Parenting is a marathon, not a sprint, which means that sometimes you are going to have to take some smaller losses at the beginning if you want to still finish in the end. After all, children are often very curious, a lot smarter than we give them credit for and quite nosy, so parents always have to consider how and what they actually share.

Someone asked “Parents, what is most fucked up secret you are hiding from your children?” and people shared their best examples. So get comfortable as you scroll through folk’s tea, from tragic to truly unhinged, upvote your favorite examples and be sure to share your own in the comments below.


“I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids We hit the lottery for 12.5 million dollars and nobody in our family - including our children has any idea.
Besides us and the government, the only other people who know is an attorney we hired to keep our identities private as well as an accountant. We have kept our lives pretty normal… We both work so there looks like there’s an income coming in… we both enjoy what we do and didn’t want to have anything change drastically. We just didn’t want to ruin our relationships with everyone or spoil our kids… We have it safely invested for their futures… But not until they establish themselves on their own without any idea that there is a safety net. We support numerous charities. It’s a blessing to win but a bigger blessing not to be destroyed by money. Obviously this isn’t my real name which would defeat the whole purpose.

Jeffclaterbaugh , Waldemar Report


    I never actually took his nose, it stayed on his face the whole time. In fact, it has never once left his face, even though I have told him that I took it countless times. I even showed him the tip of my thumb as "evidence" of the theft.

    aptadnauseum Report


    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids My dad cheated on my mother while she was going through cancer treatments. My mother asked for a divorce, he said go and take the kids. Every Valentine’s Day I would receive flowers from my dad and get so happy. My mom would smile and nod and get excited with me. I would call him and thank him. He never sent me flowers. It was my mom all the years. Same thing with birthday cards and Christmas gifts from him. They were never from him, my mom just put his name on them in similar handwriting. Went as far as writing return addresses on mail too. My mom was a superhero of a single parent.

    elsaanddonutss , Marcelo Joaquim Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She sounds like a great mum but why enable and glorify an sob that clearly didn't deserve it? Yes i know, as a parent you do it all for your kids but still pisses me off. Glad OP knows the truth now.

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids One of my teachers told our class a story that absolutely blew everyone's mind.

    Growing up he had an older sister, and two parents, pretty standard family situation. One thing that he said confused him as a kid was how much older his sister was (I think it was like 16+ years older than him) so when he was in high school, he straight up asked his parents if he was a mistake. If im remembering the story right, his parents told him he wasn't meant to happen and that was that. Didn't really effect him at all considering he was old enough to understand and knew his parents loved him anyway.

    Fast forward to his adult life (about 35-40 at this point) both of his parents passed away and his sister lived across the country. One year his sister came to visit him and his wife for a week. They went around doing various things that were representative of where he lived, landmarks, well known towns, restaurants, etc. He said they had a great time. Near the end of his sister's trip, she told my teacher and his wife that she needed to tell them something important. He said she seemed pretty distraught in saying this and as a result he thought she was going to tell them she had some serious illness or something along those lines. It was tense for a few minutes, the sister couldn't get out what she was trying to say.

    This just made my teacher and his wife more concerned. Finally she told them: "I'm not actually your sister, I'm your mother." Turns out his "parents" were actually his grandparents and his sister had him very young (16-17) with some guy she met. In order to give him and his mother ("sister") a normal life, his grandparents ("parents") just treated him as their son and raised him themselves. He mentioned being very grateful that they did this for him as he did have a normal childhood and his mother was able to live without having the stress of being a young mother.

    To this day, him and his mother have a very positive relationship and this reveal to him didn't change anything. Not really a "f****d up secret" but I thought it was a cool story that fit this theme :).

    ninjanolan1128 , Andy Quezada Report


    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids That my 8 year old daughter is not mine. I met her mother, my wife, when she was 3 months pregnant. Neither of us knew until about a month or two into dating. What I did know was that this girl was the one. When she found out she told me and gave me a free pass to leave. She did not just want me sticking around just for the benefits of dating a pregnant chick then skipping out.

    I made the choice then to take the leap. Best decision i ever made and never looked back. Now we have my daughter and a 3 year old son. I don't plan on ever volunteering the information to her but will tell her if she asks when she is older.

    The father skipped out to CO and cut off ties when he found out. Fine by me though. As far as everyone, including the government knows, I am her father. On the birth certificate and everything. But the way i see it, i am. I was there the entire pregnancy, the birth, and every day since. I was 22 at the time.

    cmjordan3988 , MART PRODUCTION Report

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    Panda McPandaface
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Benefits of dating a pregnant chick? I'm gay so I may need this explaining.

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    I'm not a parent, nor is this my story. It's my friend's, she found out without the parents knowing.

