Quick, pop quiz! Can you tell me how many square kilometers Canada is? How about the largest state in the US? (Hint: It’s not Texas.) Do you know off the top of your head how large Chile is? Okay, don't panic. You're not in high school anymore, and this won't be graded. But if it’s been a while since you’ve looked at a map or you’ve never gone in depth with your geography studies, you just might learn a thing or two from this list.

Reddit user storm1902 reached out asking for the most mind-blowing geography facts readers had, and their answers did not disappoint. Enjoy learning these facts that might give you a new perspective on our beautiful planet, and be sure to upvote all of your favorites. Below, you'll also find interviews we were lucky enough to receive from Professor Joe Smith, director of the Royal Geographical Society, and Luke Kelly, one of the hosts of 80 Days: an exploration podcast. Then if you’re looking to learn even more about our world after finishing this list, you can check out another Bored Panda piece featuring fascinating maps right here.


Not sure it applies but the meteor that brought an end to the dinossaurs was so massive that the crater actually started forming itself before it even touched ground, due to the unbelievable air pressure

Edit: this definitely does not apply as I read geology, and not geography, I'm an idiot

drunk_portuguese Report

I’m sure you took at least one geography course back in your school days, but let’s break down what the field of geography encompasses for those of us who only remember the basics like landscapes and longitude and latitude. Geography is the study of space and place and is broken down into two categories: human and physical. According to the Royal Geographical Society, human geography focuses on “the dynamics of cultures, societies and economies” while physical geography refers to the “understanding of the dynamics of landscapes and the environment”. Geography bridges the gap between understanding social and physical processes. More recently, human geography has also begun to study the causes of inequalities between places and social groups. Deepening our understanding of geography is a great way for us to better understand our planet, not only through its physical nature but also through its people.


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined

    GOLDEN_GOATY , James Wheeler Report

    We reached out to Luke Kelly, one of the hosts of 80 Days, a podcast "dedicated to exploring little-known countries, territories settlements and cities around the world" to get some insight from someone passionate on the topic of geography. First, Luke explained to me how 80 Days was born. "We started the podcast in 2016, and the idea was essentially born out of a desire to find out more about obscure places that we've all heard of - Gibraltar, Tasmania, Easter Island, etc - but that not too much of us know in depth. For example, we wanted to find out why there's a country that's entirely enclosed by South Africa, or why Newfoundlanders sound Irish. It turns out that there was no podcast filling that niche at the time, so we started our own!" 


    We also asked Luke what the best part of making this podcast is. "Over the years we've learned a huge amount about some really weird places," he told us. "I'd say the best part has been discovering fascinating stories from each of these places. For example we'd all heard of the Pacific island of Nauru, but only when researching the show did we find out that its government once financed a West End musical about Leonardo Da Vinci's love life, which flopped and lost the nation loads of money."


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School Antarctica is the world's largest desert, since it doesn't get all that much rainfall. Also, if you put a cherry on top of it, Antarctica is the world's largest dessert.

    CrabbyBlueberry , Pixabay Report

    We also asked Luke why it's important for people to have an understanding of the world's geography. "We are always amazed on our show by how connected even the smallest places in the world have been down the centuries. You'd be amazed at some of the world famous figures we come across. So in that sense, every tiny place has its part to play and its own story to tell. Nowhere is entirely uninteresting."


    When asked to share his favorite geography fun facts, Luke did not leave us hanging. "Liechtenstein is the world largest exporter of false teeth."

    "The Panama Canal charges by the ton for shipping. The lowest toll ever paid to cross it was incurred by Richard Halliburton, who swam the canal in 1928. Halliburton paid just 36 cents."

    "The Isle of Man hosts an annual TT (time trial) motorbike race which is the oldest and most dangerous race of its kind in the world. Competitors travel an AVERAGE of 130 mph through the 37.5 mile long mountain course, and the race has claimed 242 lives in its 107 years of existence."

    If you're interested in hearing more geography and history fun facts from Luke, be sure to check out the 80 Days podcast right here.


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School My parents in Canada live closer to me in England than they do to my in-laws in Canada.

    Kurgan1536 , Jason Hafso Report

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    Vinay Pai
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But walking to your in-laws is easier for them to do, than swimming to you.

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    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School Rubies and Sapphires are in fact, the same mineral, and both of them, as well as Emeralds, are actually rarer then Diamonds.

