It's every dog owner's worst nightmare: your pet is nowhere to be seen. It's a gut-wrenching feeling, full of guilt and sleepless nights, and while most of us probably think of ourselves as responsible pet owners, things happen. It only takes one misstep for our beloved companions to get lost.

Luckily, some of them find a way home. Whether it's luck, kind strangers, or devoted shelter staff that guides them back, the most important thing is that it's possible. So, to remind you to hold onto hope, Bored Panda has compiled a list of these heartwarming happy endings, so get yourself a tissue and continue scrolling, this one's gonna be sobby.


A Fearless Goat-Herding Dog Called Odin Refused To Abandon His Flock Of Goats During Deadly California Wildfires In 2017, While His Owners Ran To Safety. Days Later His Family Returned To Their Destroyed Home And Found Him And The Goats Still Alive

A Fearless Goat-Herding Dog Called Odin Refused To Abandon His Flock Of Goats During Deadly California Wildfires In 2017, While His Owners Ran To Safety. Days Later His Family Returned To Their Destroyed Home And Found Him And The Goats Still Alive

It was about 10:30 when we first smelled smoke from the approaching Tubbs fire that has ravaged Northern California. I ran up and down our roads on the ATV, but saw nothing. At 10:55 I could see the sky turning orange. I woke Ariel and told her to get ready to leave and went to wake Scott on the east end of the property. Stephen had already awoken from the smell of the smoke and the brightening sky.
By 11:10 we could see the first of the flames across the valley. By 11:15 they were growing larger and the winds went mad. We had loaded up the dogs and cats, but Odin, our stubborn and fearless Great Pyrenees would not leave the goats.
Even under the best of circumstances it is nearly impossible to separate Odin from the goats after nightfall when he takes over the close watch from his sister Tessa. I made a decision to leave him, and I doubt I could have made him come with us if I tried. We got out with our lives and what was in our pockets.
Cars behind us on Mark West Springs Road were pouring flames out of the windows as they roared down the road. Later that morning when we had outrun the fires I cried, sure that I had sentenced Odie to death, along with our precious family of bottle-raised goats.
Today, we were able to make it back to the smoldering wasteland of our forest. Every structure is in ruins. Trees are still burning.
Yet, eight goats came running to see us and get cuddles and kisses. Dixon has a burn on his back the size of a nickel. Other than that they are perfectly fine. Odin’s fur is burned and his whiskers melted. He is limping on his right leg. And he has adopted several baby deer who huddle around him for safety and water from their trough, which is miraculously intact and full of relatively clean water.
We dropped off several bails of orchard grass and gave them fresh water. Tomorrow we hope to reunite them all with his sister Tessa. I’m sure Odin believes she is perished. I can’t wait to see their faces when they see each other.
Odin has lived up to his namesake. Pray for him and his charges. He is our inspiration. If he can be so fearless in this maelstrom, surely so can we.

Roland Tembo Hendel Report


Temma Martin, Public Relations Manager at Best Friends Animal Society, who has worked at an animal control shelter for 11 years, said that no matter how careful we are, pets can still get lost, so it's much better to be prepared.

"Make sure your pet has more than one form of identification and find out what tags are required by law in your area," Martin told Bored Panda. "An ID tag is inexpensive and generally readily available at local stores. Include your name, current address, and phone number (two if possible). The ID tag is most convenient for anyone in your neighborhood who finds your pet."


    My Dog Ran Away, After Hours Of Looking I Came Home To This

    My Dog Ran Away, After Hours Of Looking I Came Home To This

    Cowdimples31 Report


    In case the unthinkable happens and your pet gets lost, start looking in your neighborhood right away. "Ask anyone who is out if they have seen them, including postal carriers, neighbors, children, joggers, etc," Martin said. "Ask neighbors to check yards and garages where the pet might be hiding. Carry a leash or carrier with you, and make sure to have your cell phone in case someone calls you while you’re out looking."

    Next, call all local veterinary practices and all animal rescue centers with a description of your dog and their microchip ID (if they have one). You can ask if they could put up a poster or post something on their website or social media page. If so, they will probably ask you for a recent photo.


    "Check local social media pages and online classifieds for your area that post lost and found pets," Martin said. "Other platforms like can be extremely helpful in posting lost and found pets in real-time."


    Dog Missing For Over Two Weeks Reunited With Owner At The City Of Jackson Animal Shelter

    Dog Missing For Over Two Weeks Reunited With Owner At The City Of Jackson Animal Shelter

    Jackson Friends of the Animal Shelter Report


    My Dog Brought Home A Friend. Turns Out It Is My Neighbors Golden Who Has Been Missing For 2 Weeks

    My Dog Brought Home A Friend. Turns Out It Is My Neighbors Golden Who Has Been Missing For 2 Weeks

    Unsolicitedbuttstuff Report


    Post a photo of your lost pet right away, and also keep an eye out for found pet postings. "People in your specific neighborhood may have seen the pet and can suggest where it was seen last. Many happy reunions have occurred quickly because of the power of social media."


