Zoomers and Millennials are very much alike. For example, they are more racially and ethnically diverse than any previous generation, and they are on track to becoming the most well-educated ones too.

But in many ways, these digital natives, who have little or no memory of the world that existed before smartphones, are quite special. To the point that sometimes even their closest associates have problems understanding them.

So when Reddit user Dramatic-Anywhere-50 posted a question on the platform, asking: "Millennials, what confuses you about Gen Z?" many of them delivered. Here are some of the most upvoted answers.


Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Why do all of you claim to be shy, antisocial, and don't wanna be the center of attention, all while posting every single selfie, dance video, etc of yourself online constantly.

PhysicianTradition , Amy Humphries Report

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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I suppose they don't want actual human contact which is relatable. But I don't get why some people stick every moment of their lives online.

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers "Wow, you're over 30 and know what videogames are?"

    You little s**t brain thinks that videogames fall out of trees? Who do you think is making them, the Fortnite fairy?

    stringdom , Sora Khan Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Cancel culture. Many Gen Z'ers act like people are completely incapable of learning to be better, and instead only focus on one bad thing someone said a million years ago or something that was taken out of context.

    Mama Moo , Adrienn Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cancel Culture is erasing what's undesirable to some, (undesirable often with good reasons). But democratic processes need different opinions and open talk about that. Zapping out people doesn't stop their opinion, they just take it underground, feel oppressed and start to hate. Happens in China, happens in Russia. No good. To the commenters who think canceling equals boycotting: I disagree. Boycotting is an action you take for yourself and fully your right. It leaves the other one with a chance to overthink and adjust rather than just being dissolved and publicly erased.

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers It may sound ignorant, so I apologize, but when I was in HS, we hated being labeled- now it seems people want their labels on display- whether it’s sexuality or learning differences, etc (ace, neurodivergent, etc). I respect it, I just remember not wanting to be boxed into labels.

    mecrjzak , Alex Green Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I expect with the variance of labels people find it easier to find one that doesn't feel so restrictive? A lot of labels are self-identified now, as well, rather than slapped on like a post-it note. Still, there are plenty of people running around preferring to be a vague human blob...

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Why is the mullet coming back? Like, really?

    ReachFor24 Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Do none of you realize putting your entire lives on the Internet is going to come back to bite you in the a*s someday?

    PM_ME_HUGE_CRITS , fauxels Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Why does it seem like they all skipped the awkward phase? It’s like they came out of elementary school knowing how to coordinate outfits and drink Starbucks.

    mercipourleslivres Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers One of my students said, "LMAO" in front of my yesterday and she asked me if I knew what it meant. I had to tell her that those kinds of acronyms are at least 20 years old and my generation popularized them. She was shocked.

    Dorothy-Snarker , Kenny Eliason Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ROFLMAO ..tu tu tu ru ru......ROFLMAO...tu tu ru tu....

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers They don't drink alcohol.

    I went to a college football game recently and I was really surprised by what I saw... Back in the 2000s/2010s you would see what seem liked everyone getting HAMMERED in the AM. I'm talking shots at any bar you went to, doing pulls off liquor bottles on the street, whatever. It was routine to see people passed out places, getting loaded into ambulances, etc.

    Obviously none of this is good and I'm not encouraging any of it but in my experience that's just what college football game day is like.

    Fast forward to the game I went to recently and my group were the most drunk (number of people and drunk level) I think I saw all weekend. I'm not bragging, just saying it's really strange to go in to a college bar before the game and do a couple of shots while "the kids these days" look at you like you're crazy.

    We followed up with some research and apparently all of the stats back it up. With Gen Z it's official - alcohol isn't "cool" anymore - which is a good thing because it is absolutely terrible for a variety of reasons.

    kkchangisin , Lina Kivaka Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Do you actually fact check anything or just read the headlines/memes?

    robzillerrrsss , charlesdeluvio Report

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    Well-Dressed Wolf
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Isn’t that what Millennials/everyone else says that Boomers do?

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Millennial style was catered to looking slim - if you look skinnier, it's flattering!

    Gen Z's confidence and ability to wear anything is confusing and I admire that.

    superunleaded , Angela Roma Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers I had very nice conversation with a young man about high school age a few weeks ago at the gas station. He was wearing an anime t-shirt, immaculate clothes, fit, polite and respectful. He had very nerdy interests but also was raising money for his school team.

    I'm a bit taken aback and jealous at how Gen Zs have seemed to blend social groups together in a way that we never could.

    Raxtenko , kyo azuma Report

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    Hatred Pony
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to be picked on for liking sci-fi, comic books and anime. Now it's cool, I am still not. 🤓

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers The fashion.

