50 Pics Of Men That Personify The Idea Of Weaponized Incompetence (New Pics)
In most relationships, at a certain point it just becomes common sense to move in together. More time shared, lower rent and a sure sign that the relationship is being taken to the next level. However, as many women have learned, often this can mean becoming a truly surrogate mother for a partner who suddenly doesn’t know how to do basic tasks.
We’ve gathered some of the most egregious examples of “weaponized incompetence” shared by women across the world. So get comfortable as you scroll through, prepare to roll your eyes, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.
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Just Done My Business. *someone* Left This. And Yes, I’m Using This Sub Of 4 Million Users To Personally Call Out My Boyfriend
This Is How My Boyfriend Leaves The Sink After He Shaves
This would make me so mad. Its just plain dirty and lazy to do this
Boyfriend Put His Drink On My Brand New Notebook, Yesterday
For those who are unfamiliar with the concept of weaponized incompetence, it’s rather simple. Imagine a couple, living together. Perhaps they have just moved in together. It’s time to do the laundry. The man, either lying or entirely truthfully goes "I don’t know how to do it!" So now it’s the woman’s household task.
Now this suddenly becomes her regular routine chore. She asks him to learn, but he either insists it’s impossible or, even worse, he attempts to do it and does the laundry so poorly that she feels like she should do it next time. None of this to say that all women are saints, but this flavor of poor behavior is often male.
Sisters Boyfriend Lost His Wallet Before Leaving To Go To His Moms
My Boyfriend Puts The Butter Away Like This In The Fridge Door. Fully Exposed And Touching The Fridge I Haven’t Washed In Months
Oh so now EVERYBODY cleans their fridge on the reg, every few weeks, apparently. I've seen many fridges. At least half of you are liars. Where's my "I can't remember the last time I deep cleaned my fridge' squad?
Boyfriend Leaves All His Trash In The Car
Remember, asking a grown adult to do a household task is a normal thing to do. If someone can work a job, even an entry-level one, they have the necessary skills to wash a plate, mop the floor or iron some clothes. It’s ok to not be good at it at first, although it’s really never that hard, unless the plates are truly piled sky-high.
Called My Boyfriend From The Supermarket To Check If I Needed To Grab More Pads, He Said ‘No There’s Loads Left’
This Can Has Been Directly In Front Of My Boyfriend's Sink Side For Two Weeks And I've Chosen Not To Toss It Just To See If He Would. He Still Hasn't
My Boyfriend Lovingly Insists On Cooking Dinner On Mondays, But Ends Up Leaving All Of His Dishes And Mess Behind Because He Has To Leave For His Weekly Chess Meet Up
My boyfriend does this too. He'll make a lovely elaborate dish and transform the kitchen into a warzone in the process (which he then leaves for me to deal with, because he thinks it's 'not that bad').
Unfortunately, some men seem to think that doing their share of manual labor is worse than openly admitting that they can’t figure out which end of a broom to use. This entire strategy relies on the fact that no one calls them out. After all, at some point, as the live-in partner of such a man, you will need some dishes, so you will end up cleaning them yourself.
Went To Get Some Ice Cream And My Boyfriend Left Me This. In Case I “Needed A Pick Me Up But Didn’t Want A Bunch Of Ice Cream.”
My Boyfriend, Who Doesn’t Buy Any Of The Groceries, Decided To Use Multiple Pounds Of Chicken In A Cooler Instead Of The Bag Of Ice We Have
Boyfriend Leaves His Used Dental Floss On The Side Table By The Couch
The causes are myriad, but it mostly comes down to the fact that these things simply have to be done. Most likely, growing up, these fellows had a parental figure, a maid or even a sibling who picked up the slack while they relaxed. They never mature into adults who take responsibility for the environment around them, to the detriment of their partners. Even worse, they can’t do the most simple things, like finally taking out the trash (themselves.)
Instead Of Rinsing His Cup Between Drinks, My Boyfriend Will Just Refill It With Whatever Since It “Mixes In His Stomach Anyway”. Pictured Is His Glass Of “Water” After Milk And Oreos
I thought it was a drowned insect, so at least it wasn't that.
My Boyfriend’s Solution To Me Being Mad That He Finishes Everything In The House Without Buying A Replacement
When My Boyfriend Leaves Empty Packages In The Fridge
Safari On My Boyfriend’s Phone
His phone, his tabs, his choice. This is not weaponised incompetence, this is none of your business.
My Boyfriend "Tastes Tests" All The Chocolates One By One Whenever I Buy Us A Box Of Chocolates To Share
Stayed The Night At My Boyfriend’s, Didn’t Bring Breakfast Because He Said I Can Cook There. Morning Comes, He Proceeds To Pull Out These Two Things. Out Of The Dishwasher No Less
Boyfriend Keeps A Graveyard Of Shower Gel With One Half-Squirt Left
My Boyfriend's Job Title Is Actually "Solutions Engineer." This Was His Solution
Well it _is_ a solution. Is it a good solution? No. Is it an annoying solution? Yes – but it is a solution.
How My Boyfriend Leaves His Coffee Cup Every Morning
Why Is My Boyfriend Doing This? ) ‘ :
Whenever I see those signs in public restrooms reminding people to only flush toilet paper, I wonder who could possibly still need to be told this? Now I know.