    Twixx Has Been Missing 2 Years, And His Owner Thought He Was Dead, But Thanks To A Microchip They Reunited. Happy Tails Twixx

    Twixx Has Been Missing 2 Years, And His Owner Thought He Was Dead, But Thanks To A Microchip They Reunited. Happy Tails Twixx

    mcacshelter , THELindaHarmon Report


    The Sweetest Reunion

    The Sweetest Reunion

    On November 18, we let our pug, Piper, out to go potty, and she didn’t come back when we called her. It had been a long two and a half weeks for my oldest two children, Carter and Natalie, thinking they would never see their puppy again. Piper was a very special gift for Carter’s 12th birthday: he had always wanted a black pug since he spent his baby years with another pug he loved very much (Oliver) who had to go live with another family while his baby brother was sick. We posted and shared and talked to neighbors, news venues, and community groups but as the days passed, our hope waned.
    But then, amazingly we got a message this Monday night that a dog that looked like Piper had been picked up and taken to the animal shelter. I was truly shocked. We had all resigned ourselves to the reality that she probably wouldn’t come back. Lo and behold, it was her! Seeing her little tail wag as she came out from the back of the Genesee County Animal Shelter where she had been so well taken can of, I lost it!! Carter and Natalie were out of town for a few days with their dad's family, and so I hoped to make their reunions special. This video is no doubt the embodiment of that! It’s so amazing to see the love, and honestly, the video says more than any words I could write. My son loves his dog so much, was sick while she was gone, and tonight she’s sleeping next to him again. What a Christmas miracle for our family and thank you to everyone who helped bring Piper home.

    april.elizabeth.140 Report


    You can also visit the shelter the first day if they are open (or call if they are not), and every day or every other day to look for your pet in person. Martin explained that people's perception of breed and description can vary, so relying on someone who doesn't know your pet to find it in the shelter may not be as effective as looking for yourself.

    "Check with other shelters in your area and leave your info just in case. While there is generally only one animal control shelter that would serve the particular jurisdiction, there might be other non-profit shelters around (although these don’t often take in stray pets)," Martin said. 


    My Husband Is A FedEx Driver. He Found A Lost Dog Today And Picked Him Up In His Truck. He Rode With Him Until He Was Safely Returned To His Owner

    My Husband Is A FedEx Driver. He Found A Lost Dog Today And Picked Him Up In His Truck. He Rode With Him Until He Was Safely Returned To His Owner

    akd7791 Report


    A Stranger Drove Two Hours And Used His Drone To Recover Meadow, Who Was Lost In The Woods For 10 Days

    A Stranger Drove Two Hours And Used His Drone To Recover Meadow, Who Was Lost In The Woods For 10 Days

    butterscotcheggs Report

    "Create posters with a clear photo of your pet, with a brief description and more than one phone number. Place the flyers around your neighborhood and at local businesses," Martin said.

    If your dog does come bounding back to you, greet them warmly. As frustrated and scared as you might be feeling inside, they need praise, not punishment for coming back!

    If not, don’t give up! Lost pets have been found weeks, months, or even years after they went missing. 


    A Reunion 200 Days In The Making

    A Reunion 200 Days In The Making

    Just over 6 months ago, Blue went missing. His owner Pat searched and searched but couldn't find him. And then he had to move to Texas for his work. He thought he'd never see Blue again.
    Imagine his joy when a friend sent him a video of his dog playing ball at our shelter! He contacted us right away..."That's my dog!" And then imagine this...
    We don't many happy endings like this one. There were some tears, tons of doggie kisses and lots of smiles. What a great story! We are so happy that the dog we named Bones is back with his dad and ready to catch up on some lovins.
    This is why WE NEVER GIVE UP!

    wcjcas Report


    My Neighbor Found His Lost Dog

    My Neighbor Found His Lost Dog

    The dog was lost for 4 or 5 weeks. I think he was driving far away from home yesterday and he saw his dog on the street, she was skinny so he said her name and BAM! It was Grettel (I think is the name of the dog)

    jacobo Report


    A Family In My Town Had Their Truck Stolen Last Week With Their Dog Inside. Today The Truck Was Recovered And The Dog Got To Reunite With His Family

    A Family In My Town Had Their Truck Stolen Last Week With Their Dog Inside. Today The Truck Was Recovered And The Dog Got To Reunite With His Family

    riv0719 Report


    After 54 Days Missing From The Tornado That Leveled Our Home On March 3rd We Have Been Reunited With Our Dog Bella

