There's a picture for every mood on the internet. Feeling gloomy? Look at adorable photos of doggos and kittens. Hungry? Drool over lunches from around the world. Need a break from work? Check out some hilarious snaps. But that's not all. If you're eager to be slightly amused, there are somewhat interesting photos online.
We're not talking about the ones that make you go wow; we're talking about the ones that kind of tickle your curiosity. Today, we’ve picked some of the best mildly intriguing pictures from the 2022Dirt Instagram page. Keep scrolling if you're feeling just a little adventurous, and don't forget to upvote your favorite ones!This post may include affiliate links.
The Homeowner Said That The Buck Shows Up Everyday, So They Gave Him A Bed Too
This Mama Bear Lost Her Cub And They Gave Her This Stuffed Teddy As A Replacement To Make Her Feel Better
Without Bats, Say Goodbye To Bananas, Avocados And Mangoes. Over 300 Species Of Fruit Depend On Bats For Pollination
I think that the bug eating bats are the cutest
Load More Replies...Bats are so incredibly cute and necessary. Only mammal that can fly. They deserve to be loved and protected
Somewhat explains the bat I found trying to do the breast stroke in our pool, adjacent to a mango tree. Think we managed to nurse it back to sufficient health to fly. Hung out (literally!) in the also adjacent coconut tree for a bit, then disappeared. FYI bees, not bats, pollinate the coconut tree...
The scale is disappearing quickly.
Load More Replies...Banana plants are self-pollinating. It doesn't require bats or any pollinators to produce fruit.
Batsys Are Important..and CutiePieEssential SHEOPLE AWAKEN! STOP PLANET TOXICITY!
Build some bat boxes and hang them around your house/yard (away from predators). Bats are extremely social so need 3+. You can also build them and put them in the forest/ woods
Load More Replies...I'd sell me useful but mediocre a** for a pet-bat. I know, I know. Not legal, not appropriate.
You can build bat boxes for your house/property or woods/forest. Could even set up a bat cam and name them
Load More Replies...I know I'm gonna get hella downvoted for this, but this photo is freaking me out.
And bats depend on insects and insects depend on incandescent lighting and incandescent lighting has been banned, we're all gonna die.
Insects do nor depend on incandescent lighting. They are just attracted to it. They survived long way before electricity was invented.
Load More Replies...Clicking a good picture is not an easy task. You need to have proper lighting, a captivating subject, clear focus, and whatnot. But art is subjective. So what could possibly be a meh photo for some could be seen as a masterpiece by others. And then there are those images in between that are neither extraordinary nor a total failure.
Ranging from everyday objects to unexpected stuff, the 2022dirt Instagram page celebrates the beauty of little things. The account has more than 37k followers who love to be surprised, just a little.
This Person Is Wearing A Crochet Laced Safety Vest
Now that is amazing! I want one (excuse me while I run off to the yarn shop to get some hi-viz yellow yarn).
A Bowl Of Baby Otters Being Weighed
Sometimes Police Use Rabbits For Their Sense Of Smell To Find Locations Of Decomposition
For perfectionists, every image needs to fit their list of criteria: balanced exposure, minimal distractions, and a beautiful background. When you are more focused on getting a flawless photo, chances are you might lose the essence of the moment in the process.
As Psychology Today points out, healthy perfectionism can be self-motivating. It helps you overcome hardships and focus on achieving your goals. But when it’s at an unhealthy level, it can be a fast track to unhappiness. It's important that we find joy in the little things in life.
Someone Dressed Up As Snoopy To Surprise Dogs At A Shelter. These Beagle Puppies Were Also Rescued From A Medical Testing Facility Which Added To Their Excitement
Footprints Left Behind By A Ladybug
Is the surface the ladybug walking on wet concrete? mud maybe?
In Thar Desert, Nomads Revere And Take So Much Pride In Their Camels That They Show Them Off By Carving Intricate Patterns Into Their Fur
It’s good when individuals put in effort to fulfill their dreams.
Psychiatrist Patricia Gardner, MD, from Samaritan Coastal Clinic, says “Setting goals, working to meet them, realizing that things aren’t actually going to be perfect but always striving to do better is a healthy version of perfection.” However, when we focus too much on getting everything right, we might feel stressed and anxious.
Sheep Sheltering At A Bus Stop On A Rainy Day In Ireland
Iridescent Clouds Are A Diffraction Phenomenon Caused By Small Water Droplets Or Small Ice Crystals Individually Scattering Light
These Stray Dogs In Brazil Surround This Tree And Rest Up Together
These images show us that not everything we capture has to be perfect. Sometimes just letting things be is also beautiful in its own way. When we look at a past photo, it can evoke a lot of emotions.
For instance, if you look at a picture from your childhood, you are transported to those carefree moments you spent with your parents. They don’t need to be impeccable. The spilled milk and fruit loops remind you of what a fussy eater you used to be. The laughter on your parents’ faces is priceless.