    Selkie_Muffin , Wikipedia Report

    We also reached out to Professor Joe Smith, director of the Royal Geographical Society, to hear from an expert why geography is so fascinating. "Geography literally means ‘writing the Earth’. So geographers’ mission is to explore and understand space and place - recognizing the great differences in cultures, political systems, economies, landscapes and environments across the world, and exploring the links between them. Because we live on such a dynamic planet, and in dynamic societies, geography will always have to match that dynamism: so it’s always going to be developing, and this makes its study a literally endless source of fascination."

    Professor Smith also explained why it's important for us to have an understanding of our world's geography. "Geography is, in the broadest sense, an education for life and for living," he told us. "Learning through geography – whether gained through formal learning or experientially through travel, fieldwork and expeditions – helps us all to be more socially and environmentally sensitive, better informed, and more responsible as citizens. Another quick way of putting it is: ‘without geography, society is lost’."


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School Palm trees grow in Ireland, at 53 degrees north. In Canada at 55 degrees north there are polar bears.

    RemoteWasabi4 , Max Andrey Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Gulf stream! Let's see if climate change kills it. Then Europe has a big problem...

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    We also asked Professor Smith how climate change is affecting our world's geography. "Human-caused climate change refers to changes in the earth's temperature over the last 100 years or so since industrial societies started to affect the makeup of the atmosphere. Since 1900, the average temperature on the planet has increased by 0.75 degrees Celsius and the UK's sea level has risen by about 10cm."

    "Humans are changing the climate by their actions, particularly by emitting greenhouse gases – and the impacts are already very great and threatens the extinction of many forms of life on the planet," he explained. "Climate scientists, including geographers, in the global network of researchers that make up the IPCC generally agree there will be an increased threat to human health, particularly amongst the poorest; an increased extinction risk for some vulnerable species as well as decreased agricultural yield in many tropical and subtropical regions; a heightened water shortage in many water-scarce areas of the world and finally further risk of storm and flood damage. Such impacts will disproportionately affect populations that inhabit small islands and low-lying coastal areas."


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School France's longest border is with Brazil.

    IsItAboutMy_Cube , amazingmap Report

    Lastly, Professor Smith wanted to add that, "Geography is the study of the relationships between the earth and those who live on it, and understanding climate change is now a key part of understanding the place of humans on the planet. But geographers are also very active in generating solutions and resilient responses to environmental threats and changes. Understanding difference is a key part of the geographers’ job, and this leaves us well equipped to help understand the impacts climate change will have on different places."

    If you're interested in learning even more from the Royal Geographical Society, you can check out their website right here.


    Depending on where you are, you might have recently noticed a lot of dust from Africa coating your town.

    But dust from the Sahara regularly makes it's way to the Amazon. In fact, without that dust, the Amazon might not even exist. The soil there is pretty nutrient poor, and that dust acts as a form of fertiliser. Two massive but opposing geological features - one full of life, the other very sparse - yet very strongly connected.

    JackofScarlets Report

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    Robert T
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've had to clean dust from the Sahara off my car. I live in the UK!

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    Having a better understanding of geography tends to encourage us to want to travel more as well. When we start opening up the door of curiosity about the planet, we often want to learn more and more. For example, if you’ve visited Mexico before, you might have experienced a very different culture than you’re used to, depending on where you are from. Part of that culture is influenced by the geography of the country, being in a warm place with a varied landscape of mountains, deserts, beaches and rain forests. Maybe on your next vacation, you’ll travel to Denmark to experience a vastly different climate and embrace a completely different culture. Then you might want to visit Thailand next. Every nation is different, but countries in the same region tend to have some cultural similarities. When we understand where countries lie geographically, we can start to better understand their cultures and their people. Your country might not be used to the idea of a mid-day nap, but in countries like Spain and Vietnam, a siesta is a great way to combat the brutal afternoon heat.    


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School If you took a boat out of Reykjavík and sailed directly south, the first land mass you'd hit would be Antarctica.

    RyzenRaider , Wikipedia Report

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    Laura Ketteridge
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Almost, but no. Reykjavik is not on the south coast. If you took a boat from the Selvogsviti Lighthouse you could sail due south to reach the South Pole.