    After 54 Days Missing From The Tornado That Leveled Our Home On March 3rd We Have Been Reunited With Our Dog Bella

    To say that I wasn’t starting to lose hope in ever finding her again would be a lie. Me and my wife would pray daily that god was keeping her safe out there until he brought her home to us. Well today those prayers came true, at around 6 pm this evening we were able to catch Bella over off of willow in the save-A-Lot area in between a little alley way, there’s a few pictures of where she was at in the photos. This would never have been possible without the help of so many people. Thank you so much for never losing hope on our dog Bella. We are forever thankful for your help. At the moment our miracle dog has a full belly of food and is currently sleeping in a warm bed where she belongs. Once again thanks to everyone that either participated in searching for Bella or simply saying a prayer for her. We love all of y’all. What an amazing god we serve!!!

    Eric Johnson Report

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    Sarah Stalder
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Poor girl looks like she's seen some things. Happy ending, though.

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    Lost Our Girl In An Unfamiliar Town For 2 Days. This Is How We Spent The Rest Of The Day After Being Reunited

    Lost Our Girl In An Unfamiliar Town For 2 Days. This Is How We Spent The Rest Of The Day After Being Reunited

    troberson496 Report


    Never Ever Lose Hope. I Didn't And After 4 Years Apart In Different Provinces, We Are Together Again

    Never Ever Lose Hope. I Didn't And After 4 Years Apart In Different Provinces, We Are Together Again

    So I got the greatest phone call I've ever gotten yesterday at work around 2:40 pm... An animal shelter from Winnipeg called me and ask my name and if I had a dog named Jack!? So I said I lost him 4 years ago in Ontario. And then they said well we got your info from his microchip and he's here in Winnipeg. So, after the phone call, I ended up going home. Waiting for Kenzi to come home and we left that evening and stayed in Ignace. The next day we finished the drive to Winnipeg, and me, Kenzi, my sister and husband went to the shelter and told them who I was, showed them a picture of me and jack and they brought him out and instantly felt like my life was back to normal. Life without him has never been the same and the feeling of having Jacko back is unexplainable. Never EVER lose hope... I didn't and after 4 years apart in different provinces, we are together again.
    Thank you for the work you guys did to find me. Can't express the amount of joy you have given back to me. Jeremy Browne, and Centennial Animal Hospital in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

    mike.plas.5 Report

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    Amber Duhs
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm so glad he found his dog! I cannot believe that he found him after such a long time but I'm glad they're re-united :)

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    After 20 Long Months Of Being In The Tahoe National Forest, Murphy Has Come Home

    After 20 Long Months Of Being In The Tahoe National Forest, Murphy Has Come Home

    We responded to a call from a couple who spotted a dog matching her description in an area within 5 miles of where we lost her. After multiple days looking for her without success, we left her bed and our clothing behind with the campground host, in the hopes that she would respond. A week went by and we got a call from the campground host who was able to coax her into a kennel after she had been sleeping every night on the blanket and clothing that was left behind. We were reunited with Murphy, on Sunday afternoon - Father's Day! She is on the road to recovery, very thin and frail but happy to be home with her family.

    Erin Rotondi Braun Report


    This Sweet Doggo’s Face After Being Reunited With His Dad After 7 Months

    This Sweet Doggo’s Face After Being Reunited With His Dad After 7 Months

    Was brought to the shelter and scanned for microchip - info was up to date and dad came right away.

    MissVictoriaE Report


    Zoe Returns Home After Being Lost In The Woods For Nearly A Year

    Zoe Returns Home After Being Lost In The Woods For Nearly A Year

    We were told that she had been struck by a car and passed away. The dog described matched her description and location. However, after receiving a call last night and seeing some pictures, we found out our Zoe is still alive.This is definitely a miracle!

    Rebecca Lynn Curlew , Rebecca Lynn Curlew Report


    Lost For 6 Years, Alex Is Reunited With His Family

    Lost For 6 Years, Alex Is Reunited With His Family

    In 2013, 2-month-old Chihuahua pup, Alex, found his forever home with the Stone family in Naples, Florida. Life was great with his very own two boys and a big dog brother Thunder until his dog bro moved away with Grandma. Alex was distraught and dug out of his fenced yard likely in search of Thunder. Alex’s heartbroken family searched and searched on their own too, but the weeks turned into months, which led to years, and they heard nothing. They never forgot Alex as he remained in their hearts.

    Just this past Valentine’s holiday, 6 years later, a Good Samaritan in Sumter County, Florida (225+ miles away) found this little bedraggled dog and brought him to YOUR Humane Society SPCA, Sumter’s oldest and largest no-kill shelter serving their community for 38 years.

