There's undoubtedly something about broken patterns, messy alignments, and other flawed elements that bothers us. Even if you don't consider yourself a perfectionist, your brain is programmed to prefer things in a nice order, and everything else may fall in the "annoying" category.
Don't believe me? Bored Panda has put together a list of pics to prove just how annoyed you could get in everyday situations. From a glass, standing crooked on its stem, to shipments that got messy because there was no padding, these photos will definitely grind your gears. Scroll down for the images and don't forget to upvote the ones that annoyed you the most!
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We, Too, Booked A Window Seat On An Airplane For My Boy's First Flight
The Amount Of Packaging Needed For One Small Pill
Well F*ck
A Lonely Pepper Shaker
The Way These Pictures Are Hung In The Hallway At Work
The Peel-Open Seal. Every. Single. Time
I Might As Well Just Shit With The Door Open
I swear this is only an American thing. We lean when people are right in the direct line of sight, just to avoid making eye contact through that "tiny" crack in the door.
You Need A Separate App Just To Read Messages
I Think This Speaks For Itself...
Can't Hear? There. Now You Can't See Either
This Umbrella
I'd definitely use that one gor self defense. They'll never in a million see it coming!
When Pencils Do This Garbage
I Ordered A Package For Next-Day Delivery. This Is The Route It's Taken Over The Last Four Days
We have a letter that went through Russia, Alaska, and Mongolia to get to Britain from...another part of Britain.
This Desktop Organization
Woke Up Late To This Message. Alarm Clock, You Had One Job...
Big Thigh Problems.. Every Damn Time
These Lights Switches In My Parents' House
This Deck
Questions to carpenters reading: Is this because the angle is more acute than 45 degrees? Are boards improperly mitered? Is this a good job?
Roommate Needed A Blank Trophy As A Prop...
Business Hours
One Of The Most Annoying Things Ever...
Somehow, I Managed To Go 5 Blissfully Ignorant Stair-Traversing Years Without Noticing
This Girl Soldering Her Hand In Stock Photo
All Three Of These Lights Are Off
This Faucet So Close To The Sink
i saw those in the mall, was explained that logic is that they don't want people to refill water bottles, but instead buy new ones
Those People That Block Window Seats
I hate how anti social our world has become. This happens in the Netherlands as well. Does this happen everywhere?
Can't Finish The Puzzle Because 2 Pieces Are The Same
There must be at least 1 person out there with a similar experience :-)
Someone At Work Asked If They Could Have One Of My Sudafed
These "Renovated" Windows
I Can't Be The Only One Who Gets Annoyed By This
This Blade, Designed To Open Those Annoying Stubborn Plastic Packages, Is Packed Inside One Of Said Packages
This Damn Pen
This seems to only happen to me when I'm writing birthday cards! It's soo annoying
My Glass Isn't Centered On Its Stem
This Weird Lower-case Stop Sign
This Mad E Me Uncomfortable
My Friend Was At The Airport, And This Old French Woman Was Giving No F*ks
Amazon Decided To Ship My Dumbbell And Toothpaste In The Same Box
My Receipt For Buying One Bottle Of Vegetable Oil At Cvs (100 Lb Dog For Scale)
The Second Definition Of Literally
When People Do This Instead Of Just Replacing The Roll.
When Your Clueless Teacher Leaves The Cursor On The Playbar
Oh, this one annoys me so much! When they're leaving the cursor ON the video or the playbar. I don't care if you're a friend of mine showing me a video on your computer, but if you're publicly gonna show a video as part of a presentation or a meeting, please, don't do that! It's so distracting and unprofessional!
This Was Just Delivered. My Door Opens Out
I Was Wondering Why I Seem To Go Through Deodorant So Fast. This Is Brand New, Never Been Used (Labels Removed)
My Sister Always Leaves A Tiny Portion Of Whatever She Eats/Drinks So She Won't Have To Throw It Away
This Popsicle I Just Bought
My OCD Does Not Approve
This 10 Of Diamonds Only Has 9 Diamonds
This Shirt
One Pup Out Of Place
Little annoying things can be a major obstacle to happiness. Over the years I have divided these things into several categories. 1. is it dangerous? 2. can it be easily fixed? 3. Is it my problem? If it is neither of the three, its worth noting and enjoying. Otherwise, just chalk it up to the inconsistencies of life. :D
#181 isn't wrong. The Season 1 is a Blu-ray, not a DVD. Blu-ray cases are shorter than DVD cases.
I'm confused on the elevator pic, it states that they had problems finding floor #26 which I can see no problem. My question is, where is the 7th floor?