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    Aside from climate, topography can play a large role in influencing cultures as well. If your country is filled with mountains and receives lots of snow in the winter, you might have known how to ski since you were 3. On the other hand, countries in warmer places filled with lakes and rivers, like Taiwan, might be more invested in water sports and swimming. Topography even influences how we eat, as what food we have access to depends on what we can grow and source close to home. Nordic countries tend to eat a lot of fish, as they have easier access to fish than landlocked nations do. They also have historically eaten more potatoes and root vegetables than countries further south because crops grown underground could survive harsh winters.


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School Australia is wider than the moon

    fouryinthehouse , Nasa Report


    The earth is remarkably smooth.

    Everest at 8.85km above sea level compared to the Marianas trench at -11kms. A net difference of 19.85kms on a sphere 12,742kms. 0.156% of the planets circumference contains all terrain heights.

    The surface of a cue ball (2.25in), has a tolerance for surface finish allowing pits or grooves to be up to 0.005in. 0.222% of its circumference.

    Earth is smoother than a cue ball, even if you put Everest next to the Marianas trench or dug the trench another 9km deeper, it would still be within scaled cue ball tolerance for smoothness.

    Jtothe3rd Report


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School Alaska is actually HUGE. It’s larger than Montana, Texas, and California combined. Yet, illustrated on maps as being tiny.

    Maximum_Mountain_446 , Pixabay Report

    It’s never too late to educate yourself on geography, especially if your school system didn’t do a great job teaching you in the first place. In the United States, for example, one 2018 study of eighth graders found that nearly three quarters of them tested below proficient in geography on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Questions on the exam included topics like locating major cities on a map, discussing the impacts of urbanization, identifying characteristics on a climate graph and using photos to explain human adaptation to climate. 2018 was not an exceptional to the rule either, as similar results were found on the same assessment in 2014 and 1994. Normally, I would not suggest heading to Reddit to learn, but if students aren't picking up a great understanding of geography in schools, they might as well find it somewhere else.   


    Not Earth's geography but Mars'. Olympus Mons (volcano on Mars) is so big that it curves with the curvature of Mars itself to an extent that you cannot see the peak of the volcano if you would stand at the base of it.

    Edit 1: changed Mount Olympus to Olympus moms
    Edit 2: Changed Olympus moms to Olympus Mons

    P. S. As you see I'm phenomenal at typing

    TheDarkBob Report


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School Despite Canada being the US’s “neighbor to the north”, the majority of Canadians live south of Seattle.

    Slant_Juicy , Khantushig Khosbayar Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I see Canada as Australia: big a*s of land, 80% of population in a very tiny space compared to the territory. As a european, is interesting to me.

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    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School The distance between New Zealand and Australia is roughly the same as the distance between The Netherlands and Libya.

    Javanz , Google Maps Report

    Another important reason to understand geography is to better understand the prevalence of climate change. Climate change has already affected the planet’s geography by causing rising sea levels and melting of ice caps, but it also has created natural disasters that have shaped the world. Excess rainfall, wildfires, droughts and heat waves have already begun shifting landscapes, and the rising sea levels are shrinking island nations. The world’s altering geography could have devastating effects, like nations suddenly being unable to produce crops they have relied on for centuries. It’s important that we understand how to limit our carbon footprints and take action to reduce or reverse climate change before it’s way too late.   


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School There are 14 mountains over the height of 8000 metres. All of them are in Asia.

    victoryofsamothrace , James Wheeler Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This would be better summarized as "there are two mountain ranges with peaks over the height of 8000m; both are located in Asia". "14 mountains" seems misleading given that several of these are fairly close to each other.

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    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School Perth is the most isolated metropolis in the world

    maxchillstl Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Introverts everywhere: "Pack your bags, we're moving to Perth!"

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    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School How far north Europe is. I always pictured Europe as roughly parallel to the US, so northern Europe would be the same latitude as Minnesota and southern Europe as Florida. Not even close. The UK is almost entirely north of the lower 48 states and Rome is further north than New York City.

    mordeci00 , Christian Lue Report


    Doing our own research to learn about geography is also never a bad idea, as we can’t always rely on every map we’ve seen. In fact, there are actually 10 different versions of the world map, according to Times Now. No map will ever be 100% accurate because they’re flat representations of a globe; there will always be some spots that are a little wonky or not fully to scale. The most commonly used map is the Mercator projection, which was designed by cartographer Gerardus Mercator in 1569, but it's sometimes criticized for the distortion of countries closer to the North and South poles. For example, Greenland looks much larger on this map than it is in reality.