    The shelter’s team scanned the dog for a microchip, and suddenly this lost pup had a name – Alex – and Alex had a family! The reunion took place on Valentine’s weekend and what a reunion it was! The anxious family was concerned that their then puppy would not remember them now but Alex could not contain his sheer joy of seeing them again. They all stood hugging a giddy pup who regained his identity and his long lost family. The family cried, the shelter staff and volunteers cried, this story-writer cried, all while Alex wriggled in sheer delight. Later, Alex had more good fortune as he was also reunited with his best bud Thunder! There is nothing more touching than finding your long-lost love. YOUR Humane Society SPCA was so pleased to make another wonderful reunion happen!

    YOUR Humane Society SPCA Report


    Today He Was Attacked On A Walk By A Pit Bull And Bulldog. During The Attack He Slipped Out Of His Collar And Ran Away

    Today He Was Attacked On A Walk By A Pit Bull And Bulldog. During The Attack He Slipped Out Of His Collar And Ran Away

    We thought we lost him only to return home and find him sitting at the front door. I love this dog.

    rocker285 Report


    She Ran Away For A Day. This Is Her Back Home Now

    She Ran Away For A Day. This Is Her Back Home Now

    D0NW0N Report


    My Friend's Dog Was Lost For The Last 30 Hours, But They Finally Found Her! This Is What The Reunion Looked Like

    My Friend's Dog Was Lost For The Last 30 Hours, But They Finally Found Her! This Is What The Reunion Looked Like

    oshoney Report


    Dog Reunites With Its Owners After Three Years

    Dog Reunites With Its Owners After Three Years

    Awesome Reunion Story: Three years later, Roscoe sees his dad.
    About three years ago, Roscoe, a.k.a. Runt, wandered off the farm, and didn't come home. Somehow, he made it more than ten miles away. He ended up in a neighborhood where he hung out for a couple of years. Nice people kept him fed, he mostly stayed out of trouble. Eventually he came to the shelter.
    After we posted his story on Facebook something wonderful happened: his family found him! After all this time! At first, Runt wasn't sure about it at all. He kept circling around his dad, nose up, sniffing. We were all holding our breath. And then, he knew. Runt knew it was his dad! What an unexpected but so very awesome ending!
    If your pet is missing, Never Give Up Hope!

    wcjcas Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    at first he's like I'm sorry then he's like I missed you so much!

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    After 13 Days Lost, My Stepfather Left His Coat Out Where She Was Last Seen. At Sunrise, She Was Found Sleeping On It. Welcome Home, Emma Lee

    After 13 Days Lost, My Stepfather Left His Coat Out Where She Was Last Seen. At Sunrise, She Was Found Sleeping On It. Welcome Home, Emma Lee

    boredpcguy Report


    My Friend Found His Lost Dog After 2 Days Apart. First Pic Of Them Reunited

    My Friend Found His Lost Dog After 2 Days Apart. First Pic Of Them Reunited

    crisolice Report


    Lost My Hound Puppy In The Wilderness After She Was Startled. Found Her Safe 24 Hours Later

    Lost My Hound Puppy In The Wilderness After She Was Startled. Found Her Safe 24 Hours Later

    My lab was with us searching every step of the way. This is the two of them once I got them back in the truck. Clearly, they missed each other.

    CheeseburgerKarma94 Report


    Missing Dog Duke Reunited With His Owner After 8 Long Years

    Missing Dog Duke Reunited With His Owner After 8 Long Years

    Joshua Edwards lost his Rottweiler, Duke, eight years ago and had given up on finding him. Five days ago he received a call from a pet chip company saying they had a dog named Duke registered to him. Given that eight years had gone by, Josh was very nervous about the reunion. He had no idea how things were going to play out. But the moment that these two long-lost besties saw one another it was nothing but pure love and happiness. This reunion certainly sparked a tear or two.

    Miami Herald Report


    We Got Him. I’m Speechless. Shaking. Emotional

    We Got Him. I’m Speechless. Shaking. Emotional

    The man who found him is the angel we all prayed for and I can’t even describe what he did to make this happen. A complete stranger who owed me nothing gave me my entire world back and jumped through hoops to get him off the streets and back to me. I will update more later — at the vet now making sure he’s ok. Thank you to every single person who searched/shared/commented/hung flyers/and dropped everything to help me. I have no words.

    otisthepugsf Report


    My Friend Found Her Dog After Being Lost For 3 Days. I Think She Was Glad To Have Her Human Back

    My Friend Found Her Dog After Being Lost For 3 Days. I Think She Was Glad To Have Her Human Back

    aubreyxo89 Report


    After 6 Years Away From Family, Corky Returns Home

    After 6 Years Away From Family, Corky Returns Home

    This past Saturday, two stray dogs named Corky and Captain were brought to HSNT by a Good Samaritan. Our receiving staff scanned both pups for a microchip and found that Corky had been adopted from HSNT back in 2009. The owners were called and turns out Corky had been missing for 6 years! The owners came in to reclaim Corky, only to find he was pair-bonded with his best friend Captain. Not only did they take home Corky but they adopted Captain, his one-eyed buddy.