A Rabbit Munching On Leaves In The Home Depot Gardening Section
This Tree Has Grown Across The Driveway And Sprouted More Trees On Top
This Picture Was Taken Right When Lightning Struck. Capturing Day And Night For A Brief Second
wow! how does such a perfect split down the middle happen tho? (not doubting the validity of said lightning strike, just wondering if it has something to do w the film in the camera?)
As smartphones these days are equipped with high-quality cameras, anyone can capture a thought, sight, or moment within seconds. As per recent statistics on Photutorial, people will take as many as 54,000 photos every second.
This means that nearly 1.94 trillion images will be clicked this year alone. But not all of them are taken by professionals. As humans, we love capturing the little yet meaningful moments of life, from a new dress to a small victory.
A Long Exposure Picture Of A Plane Taking Off
Every Day, A Frog Comes To This Person’s House And Eats Their Cat’s Food
The Snow Managed To Rest On This Handmade Balanced Stone Arch
There seems to be no limit to what we can photograph, ranging from high-quality landscapes to impressive wedding portraits and everything in between! And it can be argued that sometimes chaotic photos are the best. Imagine you are on a bachelorette trip with friends. Your bestie suddenly falls in the pool. You would want to capture her messy hair and peculiar expression rather than asking her to put on a fake smile.
Studio Ghibli Designed This Dvd Case And It Looks Like The Characters Are Checking Their Reflection In The Water
A Robin Nested Inside Of A Motorcross Helmet
Baby Seal With Frozen Whiskers
When it comes to getting a perfect shot, one of the most difficult ones to nail is the selfie. Almost every mobile phone has a front-facing camera, and many people love this feature. As many as 92 million selfies are taken every day, and not all of them are flawless.
This Owl On A Curtain Looks Like A Gigantic Moth
A Frog Riding A Fish
Australian Crocodiles In Queensland Can Wait For Days In Mud During Dry Season To Camouflage And Catch Prey
Getting the perfect angle and lighting is not that easy. According to the beauty site FeelUnique, women aged 16 to 25 roughly spent 16 minutes taking an average of three selfies per day. They spent almost five hours a week to get the perfect one.
Not just selfies; people invest a lot of time and money to get ‘perfect'-looking wedding pictures. Professional photographers spend a good chunk of time getting a wide variety of shots of the groom and bride. They also have to spend hours editing each photo to crop out unwanted guests or ugly backdrops. But sometimes it’s fun to look back at memories just as they were—pretty and chaotic.
Someone Captured The Exact Moment This Frog Jumped Out Of Frame
This Plant Is Growing Along The Chains Of A Fence
Drunk Waxwing Birds On A Sidewalk In Poland After Eating Fermented Rowan Berries
I read about a man who helped drunken birds by putting them in cardboard boxes to clear their heads. They were safe from predators and able to fly within half an hour. He said he could pick birds off the ground like ripe apples. Even funnier are the drunken moose that get stuck in apple trees after eating overripe apples.
Sometimes beauty lies in capturing events exactly as they happened. It’s okay to not stress about having the perfect light or exposure. Not every photo needs to have a wow factor. Different photos evoke different emotions.
There will be days when somewhat vibrant pictures like these will elevate your mood with their rawness. What do you think about these posts? Have you ever looked at an ordinary photo and felt spellbound by it? Tell us about it in detail in the comments.
Long Exposure Of Incense
Like feathers made of smoke - gorgeous! (Aside: this makes me want to get into photography.)
Road Sign Wishing Butterflies A Good Migration South For The Winter
Echidnas Blow Snot Bubbles To Cool Down
Stained Glass Sunroof Stickers For Cars
Colored Racing Pigeons From The Murcia Region Of Spain
A Tiny Sparrow Bird Stealing A Fry Off A Dinner Plate In Greece
The Animals UPS Drivers Encounter On Their Routes
Hurricane Harvey Was So Intense, The Water Was At Street Sign Height
A Bear Balancing On A Bird Feeder
The Reflection Of These Sticks Are Creating Interesting Shapes
A Perfect Demonstration Of How The Wasp Is Using The Surface Water Tension Making The Shadow Look Like Circles And How Large Each Area Is That Is Holding Up Each Leg
A Pelican Chillin With A Friend At St James’ Park In England
This Dog Got Half Covered In Mud
Grass Growing Out Of This Sheep From Walking Under A Gravity Fed Grain Feeder Right Before It Rained
The Paint On This Chain-Link Fence Faded Into A Pattern Of Circles
Conservationists Like To Recycle Wimbledon Tennis Balls As Predator-Proof Shelters For Harvest Mice
The Size Of Baby Pufferfishes
The Algae On This Pontoon Boat Looks Like An Oil Painting
Inhale, Exhale
In Certain Towns That Are Located Near Rodeo Grounds, People Will Ride Horseback Through Drive Thru’s Instead Of Using Cars
Deer Up Close
Watching Memories
A Soccer Ball With Tiny Grasshoppers
I've never been able to add pictures to comments, but if a Panda starts a post, I can add pictures as a post. I'll look out for a post about cute goats and ferrets then
Load More Replies...I've never been able to add pictures to comments, but if a Panda starts a post, I can add pictures as a post. I'll look out for a post about cute goats and ferrets then
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