It only takes so much to ruin a perfectly good day. From little things like waiting for the 5-second ad skip countdown, to paying for an overpriced meal that doesn’t even taste good, to dealing with bureaucracy and the wild goose chase it leads to. These minor annoyances, first-world problems, not-that-big-a-deal issues, or whatever you want to call them, they’re all around us. They're real. They’re blood boiling. And just thinking about them is enough to drive anyone up the wall.

Apparently, some of these hassles tend to trigger the same vague feelings of frustration in virtually everyone, uniting people in their experiences. Feeling irritated and uncomfortable, people instantly turn to the internet to vent. So we at Bored Panda have put together a list of photos of the mildly infuriating things and pet peeves that prove just how annoying everyday problems can get.

While we suggest you take a deep breath before you continue scrolling through this vivid compilation of pictures, you may find comfort in knowing there’s definitely someone who shares your pain. So enjoy (or loathe?) witnessing these annoyance-inducing examples and be sure to upvote the most accurate ones, and then let us know what tips you over the edge down below in the comments.

Psst! For more mildly infuriating madness, check out our earlier features here, here, and right here.


Multi Billion Dollar Businesses Asking For Donations

Multi Billion Dollar Businesses Asking For Donations

rebeccawatson Report


The Fact You Have To Pay At A Hospital Of All Places

The Fact You Have To Pay At A Hospital Of All Places

hollyholowath Report

Day after day, we consistently get annoyed by the little things. From picking up after our roommates to dealing with people who don’t understand the concept of personal space, it’s easy to lose self-control over these minor yet infuriating problems that get under our skin. But why do we tend to react to these repetitive and unpredictable inconveniences in a harsh manner? Is our anger and disappointment with the world something we can resist or even control?

To gain insight on the topic from an expert, we reached out to Dr. Jesse Matthews, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist based in Chester Springs, PA. According to him, frustration is a normal part of life because things don't always go our way and won’t always happen as we want them to.

"People who tend to be frustrated more often, however, often feel this way because of unrealistic expectations. For example, they expect that it won’t take them more than 20 minutes to get to work, so when they encounter traffic, they forget they had to stop for gas or there is a slow driver in front of them, and frustration quickly sets in."


It's safe to say that everyone can relate to these situations, but by "starting out with realistic expectations and taking any of these factors into account, we could actually flip the script and get to work the majority of the time without experiencing any frustration," Dr. Matthews told Bored Panda.


I Just Want A Bigger Pocket Please, Is That Too Much To Ask For? Sincerely, Women Everywhere

I Just Want A Bigger Pocket Please, Is That Too Much To Ask For? Sincerely, Women Everywhere

Wonder0486 Report


But Why Tho

But Why Tho

mkbhd Report

We also got in touch with Dr. Jenn Veilleux, a licensed clinical psychologist and researcher of emotion and self-regulation. She explained that frustration is a feeling that belongs in the anger "family," or, in other words, it's a mild form of anger that resembles irritation.

Frustration is the most common emotional label we use when referring to everyday annoyances or larger issues in life. Together with anger, these emotions happen when a person interprets a situation as unfair or unjust — that someone has been wronged, Dr. Veilleux told us.


"Many (most? all?) people feel frustration sometimes, and that's actually a good thing because we have emotions for a reason! I like to tell my therapy clients that we can only feel emotions about things we care about, so frustration is a sign that something matters. If being frustrated is a sign that a situation is unfair or unjust, that feeling can prompt actions to correct the unfairness or injustice. Anger helps people confront wrongdoing, to right a wrong."


Whoever Invented These Teeny Tiny Tabs On Seals, You Are Not My Friend

Whoever Invented These Teeny Tiny Tabs On Seals, You Are Not My Friend Report


Hate It When This Happens

Hate It When This Happens

blastzonepod Report

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shannonandrew avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I mean, I get why its annoying but sometimes I don't mind the recommendations. The category that annoys me is the "Watch It Again" one, I have watched it once, no need to push me to watch it again for your viewership stats

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Of course, seeing everything as an injustice is definitely not healthy. "Frustration occurs when the world isn't as it 'should' be," Dr. Veilleux added. "People who feel frustrated a lot often have rigid and inflexible thinking about how the world is supposed to work." But the problem with this line of thinking is that there is no "one" or "right" way the world is or should be.


