This Online Group Is Dedicated To “Mildly Interesting” Stuff, And Here Are Their 50 Best Posts (New Pics)
Not everything needs to be over the top to captivate our attention. Even the smallest of things to a wondering mind can turn out to be hiding a story behind them. That is why today, we have selected another list of mildly interesting photos for your forever curious minds.
Over 21 million members on this subreddit are proof that there is no shortage of observant people who are consistently ready to be surprised by, at first, seemingly ordinary things. With the help of these images, we can notice how different we all are, depending on where our attention is drawn, and appreciate all the randomness available all around us if we just keep looking.
So if you're feeling stuck in a rut, or just looking for a little inspiration, we invite you to dive into the complexity of the ordinary and discover something new to you. And for more on Bored Panda, visit our previous post here.
One of our characteristics that makes us especially interested in everything around us is curiosity. To learn more about that, Bored Panda got in touch with a brilliant astrophysicist, best-selling author, and popular speaker, Dr. Mario Livio. Read a full interview below.
More info: mario-livio.com | Facebook | Youtube | Twitter
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My Local Hospital Has Provided A House For A Cat That Frequently Visits
i miss my cats 😭 they rest in peace now, but they're still loved.❤ Edit: I'm sorry for everyone here who's loved companions who also passed or were lost. Lots of love, and we'll remember their memories, even if they're not here. Love to everyone, have a very good day/night❤
An Origami Dwarf I Folded
The Vegetable Shops Here Show A Pic Of The Farmer
sweden have a show called "bonde söker fru" = "farmer seeks wife"...farmer version of Bachelor
Curiosity is a fundamental human characteristic that drives us to explore and comprehend our surroundings. It is the spark that piques our interest in learning, discovering, and creating. That is how the book “Why: What Makes Us Curious” by Dr. Mario Livio was born.
Dr. Mario shared what inspired him to write and research curiosity. “I am a very curious person, and at some point, I became curious about curiosity itself. While doing the research for the book 'WHY?' I was surprised by the fact that not very many researchers are studying curiosity.” It seems that everyone was asking questions but not the core of where those questions come from.
The Ceiling Lights In This Medical Test Lab Are In The Form Of Electrocardiogram (Ecg)
I Toasted Bread To Absolute Perfection
Someone Knitted A Sweater For Their Car's Emblem
Curiosity can manifest itself in a variety of ways. For some, it's a desire to understand how the world works that drives their interest in science and technology. Others are drawn to history, literature, or the arts because they are fascinated by the past and the stories that make up our collective human experience.
When learning about curiosity itself, it turns out there are more layers to it. Dr. Mario shared: “There are a few types of curiosity. 'Perceptual' curiosity is the curiosity we feel when things are surprising or ambiguous. 'Epistemic' curiosity is the one that drives scientific research. 'Diversive' curiosity is what we do to avoid boredom, and 'Specific' curiosity is about specific questions. There are more types (e.g. 'Morbid' curiosity, when people gather around accident sites).”
Toaster Bath Bomb I Found At The Mall
A Local Pizzeria Started Using A Dough Ball Instead Of The Plastic Thingies To Keep The Pizza Intact
A Park In My City Was Adopted By The Satanic Temple
Each of these types of curiosity is responsible for different areas in that we, as humans, evolve and move forward. Dr. Livio shared that “perceptual curiosity is associated with an area in the brain that is related to conflict, or hunger, it represents an unpleasant state that we want to get out of. Epistemic curiosity is associated with an anticipation of reward (like when someone offers us a piece of chocolate.”
He added: “Epistemic curiosity has indeed led to progress in science. We are most curious when we already know something about a subject, but we know or feel that there is more to be known. Human curiosity has always surpassed the one needed for mere survival.”
Took A Small Squirt Of My Shaving Gel, And Got A Little Chicken!
This 1969 Dollar Bill We Found In My Dad's Small Money Collection With A 00000001 Serial Number
This Bottom Left Window Is Actually A Painting
Curiosity is a driving force behind innovation and progress. Many of the inventions and discoveries that have shaped our world today would not have been possible without curiosity. Therefore, we wanted to know some practical strategies that individuals and organizations can use to cultivate and leverage curiosity in their daily lives and work.
“Always start with something the person (or organization) is already curious about (and not with something you want them to be curious about) and then, find a way to connect what they are already curious about to what you think they should be curious about. Also, I coined the phrase, 'curiosity is the best remedy for fear.' If you are afraid of something, try to learn more about it,” shared Dr. Mario.
