This Instagram Page Is Dedicated To Honest “Millennial Mom Confessions”, Here Are 40 Of The Best
Let's be honest, parenting isn't always the enjoyable, life-fulfilling duty we imagine it to be before we have kids. I mean, of course, we love our little ones to their very core. It's just some moments can really test that love.
But don't worry. Whether you're pretending to care about their "Mommy, watch!" stunt or can't be bothered to vacuum your car for the third time this week, fellow parents understand. They know the struggle. And they won't judge you.
Dana from Jacksonville, Florida, is also on this weird and funny ride. Navigating all the twists and turns, she also runs a blog called Millennial Mom Confessions where she talks about her adventures, mishaps, diaper blowouts, and all the lessons learned.
The woman has expressed her thoughts on various topics, ranging from maternity leave to breastfeeding, but this time, we want to focus on a particularly entertaining side of Dana's content. Memes.
Inbetween serious talk, she also (re)shares humorous pictures about the ups and downs of raising a kid, perfectly describing the everyday life of a modern parent, and reminding us that it's ok to not be ok.
Below you will find a collection of Dana's funniest posts. Enjoy!
Moreinfo: millennialmomconfessions.com | Facebook | Instagram
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It's easy to become socially isolated from the outside world when your everyday life is so hectic, but being able to accept every step of your parenting journey is what allows you to move forward.
Vicki Broadbent, for example, successfully juggles a thriving business with raising a family, and she said owning her hiccups really helps her. "When I mess up, I hold my hands up, admit it, and explain to my children what happened ('Mummy shouted because she was tired'). I also always apologize," the founder of Honest Mum and author of Mumboss, told Bored Panda in an earlier interview."It's a strength, not a weakness to say sorry. Being honest about my failures with my children humanizes me as a parent and, most importantly, it normalizes making mistakes. They're a natural part of life and we're all learning and growing. I want my kids to know that while I'm teaching them the difference between right and wrong and the importance of empathy and forgiveness."
I wonder if Adam here has a brother named Bobby and if he has gone to sea?
Vicki said that her family genuinely has a lot of fun. They sing, dance, watch comedies, and always strive to seek the positives in life. "We as parents don't take ourselves too seriously and laugh at ourselves so our children follow suit." Keeping a family together is a lot of work. But offers so much opportunity to have a good time, too, so why not use it?
"Having children is truly a gift," Vicki said. "It gives you as a parent a second chance at childhood. You can live vicariously through your kids; you can see the world anew through their young eyes, and best of all, you get to eat more candy (!) and lose your inhibitions more (I've been known to dance around the supermarket)! It's a maternal right to embarrass your kids, right!"
The mother is fully aware that having kids is a huge responsibility but like everything in life, she always questions herself, 'Am I having fun?'
"Childhood is a short and precious window to be enjoyed so we as parents must protect this time for our children and harness happiness where possible."
People need to respect privacy. There are 7 billion people here and not a single one of them is the same. Don't try to predict them.
So sweet That boy is gonna grow right up into the kinda man we need more of in life, for sure.
But what if screw up and can't stop thinking about it even after venting online? Well, Broadbent believes the fact that you are worried about being a good parent is proof that you are one.
"Please remember you're a human too and will have good and bad days. Be kind to yourself so you can be kind to others and that means forgiving yourself when you mess up," she told Bored Panda in another interview.
My cousin used to make tasteless jokes about ginger kids and say he'd kill them ... guess what colour hair his daughter has? Karma there too. BTW he's absolutely besotted with her.
According to the Honest Mum, you are a composite of your own life experiences and upbringing, those formative childhood years and beyond, and a lot of parenting can feel triggering. "Your child is left out at school for example, and it reminds you of being bullied." So question your reactions.
Speaking from her own experience, Vicki said therapy has helped her own parenting style hugely. She was able to work through issues, allowing herself to recognize if she's projecting or feeling triggered when it comes to her own parenting/children's behavior. And that allows her to change her responses.
↑ this, absolutely. Hand towels even better, they're smaller.
I wish it sent a notification- "KATIE has been done with you for a while and doesn't want to hear about your dinner or kids anymore. She has picked up on the fact that you do like to travel and unfriended you because you were a waste of her feed."
"It has also helped me to be a more sympathetic, calmer parent," Broadbent said. "Children require unconditional love and direction. They thrive on boundaries and routine and they require honesty. You want your children to trust and respect you. They need to know where they stand so they can feel emotionally safe at all times."
Pretty silly, unless it's that pair of old, beloved underwear with holes, that we all have...
"When you mess up, be honest, explain your behavior. For example, 'Sorry, I didn't mean to shout but I didn't sleep well last night and I had a stressful situation at work today.' And if you lost your temper due to your child misbehaving, take some deep breaths and explain in an age-appropriate way how what they are doing makes you feel. Focus on your own emotions so they can empathize with you and also see you as a human being, just like them."
When I grew up, I loved to make my own recipes. Then came the "eat what you bake" rule. For your own safety, don't eat my cooking.
Vicki thinks it's a good idea to use examples to back up your feelings so your child can understand your position. It can be something along the lines of, 'Remember the time you cried when your brother wouldn't listen to your story even though you kept telling it to him over and over again? Well, that's how I feel when you ignore me when I'm calling you for dinner.'
"Warn your child when they are behaving badly then choose an appropriate punishment: stopping tech time for a period or making them take a time-out. Giving them the opportunity to remedy their behavior is fair and allows them to feel they have a chance to do better," Broadbent said.
Dolly Parton sends books to my little cousin (who loves the song Jolene), so she calls her "The lady who loves me" It's the cutest thing ☺️
Laura Markham, who has earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University and has worked as a parenting coach with thousands of parents, said you don't have to make up for not being a perfect parent. Perfect just gets in the way of love, she said. Try to remember that joy comes from appreciating the wonder in all those miraculous moments that are disguised as everyday life.
"The key is letting go of your need to be perfect and offering emotional generosity every chance you get, to everyone around you—including yourself," Markham wrote.
Why can't gentle parenting just be called ‘parenting’? we shouldn't normalize screaming at children and treating them as less than human.
Works on my husband, always get a hug and a chat when it's needed!