    Listen, I'll be the first to admit I'm old, out of touch, probably look like a f*****g dork to young people. I'm fine with not understanding and letting fashion be the domain of the youth. Teens set trends. That's how it's always been. I don't need to try to cling on.

    That being said, since we're being honest here,

    The baggy pants. The chunky shoes and dad style white sneakers. The mullets. The serial killer glasses. Bucket hats. Crocs.

    It's all so...Frumpy. Sexless. I don't get it.

    BUT I will say, props to Gen Z though for being cool and forward thinking and giving a s**t about one another and the planet and being so open minded and rejecting old social constructs and binaries around identity. The kids are alright.

    BastaniUsername , Sigrid Abalos Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You know, I actually prefer this "frumpy and sexless" look to the hyper-sexualized era of fashion that was (and in many cases/circles, is) present some 10-15-20 years ago. This feels like an antithesis of that, and it's refreshing.

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers I found out the other day that they think gifs are for boomers which shook me. It was the first time I could truly relate to the Abe Simpson line:

    “I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!”

    Timespacecomplex , Mizuno K Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Where are all the Gen Z celebrities? Apart from Tom Holland and Zendaya, I cannot think of a leading man or woman in Hollywood in their 20s. Ryan Gosling is playing Ken in the Barbie movie and he's 41.

    tomholland2013 Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers I'm only 26 so I guess I'm at the tail end of the millennial range and near the start of Gen Z. I've never understood the desire to copy those TikTok challenge trends.

    What_u_say , Ron Lach Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mean a couple years ago everyone was copying planking challenges and posting it all over 9gag instead. The medium may have changed but the idiocy remains the same.

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Truth be told, nothing.

    Yeah what they do "confuses" me, but I know I acted in the exact same manner when I was their age, or knew somebody that did. They're still developing and trying to navigate a world where technology is moving fast. They also haven't been knocked around by life enough to get it together.

    LightInthewater , Kobe - Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like seeing wholesome stuff like this, no judgement, and no division.

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Why do they go to events like concerts and sports games but watch through their phones as they take video? They're denying themselves the whole experience! Put down the phone and fully enjoy being present

    lanky_planky , Report

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    Hatred Pony
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's not just Gen Z, it seems every generation does this now that we can record with our phones. I have gone to plenty of concerts where it was a 30+ crowd and still all you could see were phones being held up and dimwits staring at them.

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Why do y’all vape? Like seriously. We were so close to just completely obliterating smoking and then comes along vaping… and so many of y’all 15 year olds think it doesn’t have negative effects?? when y’all all get cancer at 40, don’t say we didn’t warn you

    ragingamethyst , Ruslan Alekso Report

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    David Fox
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Vaping was introduced to help people quit smoking but instead kids are vaping....with a high chance they'll progress onto actual smoking. Trust me, it really grinds my gears seeing kids as young as 10 vaping.

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers How incredibly tolerant they are of ads and being tracked constantly.

    Mandatory_Pie , ROBIN WORRALL Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Every time I see an ad normalising some kind of tracking (recent one for family plans that let you track phones automatically come to mind) I think to myself "Ah. Well that's some poor bastard murdered. Excellent [/s]."

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers I'm Gen x and I want to know why Gen z wears those hot hoodies in the summer

    lostinthecrowd4now , Autri Taheri Report

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    love u
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because theyre comfortable and also theyre good for hiding stuff-- at least for me

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers How much Gen Z reveals about themselves on the internet. I've seen TikToks where kids are showing videos of their street, their house, their school...pretty much everything anyone would ever need to follow you and/or potentially do bad things to you. If you want to document your life online that's fine, but be careful. People can do a whole lot with a little bit of information, and the internet can be a really dangerous place if you're not careful.

    marisak4212bc09f , Solen Feyissa Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nobody teaches basic internet security nowadays. Half the families went completely lockdown in the early days with all the creepers on virtual worlds and all that stuff and then everyone realised honestly it wasn't /that/ dangerous and decided that meant they should just let the kids run off free range. Just because you don't need a full-body suit doesn't mean you shouldn't wear safety goggles- !

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers The fact they might think about the 90s the same way i thought about the 80s or 70s when i was a child of the 90s, a long time ago

    Calm-Internet6926 , cottonbro Report

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers The hypocrisy. They will go on a shopping spree on Shein every two weeks. Meanwhile, the same people are probably 'worried' about climate change.

    CinnnamoNeko , Edgars Kisuro Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If aynone’s NOT worried about climate change by now there’s something seriously wrong. Maybe don’t judge people for not being perfect but rather lead by example? (I also hate the sheins and amazons of this world btw, but by no means lead a perfect, carbon-free life). We are all hypocrites.