If you are interested in learning more about curiosity, there is no better way than reading Dr. Mario Livio’s book “Why: What Makes Us Curious”.
The Bubbles At The Bottom Of My Water Glass Look Like A Script Of Some Kind
This Company Ships Their Product In Boxes Marked As Plain Flour To Deter Porch Pirates
Tall Skinny Snowman Made With A Bucket
I Have An Uncanny Resemblance To The Freya Carving At Epcot’s Stave Church
We Found Neighbouring Houses With The Same Colours As Our Jackets
Cat Bed Instructions: “Your Cat Will Figure It Out”
Our Garbagemen Left Us A Christmas Card In Our Mailbox
Ours visit us in holiday season, "selling" calendars, in fact asking for "étrennes", à traditional holiday season tip. We are always generous. First it's a hard job... and also it doesn't do to be on your garbage man's sh*t list ;-))
My Uber Is Also A Convenience Store
This Snow Puppy My Wife Casually Threw Together
Batteries With “Bitter Coating” To Prevent Kids From Swallowing Them
My Local Five Guys Is Being Run By Five Girls Tonight
This 57-Year Old Telegram My Grandpa Sent My Grandma
I have a postcard my grandfather sent to my grandmother during the war, it's in morse code. My nephew translated it for me, it said to my amazing sweetheart, love Bob.
This Puzzle Is Actually A Prank Puzzle
A Broken Tube TV In My Work Has "Game Over" Burnt Into The Screen
It's not a TV, it's a monitor from an arcade game. Judging from the placement of the Speed in the top right, I think it's Pole Position. In fact let me quickly load it up. Tada, screenshot as proof. Screen-Sho...9594af.jpg
1956 Truck Looks Brand New
This Pizza Shop Offers Two Types Of Straws, But Questions Your Reasoning
What I hate about the paper straw thing is that we were led to believe that we as individuals are the problem, when corporations cause more sea and air pollution than the population combined
My Takeout Rice Container Was 100% Filled
I Bought An Old Math Textbook And It Has The Original Pledge Of Allegiance In The Front Without "Under God"
Doll Came With A Tiny Phone That Has A Tiny Broken Screen
The Result Of My Family Putting All Of Our Fruit Stickers On Our Fridge For The Past Several Years
My Grocery Store Blocks Out Characters On Packaging
This Enormous Mountain Of Saffron In A Bazar In Tehran
Only 3 pistils per crocus for saffron .. I'm sure those fields of flowers are gorgeous! But no wonder they're so expensive
This Restaurant In Monterrey, Ca Doesn’t Allow Children
At My Job We Have 2 Of These Foam Things Hanging, Specifically For People To Poke, So That The Other Ones Don't Get Destroyed And We Don't Have To Throw Them Away
The Remains Of This Hammer Stuck In Asphalt
This Randomly Illuminated Patch Of Street
Our Office Received A Pallet Jack On A Pallet Today
There's A Desserts-Only Mini Mcdonalds Outside My Hotel
The Prize Car At This Dying Mall Is An 18 Year Old Corvette
Home Made Cheese Aging In One Of My Refrigerator "Cheese Caves"
The Top Of The Boston Skyline Is Just Barely Visible From Cape Cod
Waffle House Includes Sales Tax
My 1 Euro Coin Fell Apart
I Can Grip Things Backwards
This Building Im In Has Chairs And Desks Mounted On The Wall
Opened A Clif Builder Bar To Find A Piece Taken Out
An Egg I Bought From A Farmer's Market (Bottom) Compared To A Store Bought One
This Public Restroom At A Hotel Has Black Toilet Paper
Something is going wrong with this website. First it kicked out my comments. When I got it to accept the third one, the other two showed up as well.
No nicknames not shortened and I go by middle name when allowed at work I'm sick of repeating it to people. Fun fact was racially abused by my in-laws before we met thinking I wasn't Caucasian.. you get how our relationship has progressed..
Something is going wrong with this website. First it kicked out my comments. When I got it to accept the third one, the other two showed up as well.
No nicknames not shortened and I go by middle name when allowed at work I'm sick of repeating it to people. Fun fact was racially abused by my in-laws before we met thinking I wasn't Caucasian.. you get how our relationship has progressed..