    When I worked for FedEx back in the 90's one of the reasons why they chose Anchorage as a global hub (apart from the fact that aircraft use less fuel due to it being cooler) was that it is one of the only places in the world that is within 10 hours of the three biggest global markets; North America, Europe and Asia!

    Who would have thought that a place considered in the middle of nowhere is actually the centre of the world.

    Geronimo2U Report


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School California is the closest state to Hawaii , but Hawaii is the furthest state from California

    bringbackbulaga , Google Maps Report

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    Mad Dragon
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s not true. As the crow flies, the shortest distance is 2,300 miles from California to Hawaii, and 2,600 miles from California to Maine.

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    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School Texas is large enough that I could fit Copenhagen, Brussels, Zagreb, and Warsaw with their real life distances from each other inside the State lines.

    The Great Lakes contain enough fresh water to flood an area the size of Great Britain in over 100 meters of water.

    whatifevery1wascalm , Yigithan Bal Report

    Some alternatives to the Mercator projection include the Gall-Peters, the Winkel-Tripel, and the Robinson projections. The Gall-Peters does a better job of portraying the size of nations and is actually promoted by the United Nations. When it comes to the shape of certain places, though, there are distinct distortions. Next we have the Winkel-Tripel projection, which minimizes three major areas of distortion: area, direction and distance. The National Geographic Society even adopted this map in 1998 and began drawing their maps using it, but the projection still includes some distortions, specifically when it comes to angles. The Robinson projection was developed in 1963 with “the primary purpose of creating a visually appealing map of the world”. While it is not entirely accurate on the shape or size of landmasses, it’s sometimes considered a good “compromise” of other older versions. 


    Australia is the only continent with no active volcanos.

    Insaniac1 Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I didn't know volcanoes are aware of the Australian wildlife and shy away from them ("Luise, you know that you are a big mountain with molten stone and they are more afraid of you than you are of them?" - "I don't care Fred, have you seen the size of this spider thingy? Nope, no Australia!")

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    * The Appalachian mountain range formed before the North American continent broke away from Europe, so there's a little chunk of the Appalachians in France.

    * Relatively speaking, we live on the skin of an apple. That's about how thick the Earth's crust is in proportion to its volume.

    * The Australian tectonic plate is drifting north at a rapid rate relative to other plates. The whole continent is moving north and slightly clockwise at around 2.7 inches a year, which is fast enough that GPS systems have had to compensate for it to stay accurate. In a few hundred million years, Australia will probably collide with Asia, creating a mountain range even taller than the Himalayas when it does.

    * It's also easy to forget how recent some of our research and discoveries are. Though the idea of "continental drift" was first proposed in 1915, the theory of plate tectonics wasn't really well developed until the 1950s, continuing into the 1970s. And while we currently understand pretty well that an asteroid impact caused most dinosaurs to rapidly go extinct, down to the exact location of the crater and the size of the asteroid and everything, the asteroid-impact theory wasn't proposed until 1980.

    Taman_Should Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was 4 I saw that Africa and South America fitted like a jigsaw. And that Papua New Guinea fitted into the North of Australia. Surely millions of people must have seen the same thing and worked out the processes.

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    I don’t know if it’s geography per se but I read somewhere that if the sun was the size of a white
    Blood cell, the milk way galaxy would be the size of the continental United States. That made me say woah..

    Ohchrist-whatsnext Report

    If you’re really passionate about geography, it might be worth considering studying it in university and going on to pursue a career in the field. Those who have studied geography can go down the career paths of environmental specialists, business location/allocation experts, market researchers, cartographers, community development and planning specialists, satellite image analysts, weather forecasters or educators. No matter where they end up, anyone with a geography degree can be sure that their knowledge will be useful in the personal and professional lives.


    The country that spans the most different time zones is... France! Because they have so many islands and areas around the world that are considered French soil.

    Britain also has a bunch of overseas possessions that belong to the crown, but unlike France they don't consider these places to be part of the same country.

    kms2547 Report

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    Laura Mende (Human)
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So, my question: Is the currency of French Guiana the €? (It is pictured on the bills but is this really a thing?) And anywhere else?

