside My Buddy's Workplace. The Student Driver Sticker Really Brings It All Together
Not Cool, Monday. Not Cool At All
Oops... Wrong Gurney In The Room
It's My Dad's. It's $800. I'm Going To Die
You can fix that good as new with some duct tape and super glue. He'll never notice.
Cat Puked On The Dog. Dog Proceeded To Wag His Tail Flinging It Everywhere
See You In Court, Palmer Paint Products
Well, Sh*t
Well, My Life Sucks Today
Don't worry - Placing it above the fireplace would have had the exact same result internally, eventually (#derp!)
I Think We Might Be Low On Ink
Someone's Having A Bad Day
What's This? I'm Going Back To Bed
Pizza Fail
Well, Sh*t. Literally, Sh*t
You Think You're Having A Bad Day
I Knew I Forgot Something Outside Last Night. FML
My Friend Works At A Bank And Today This Happened
Don't Ask Me How This Happened, I Hate Myself Too
Well, Sh*t
First Winter Snow. Damn
Upvote if you also had to look at this for 45 seconds to figure out what exactly you were looking at.
So This Happened
Hapy F**king Monday
Happy Start Of The Day
I'll Of A Sudden It Turned Into A Bad Day
It's gotta make you just a little paranoid about the part of the ladder you're on...
Friend Of Mine Started Their Day Off Poorly
Wine Tragedy
He Dropped His Doritos On The Road
I'll Never Be Someone's Bride
Burning My Laptop
Just Washing Some Pillows
How Does This Happen?
Your friends hid the keys behind the wheel, but you had your own set. 🤐
And How Do You Start Your Morning?
Well, Screw You, Morning
It's A Bad Day When...
140 People Booked In My Restaurant Tonight. My Only Oven. Damn
Someone's Going Through A Really Bad Breakup If This Decision Was Made
R.I.P. My Real Life Inbox. These All Arrived Within 72 Hours Of Getting A DWI. In Other News: Drinking And Driving Is Idiotic. I Accept My Punishment And Regret My Poor Decisions. Be Safe, Kiddos. Learn From My Fail. I Did
You Thought You Were Having A Bad Day
Just Accidentally Played The Worst Game Ever. I Call It 'Pear Or Potato'
Either this is staged, or you really don't know where to store your potatos.
So This Happened To Me On An Escolator In Korea. One Of My Worst Fears Came True
This Happened At My Local Restaurant
Well, Sh*t
Don't Squat While Wearing Work Pants At Work. Ever
4 Minutes Before I Was Supposed To Clock Out
Walked Around All Day With A Thong Hanging Out Of My Hood. The Worst Part Is This Wasn't The First Time
Boyfriend Bought 8 Lbs Of Jellly Bellies. Then The Bag Broke. This Was The Result. Oops
Well, That Escalated Quickly
Great Disappointment
Well, Sh*t
When You Get To Work At 5:30 Am And Someone Has Thrown Your Breakfast Away
Every Monday morning the cleaning ladies at our company throw everything that was left in the fridge the previous week. That's because some people tend to leave food until new life is born on it and it makes the whole fridge and even the whole office smell as if someone died there...
My Friend Has The Best Luck On Airplanes
This is why you bring a spare change in your carry on. Pajamas or sweats roll up small enough.
Decided To Go Without Underwear Today At Work, Noticed Several People Across The Room Leave Upset During Our Morning Meeting. Now I Know Why
This Is What I Found When I Went To Leave For Work
Noticed This At 10 Am This Morning. Looks Like It's Going To Be One Of Those Kinds Of Days
You must have been still drunk from the night before. I can understand two different colored shoes, maybe it was dark. But wouldn't you notice one was lace-up and one wasn't?
Just Makin' Smoothies
That blender must have been almost overflowing even before it was turned on.
This Knife
I Am 32-Years-Old And I Just Fell For The Oldest Trick In The Book
Yesterday I Made A Poor Decision About My Skin And The Effect Of Prolonged Sun Exposure
Well, Sh*t
So I Think I Might Just Go Back To Bed... FML
Why For Me
When You Positively Know You've Failed Your Driving Test
They usually use traffic cones to park between not concrete pillars..............
Thought I Was Using The Wet Wipes In My Bathroom, I Was Wrong. R.I.P. My Asshole
3 Dollars Later
I Opened The Fridge Door And All Of My Eggs Fell Out. Good Morning, Monday
Well, Sh*t
Everyone Begged To Work Outside For English
That will teach them to want anything as nasty as fresh air and sunshine.
Seriously Just Finished Organizing This Kit Of Parts
And So, Monday Ends
Why Though
And So, Monday Begins
The Absolute Worst Part Of Doing Dishes
My Colleague Had An Accident Today
are paper towels really the best thing to use for olive oil spills??