    Humane Society of North Texas Report


    Family Gets A Shock Of A Lifetime When Their Dog Returns After Disappearing 10 Years Ago

    Family Gets A Shock Of A Lifetime When Their Dog Returns After Disappearing 10 Years Ago

    10 years ago, Debra Suierveld, the owner of Abby, together with her children were playing with the one-year-old pup in the backyard of their home in Apollo, Pennsylvania. At some point, the dog ran off, and even though the family searched everywhere for her, she was nowhere to be found. After some time searching with no luck, the heartbroken family declared Abby dead.

    But this wasn’t the end of this story. 10 years later, Abby showed up on a porch of a house 8 miles away from her owner’s house. She was brought to a shelter, where the dog was identified based on the information in her microchip that the Suiervelds had implanted back when she was a pup.

    Debra was taken by surprise when she got a call that her dog was found and called it a miracle.

    It’s unknown where the dog was for all these years, but it’s so amazing to know, that Abby back at her loving home. Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    dog must have been thinking "why you kids so tall and big now? how long has it been?"

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    Lost Dog Shows Up Two Days Later At Her Owner's Office

    Lost Dog Shows Up Two Days Later At Her Owner's Office

    ryk.goddard , ryk.goddard Report


    I Got My Baby Back

    I Got My Baby Back

    Annabel went "missing" March 26 this year. She was just in the yard playing with the neighborhood strays but would always come when I whistled. That very week I was planning to use my taxes to fix my back fence and get her microchipped and new tags. When I went to get her back inside she was gone. I walked the neighborhood, put up flyers, posted to every local animal group I could think of, put an ad in the paper, everything to look for her. No dice. All these months my son and I mourned thinking someone either stole her or killed her, neither is uncommon around here.

    Then a couple days before Halloween my ex-husband found me on Snapchat. I blocked him but a mutual friend asked me to hear him out. So I did, thinking I was getting tired of holding a grudge and if he was truly apologetic for all the crap he pulled we could maybe be friends. That lasted into the next day until I ask if he'd seen the dog. I'd been told I was crazy for thinking he could have taken her, but she was the only thing we butted heads on "custody" of. March 26 was the day the divorce papers were signed and filed, so legally she was mine, but I had suspicions.

    He told me the truth: he took her that day. Meaning he drove 4 hours here, took her out of my front yard, then 4 hours back to his mothers'. He'd had her the whole time.

    I convinced him to bring her back. I got her back Halloween night (luckily it was pouring rain so trick-or-treating had been moved to the day before). I had him meet me at a public place, because when he figured out I wasn't going to continue speaking to him he wasn’t too happy... he physically pulled her away from me and I had to hold on to her collar and loudly insist that what he had done (and was trying to do again) was theft.

    BUT. I GOT MY GIRL BACK! My son is so happy and she's happy and sweet as ever. She remembers my house, my son, the cat, and all her old tricks. She's a little jealous of the dog I recently adopted, but we're working on it and I've already seen a good amount of progress.

    If you've read all of this, thanks. I guess I just wanted to share. It feels like a small miracle. I'd given up. My son couldn't even hear her name without crying. Every time I see her now it's like "surprise! I'm back and I love you!"

    AnnabelsKeeper Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What a complete jack-ass! Good thing you got her back!

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    She Was Missing 2 Days Ago. This Morning She Showed Up In Front Of Her Home

    She Was Missing 2 Days Ago. This Morning She Showed Up In Front Of Her Home

    jvrang Report


    Lost Dog Comes Home After 7 Years

    Lost Dog Comes Home After 7 Years

    In 2011 I purchased a puppy that I named Champ while on deployment during operation enduring freedom and operation new dawn.
    In 2013 I separated from the Navy and was finally able to go home and reunite with my pup. Approximately a year later Champ would inevitably escape the house.
    I searched everywhere for my dog, had people report his whereabouts for weeks afterward with no luck of me finding my pup. 
    7 years later, 07/10/2020, A local farmer found him running around on his ranch, Champ was not as friendly anymore, but the farmer still continued to try to reach out to him. After continuous feeding and care, Champ became friendly with the farmer. Approximately 10 days later, the farmer noticed Champ had a limp in his leg, so as any kind-hearted person would do, he took Champ into the vet to identify what the problem may be.
    I received a knock on my door from the local Animal Control unit who gave me extremely shocking news that my pup was ALIVE! I could not believe my ears, the dog that I had missed so much had actually been alive this entire time! I rushed over to the hospital to see my boy! Unfortunately, his elbow is out of place and it will take surgery to repair his arm close to 100%

    manuel.vejar.967 , Manuel Vejar Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Ginger Reuniting With Her Family After Weeks Apart

    Ginger Reuniting With Her Family After Weeks Apart

    Ginger ran away several weeks ago, and Sergeant Dahlberg and her daughter were afraid their beloved puppy was lost forever. But after constant searching, they found Ginger on our website – and you can see how happy both she and her family were to be reunited. Unfortunately, she got parvovirus while she was stray. This disease can be lethal, but we were able to find treatment soon enough, and it looks like she’ll make a full recovery now that she’s back in her loving home.