A few of these I can see being annoying, but at the same time I understand a few of them, and why they MAY have happened. The Coca Cola, I've had to be the one who caused that. Diabetes. Low blood sugar. Needed something fast. as for the ear buds. Those damned squishy pieces are always falling off and getting lost. Have to either A: Replace it with a different size / color or B: Give in and spend more $$$ on a new pair.
183 is correct. shampoo bottles are upwards while conditioner bottles are downwards, no error.
Come on people! Lesson one for happiness: don't watse your energy by being bothered buy such insignificant stuff! Specially when it should make you smile ;)
The most annoying thing so far is that some of these thing are presented multiple times!
Rohn, the posts change numbers based on a scoring technique. When you refresh the page, it automatically changes the score for you. ;D
Number12 is the most annoying for a teacher. We wast so much time rad year trying to keep pencils uasble. My solution is to only buy pencils that are made in the USA.
The metal measuring jug is embossed, so you can see the measurements on the inside... whats so annoying about that?
If you don't want to install Facebook's absurdly large "messenger" app, you can open Facebook in Mobile Chrome and use the "Request Desktop Site" from the menu. That works for avoiding downloading a lot of apps.
#159 how is that a problem? just turn the guitar over and pour the pick out...
#150 When you get a new book, lay it on it's spine, then alternate between opening up a few pages on the front and back respectively.
#90 the even more annoying thing is that floor number 7 seems to be missing.
I've been avoiding this article because I'm obsessive compulsive, now I'm not going to sleep tonight!!!!!!!!!😞😵😞
Potongan Meja 3% untuk permainan Capsa Susun Ayo join di
This whole article is basically Kid screaming about symmetry and how everything here is not symmetrical.
Spoiled . Try living with real problems like the people of Iraq, Syria, Palestine, and Yeman face everyday just to name a few. Count your blessings.
Well, I dont have OCD, but if these pictures (such as #11) is what that feels like, then I pray for those who have it 😨
#157 stop whining yo momma so fat, yet i still could fit 2 of her on each spot, ya crybaby
Little annoying things can be a major obstacle to happiness. Over the years I have divided these things into several categories. 1. is it dangerous? 2. can it be easily fixed? 3. Is it my problem? If it is neither of the three, its worth noting and enjoying. Otherwise, just chalk it up to the inconsistencies of life. :D
#181 isn't wrong. The Season 1 is a Blu-ray, not a DVD. Blu-ray cases are shorter than DVD cases.
I'm confused on the elevator pic, it states that they had problems finding floor #26 which I can see no problem. My question is, where is the 7th floor?
A few of these I can see being annoying, but at the same time I understand a few of them, and why they MAY have happened. The Coca Cola, I've had to be the one who caused that. Diabetes. Low blood sugar. Needed something fast. as for the ear buds. Those damned squishy pieces are always falling off and getting lost. Have to either A: Replace it with a different size / color or B: Give in and spend more $$$ on a new pair.
183 is correct. shampoo bottles are upwards while conditioner bottles are downwards, no error.
Come on people! Lesson one for happiness: don't watse your energy by being bothered buy such insignificant stuff! Specially when it should make you smile ;)
The most annoying thing so far is that some of these thing are presented multiple times!
Rohn, the posts change numbers based on a scoring technique. When you refresh the page, it automatically changes the score for you. ;D
Number12 is the most annoying for a teacher. We wast so much time rad year trying to keep pencils uasble. My solution is to only buy pencils that are made in the USA.
The metal measuring jug is embossed, so you can see the measurements on the inside... whats so annoying about that?
If you don't want to install Facebook's absurdly large "messenger" app, you can open Facebook in Mobile Chrome and use the "Request Desktop Site" from the menu. That works for avoiding downloading a lot of apps.
#159 how is that a problem? just turn the guitar over and pour the pick out...
#150 When you get a new book, lay it on it's spine, then alternate between opening up a few pages on the front and back respectively.
#90 the even more annoying thing is that floor number 7 seems to be missing.
I've been avoiding this article because I'm obsessive compulsive, now I'm not going to sleep tonight!!!!!!!!!😞😵😞
Potongan Meja 3% untuk permainan Capsa Susun Ayo join di
This whole article is basically Kid screaming about symmetry and how everything here is not symmetrical.
Spoiled . Try living with real problems like the people of Iraq, Syria, Palestine, and Yeman face everyday just to name a few. Count your blessings.
Well, I dont have OCD, but if these pictures (such as #11) is what that feels like, then I pray for those who have it 😨
#157 stop whining yo momma so fat, yet i still could fit 2 of her on each spot, ya crybaby