Tried To Open The Ice Cream
Just Let Me Get Those Ice Cubes
My Friend Usually Has His Sh*t Together, But We All Make Mistakes
I Should Have Moved My Car
Every. Damn. Time
Put My Beauty Blender In A Cup Of Hot Water And Left It To Soak To Clean It And My Brother Started Drinking It Thinking It Was A Cuppa X Soz X
What A Great Day
Some Guy In My Office Had A Bad Day
Damn It
My Oven Shattered My Hopes Of Spaghetti Squash For Dinner
Well, Sh*t
The chances that a dropped slice of buttered bread will fall face down is in direct proportion to the cost of your beautiful new carpet.
Well, Sh*t
I Was Somewhat Proud Of My Homemade Breakfast So I Went Looking For My Camera. Then The Ceiling Light Fell Off Precisely On The Plate, Shattering The Bulb On My Omelette
That is not an omelette. That is an over easy egg or sunny side up. Aka a dippy egg.
I Was Fooling Around At Walmart And Went To The Women's Restroom. I've Been Trying To Leave For 10 Mins Already, But They Keep Coming
Bad Day At Work
So Woke Up Early To Have Time For Breakfast. Look What's On The Ground By The Way
Wow! That is a huge gap to have between the stove and the cabinets!
When You Try To Leave For Work Earlier Than Normal And Your Fridge Needs To Sacrifice The Cherry Juice Concentrate
Pretty sure this is the "dirty girl" Ross tried dating from that episode of Friends
Yesterday I Spilled Water Into My Coin Tray. Today I Go To Feed The Meter
Teenage Drift Fail
I Just Spread This All Over My Lips Thinking It Was Chapstick
Safe To Say He Had Enough Of Your Sh*t, Lady
In Case Anyone Is Wondering How My Day Is Going
This is where McDonald's fries belong. Either on the ground or in the trash. Not even sure birds will eat these.
Well, Sh*t
This seems to happen a lot. I'd just be happy it didn't happen while I was on the ladder.
Well, Sh*t
This Girl Asked To Borrow My Paint. As Soon As I Hand It To Her
I Guess On The Bright Side, Nothing Like This Has Happened During Sex
Hoping You All Had A Better Day Than We Did
This Egg Peeling Fiasco
Sometimes this is the result of the eggs being TOO fresh, less than 3 days old.
Well F**k You Very Much, Monday
My Teenage Neighbor Breaking Up With His Girlfriend. While Eating Cheetos
Sh*t Eating Grin Gonna Get It
Here's A Picture Of Me Absolutely Obliterating The Dreams Of A Young Child In Arcade Basketball
Well, Sh*t
Oh No
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So I Was Using The Handicapped Stall When This Happened
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Inga is a List Curator at Bored Panda. She is a Creative Industries graduate and has a Bachelor's degree in Communication. This panda's mission is to find and cover perfect topics which would satisfy our readers' curiosity, kill the boredom, or simply make them laugh. As the topics of her lists are so broad, so is Inga's personal preferences. She loves dogs but can't resist snuggling a cat, she likes creepy docuseries but also cute animated movies like Zootopia, her music taste varies from Indie Rock to Pop and Rave, she likes relaxing crafts, yet she usually spends her evenings dancing.
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Inga Korolkovaite
Author, Community member
Inga is a List Curator at Bored Panda. She is a Creative Industries graduate and has a Bachelor's degree in Communication. This panda's mission is to find and cover perfect topics which would satisfy our readers' curiosity, kill the boredom, or simply make them laugh. As the topics of her lists are so broad, so is Inga's personal preferences. She loves dogs but can't resist snuggling a cat, she likes creepy docuseries but also cute animated movies like Zootopia, her music taste varies from Indie Rock to Pop and Rave, she likes relaxing crafts, yet she usually spends her evenings dancing.
I was going yo post this on my Facebook and other shares with people but as the article goes on there appears FAR too many with very inappropriate language and just using one asterisk doesn't clean it up. Plus, the postings seem to degrade into ones that aren't funny after a while. This website needs to do a FAR better job of monitoring their own website. Just like many blogs, the posting does not appear until its approved and if you can't be mature, civilized and respectful your comments or posting will not be added.
I was going yo post this on my Facebook and other shares with people but as the article goes on there appears FAR too many with very inappropriate language and just using one asterisk doesn't clean it up. Plus, the postings seem to degrade into ones that aren't funny after a while. This website needs to do a FAR better job of monitoring their own website. Just like many blogs, the posting does not appear until its approved and if you can't be mature, civilized and respectful your comments or posting will not be added.