    374756619256467 Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Someone Hit My Dog Jack With A Truck And Took Off - My Pup Instantly Got Up And Ran Away Faster Than I Could Catch Him

    Someone Hit My Dog Jack With A Truck And Took Off - My Pup Instantly Got Up And Ran Away Faster Than I Could Catch Him

    This man saw my posts and was on the lookout - he saw Jack in the parking lot of a nearby grocery store. When he tried to approach, Jack ran across the street and inside the fence of the same big open grassy area that I had been playing with him in yesterday, and he PM'd me. The other man had put me in touch with a guy named Tim, who used to live in Houston, but now lives in NOLA (? I hope I'm getting all this right), and who maintains a large email list of people involved in animal rescue. I followed this man's advice and contacted Tim, who sent out all of Jack's information to his list last night. One of the women on his list had an extra 15 min to kill before she picked up her daughter from school so she drove to the Baylor area where Jack had been lost and called me on my cell to tell me she had him in sight. I RAN straight to where she was, as fast as I could (even hopped in the back of a truck for a block of the distance when a good semaritan saw me sprinting and offered). The first man saw me then, and asked if we'd seen a dog, and I was like "it's my dog! I'm looking for my dog!" and that's we made the connection. I could have hugged him right then. We quickly found the woman with eyes on the dog and Jack seemed pretty freaked out, but came right over to me. OMG. There just aren't words. I thanked them both and rushed Jack home, called his vet who said he could see him with just enough time to spare that I could give Jack some (vet approved) cool water and a chance to chill out a bit, and me enough time to post that he was found. Here's the pic I took (still sweaty from the run) right after calling the vet. I think there's a rule that Jack and I both look terrible in all selfies I take, but I don't even care. I'm just so unbelievably happy. The vet says he's totally fine, just some scrapes and bruises. He gave me some pain meds for Jack, and I had Jack chipped and filled out the paperwork for his chip while we were there. I feel like I owe the world a whole load of karma right now.

    p1percub , p1percub Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nice story but it's worth noting that dogs near roads should ALWAYS be on a lead.

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    Got Lost And Wound Up Hiking 23 km Yesterday. They've Been Sleeping Since We Got Home

    Got Lost And Wound Up Hiking 23 km Yesterday. They've Been Sleeping Since We Got Home

    kaygwthrwaway Report


    A Rescue Dog Named Honey Has Been Reunited With His Owner After A Seven-Year Separation

    A Rescue Dog Named Honey Has Been Reunited With His Owner After A Seven-Year Separation

    Honey came into ACS as a stray last week. When he was picked up, we found a microchip which was registered to someone who had adopted Honey many years ago. We called the owner and let them know Honey would be at the shelter. While he was getting his initial shots upon entering our shelter, our staff got a call that his owner had already made it to ACS to reclaim in our front office.
    One of our Intake Coordinators walked Honey up to the front to see if the pup would recognize the person reclaiming. The woman burst into tears as soon as she saw him, fell to her knees, and held him in her arms. She began to ask him if he remembered who she was.
    Seeing her reaction, our staff member curiously asked how long Honey had been missing, to which Honey's mom replied "Almost 7 years!" 
    This emotional reunion was the result of Honey being microchipped many years ago when he was adopted at our shelter! Each pet leaves with a lifetime, registered microchip upon adoption. Because of this, Honey and his mom are now finally able to live their happily ever after! 

    City of San Antonio Animal Care Services Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Thanks To The Help Of Some Savvy Internet Dog Detectives, We Were Able To Confirm And Reunite Scar With His Family This Morning

    Thanks To The Help Of Some Savvy Internet Dog Detectives, We Were Able To Confirm And Reunite Scar With His Family This Morning

    haleyhammerhand Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Long Lost Dog Reunited With Her Owner After 8 Years

    Long Lost Dog Reunited With Her Owner After 8 Years

    janice0852 Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Really appreciate all the work you do to help animals. As a rescuer myself, I know how challenging, draining and upsetting it can be. Having said that, it's ALWAYS worth it!