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    America and Canada share the longest demilitarized border in the world.

    Lexinator04 Report

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    Nimues Child
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I miss Canadians and Americans being able to pass back and forth over the border with no passport. It really accentuated the friendship between the countries at the time.

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    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School Alaska is simultaneously the furthest west, east, and northern point in the US.

    robexib , Alexis Mette Report

    We hope you're enjoying this fascinating list of geography facts and that it's taught you something you didn't learn in school. Learning so much about our world is inspiring me to get out and experience a bit more of our planet's remarkable geography. Remember to upvote all of your favorite facts that you'd like your fellow pandas to see, and let us know in the comments what the most interesting geography fact you know is!


    At high noon in Hawaii when the Sun is directly overhead, the shadows of objects evenly line up to make it look as if there are no shadows being cast, so objects planted in the ground would look like they're in a poorly rendered video game. This phenomenon is called Lahaina Noon and it happens bi-annually.

    CurvyNB Report


    [Point Nemo]( is the loneliest point away from any other land (2,688 km away of any other)

    The closest people are the ones at the ISS.

    l-am-Not-Me Report


    Maine borders exactly one state. Tennessee and Missouri border eight apiece.

    Half the world’s population lives within 3,300 kilometers of Mong Khet, Myanmar.

    Manila’s population density is more than 100,000 people per square mile. In fact, the three densest cities in the world are all in the Philippines.

    The distance between the highest point and the lowest point in the contiguous United States is less than 85 miles.

    ArmyMedicalCrab Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Badwater Basin and Mount Whitney. And the Badwater Ultramarathon goes between them. In July.

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    Canada has the longest coastline in the world at approximately 243,042 kilometres. It’s estimated that it would take more than 30 years to walk Canada’s coastline at the rate of 19 kilometres a day.

    anon Report


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School China has 14 neighbouring countries.

    Malk_McJorma , Christian Lue Report

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    Troy Parr
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But beware, China thinks that most of the 14 belong to them...

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    Russia and America are so close. Whenever I look on a map, they are on opposite sides, but they are so much closer irl. I know, I am an idiot.

    JustABritishCupOfTea Report


    Russia and Japan are only around 10km away from each other

    yingguopingguo Report


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School Although I'm on the other side of the planet, only 1 country separates me from North Korea.

    Core308 , Micha Brändli Report

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    The Doggerland, a submerged area of land that connects Great Britain to the rest of Europe. It's flooded ~ 12 thousand years ago, forcing the peoples who lived there to migrate to what is now the Netherlands and Great Britain.

    TL;DR, it's a much cooler (and more real) Atlantis.

    Gl0riousGothi Report


    Britain as part of the UN has had control at one time or another of 171 out of the 193 United Nations.

    Slangindafeet Report


    There has been a few times during earth's history where natural nuclear reactors have occurred.

    Jaon412 Report


    Canada is 41 times the size of the UK and also has a Provincial park larger than Switzerland

    Stormcell75 Report

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    Gin. No tonic
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Canada has a population of only 38 million, compared to UK's 67 million. So it's easy to see why they may have a Provincial park larger than Switzerland (3600 sq km difference).

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    The UK and France are the only two countries in the world which the sun never sets on entirely, due to both countries' large number of territories all across the world.

    anon Report


    Theres a island called dissapointment

    kittybaby2121 Report

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    dee dee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Disappointment Islands, French Polynesia. Awesome place imo

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    You could fit the United States, Europe, and India within the borders of Africa, with room to spare.

    Mantaur4HOF Report


    Norway is north, south, east and west of Finland.

    frivus Report


    Russia is 1/6 the landmass of the world and Siberia would be the 2nd largest country in the world if it was a country.


    Edit typo

    aussiegreenie Report


    Bangladesh has more people than Russia.

    However in terms of landmass, Bangladesh has only 148,460 square kilometers and Russia has 17,125,191 square kilometers.

    CygraW Report

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    That there's a tiny disconnected section of Minnesota about an hour's drive north through Canada. It's called the Northwest Angle, and the only reason it exists is because of an error made during the drawing of the borders.

    TwistedCube49 Report


    "Australia Is Wider Than The Moon": 35 Mind-Blowing Geography Facts They Never Taught You In School That the UK and France made a bullet train tunnel that went under water. I went on it and it was a terrible ride but cool never the less.

