“I’m Not A Regular Mom, I’m A Cool Mom”: 40 Neat Mom Memes That Sum Up The Absurdity And Hilarity Of Raising Kids
Nobody said being a mom would be easy. But as soon as you become one, you realize how much time, energy, sacrifice, commitment, and patience it requires for something that yields little outside reward. Add the societal pressure to be not just a mom but a perfect one, and it becomes too much.
No wonder parenting-related memes are on the rise in times of the post-pandemic world, where parents, educators, and entire households have faced unprecedented challenges in leading their lives as normally as possible. From dad jokes to mom memes, it’s a whole new form of absurd comedy that points out the reality of parenthood and wraps it in the internet’s language.
Just like this Neat Mom Instagram account, which is home to a whopping 1.1M followers who chuckle over “moms will get it”-type content. Below, we selected some of the funniest, so scroll down and upvote your favorite ones as you go!
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Look at the admiration on their little faces. The ultimate coolness level a parent can achieve.
Fantastic idea! I'm so fed up with having to choose (no idea how that fell to me!) and then being told 'don't fancy it'. Argh!
Memes used to be seen as something that belonged to a younger generation. Part of the miscellaneous language, they have power to point out a particular situation by showing it in a very relatable manner. Today, more and more parents are browsing the internet for humor-related content, much of which is made of memes. So how did that happen, you may wonder?
When life gets bumpy, and in the lives of parents, this is daily business, humor can become a savior. Funny parenting memes are one type of humor easily accessible via social media. On the more fundamental level, parenting memes reflect some of the quintessential aspects and experiences of raising kids that many families have in common. Memes help parents to recognize that they are not alone in their parenting journey, and this becomes a form of light-hearted relief.
My inlaws had the same problem with their dog. We have such an inconsistent bedtime that our dogs are too confused.
Getting ready for bed wakes you up! Particularly that flipping minty fresh toothpaste malarkey. Why has no one come up with flavours that will promote sleep? Chamomile toothpaste or something?!
Many moms and dads are under the immense stress of being perfect parents. But through the shared sense of absurdity that memes offer, they get a much-needed sense of encouragement. Parents realize that they will get through the challenging days, the rough patches, the uncertainties, and the worries. A little gesture like sending a parenting meme to a friend can be an excellent way to send some encouragement their way, share a laugh, and brighten their day.
Hmmm...perhaps I should ask my wife if I'm honestly the world's greatest lover.
At the same time, memes can be about anything and everything, and younger generations share the most memes. So understanding memes and knowing how to communicate using them is a way for parents to bridge the communication and generation gap between them and their children.
They also learn about their children’s culture and trends, as well as giving parents a sense of how they can better relate to their kids. For that reason, parenting memes can open doors to more in-depth conversations with our kids so they surpass the sole purpose of having a laugh.
LOL when I worked in home care I took care of a 96 year old. I would go in in the morning and say " how are you today?" Her answer was always a snarling " how do you think I am? I woke up AGAIN!" I never really understood until I hit 65. Sigh
that;s so damn relatable, i'm 36 old morning person with zero kids who likes to be in pyjamas by 9; if thing won't start by 6, i'm definitely not going
Imagine if field trips were a thing for employees. No, not a team building activity. Just a field trip where you take a day off work and learn how a medieval farm was run.
Aw, bet that was a fantastic laugh! I grew up on a farm and my dad would put us on the back of an old trailer, pulled by a tractor, and drive around the bumpiest fields with deep ruts in them. We would be jolted and thrown about and had to hang on for dear life! Dangerous? Yep! Fun? So much fun! We would be shrieking with laughter. If I had kids I wouldn't do it in a million years!!
It is probably more interesting and relatable. And more reflective of reality.
Fair play to them. I just have my dogs who never question my decisions or argue with me!
Coming from someone who grew up poor to the point that our summer "consisted of playing in a kiddie pool filled with the laundry rinse water (cause water cost money) I still don't understand the allure of Disney. Over priced garbage.
I remember 1 year my grandkids had been complaining that my pancakes were bad because I didn't have a non stick frying pan but I couldn't afford to buy one. 2 weeks later I got one from my daughter lol. Her boys had told her I needed a new frying pan. Last Christmas I'd told my daughter not to buy me anything as I knew she didn't have much money to buy gifts because of being on maternity leave. Imagine my surprise when she gave me a an electric heating blanket because she knew I couldn't afford to have the heating on.
Dogs should never drive, their head would be outside the whole time.
I'm 19 and feel this is it. Like I'm just going to graduate get a job maybe get married and kids. Like Meh.... Nothing interesting
I was asking myself the same questions. There were a few mom / parent memes. The rest was mostly just memes about being an adult.
I was asking myself the same questions. There were a few mom / parent memes. The rest was mostly just memes about being an adult.