Let’s get one thing straight right out of the gate: every dog is an awesome dog, no matter the breed, the pedigree, or the way it looks. Some people might like giant fluffy dogs, others prefer tiny lap dogs, but the truth is we are all just happy to have a canine friend by our side. Also, all known breeds were created by mixing different existing breeds, so technically, all dogs are mixed breed dogs.
Want to see some of the best mixed breed dogs posing for the camera? Keep scrolling for a whole collection of the cutest photos you’ll see today. Don’t forget to share them with your dog-loving friends to give them a smile.
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Aussiepom (Mini Australian Shepherd + Pomeranian Crossbreed)
Labsky (Labrador + Husky Crossbreed)
Utonagan (Alaskan Malamute + Siberian Husky + German Shepherd Crossbreed)
Cheagle (Chihuahua + Beagle Crossbreed)
Chowsky (Chow Chow + Husky Crossbreed)
Pomsky (Pomeranian + Husky Crossbreed)
Bullmation (Bulldog + Dalmatian Crossbreed)
now it can breathe because it's nose isn't squished into its face - yay for outbreeding!
Goberian (Golden Retriever + Husky Crossbreed)
My Dog Toby (Pem Corgi + Shetland Sheepdog Crossbreed)
Pitsky (Pit Bull + Husky Crossbreed)
What is a Mutt?
A mutt, or a mongrel, is a dog that doesn’t belong to any officially recognized breed based on its visual or biological characteristics. Either one, both, or none of the parents can be purebred, but if the process happens with no selective purposes, all the cute puppies you get as a result of this union will be mutts.
Sometimes, people refer to mutts as mixed breed dogs to avoid a certain negative meaning the word “mongrel” can have. But this isn't entirely correct because mongrels don’t always hail from two defined breeds.
There is a certain prejudice against mixed dog breeds as opposed to purebreds since they’re considered less valuable commercially or can’t participate in dog pageants. As any kind of prejudice and discrimination it should be eliminated. All breeds you know started as a mix of two different breeds, in other words, as mixed dog breeds.
Chusky (Chow Chow + Husky Crossbreed)
Gordie (Corgi + Golden Retriever Crossbreed)
This Is Django, My Beautiful Dog When He Was 2 Months. He's Mix Labrador, Doberman And Boxer Breeds
Shepsky (German Shepherd + Husky)
Wesley When He Was A Puppy (Corgi + Beagle)
Crossbreed vs Mutt Dog
The main difference between crossbreeds and mutts is whether the mixing process was intentional. Crossbreeds are created by humans through an intentional mix of two or more breeds. This can be done either for functional or visual purposes.
On the other hand, the idea behind the mutt definition is that they are born with no human interference. They may or may not have purebred parents who belong to different breeds.
My 7-Month-Old Dog (German Shepherd + Shar-Pei)
This Is My Guide Dog Recchi (Labrador + Bernese Mountain Dog)
Labstaff (labrador + Amstaff)
Goldendoodle (Golden Retriever + Poodle)
Molly, Our Aussie Shepherd Cavalier Mix
Vihar Is Most Likely German Shepherd + Rough Collie + Sth. Rescued From The Streets Of Sofia.
Husky + Corgi
Weimerman (Weimaraner + Doberman) Rescue
Corgi + Husky
Types of Mutts
- A mix with characteristics of two or more breeds is a mutt dog breed that shows visible similarities with a particular breed. Such dogs have either a purebred or several generations of mixed breeds in their ancestry. They’re usually called by the name of the breed they most resemble, for example, a Golden mix.
- Pariah dogs originally belonged to the Indian subcontinent, where they lived in the streets and bred through non-intentional selection. Often, all stray dogs in South Asia are referred to as pariah dogs, but that’s incorrect because pariahs have very distinct features.
- Functional breeds are produced intentionally, but rather than their pure bloodline, people are interested in how they perform specific tasks. Sometimes, functional breeds are officially recognized as a breed.