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Found A Little Dog And Within Minutes Of Putting Her On A Lost And Found Pets Group Her Owner And I Had Found Each Other Thanks To A Lady Who'd Seen Both Our Posts

    Found A Little Dog And Within Minutes Of Putting Her On A Lost And Found Pets Group Her Owner And I Had Found Each Other Thanks To A Lady Who'd Seen Both Our Posts

    bekkawyles Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Remember how frantic a parent is when their child is lost in a store (usually hiding somewhere)? Then their joy when the child is found? Pets are like little fuzzy, feathered, scaled kids, and when they go missing (or die) it’s like losing your child. But finding them again is like a two ton weight lifted off your shoulders!

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    This Is Emma. She's Tired Because She Went On An Adventure By Herself For The Past 2 Days And Got Lost

    This Is Emma. She's Tired Because She Went On An Adventure By Herself For The Past 2 Days And Got Lost

    It was scary because I thought I’d never see her again but we found her and she’s happy, safe and sleeping in her favorite chair again.

    MattRedd_it Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    After 5 Days Of Being Lost, We Found Our Baby Against All Odds With All The Health Issues She Has - Everyone, Meet Misty

    After 5 Days Of Being Lost, We Found Our Baby Against All Odds With All The Health Issues She Has - Everyone, Meet Misty

    Artkinn Report


    After A Month Of Being Lost In Another State, We've Found Our Dog

    After A Month Of Being Lost In Another State, We've Found Our Dog

    smash_and_crash22 Report


    Family In Florida Reunited With Missing Dog After Three Years Of Searching. Their Dog Bella Had Been Picked Up As A Stray And Was Found At An Animal Shelter In New Jersey

    Family In Florida Reunited With Missing Dog After Three Years Of Searching. Their Dog Bella Had Been Picked Up As A Stray And Was Found At An Animal Shelter In New Jersey

    WE FOUND BELLA the DOG Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
    Community Member
    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Once she’s readjusted to being home, Bella is going to be ecstatic to have her parents and all her human siblings back again!

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    Well After 6 1/2 Years Missing, Bonnie Reunited With Her Beloved Family

    Well After 6 1/2 Years Missing, Bonnie Reunited With Her Beloved Family

    Well something amazing happened here at Terrington yesterday
    This beautiful little girl came into the practice and after a scan of her microchip and a check on the database by our receptionist, it was discovered that Bonnie had been missing for 6 1/2 years! Yes, six and a half years!!!
    Well, suffice to say they were overcome with shock and emotion and found it hard to believe especially given the fact that she was found over 200 miles from their home!
    They were overwhelmed and very emotional and guess what? It’s her 10th birthday on Sunday and she is going home on Saturday in time to celebrate.
    They had never given up hope of finding her so please anybody with a missing pet please never ever give up looking!

    TerringtonVets , TerringtonVets Report


    4 Days After Girl’s Plea For Missing Dog, Her Best Friend Is Returned

    4 Days After Girl’s Plea For Missing Dog, Her Best Friend Is Returned

    laura.foster.56 Report

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    Kathryn Baylis
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Remember the times your parents yelled at you for something, and maybe also sent you to your room? Remember hugging the dog or cat afterward, and telling them they’re the only real friend you have? Then imagine if that friend had gotten lost. Then found. Now you’ve got it.

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    He Recently Ran Away, But After Five Days, We Got Him Back. Say Hi To Joey, My 11-Year-Old Good Boy

    He Recently Ran Away, But After Five Days, We Got Him Back. Say Hi To Joey, My 11-Year-Old Good Boy

    i_cant_name_stuff Report


    A Seven-Month-Old Shar-Pei Puppy Has Been Reunited With His Owners After Allegedly Being "Dog-Napped" In Newtown

    A Seven-Month-Old Shar-Pei Puppy Has Been Reunited With His Owners After Allegedly Being "Dog-Napped" In Newtown

    Henry disappeared from outside a cafe in O’Connell Street shortly before 1 pm on Wednesday 2 December 2015.
    His distraught owner reported the theft to Newtown Police Station and the command’s detectives initiated an investigation.
    Acting on information provided, detectives yesterday went to a home in Susan Street at Newtown, where they allege Henry was spotted at the front door.
    He was taken back to Newtown Police Station where he was reunited with his relieved owner.

    NSW Police Force , NSW Police Force Report

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    A Very Good Boy After He Found His Way Back To His Mum After 12 Hours Lost At Night In 1000km Of Moorland

    A Very Good Boy After He Found His Way Back To His Mum After 12 Hours Lost At Night In 1000km Of Moorland

    RusticSeapig Report


    Found This Guy Lost In The Woods Whilst Hiking. Happily Reunited Him With His Owner

    Found This Guy Lost In The Woods Whilst Hiking. Happily Reunited Him With His Owner

    I_love_bearss Report


    Boozer The Boxer Reunited With His Owners After 9 Years

    Boozer The Boxer Reunited With His Owners After 9 Years

    We are on Cloud 9! Boozer, a 10-year-old Boxer, was reunited with his original family, thanks to a microchip. Even after 9 years, he definitely remembered them! Lloyd, his daughter Megan and son Will, drove 18 hours from Alabama to pick up Boozer this morning for an emotional reunion. Lloyd said, "Boozer has always remained in our hearts."