    Used_Abbreviations19 Report

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    Ivo H
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Altough I knew about it, I can easily imagine someone else didn't. The world is huge and full of amazing things I don't know anything about, yet other people do for decades.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The channel tunnel was opened in the middle of the 90s and is a normal tunnel, just deep enough that it crosses under the sea channel between England and France. I rode it once some twenty years ago, its a normal train ride.

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    Fiona Parky
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For years there was a tunnel boring machine by the side of the motorway in the UK close to the Chunnel that had a sign on it saying “For Sale. One careful owner”.

    Saint Thomas
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The train doesn't go "under water", though. The tunnel is dug under the seabed.

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A brilliant achievement, and once complete the Tories SOLD the UK government's stake in the project to the French state railway company. So now we have to pay to use something we actually built. Anyone purchasing a ticket in the UK is subsidising investment in the French state railway company. That's Tory privatisation for you!

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is formally designated HS1- High Speed 1. It can reach 190mph, which is quite a bit faster than the standard speed of UK trains- which are limited to 125mph. (And for what it's worth, standard UK trains are quite capable of going faster, but are limited by our ancient signalling systems, and the general 'curviness' of our main rail routes which were first laid out up to 160 years ago.

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    T'Mar of Vulcan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So... the Eurostar? I found the ride pleasant. When we left for Europe from Johannesburg, the lady at Customs asked where we were going. "To England, then to France on the train." She was like, "The TRAIN? The TRAIN?" Clearly she had never heard of the Channel Tunnel either.

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I found it terrible too. It was incredibly claustrophobic, and my ears wanted to blow up the whole time. There was no sense of movement, and it felt like the ride lasted forever. I had a friend with me who saw how terrible I felt so he sat very close to me, his face almost touching mine so I could focus on something alive, and without taking a beat between them he kept telling me joke after joke after joke. This was more than 20 years ago but I still think of him with gratitude. A real gentleman and a true champion. In contrast when we took the ferry, lots of my companions felt very ill and hated the whole thing. I loved it, it was comforting, very pleasant.

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    Adam Jeff
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not sure what the definition of 'bullet train' is, but trains in the Channel Tunnel do a maximum of 160 km/h, Japanese Shinkansen do 500 km/h

    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be fair, neither live up to their name. A bullet reportedly travels at 2736kph. Technically, Japan's is closer but they're still both writing cheques that their train speed can't cash.

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    In Iceland, you can see where the North American tectonic plate and the Eurasia tectonic plate are moving away from each other.

    Another place that is similar, but not as intense, is Point Reyes National Seashore in California. It is separated by the San Andreas Fault, where the North American and Pacific plates come together.

    anon Report

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    Rob Chapman
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I live up the street from the San Andreas fault. Technically, I live on the Pacific plate,while the highway just adjacent to the fault is in North America. By my house the fault appears as a narrow trench at the bottom of a steep hill. but about half a mile south it widens to a fault valley, which is filled with a lake. Here's a pic of the fault by my house. Screenshot...80-png.jpg Screenshot-2022-06-09-152701-62a273f810a80-png.jpg

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    You can stand in both Canada and France at exactly the same time. There is a WW1 memorial to canadian soldiers (specially a Newfoundland regiment who were massacred) that is Canadian territory. Since it is at the site of the battle if you stand on the border you can stand in both countries at the same time.

    TheSuicidalPancake Report

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    There is actually a tiny strip of New Mexico that is directly north of the Texas panhandle, contrary to the level of detail that many maps can show.

    crassbandstand Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    From US Highway 56 at Rinker Road until it becomes US 385 at the Oklahoma border. Maybe a mile or two.


    There's a glacier in Pakistan that's about the same latitude as Texas.

    Baltimore proper has more people than Wyoming does.

    Montpelier, the capital of Vermont, has less than 10000 people.

    Asia has a larger surface area than Pluto.

    MichaelOChE Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Altitude plays a bigger role than latitude in the glacier's case ;)

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    Canada is so big that St. John’s in Newfoundland is closer to London England, then it is to Victoria British Columbia. And St. John’s, London are separated by a freaking ocean.

    anon Report


    Ohio is the only state that doesn't share a letter with the word "Mackerel"

    patlaska Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is wrong. Ohio actually contains the letter M, not only is it a silent letter, you do not pronounce it, it is also an invisible letter, you do not see it. True Fact.