Skye - My Beautiful Husky X Border Collie
Dave - Mix Of Golden Retriver, German Shepard And Collie
This Is My Dog, Boo Bear. A Great Pyrenees And Malamute Mix
Our Rescued Kaia - A Husky And Maybe A Beagle. Plus Something Else...:-)
Amazing Kaia! Beautiful sky blue eyes filled with love and something else... :D
Frug (French Bulldog + Pug)
Corgipoo (Toy Poodle + Corgi)
This Is What You Get When You Cross A Dachshund And A Golden Retriever
My Boyfriend's New Cutie Yorkie-Poo (Yorkshire Terrier + Poodle) Puppy
This Is My Dog, Stanley. He's A Pug And French Bulldog Mix
Labradane - Black Lab & Great Dane
Mutts and crossbreeds are hardly the same thing. Designer dogs like these might be cute and, possibly more importantly, allow people to make up cheesy portmanteaus, but it's the poor mutts that are dying in the shelters. Mutts are great, and they need your love far more. Instead of paying a small fortune to the designer dog industry, visit your nearest shelter.
My little baby is a mutt & we cannot ask for a better dog. Love him.
Load More Replies...Just because their breed cross is known, and it's only a cross of two breeds doesn't mean they're designer dogs. I know my Labrador x Border Collie's Mum (a BC), and I went through thousands of breed photos to find out what his dad was. His Mum might have had designs on his dad, but he wasn't bred intentionally. And he is the best dog in the world, so I'm grateful daily that they met
Indeed, my Cockapoo is well documented, but a designer dog she is not (Dad got loose at the wrong time and found Mom a couple lots over. . .)
In Sydney the shelters are full of dogs that are crossbreeds which are often unsuitable for a lot of dog owner's, especially families or people with little dog experience.The majority are staffy or amstaff crosses, most of which are advertised as requiring homes with no other pets as they are reactive with high prey drives. People have the right to prefer a dog with sociability and less baggage that these dogs unfortunately come with.
I agree with you, why develop new (designer) dog breeds, while the shelters are bursting with adorable and adoptable mutts??? In Germany, but also in Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands and in Australia there are no kill shelters at all, but some pets spend years or their whole lives at the shelters, especially if they´re black dogs or cats... Unfortunately. I´d adopt a black cat anytime. #AdoptDontShop.
my mom got a dog when i was almost 2 and he was half germen shepherd and half chow she got him from a shelter he was gonna be put the day after my mom got him i was a baby i poked him in the eye he hit my hand with his snout and walked away like never do that again and that how my mom knew to get him im 11 and he died this year i miss him very much and can't wait to see him again <3 R.I.P
No. Wrong. Mutts and crossbreeds are almost identical. If you found a cavalier poodle mix on the street, according to you its a mutt. But if you buy it from someone who want 1,000 dollars its a crossbreed? That's why you should go to a shelter, because you can get perfectly good crossbreeds there. Crossbreeds are mutts.
My first dog was a mutt named Digger(because that's what he did to the great chagrin of my parents.) Nobody knew what breeds. He was sooooo smart and loving. He used to follow me to junior high (I walked to school) and wait for me all day. He would find ways to get unleashed or get out of the house everyday, just to be at school. Fortunately, my art teacher took pity on us both and let him stay in the basement art studio while she taught her class. He would sit ever so quietly beside her desk and she made sure he had water, snacks, and whatever else he needed. Then, as soon as the bell rang at the end of the day he would bound up the steps to the outside and be waiting for me. I loved him so much.
Your dog was very intelligent! You must miss him.
Load More Replies...My Great Pyrenees/German Shepherd is a rescue however I was the one who got rescued not her!
All these dogs are beautiful, I agree, please if you want a dog go to a shelter there are so many sweet, cute beautiful dogs there needing a home.
I bought my German Shepherd cross Lab for like $50 - was a real "MUTT" looking dog - but see ho whe's turned out (big black guy in the pic with my Choc Lab puppy) IMG_0002-5...3e2aa3.jpg
I agree we should only get our dogs from shelters. Dogs are overbred and as beautiful (inside and out) creatures that they are, it's truly a shame that they have to be euthanized bc they don't get adopted. As far as these cuties, I can't believe #3 isn't in the #1 spot.
I can't believe that most of these dogs are a product of planned parenthood. Delightful they may be and some breeds improved by the hybrid vigour, others are unadvised crosses that may well cause health problems during pregnancy or later. It comes down to the age old argument - get your dogs neutered. There are enough dogs in shelters and enough puppy mills without irresponsibly adding to the population.
one day there will be just 1 breed, Dog, and it will be 100% random as to what it will look like.