    Foothills Animal Shelter Report


    Missing Dog Reunited With Family Six Years Later. This Little Guy Was Stolen From His Family's Yard More Than 1,300 Miles Away In Texas

    Missing Dog Reunited With Family Six Years Later. This Little Guy Was Stolen From His Family's Yard More Than 1,300 Miles Away In Texas

    When Debi and DaNae Vasquez let their Chihuahua mix, King, out in the yard of their San Antonio home, they never imagined it would be one of the last times they saw their furry friend. King went missing from their yard that day, more than six years ago. They never lost hope that King would be reunited with the family and did everything they could to bring King back home, including offering a reward. Somehow, King ended up more than 1,300 miles away at the Humane Society of Broward County where his microchip revealed just how far from home he had gone. 

    browardhumane Report

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    Piper McLean
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Anyone wanna find the person who stole him and knock some sense into them?


    My Little Buddy Got Out Of My Yard, Was Hit By A Car, And Fled Into A Canyon Where He Was Lost For 2 Days

    My Little Buddy Got Out Of My Yard, Was Hit By A Car, And Fled Into A Canyon Where He Was Lost For 2 Days

    I took this pic after he was finally found. He looks very sorry!

    dekonstruktr Report

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    Ria C.
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a similar pic of my sweet girl. I was going to introduce her but for some reason it won't let me attach anything.

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    A Chihuahua Reported Missing For 4 Years Was Reunited With His Family

    A Chihuahua Reported Missing For 4 Years Was Reunited With His Family

    5th District Officers Taylor and Spacek reunited Chiquito with his family after a concerned citizen told the officers about the little stray dog. Chiquito had been missing for 4 years! Great job to everyone who helped create this joyful reunion!

    ChicagoPoliceDepartment Report


    The HOA Jerks From My Friend's Neighborhood Took Down Every "Missing Dog" Flyer, My Friend's Dog Was Missing For Days And Days And Like A Miracle The Dog Came Back To Her House Today

    The HOA Jerks From My Friend's Neighborhood Took Down Every "Missing Dog" Flyer, My Friend's Dog Was Missing For Days And Days And Like A Miracle The Dog Came Back To Her House Today

    supahotfiiire Report


    Dog Who Ran Away After Car Crash Reunites With Owner After 2 Days

    Dog Who Ran Away After Car Crash Reunites With Owner After 2 Days

    gadsdenanimalclinic Report


    Today I Found This Really Cute Dog And Returned It To Its Owners. Rare Lost Pupper

    Today I Found This Really Cute Dog And Returned It To Its Owners. Rare Lost Pupper

    Kosmosnoetos Report


    This Good Boi Got Lost And Greeted Me At My Car - Not My Dog And We Did Reunite With His Human

    This Good Boi Got Lost And Greeted Me At My Car - Not My Dog And We Did Reunite With His Human

    sharke087 Report

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    After Going Missing 7 Months Ago, Gazelle Was Returned To Her Owner Last Week. Her Owner Is Elated To Have Her Home

    After Going Missing 7 Months Ago, Gazelle Was Returned To Her Owner Last Week. Her Owner Is Elated To Have Her Home

    saltlakecountyanimalservices Report


    We Found Our Lost Puppy Yesterday. After Surviving Six Days In The Wild On His Own He Is Still Weak But Returning To His Former Self

    We Found Our Lost Puppy Yesterday. After Surviving Six Days In The Wild On His Own He Is Still Weak But Returning To His Former Self

    PM-ME-UR-KEKS Report

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    I Reunited A Lost Dog With Its Owner Today

    I Reunited A Lost Dog With Its Owner Today

    Blamethemostlikely99 Report


    Lost This Little Lady For Over 24 Hours And Finally Found Her Today. Couldn’t Be Any Happier To Have Her Back

    Lost This Little Lady For Over 24 Hours And Finally Found Her Today. Couldn’t Be Any Happier To Have Her Back

    Ialsolikeshrimp69 Report

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    Found Male Cocker Spaniel, Now Reunited Back With His Owner

    Found Male Cocker Spaniel, Now Reunited Back With His Owner

    petrescuesolutions Report

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    I Reunited This Dog With It’s Dad Last Night

    I Reunited This Dog With It’s Dad Last Night

    ImAnOldElephant Report

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    Little Chihuahua "Chiquita" Was Reunited With Owner, Yay

    Little Chihuahua "Chiquita" Was Reunited With Owner, Yay

    petrescuesolutions Report

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