When it comes to mildly infuriating things, they don’t immediately trigger wild emotions in us. A loud noise may take us by surprise and make us twitch. But our neighbor’s blaring music played over and over again during the night really tests our patience. "Mildly infuriating things can blow up into blood boiling when they aren't dealt with and managed," Dr. Veilleux noted.


Why Does This System Exist?

Why Does This System Exist?

jamcolley Report

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jameskramer avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They should put a notification on the site that says clicking the button will initiate a phone or video call

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In Case You've Ever Wondered Why Women Get So Frustrated With Our Clothing Sizes - Every Pair Of Jeans Pictured, Is A Size 12

In Case You've Ever Wondered Why Women Get So Frustrated With Our Clothing Sizes - Every Pair Of Jeans Pictured, Is A Size 12

chloemmx Report

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khmeifwk avatar
Khara Mei
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's not just our trouser sizing. Guy jeans in my old shop were screwy sized depending on brand too. 30″ waistband on men's slacks could be anything from 24″ to 40″.

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Manufacturers That Put These Labels On Their Products, Especially Food Products, Deserves To Step On A LEGO

Manufacturers That Put These Labels On Their Products, Especially Food Products, Deserves To Step On A LEGO

lulustargaze Report

A brief scroll through this list filled with pictures that arouse a vague feeling of frustration may convince you that there’s a universal element to these situations that everyone finds infuriating. According to Dr. Matthews, there’s a sense of ubiquitousness in minor stressors we experience in our daily lives. "Traffic, slow drivers, detours, waiting in long lines, or technology not working as expected are all things we can relate to and we expect them to be unpleasant, annoying, and even unbearable."


"We can also commiserate over them with friends or even bystanders once we arrive at our destination, which further validates our idea that these are things that just happen to us and helps us to maintain our views about them being as bad as they are," Dr. Matthews said.


A Little Peek Of What We Find Dumpster Diving. Maybe A Little More Than Just "Mildly" Infuriating

A Little Peek Of What We Find Dumpster Diving. Maybe A Little More Than Just "Mildly" Infuriating

hailey199666 Report


It’s The Middle Of The Night And I Can’t Open This Cake Lid Without Waking Everyone In A 10-Mile Radius

It’s The Middle Of The Night And I Can’t Open This Cake Lid Without Waking Everyone In A 10-Mile Radius

CaramelXIII Report

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vanburensupernova44 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Meanwhile I wake the whole neighbourhood up while making eye contact because I need that cake

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However, things that make our neck hair stand on end and send out brain cells into anger mode can also vary from one person to another, Dr. Veilleux mentioned. "Things that annoy me (e.g., people not using turn signals, classes or meetings running late with no apology) don't annoy other people."

"We all have our 'things' that annoy us, but they are different things," Dr. Veilleux said. "A person who cares about the rules is irritated when rules are violated. A person who cares about social justice is frustrated by bigotry and discrimination. Because we have different depictions of fairness and what is right/wrong, we also have different frustrations."


Peeling These Things Off Always Annoys Me

Peeling These Things Off Always Annoys Me

jgeorge1983 Report


I'm Just Trying To Refund Two Tickets

I'm Just Trying To Refund Two Tickets

Pansexual_Paniccc Report


I Got 19 Letters From Verizon Thanking Me For Enrolling In Paperless Billing

I Got 19 Letters From Verizon Thanking Me For Enrolling In Paperless Billing

ThatLooksSerious Report

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ivoh avatar
Ivo H
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, …

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It’s important to remember that we feel these emotional responses for a reason. While usually, they lead to anger and uncomfortable feelings, they can also inspire us to act. "When frustration bubbles up into people taking action to make things happen differently or better, then frustration has done what it was designed to do. If frustration with ourselves prompts self-reflection and growth and learning, then that's also a good thing," Dr. Veilleux added. "Sometimes frustration needs to be 'harnessed.'"