They so adorable me and my 13 year old husky rebel are looking at it actually I think I am he feel asleep on my shoulder
My little girl is a Blue Heeler, Goldendoodle mix. And as smart and easy to train as all 3 put together.
Some of these dog breed mixes are designer dogs, mixed on purpose, like the Goldendoodle or the Pomsky, but most of them are really crossbreed dogs/mutts. And rescued/adopted is the best breed anyway. #AdoptDontShop.
Heelo everyone. Recently rescued a puppy. I think he may be american bully/yorkshire terrier mix. I havent yet been able to find a pic of the two mixed breeds to compare with mine. Does anyone out there have one and if so, would u mind sharing a photo with me plz?
I’m a bit late but I don’t agree with breeders! However not everyone with an actual cross breed is guilty of any type of harm to a fur baby! I rescued my sweet Liam. That’s why I searched this post, I cannot find any information on Australian Cattle Dog 87.5%, Maltese 12.5% cross breed, if anyone sees this please contact me, I love my pup but he sure is an ankle biter! But yes he’s the most adorable cross breed ever! He has long Maltese fur and he’s hypoallergenic! But he’s a straight cattle dog build and body wise. Sometimes he likes to snuggle when he isn’t busy biting ankles, herding me around the house! If anyone sees this they have dna tests for dogs, very very accurate! I had one on my pure bred boxers (not purchased from a breeder a friend in high school had two boxers and they were not neutered and they had an accident lol!!) the dna test showed their accurate results. Did one on my rescue Liam. Someone threw this sweet baby out in the country.
I have an American Eskimo and Pomsky mix. She is blue Merle and beautiful but i cant find any other dog with her same mix. Not a single photo or even a single word about an American Eskimo and Pomsky mix!!
If anyone sees this I just wanna say purebreds often have health problems due to in-breeding often times to stay in the same breed and cross breeds/mutts are more healthy.
I hope people are not purposely breeding these crosses. If people want to spend a lot of money buying a dog for show or whatever, stick to a recognized breed. The "designer dogs" are not recognized by AKC or other organizations, they will not necessarily breed true, and they just add to the dog overpopulation problem. Further, it’s not true that these "designer dogs" have fewer health problems than the purebreds -- sometimes the have the health problems of both parent breeds. If you really want a beautiful mixed-breed dog, not a manufactured designer dog, go to your local shelter or humane society. There are many dogs there, including purebreds, that are much prettier and healthier than these man-made types.
Your purebreds were originally created by multiple breeds. Designer dogs are a cross between 2 purebred registered parents, unlike mutts.
I am already IN LOVE with MUTTS!! But these are fantastic and a new breed is BORN!! Must have Husky Wolf Dog....
I went to this post to see the dogs and then some people had to dislike every single comment until it's hidden so that must mean that people hate dogs or something.BoredPanda is getting sadder and sadder.
So can we all just stop hating everything please and look at the dogs.
I don't think people realize that some of these breeds that are being thrown in the mix have heretic health issues. They are putting some of these dogs risk. What do I think? I think some of these crossbreeds are horrendous, especially with the Corgi, come on! Its amazing what lengths people will go to in order to get the look they are going for and putting two breeds together that just do not belong.
I don't think people realize that crossbreeding can be harmful to some dogs considering that some of these breeds have heretic health issues they are passing on. Some of these mixes are awful especially crossbreeding with a Corgi, come on! Unreal what some people do to get the look they want in a dog.
Are any of these dogs available, or do they belong to someone. Interested in a few of them if they are available.
I'm pretty sure this whole article was on buzzfeed recently. not sure who copied who??
Stop the breeding and take home a shelter pet. Many are gorgeous (if that's important to you) crossbreeds. Millions of dogs and cats die in shelters because people choose to buy. How do you live with yourselves?
Yeah and how about people who get dogs from shelter that attack their children? I know of 2 recently, paid as much as would have from a breeder and the dogs attacked small children, they were purebreds with unknown history, that is the problem with shelter dogs. Not the dogs fault originally, but you have no idea how many homes said dog has been to or their issues.
I think ppl should stop encouraging DESIGNER DOG BREEDING! There are enough abused and neglected animals out there. Back yard breeders should be shot.