    She's not vaccinated. At all. I have no clue how this was hidden from her, or how she got into school, but her parents didn't vaccinate her. Not just that, while she's sleeping, they use their hecking holistic medicine on her (she mentioned crystals). They even refused her HPV thing, so she's not even resistant to cervical cancer, because her parents are uneducated and thing you can develop autism after birth (even though she IS autistic, but her parent won't accept it).

    Don't throw your kid's life away. Vaccinate them.

    Hajitabeebus Report

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    Maisey Myles
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can bet the parents were vaccinated as children. But, because social media misinformation they’ve decided their children will be ok- until they contract polio

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids That I've been changing every clock in the house on New Years eve to 3 hours early. At 9pm we celebrate the new year, then hang out for a hour. He thinks he breaking every rule and has a great time. Now that he's turning 11 this will never happen again. With phones and being somewhat smarter. Lol.

    Kasket81 , Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 Report

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    Lisbeth Guz
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Can someone do that for me as an adult please? I'm usually exhausted by the end of the day (ccoking, presents, hosting) and no one ever lets me go to bed early

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids My daughter knows that her grandparents are getting a divorce. She doesn’t know that it’s because grandpa (72) decided to knock up a 23 year old. We will talk about it once she’s older, but I don’t want to normalize that relationship for a preadolescent.

    Edit: This is my father-in-law, he’s definitely not rich, in fairly impressive shape for a dude pulling social security, and I am happily ignorant as to the status of his erections. It’s a small town story with a f****d up single mom and a old man that hasn’t experienced much emotional growth since being drafted for service in Vietnam. These people would never end up together if they were emotionally healthy and didn’t have control issues.

    I am definitely going to do my best to explain to my daughter, but she’s nine and emotionally overwhelmed by the very idea of the divorce. When she comes to me to talk about it (having processed the idea), then I will explain the situation more fully. My husband has already told his dad that our family and his new family won’t be getting together for a barbecue anytime in the foreseeable future.

    Edit 2: A lot of you dudes are assuming a lot about “23”. I would remind you that we are talking about small-town, single mama, daddy issues, rural Deep South, grandpa-f*****g 23. Y’all are a bunch of optimists.

    nilikon , cottonbro studio Report

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    Panda McPandaface
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I am happily ignorant as to the status of his erections." Well it made me laugh. A lot.

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids I'm the child (48 f), but my father told me my mother was dead all throughout my childhood and everyone in the family - aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, stepmother - supported the lie. Not because my mother was on d***s or abusive, or a criminal, or even a bad person. Just because they had a huge argument one night and she went to stay with a friend, without me, so he decided she would never be allowed to be in my life again. Ever. He wrote her off.
    On my 18th birthday, she called our house and asked to speak with me. So, I found out the truth.

    curiosity0425 , Ketut Subiyanto Report

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    Briards Are Best
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's pretty outrageous.....but I wonder why OPs mother didn't fight in court for contact.

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    My son's older half sister m*lested him and that's why we don't see them anymore. Waiting until we can get into a psych for support before we break it to him.

    Edit: he was 3 when it happened so was able to tell us, quite graphically, what was happening. The sister also admitted it and said she did it because it was funny and she liked to hurt him. DCP (child protective services) became involved and investigated both families but couldn't find anything suspicious.
    We are telling him because we very strongly believe it is the right thing to do. We don't know what/how much he remembers and would much prefer to give him the coping skills now instead of possibly letting him disintegrate into a non functioning adult with massive problems.
    Thank you so much for all the support, it is a horrible thing to deal with but we are going to do everything in our power to love and support him. I am so sorry that so many of you had to go through similar situations. I am proud of every one of you for surviving and fighting ❤.

    Pbak1 Report

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    Huddo's sister
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A student of mine was molested by her father. She remembers it happening, she was about 4 and is now 7 and has had counselling. I'm not sure if her younger sister knows, because she seems a bit confused as to why they use their mum's surname now and why they don't see their dad.

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    I’m the child of a parent that hid something horrible until I was 27:
    One day when my parents has a domestic dispute, my dad called me just to “get back at my mom”
    He said, “do you want to know something about your wh*re mother? She slept with over 30 guys during our first two years of marriage!”
    I just sat down and started stuttering.
    He said “you know how people have always said you looked different than the rest of the kids?”
    I said, “yeah...”
    “That’s because I’m not your dad. Your mom slept with my best friend and you were conceived. Another thing! Your brother (the one just younger than me—I’m the oldest) belongs to my brother!”
    My mom just bawled in the background without denying it.
    I just laughed.
    And then I went into two years of therapy.

    helenkellerhere Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow, such a cruel thing to say to a child. Shîtty parents, no wonder OP needed therapy.