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Why don’t you ask older people when you don’t know something? I work with a lot of Gen Z and I see a lot of the blind leading the blind for no reason at all. Get some outside opinions.

    dinoroo , charlesdeluvio Report

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    Q B F T
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The same could be said by gen-xers and boomers to millennials when they entered the workforce 20 years ago

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Why are all the sneakers so bulky?

    lahwhozahher , Arthur Ogleznev Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers I’m 24 so what confuses me most is which generation I belong to

    Xibinez , Andrew Neel Report

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    Laura Mende (Human)
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah same! I think there is a thing called "Zellenial"? Could be wrong though... We're as old as we feel! I'm feeling more like Millenial because older siblings made me feel older myself.

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers How do all these young guys get their hair to look that way that's super in right now, are they out getting perms?

    CXXXS , Ilyas Chabli Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Why some of them act like they pioneered the social media/influencer boom or look at me surprised because I have Snapchat, etc, even though many of these came out when millennials like me were in our early 20s and the core demographic

    drifting_drifblim , Bastian Riccardi Report

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    El Dee
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Every generation (including mine) thinks they invented everything..

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers They have a very weird and strange sense of humour... like it's hard articulate what it. is exactly... but it's quite precise?

    pinkpeonies334 , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    Headless Roach
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is it really weird or just other generations don't get it without context?

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers I coach lots of gen z-ers. What the f**k are their emails? I was working with a few to get something done and instead of sending ONE email with the information. Three separate people emailed one person random piecemeal information with ZERO context.

    I had to remind them that email is not text message and have all your ducks in a row before hitting send. For the love of God.

    Otherwise, nothing confuses me about them. Like all generations...they are one.

    mousemarie94 , Stephen Phillips Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, of all the posts I have read today this is definitely one of them.

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers I am surprised at how many Gen Z'ers use Snapchat for normal communication. Seriously, the actual messaging functionality seems completely terrible.

    EconMan , May Gauthier Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Why so many of them don’t know how to properly Google something. You’d think people that grew up with Google would now the basics

    Starbourne8 , Solen Feyissa Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a 6th grade teacher, I have come to realize that while this generation is growing up with technology they don't really know how to use it effectively or how it works. They don't feel the need to explore it or figure it out like those in the 80s and 90s did. They push a button and it works, that's all they need to know.

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    When Gen Z'ers are playing a song and I'll start singing along and they get all surprised even though the song came out 20–30 years ago or it's a song that blew up when I was in high school. A lot of old Drake songs, for example. That guy blew up when I was in high school. I know a lot of his old music, but they don't understand.

    Xibinez Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Reminds me of Kate Bush " running up that hill " song lol, or even the " imigrant song " from Thor 3.

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    My niece (now 21) doesn’t know how to properly type using a keyboard. She’s written all of her school papers on her phone.

    shananiganz Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's the Grand High Gen Z-er. Quiver before her power.

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    Are you… okay? Anywhere I go to shop y’all look miserable. (I mean this in a genuine way lol)

    hauntedhalloween_96 Report


    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Seems like as a whole they’re the most political left generation, like, ever. But at the same time, many of them live such boring, restrictive, conservative lives.

    Also 2000s nostalgia I guess. That still doesn’t feel real

    shadow_dk92 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a gen Z daughter, her and her friends are incredibly non-political, they're not interested in who is in the government, what they are doing and refuse to vote because they don't believe anything will change.

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    Millennials Get Asked What Confuses Them About Gen Z, And Here're 30 Of Their Answers Why are mom jeans trending. Damnit gen z, don't you dare bring back bell bottoms jeans

    Wondercatmeow , Jornada Produtora Report


    What have you all got against us liking Harry Potter?

    emojicatcher997 Report

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    Brooklynn Jackson
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The people are against J.K. Rowling, as she is transphobic. But tbh, the books should not be underappreciated because their author is a crappy person. The books themselves are good (with select flaws, of course) and deserve to be treated as such.

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    TikTok trends where they all go out to buy a particular item then toss it and move on to the next thing. All generations had trends but with social media, the turnover is a lot quicker. It's almost herd mentality.

    Ice_Business Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think it's just because information spreads so much more quickly. 15 years ago we looked to magazines to find out what was cool and then we all ran out and bought it and waited for the next issue to tell us what was cool next. The young folks today can just check online and instantly know. It was always herd mentality, it's just because a lot more efficient over the years.

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    Why aren’t they going apes**t and destroying stuff all the time in protest/revolution.

    BrassUnicorn87 Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Because destruction of personal and or private property is dumb? Vandalizing government owned property isn't going to make the government spend money on whatever you're protesting's going to make them spend money fixing the thing you broke. Now there's even less money to dedicate to the thing you were protesting for.

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