Really what about what they're doing to purebreds? Like the GSD who's back is so sloped now it has issues, but hey no one stops this from happening. According to vets cross breeding actually helps the health issues that are prone to the parents, not make it worse. You people are Listening to your google god with Animal rights extremist that write the articles to keep s**t stirred up. Study your dog history, purebreds were created by crossbreeding It takes generations to get a breed established and I see nothing wrong with it. As long as it's not hurting the animal and the folks love them, let them be. Some of these are frickin adorable..
Nobody worth an ounce of salt gives a damn about what you call "purebreed competitions." ALL dogs originate from the same prehistoric anima
Load More Replies...LOL! Corruped bastards for show. Haha I don't think that is these pet owner's concern, not to mention a bastard is a dog without a father. Looks to me like these guys all had fathers. And they're not mongrels, they're loved and adored pets. Showmanship doesn't factor in here even remotely, you're on the wrong sounding board.
Interesting ... I was not aware of the difference between bastard and bastardized. Thanks. But, I looked at this post from a persective of them being mutts. Not deliberate breeding. I have a German Australian Shepherd, and Rottie Beagle. Just born that way. Not bred to be a fashion statement. I agree, that's a bit ridiculous. However, if that be the case, I don't know how I feel about it. Nature is beautiful and I don't necessarily agree with messing with it. Though, this is natural breeding, it's not actually slicing genomes in a petri dish in a lab. Like I said, I am not sure how I feel. I see both sides. It's certainly not the worst thing in the world. What I do wholeheartedly agree with, as stated above, forgo all of it and go get yourself a beautiful mutt from a rescue! Which mine are :)
For those lacking a command of the English language, 'bastardized' means 'corrupted, typically by the addition of new elements' which is precisely what these dogs are. It has nothing to do with the lack of a father. I don't dispute that they are 'loved and adored pets' but what they are, are chimeras, half-breeds, genetically-spliced boutique animals created to sate some idiot's fashion sensibilities.
As well, your 'insult' is laughable. Thank you. I have quite a good command of the English language. Maybe it's not a very exquisite vocabulary, as I have heard of the word, but was not aware it had a seperate meaning. It's not an overtly common word. And I don't tend towards using 'big words' to get my point across. Hence, why, like I said before, you're on the wrong sounding board. As well, feeling the need to resort to insults, in an attempt to justify your opinion, simply showcases that you have a pitiful command of how to act in a gentlemanly fashion. Something that shows your moral standards, regardless of your ability to speak fluent and expert English. Bravo Sir.
Mutts and crossbreeds are hardly the same thing. Designer dogs like these might be cute and, possibly more importantly, allow people to make up cheesy portmanteaus, but it's the poor mutts that are dying in the shelters. Mutts are great, and they need your love far more. Instead of paying a small fortune to the designer dog industry, visit your nearest shelter.
My little baby is a mutt & we cannot ask for a better dog. Love him.
Load More Replies...Just because their breed cross is known, and it's only a cross of two breeds doesn't mean they're designer dogs. I know my Labrador x Border Collie's Mum (a BC), and I went through thousands of breed photos to find out what his dad was. His Mum might have had designs on his dad, but he wasn't bred intentionally. And he is the best dog in the world, so I'm grateful daily that they met
Indeed, my Cockapoo is well documented, but a designer dog she is not (Dad got loose at the wrong time and found Mom a couple lots over. . .)
In Sydney the shelters are full of dogs that are crossbreeds which are often unsuitable for a lot of dog owner's, especially families or people with little dog experience.The majority are staffy or amstaff crosses, most of which are advertised as requiring homes with no other pets as they are reactive with high prey drives. People have the right to prefer a dog with sociability and less baggage that these dogs unfortunately come with.
I agree with you, why develop new (designer) dog breeds, while the shelters are bursting with adorable and adoptable mutts??? In Germany, but also in Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands and in Australia there are no kill shelters at all, but some pets spend years or their whole lives at the shelters, especially if they´re black dogs or cats... Unfortunately. I´d adopt a black cat anytime. #AdoptDontShop.
my mom got a dog when i was almost 2 and he was half germen shepherd and half chow she got him from a shelter he was gonna be put the day after my mom got him i was a baby i poked him in the eye he hit my hand with his snout and walked away like never do that again and that how my mom knew to get him im 11 and he died this year i miss him very much and can't wait to see him again <3 R.I.P
No. Wrong. Mutts and crossbreeds are almost identical. If you found a cavalier poodle mix on the street, according to you its a mutt. But if you buy it from someone who want 1,000 dollars its a crossbreed? That's why you should go to a shelter, because you can get perfectly good crossbreeds there. Crossbreeds are mutts.