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    Reelfoot Lake in Tennessee was created due to the impact of three earthquakes, which occur in 1811 and 1812, measured around 8 on the Richter Scale.

    Back2Bach Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Another thing the earthquakes caused the Mississippi River to flow backwards creating the lake.


    Russia's western most border and city in Europe is farther west than Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria. The city is also farther west than Warsaw, Poland.

    Not really mind blowing per se, but people forget about Kaliningrad Oblast, lol. For all the "Finland/Bielefeld doesn't exist" jokes, I'm surprised no one ever tried it with Kaliningrad given the weirdness of the Oblast. Kaliningrad is closer to Berlin than Gusev is to Pskov or Smolensk.

    Legion213 Report

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    John L
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I watched a "what if" scenario with the US going to war with Russia, in Ukraine. They kept mentioning how plastered "Kaliningrad" would be during such a scenario. Kept wondering what they heck Kaliningrad, was. Now I know. ☺


    France have longest domestic flight in the world.

    Squirrel_28 Report

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    Maine is the closest point in the US to Africa.

    Sirhc978 Report


    The Atlantic entrance to the Panama Canal is west of the Pacific entrance.

    Another one is the location of the French Riviera. I always thought it was some tropical paradise. It’s on pretty much the same latitude as Milwaukee, WI.

    Thirty_Helens_Agree Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is a tropical paradise compared to UK. Heck we even have the Cornish Riviera


    Algeria is larger than Greenland

    baconwagoneer Report

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    The Venus Flytrap is native to an area roughly 60mi around Wilmington, NC.

    I thought it was some recently-dsicovered Papua New Guinea plant...

    Beckhamius Report

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    At the western end of Kentucky, there's a portion of the state called the Kentucky Bend that you HAVE to go through another state - even if flying - to get to it. The technical term is that it is an exclave of Kentucky.

    Also, the capital of Kentucky is not pronounced LOO-is-ville, LOO-ah-ville, LOO-ee-ville nor LOU-is-ville. It's pronounced "FRANK-fort".

    ksiyoto Report

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    Fiona Chatteur
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just like the capital of Australia is not pronounced Sidnee, Sydney or Sidknee, but Can-bra. If you call it Canberra you're not a local.

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    The city of London. It is a city in a city in a country in a country. The city of London is surrounded by the city (called) London, in the country of England in the country of the United Kingdom. Also, when you learn the difference between the UK and Britain (and England for some people. Why do people whunk England is the whole of Britain).
    Thanks for CVP grey for these

    TazerXI Report

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    Charl Marx
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To clear up any confusion, Great Britain is England, Scotland and Wales. United Kingdom is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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    Not mind-blowing but my hometown Aberdeen (Scotland) is further north than Moscow.

    Aquarian1258 Report

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    North Korea and Norway are only separated by 1 country.

    DJPaulaDeen Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also true in a list of countries in alphabetical order: only North Macedonia separates them.


    Maryland is the only US State without a natural lake.

    illcul8er Report

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    Sean Stimson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This really depends on how you define lakes. There's no scientific or official distinction between lakes and ponds, and in Maine lakes used to be referred to as "great ponds". You're not suggesting that Maryland has no natural ponds?


    South America is really big, especially Chile, which spans for most of the United State’s width. And also European countries are a lot smaller that I thought.

    If you want to lean more cool stuff about country sizes, try playing around on [](!MTY0OTA2MTg.MzEyNjI0MA*MjUzMzc4NjE(MTIxNTQyNjg~!CONTIGUOUS_US*MTAwMjQwNzU.MjUwMjM1MTc(MTc1~!IN*NTI2NDA1MQ.Nzg2MzQyMQ~!CN*OTkyMTY5Nw.NzMxNDcwNQ(MjI1)!

    picklesupreme Report

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    The geographical centre of Canada is in Nunavut, north of the tree line at 62°24′N 096°28′W

    anon Report

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    The northernmost point in North America is in Greenland, which is technically Danish. I've always found it oddly cool that a European nation has the northernmost point somewhere outside of Europe.

    NotYourSnowBunny Report


    Montreal is south of Paris.

    Myske1 Report

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    I just learned that Pangea was not the only supercontinent!