Why Do They Always Put Stickers In Cooking Items?

Why Do They Always Put Stickers In Cooking Items?

Inferiex Report


But when these minor annoyances take the better of you, they must be managed. Dr. Veilleux explained that regular feelings of frustration take a toll on physical and mental health, so always acting on them isn't helpful. In these cases, she prefers to think about "letting go" rather than control.

"Frustration is particularly frustrating (meta-frustration?) when a person feels like they can do nothing to change their situation," the psychologist said. "Sometimes that is true, and then frustration just eats a person alive from the inside. Then the solution is to open a window, acknowledge that the frustration is there, but focus the mind on pleasurable things or on areas of life that you can control." And when you reframe the situation, you allow for more flexibility that can help reduce anger.


This $10 Salad I Paid For At A Restaurant

This $10 Salad I Paid For At A Restaurant

WoundedDonkey Report


I See Your Bread From Hole Foods And Present To You My Croissant

I See Your Bread From Hole Foods And Present To You My Croissant

ivobivo Report


Apparently, some steps can help us get through the experience in a healthy way. Controlling and managing our emotions and training ourselves to not get annoyed by the little problems starts by looking at the bigger picture, adjusting our expectations, and being prepared. Dr. Matthews advised to zoom out and see the whole scene, not only focus on the small part that upsets you.

"If you can look outside of yourself, you can see that the person driving slowly in front of you is not doing anything to you," he added. "You are unfairly personalizing their behavior because it’s impacting your own agenda."


This Only Happens When I’m In A Bad Mood

This Only Happens When I’m In A Bad Mood

LegitimateShift8 Report

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andreash_1 avatar
Andreas H
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Happend to me shortly after buying my first (and only) 800€ leather jacket with my first money of my first job on my first trip to Hamburg. It was a banister and the jacket ripped apart completely. Never had expensive clothes in my life again.

beckisaurus avatar
3 Owls In A Coat
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

800 euros on a LEATHER jacket that ripped that easily? Aw man :( that sucks

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helenwaight avatar
Helen Waight
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This happened to me once in front of the CEO. I was walking fast into the room, belt caught on the door and I went knockers first straight into the wooden door. Luckily he laughed.

kathryn-nordquist avatar
Yay Pandas!
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've ripped several items of clothing exactly like this. And yes, always on a day when I'm grumpy already.

fredneobob90 avatar
Huddo's sister
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not only when I'm in a bad mood, but when I'm in a hurry, my clothes are new, or just any old day :)

macforme17 avatar
Lindy Mac
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have this problem with my kitchen drawer knobs .....always! takes my surprise.

rileyhquinn avatar
Riley Quinn
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm okay with door handles. It's getting caught on an open-ended banister that will freak me out as I teeter at the top.

connor_griswold avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This always happens to me, but more with my earbuds.

her7horses avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Life saying…slow down, get in touch with yourself, your feelings, stop overriding!

cyberchook avatar
Cybele Spanjaard
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This happens to my sleeves as I am short and most door handles are at my sleeve height maddening, the eternal hooker of ripped sleeves and sudden full-stop jerks are not elegant

lisa_tetlow_5 avatar
Lisa Tetlow
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one.

vyvyanntan avatar
Vyvyan Tan
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The door is trying to pull you in for a hug. Hug the door, you will feel much better.

muffinkid avatar
muffin kid
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

it's the door trying to hug you cuz you're not feeling it :)

emily_36 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I am also confused as to how this happened based on the fact that they are facing the wrong way for the pocket to catch on the doorknob. If they were standing in the doorway and turned around to the right, then the pocket might catch on the door. Maybe. Seems like a weird way to turn around to go back into the room though. Or their pocket was hanging out of the shorts and caught that way. Can someone who has this happen to them frequently explain it to me because I don't get it?

emily_36 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

How close to the door are these people walking that this happens? I get that baggy clothes would increase the chances of it happening but not if you walk further away from the doorknob that might catch on your clothes.

dew avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

A relative on the other side trying to get you out of your bad mood and smile!