My Boyfriend : *does The Dishes* The Sink :
Every time, but I don't complain because he did the dishes.
According To My Boyfriend, His Toothbrush Does Not Need To Be Changed
The Amount Of Tea My Boyfriend Left In The Pitcher
Omg my son does this to avoid making more. Drives me nuts! At least he has the excuse of being a literal child but I've been putting my foot down so he doesn't become a grown man who does this b.s.
Came Home To A Smokey Apartment And A Boyfriend Asleep On The Couch. Not Even Sure What These Were
This Is How Much Ice Cream My Boyfriend Left In My Pint Of Ben & Jerry's 🙃
Asking My Boyfriend To Not Empty The Entire Can Of Pringles (My Fav Flavor)
I learned when I was married to my ex-husband that if there was a specific snack that I wanted to actually last, I kept it in my car (or hidden in the basement by the washing machine during the summer), otherwise it would be gone before I even got a bite of it. I still have a tendency to stash little snacks in hiding places around my house, which is actually fun when I forget about them and then suddenly find a "surprise" later on when doing chores.
My Boyfriend Ate All The Skin Off Our Rotisserie Chicken
Are These Really Still Ok? My Boyfriend Thinks That These Shoes Are Fine. Wears Them To Work, Around Town. “50% Of People Wear Their Shoes To This Point”
My Boyfriends Food Cupboard 😳 I Think He Must Upend His Shopping Bags Direct In The Cupboard Rather Than Unpack
Good Morning. Found My Boyfriends Glass Bottles In The Freezer. He’s At Work
The Way My Boyfriend Is Eating This Pie
My Boyfriend’s Toilet Paper Graveyard
Came To The Kitchen To Find Out That My Boyfriend Hung The Towel Like This 🤨
My Boyfriends Gaming Set Up
Can hardly call that a gaming setup without keyboard and mouse. 😇😁
My (Now Ex) Boyfriend Just Broke Up With Me Via Text Message Tonight :|
How My Boyfriend Packed Up A Moving Box With Kitchen Stuff While I Was At Work
Recently Moved In With My Boyfriend Who Has A Habit Of Leaving His Clothes On The Floor, I Asked Him To Put His Jeans Away In His Closet And This Is What I Found Later
My Boyfriend Insists On Storing Leftovers In Ziplock Bags Even Though We Have Plenty Of Tupperware. His Reasoning Is It “Saves A Dish”, Even Though They Have To Be Transferred To A Dish Later Anyway. In Reality He Just Makes A Huge Mess And Wastes A Bag
The Container My Boyfriend Picked To Put Away Leftover Pancakes
At least he DID pick a container (remembering the exposed bit of butter in the fridge further up?)
Hos Much Dishsoap My Boyfriend Think He Needs For One Pot
My Boyfriend 'Helpfully' Put My Expensive Indoor Plants Outside For "Fresh Air", And They Got Irreparably Sunburnt :(
My Boyfriend Forgot To Buy Shower Curtain Rings
My Boyfriend Made Croissants This Way.. Am I Dating A Serial K*ller?
If he's a serial killer, he will be caught soon because he doesn't seem awfully smart.
My Boyfriend Puts Snacks In My Fruit Hanging Basket
My Boyfriend Took A Bite Out Of All Three Of My Hashbrowns
My Boyfriend's Single Bite Of My Apple
Boyfriend Always Buys A Bag At The Store
My Boyfriend Made Me Coffee The Other Day
My Boyfriend Refuses To Use The „wash As You Go“ Method When Cooking Dinner
Poll Question
How would you feel if a significant other mishandles or damages your personal belongings, such as a Nintendo Switch or plants?
I would be very upset
I would find it amusing and laugh it off
I would have a serious conversation with them
I wouldn't mind as much
Instead of posting this insanity online, why not kick the toddler men to the curb? This stuff isn't cute, funny, or endearing.
THANK YOU! God, the amount of commenters going "we have to pick our battles" or "it's fine I just rewash the dishes/redo the laundry/etc" on here is insane. No way I'd just fall in line and clean up after this sort of person, regardless of gender. It's insanity.
Load More Replies...Honestly, these are no weaponized incompetent. These are men who's parents/family/caregivers failed to teach them the basics of self care. If their partners continue to carry on with allowing that then that is weaponized incompetence. You either tell him to pick up his act and insists he learn, or she leaves. Complaining and whinging about male incompetence is a choice
There were a handful that were deliberate (eg takeing a single bite of every piece of food) but there were quite a few innocent and often harmless ones as well like the guy who wore his socks wierdly
Instead of posting this insanity online, why not kick the toddler men to the curb? This stuff isn't cute, funny, or endearing.
THANK YOU! God, the amount of commenters going "we have to pick our battles" or "it's fine I just rewash the dishes/redo the laundry/etc" on here is insane. No way I'd just fall in line and clean up after this sort of person, regardless of gender. It's insanity.
Load More Replies...Honestly, these are no weaponized incompetent. These are men who's parents/family/caregivers failed to teach them the basics of self care. If their partners continue to carry on with allowing that then that is weaponized incompetence. You either tell him to pick up his act and insists he learn, or she leaves. Complaining and whinging about male incompetence is a choice
There were a handful that were deliberate (eg takeing a single bite of every piece of food) but there were quite a few innocent and often harmless ones as well like the guy who wore his socks wierdly