    Avocado90266 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think it was the second or third complete supercontinent with all landmasses, and the next one in a few hundred million years will be pangaea proxima


    The most southern piece of land of Canada (Middle Island) is [further south than the entirety of 13 US States. As well as partially of another 14.](

    Also even though its located in Canada's territorial waters and always been a part of Canada. Up until 2000 it was privately owned by the owner of an Ohio Car Dealership and was purchased by (edit; a private charity for $867k and donated to) Parks Canada when he died.

    GreyGonzales Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yet for some reason, Bing Maps labels it as England, UK territory

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    How humongous Africa is compared to the USA. maps are deceiving

    puplove1315 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Africa is an entire continent, after all... even though some Americans think it's a country :P

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    Roughly half of Canada's population is further south than the entire state of Washington.

    khrak Report

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    The only state never to record a 100+ temperature is Hawaii. Not Alaska, not Montana or Wyoming. Hawaii.

    Kim-Jong-Deux Report

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    If you stand on the summit of Whiteface Mountain in the Adirondacks on a clear day, you can see Montreal, 167km away...

    Stormcell75 Report

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    Sean Stimson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I remember looking out my high school classroom window in Portland, Maine and seeing Mt. Washington about 70 miles away in New Hampshire

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    Milan is closer to Amsterdam than to Sicily.

    lucafrattatoni Report

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    Seattle, WA is farther north than Toronto or Montréal.

    While the southwest USA has the Four Corners, you can see 7 states from Lookout Mountain near Chattanooga, TN.

    vicemagnet Report

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    Sebastián Morales
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    if you count Indian Reservations, the 4 corners doesn't exist because of the Navajo Nation


    Ecuador and Peru are the only South American countries due south of Miami Florida!

    WF6i Report

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    Hydra (she/her)
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think they mean that they’re the only countries directly south, not south of Miami in general

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    The land mass of Australia is almost as big as the land mass of Europe.

    DoubleDeckerz Report


    it doesnt really blow my mind but rhode island is the only state that begins with R.

    makes it easy on drop down buttons

    schiz0yd Report

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    Toronto is South of Minneapolis

    nineseventeenam Report

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    Puerto Rico's Easternmost Point is further away from Key West than Key West is to Canada

    anon Report

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    Greenland is further north, south, east, and west than Iceland

    Mindless_Ad5422 Report

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    Reno, Nevada is further west than Los Angeles

    usernamenotfound789 Report

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    There is a portion of the Sultanate of Oman entirely within the borders of the United Arab Emirates (Madha - an enclave) and another portion of UAE entirely within Oman’s enclave (Nahwa - a counter enclave).

    Top_Chef Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The sheikhdoms within the UAE have enclaves, because the borders were based on asking people who their sheikh was.


    Reno, NV is farther **west** than Los Angeles, CA.

    xcesiv_77 Report


    Detroit is farther east than Atlanta.

    TheRealKrazyA Report

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    Bristol Tennessee is closer to Canada than it is to Memphis Tennessee.

    mechtonia Report

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    Georgia is the largest state east of the Mississippi River. I thought it would have been New York or PA.

    Edit: By Land Area.

    MySoilSucks Report

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    Not all that mind-blowing, but Virginia is farther west than West Virginia, Michigan technically borders Minnesota and Illinois if we count water borders. Also, New York borders the state of Rhode Island if we take water borders, and Yukon is the fifth smallest Canadian Province

    Oh yeah, and with water borders, the Netherlands borders Venezuala

    IcelandSushie Report


    NYC is south of the majority of PA. As someone who grew up in northern PA, whenever I learned it I was just like wait wtf

    Jay985 Report

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    The southeast corner of Montana is closer to Texas than it is to the northwest corner of Montana.

    sonofthesoupnazi Report

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    The southern-most point of Ontario is as far south as the northern-most point of Nevada.

    Moola868 Report

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    One for the UK fact fans: Edinburgh is further west than Bristol

    werthersun0riginal Report

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    Even though on the maps, and how people describe Russia, it seems like a really, really big country. In reality, it's less than twice the size of the U.S. (It's still a large country, I just over-estimate it).

    Also: The largest country (Russia) is over 38.8 MILLION times larger than the smallest country in area (Vatican City).

    Pingu277 Report

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    Falcon dimi
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But Vatican City has the highest number of Pope per square km in the world

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