omimamiki avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

you know whats funny about that - it's only been happening to me like after i turned 35. I can't remember that happening to me when i was younger haha i don't know why.

natnmya avatar
Natalia Allen
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I have a door handle with a catch (push click type like an outdoor shed) that my hair gets caught on all the damn time....

thomasesthomas avatar
Thomas E S Thomas
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

1928 Sears catalogue doorknob. I bet you live in a Sears ordered home.

danielle-bingham avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Dang - I just did that yesterday on a kitchen drawer pull. I feel your pain!

fieldwright avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My grandmother was short. Happened on the armhole of her sleeveless dresses.

grafxgal60073 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I cannot tell you how many of my cardigans or robes have been terrorized by door knobs over the years.

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I Got This Bread From Whole Foods. More Like Hole Foods

I Got This Bread From Whole Foods. More Like Hole Foods

igothitbyacar Report


So to adjust your expectations, you have to be realistic. For example, the next time you get ready to leave the house, track the time or, at least, add an additional 10 or 15 minutes to your trip, and make things easier for yourself.

"I can’t emphasize being prepared enough. In fact, this can be called practical self-care, and it’s a great way to take care of yourself," Dr. Matthews told us. "We often don’t want to do these things, but it involves things like going to bed early, getting your clothes ready the night before, waking up on time, leaving the house in enough time to get where you’re going, or doing school or work projects before the last minute. A little more work now can mean much less stress later."


This Is How They Send My Contacts. Every. Year

This Is How They Send My Contacts. Every. Year

dankenport Report


Ordered 27 Books From Amazon On A Single Order. Got 27 Boxes With 1 Book Each Delivered

Ordered 27 Books From Amazon On A Single Order. Got 27 Boxes With 1 Book Each Delivered

sousaj Report


No. Just No

No. Just No

sondesix Report

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rangerkanootsen avatar
Ranger Kanootsen
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I will grab the YT moderators by the scruff of their necks and say "WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY"

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"Start working on changing your perspective (seeing the bigger picture), changing your expectations, and improving your self-care. A general theme is recognizing what you can and can’t control and taking action to control the things you can. Seeing a therapist might be a good idea, particularly if you find that these negative emotions are common," Dr. Matthews concluded.


These Fake Pockets. They Went As Far Enough As To Put A Real Zipper On

These Fake Pockets. They Went As Far Enough As To Put A Real Zipper On

__No__Control Report


When They Pack The Paper Towels In So Tight That You Have To Dry One Fingertip At A Time

When They Pack The Paper Towels In So Tight That You Have To Dry One Fingertip At A Time

marginalerror123 Report


Dave & Busters Spin Game Landed On The 500 And It Only Gave Me 4 Tickets. Showed To Manager And Said It Needed To Be In The Middle

Dave & Busters Spin Game Landed On The 500 And It Only Gave Me 4 Tickets. Showed To Manager And Said It Needed To Be In The Middle

Dohello Report


Job Expectations

Job Expectations

PotatokingXII Report

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carolyngerbrands avatar
Caro Caro
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Looking for: 18 yo, entry level, minimum wage, 7 years experience. Blehg.

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Paper Straws, The Most Useless Item Ever Created

Paper Straws, The Most Useless Item Ever Created

jleex84 Report


The Amount Of Packaging Required For Me To Buy The Additional Equipment I Need To Use My iPhone

The Amount Of Packaging Required For Me To Buy The Additional Equipment I Need To Use My iPhone

All of this would have come in the phone’s box five years ago but Apple decided to stop including them to cut down on packaging and waste.

BeckburyWolf Report

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Shaking My Head

Shaking My Head

Thick-gamer Report

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jessica-bertram1 avatar
Jessica Bertram
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

ohhhh i hate this one. as a prof, who has resisted using online homework platforms precisely because of BS like this. students shouldn't have to deal with finicky platforms on top of learning.