My first dog was a mutt named Digger(because that's what he did to the great chagrin of my parents.) Nobody knew what breeds. He was sooooo smart and loving. He used to follow me to junior high (I walked to school) and wait for me all day. He would find ways to get unleashed or get out of the house everyday, just to be at school. Fortunately, my art teacher took pity on us both and let him stay in the basement art studio while she taught her class. He would sit ever so quietly beside her desk and she made sure he had water, snacks, and whatever else he needed. Then, as soon as the bell rang at the end of the day he would bound up the steps to the outside and be waiting for me. I loved him so much.
Your dog was very intelligent! You must miss him.
Load More Replies...My Great Pyrenees/German Shepherd is a rescue however I was the one who got rescued not her!
All these dogs are beautiful, I agree, please if you want a dog go to a shelter there are so many sweet, cute beautiful dogs there needing a home.
I bought my German Shepherd cross Lab for like $50 - was a real "MUTT" looking dog - but see ho whe's turned out (big black guy in the pic with my Choc Lab puppy) IMG_0002-5...3e2aa3.jpg
I agree we should only get our dogs from shelters. Dogs are overbred and as beautiful (inside and out) creatures that they are, it's truly a shame that they have to be euthanized bc they don't get adopted. As far as these cuties, I can't believe #3 isn't in the #1 spot.
I can't believe that most of these dogs are a product of planned parenthood. Delightful they may be and some breeds improved by the hybrid vigour, others are unadvised crosses that may well cause health problems during pregnancy or later. It comes down to the age old argument - get your dogs neutered. There are enough dogs in shelters and enough puppy mills without irresponsibly adding to the population.
one day there will be just 1 breed, Dog, and it will be 100% random as to what it will look like.
They so adorable me and my 13 year old husky rebel are looking at it actually I think I am he feel asleep on my shoulder
My little girl is a Blue Heeler, Goldendoodle mix. And as smart and easy to train as all 3 put together.
Some of these dog breed mixes are designer dogs, mixed on purpose, like the Goldendoodle or the Pomsky, but most of them are really crossbreed dogs/mutts. And rescued/adopted is the best breed anyway. #AdoptDontShop.
Heelo everyone. Recently rescued a puppy. I think he may be american bully/yorkshire terrier mix. I havent yet been able to find a pic of the two mixed breeds to compare with mine. Does anyone out there have one and if so, would u mind sharing a photo with me plz?
I’m a bit late but I don’t agree with breeders! However not everyone with an actual cross breed is guilty of any type of harm to a fur baby! I rescued my sweet Liam. That’s why I searched this post, I cannot find any information on Australian Cattle Dog 87.5%, Maltese 12.5% cross breed, if anyone sees this please contact me, I love my pup but he sure is an ankle biter! But yes he’s the most adorable cross breed ever! He has long Maltese fur and he’s hypoallergenic! But he’s a straight cattle dog build and body wise. Sometimes he likes to snuggle when he isn’t busy biting ankles, herding me around the house! If anyone sees this they have dna tests for dogs, very very accurate! I had one on my pure bred boxers (not purchased from a breeder a friend in high school had two boxers and they were not neutered and they had an accident lol!!) the dna test showed their accurate results. Did one on my rescue Liam. Someone threw this sweet baby out in the country.
I have an American Eskimo and Pomsky mix. She is blue Merle and beautiful but i cant find any other dog with her same mix. Not a single photo or even a single word about an American Eskimo and Pomsky mix!!
If anyone sees this I just wanna say purebreds often have health problems due to in-breeding often times to stay in the same breed and cross breeds/mutts are more healthy.
I hope people are not purposely breeding these crosses. If people want to spend a lot of money buying a dog for show or whatever, stick to a recognized breed. The "designer dogs" are not recognized by AKC or other organizations, they will not necessarily breed true, and they just add to the dog overpopulation problem. Further, it’s not true that these "designer dogs" have fewer health problems than the purebreds -- sometimes the have the health problems of both parent breeds. If you really want a beautiful mixed-breed dog, not a manufactured designer dog, go to your local shelter or humane society. There are many dogs there, including purebreds, that are much prettier and healthier than these man-made types.
