This Teacher Dresses Up As Michael Myers From The ‘Halloween’ Movie And Gets A Hilariously Scary Photoshoot (32 Pics)
It's that time of year again when everyone is looking for ways to get their spook on. Some choose to decorate their houses in ways that send chills through passerby's spines. Others use all of their ingenuity to create the most terrifying costumes that give their coworkers and friends a good fright during Halloween parties. Let's not forget those who like to take it easy and binge-watch horror movies while indulging in indecent amounts of chocolate. But only a few get the idea of celebrating the most obscure holiday of the year with scary photoshoots. Well, at least this teacher thought of it, and as a result, there's both hilarious and scary photoshoots circulating around the internet.
It's undeniable that this teacher, Ben Hartnell, from Westerville, Ohio loves costumes. In fact, he loves them so much that he doesn't shy away from dressing up in one for his work, too. Recently, he went viral for a fun photoshoot he did involving a school he works in.
For the photoshoot, Hartnell chose probably the creepiest scenario imaginable. He turned himself into Michael Myers, the infamous slasher from 'Halloween' movies into a highschooler. While it may seem that such a photoshoot would be a bloodbath, it seems like in Hartnell's scenario, Myers is having a good time. Well, at least up until he gets in trouble and is sent to the principal's office. Poor Myers. But at least he didn't kill anyone this time!
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