Being called “stupid” and a “loser,” having someone push you into a locker or trip you in the hallway, and getting your lunch money stolen – chances are, most of you know exactly what it’s like to be bullied by nasty little punks!

This netizen’s mom, though, wasn’t having it, so to school her kid’s bully, she decided to pay two boys the same age as him to, well, beat him up. 

More info: Reddit


    Third grader gets sucker punched by an older kid after he found out her mom called CPS

    Image credits: RDNE Stock project (not the actual photo)

    The woman learns about the unfortunate events and comes up with a plan

    Image credits: Ron Lach (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: Alexander Grey (not the actual photo)


    Image source: u/Such_Caterpillar_396

    My mom hired two kids to beat up my childhood bully” – this internet user took to one of Reddit’s most vengeful communities to tell its members a tale of how her mother dealt with her childhood bully back in the ’80s. The post managed to garner over 15K upvotes as well as 878 comments discussing the situation.

    Now, did you know that according to PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center, which provides innovative resources for students, parents, educators, and others and recognizes bullying as a serious community issue, “one out of every five (20.2%) students report being bullied”?

    Being a kid is an incredible stage of life that many folks look back on with fondness; however, despite all the blissful memories, for the bulk of us, it also came with a fair share of challenges.


    Most children get teased by their siblings and/or friends at some point, and it’s not usually harmful when it’s done mutually and gets a laugh out of both kids. But when it turns into something awful, where a child fears doing basic day-to-day activities like going to school – it’s time to raise the alarm!

    Power imbalances; the influence of peers; toxic family dynamics; insecurity and competition; a lack of empathy, and perhaps education – there are a million and one reasons why kids choose to bully other kids, and it’s your responsibility as a parent to guide them through the tough time and minimize its effect on their well-being.

    For instance, Understood, a nonprofit organization that provides resources and support so people who learn and think differently can thrive, urges parents to follow these steps:

    • Care for your child;
    • Use open-ended questions to encourage them to share and document the facts;
    • Review the school’s anti-bullying policy and any state laws;
    • Report it;
    • Monitor the school’s response;
    • If nothing gets done, take it up the chain of command;
    • Finally, contact a lawyer if needed.

    In the words of Dr. Haim Ginott, “Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression,” so always support and advocate for your little one!

    She goes to the “worst” area of Detroit and pays some boys $20 each to set the bully straight

    Image credits: Mikhail Nilov (not the actual photo)


    Today’s story, though, takes place in the ’80s – a very different time with its own rules and regulations!

    The OP was a third grader, just like her bully – however, he failed two grades, so he was a tad older. The two also lived in the same neighborhood, and back then, AC wasn’t as popular, meaning that most folks would just leave their doors open.

    One day, when she was walking to her friend’s condo, she heard some screaming and pounding, and when she turned to look – she saw the bully’s sister literally flying across the room.

    Naturally, she went back home and reported everything to her mom, which prompted the woman to call CPS and have all five kids taken away. But again, it was the ’80s, so the kids returned home relatively quickly after the parents promised not to do it again.

    Anywho, the bully found out who called CPS, and shortly after, sucker punched the Redditor at the bus stop.

    When her mother learned about this, she headed to the “worst” area of Detroit and paid two kids the same age as him to go and beat him up.

    Crazy, but at least it worked, eh?


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