Your purebreds were originally created by multiple breeds. Designer dogs are a cross between 2 purebred registered parents, unlike mutts.
I am already IN LOVE with MUTTS!! But these are fantastic and a new breed is BORN!! Must have Husky Wolf Dog....
I went to this post to see the dogs and then some people had to dislike every single comment until it's hidden so that must mean that people hate dogs or something.BoredPanda is getting sadder and sadder.
So can we all just stop hating everything please and look at the dogs.
I don't think people realize that some of these breeds that are being thrown in the mix have heretic health issues. They are putting some of these dogs risk. What do I think? I think some of these crossbreeds are horrendous, especially with the Corgi, come on! Its amazing what lengths people will go to in order to get the look they are going for and putting two breeds together that just do not belong.
I don't think people realize that crossbreeding can be harmful to some dogs considering that some of these breeds have heretic health issues they are passing on. Some of these mixes are awful especially crossbreeding with a Corgi, come on! Unreal what some people do to get the look they want in a dog.
Are any of these dogs available, or do they belong to someone. Interested in a few of them if they are available.
I'm pretty sure this whole article was on buzzfeed recently. not sure who copied who??
Stop the breeding and take home a shelter pet. Many are gorgeous (if that's important to you) crossbreeds. Millions of dogs and cats die in shelters because people choose to buy. How do you live with yourselves?
Yeah and how about people who get dogs from shelter that attack their children? I know of 2 recently, paid as much as would have from a breeder and the dogs attacked small children, they were purebreds with unknown history, that is the problem with shelter dogs. Not the dogs fault originally, but you have no idea how many homes said dog has been to or their issues.
I think ppl should stop encouraging DESIGNER DOG BREEDING! There are enough abused and neglected animals out there. Back yard breeders should be shot.
Really what about what they're doing to purebreds? Like the GSD who's back is so sloped now it has issues, but hey no one stops this from happening. According to vets cross breeding actually helps the health issues that are prone to the parents, not make it worse. You people are Listening to your google god with Animal rights extremist that write the articles to keep s**t stirred up. Study your dog history, purebreds were created by crossbreeding It takes generations to get a breed established and I see nothing wrong with it. As long as it's not hurting the animal and the folks love them, let them be. Some of these are frickin adorable..
Nobody worth an ounce of salt gives a damn about what you call "purebreed competitions." ALL dogs originate from the same prehistoric anima
Load More Replies...LOL! Corruped bastards for show. Haha I don't think that is these pet owner's concern, not to mention a bastard is a dog without a father. Looks to me like these guys all had fathers. And they're not mongrels, they're loved and adored pets. Showmanship doesn't factor in here even remotely, you're on the wrong sounding board.
Interesting ... I was not aware of the difference between bastard and bastardized. Thanks. But, I looked at this post from a persective of them being mutts. Not deliberate breeding. I have a German Australian Shepherd, and Rottie Beagle. Just born that way. Not bred to be a fashion statement. I agree, that's a bit ridiculous. However, if that be the case, I don't know how I feel about it. Nature is beautiful and I don't necessarily agree with messing with it. Though, this is natural breeding, it's not actually slicing genomes in a petri dish in a lab. Like I said, I am not sure how I feel. I see both sides. It's certainly not the worst thing in the world. What I do wholeheartedly agree with, as stated above, forgo all of it and go get yourself a beautiful mutt from a rescue! Which mine are :)
For those lacking a command of the English language, 'bastardized' means 'corrupted, typically by the addition of new elements' which is precisely what these dogs are. It has nothing to do with the lack of a father. I don't dispute that they are 'loved and adored pets' but what they are, are chimeras, half-breeds, genetically-spliced boutique animals created to sate some idiot's fashion sensibilities.
As well, your 'insult' is laughable. Thank you. I have quite a good command of the English language. Maybe it's not a very exquisite vocabulary, as I have heard of the word, but was not aware it had a seperate meaning. It's not an overtly common word. And I don't tend towards using 'big words' to get my point across. Hence, why, like I said before, you're on the wrong sounding board. As well, feeling the need to resort to insults, in an attempt to justify your opinion, simply showcases that you have a pitiful command of how to act in a gentlemanly fashion. Something that shows your moral standards, regardless of your ability to speak fluent and expert English. Bravo Sir.