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Wanted To Buy A Sandwich At This Bakery. At First, I Thought It Was Sesame. Well It Was Not

Wanted To Buy A Sandwich At This Bakery. At First, I Thought It Was Sesame. Well It Was Not

cooljuulguy Report


You Arrive 10 Mins Early For Your Train, The Train Gets Canceled, The Next Train Is 25 Mins Away, And It Arrives 15 Mins Late, And When The Doors Open You See This

You Arrive 10 Mins Early For Your Train, The Train Gets Canceled, The Next Train Is 25 Mins Away, And It Arrives 15 Mins Late, And When The Doors Open You See This

bluntman Report


This Egg Peeling Fiasco

This Egg Peeling Fiasco

RedBeardMark Report

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dew avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I hate when this happen's! My mom says it happen's when the eggs are fresh!

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My Local Gas Station Only Tells You How Much Something Costs If You Bring It To The Register

My Local Gas Station Only Tells You How Much Something Costs If You Bring It To The Register

Proud_Tailor5532 Report

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theaquarius1978 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yea, thats forbiden here, the price hás to be perfectly visíble, and hás to have the tax included

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This Packaging For 1 Potato

This Packaging For 1 Potato

Minecraftpig96 Report

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khmeifwk avatar
Khara Mei
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As previously explained, this is because some people think microwaved potates taste better when wrapped with plastic, so this is catering to people who are running to work and want to grab something healthy for lunch. These are also sometimes parcooked. This is still just an explanation and not condoning anything.

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I Don’t Understand How This Notice Can Exist

I Don’t Understand How This Notice Can Exist

acurr530 Report

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Left On My Sister’s Windshield. Who Is From Asheville, But Has South Carolina Plates. Stay Classy Asheville

Left On My Sister’s Windshield. Who Is From Asheville, But Has South Carolina Plates. Stay Classy Asheville

Cylant Report

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rosensara avatar
Sara Rosen
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Asheville is a wonderful city! Full of art and nature and quirky little bars and it is a progressive bastion in an otherwise conservative state. However it is completely dependent on tourism with 'leisure and hospitality' accounting for approx.. 15% of the jobs (not including secondary businesses like retail that get a boost from tourism). This is just some bitter, childish individual that doesn't understand their local economy.

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Why Are The Gaps So Big In US Bathroom Stalls

Why Are The Gaps So Big In US Bathroom Stalls

Alcatraz1331 Report


There Is An 11-Day Bin Man Strike In Edinburgh And This Is Only Day Two. Most Of The City Is Like This

There Is An 11-Day Bin Man Strike In Edinburgh And This Is Only Day Two. Most Of The City Is Like This Report


This Toiletry Trash Can That Opens Into The Other Stall

This Toiletry Trash Can That Opens Into The Other Stall

SouthpawAce14 Report


When You Prefer To Buy Things In Person, But Its Not Even Remotely Feasible

When You Prefer To Buy Things In Person, But Its Not Even Remotely Feasible

teenagediplomat Report

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helenwaight avatar
Helen Waight
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sorry - HOW much for network cable? Staples! I can order a drum of it for less.

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I Opened My New Sketch Pencils Today. Honestly, I Don’t Know What I Did To Deserve This

I Opened My New Sketch Pencils Today. Honestly, I Don’t Know What I Did To Deserve This

beany33 Report


They Put A Wooden Lid On The Plastic One To Make It Seem More Eco Friendly

They Put A Wooden Lid On The Plastic One To Make It Seem More Eco Friendly

Der_Lancelot Report

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elp200 avatar
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Stupid I agree but it looks like it also serves as a colour swatch to show the finished product.

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Been In The ER Waiting Room Since 5 Pm, It's 5 Am Now With No Sign Of Being Seen Anytime Soon

Been In The ER Waiting Room Since 5 Pm, It's 5 Am Now With No Sign Of Being Seen Anytime Soon

Scared it's some sort of hernia or appendices. This is ridiculous. Nothing but respect and compassion for the medical personnel.

grimfisher4 Report

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rangerkanootsen avatar
Ranger Kanootsen
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I don't know why this happens. Came in once bleeding out from a puncture wound... had to wait for ages until passed out from blood loss!

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Note: this post originally had 133 images. It’s been shortened to the top 50 images based on user votes.