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids Not ours but some friends of ours. The husband died late last year of kidney failure. The mother told her 4 year old son that his father went overseas to work until he is 18. There is no outcome that is good for this kid.

    HappyAust , Pavel Danilyuk Report


    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids That I don't actually enjoy watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. My 2 year old would be devastated because that's our show.

    Whodat33 , Disney Television Animation Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah i really didn't like watching Thomas the tank engine either but still not telling my son that, he loved that boring show.

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    I don’t want my son to know that he was an unwanted accident. Even during my pregnancy, I didn’t want a child. I was still so young and had my whole career ahead of me. I wanted to travel the world, finish school, and advance myself in life to the fullest.

    After he was born, I had a hard time adjusting and it took me a long time to fall in love with motherhood. I didn’t feel a connection to my son and felt like the worst mother in the world.

    Now, I can’t stop looking at him or hugging him or crying over him. I’m finishing school and I got promoted at my job. I can have my life and still be a mother too. I only regret my feeling of not wanting my son, because he means so much to me and there are no words to describe the deep love that I feel for him.

    Edit; thank you everyone for your words of support and sharing your stories. I am crying as I read them and I am truly appreciative. I love my son very much that I can’t wait to get home and hug him. I love watching him grow and I want to provide him the best life possible. It’s hard to manage work and family home life, and I’m not perfect by any means, but I’m doing my best! Thank you again everyone.

    If any other parents want to talk, please don’t hesitate to contact me

    As to why I didn’t choose abortion -

    Before he was born or conceived I was diagnosed with PCOS and had a slim chance of getting pregnant due to the state of my ovaries. I WANTED a child but I didn’t want one at that moment. We were NOT mentally (at least I felt that I wasn’t) ready for a child - I wanted a child later in my life. When we found out i was pregnant we considered abortion. I was scared of everything - carrying the baby, giving birth, having the abortion, the guilt, the regret - a lot of emotions and thought went into this pregnancy.

    I decided to go through with the pregnancy. So it was my own “fault” for keeping him but I don’t regret my decision.

    I had support and friends and family all around me during and after. I even had a friend who admitted she had felt the same way I did, after giving birth.

    Edit again: I grew up knowing my mother didn’t want me. I was reminded of it almost every day and it seriously messed me up. I do not want the same for my son. He IS WANTED.

    xpiredair Report

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    Lila Allen
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He was always wanted. It just took a bit for the want to catch up with you. It's fine. He's love and you're a good mom

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids My mom passed 15 years ago. My family had a bunch of stuff that they didn't go through, and that they just kinda left for me. About 10 years ago when I was trying to downsize and get rid of stuff, i found medical documents that she had kept.

    Apparently, i was not an only child. She was pregnant with twins. I was the one that made it....

    TroyandAbedAfterDark , Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a father of twins and seeing just how close they are I feel so sorry that OP has missed out on with that bond

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    My daughter was conceived at work, on airport property, in the back of a f*****g Ford Focus, while we were waiting for a medflight to land.

    She knows nothing about this but tells me she wants to be a pilot when she grows up.

    Thr33wolfmoon Report


    Wife's parents are really abusive, awful people. She was emancipated from them at age 11, and they try to butt their way into our lives once in a while. Most recently, MIL was telling people we were in a horrible car accident- we weren't. Our kids think they are dead.

    porcelainvacation Report


    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids When my wife was breastfeeding my son she stood up to walk to another room and walked through a doorway, his head was hanging over her arm and she walked right into the door frame.

    Few weeks later we are in the hospital because his head was a little big and we felt uncomfortable, ended up getting an MRI and he had a brain bleed. We got locked down and accused of child abuse etc, more tests proved it wasn't. Nobody could pinpoint what happened and it was dianogized at benign external hydrosephalis (or some s**t like that) and the brain bleed was attributed to that. His head is pretty big, he will be teased for it as he gets older, he has a big forehead.

    My wife has no idea it was her fault, neither do the doctors. Only i remember what happened and i will go to the grave with it because she don't need that on her mind.

    mvpofthefamily , MART PRODUCTION Report


    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids The baby brother she keeps asking for has caused so much heart break. I had a miscarriage and every time she asks when she's getting a baby brother I feel like I've been kicked in the gut.

    Whisperedbedlam , cottonbro studio Report

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    Panda McPandaface
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    4 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Talk to her FFS! The same problem may afflict her in the future.

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids My parents told me my sister is adopted. They didn't tell her. She's 34.

    getguddietrying , Andrea Piacquadio Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is messed up and it's gonna make this issue much bigger then needing to be.

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids My future son will never know i have a secret stash of videogames locked away from his sticky break-everything fingers.

    Go play with your tablet cased in 15 pounds of foam!

    Putrid_Foreskin , EVG Kowalievska Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If they break everything they get their sticky hands on then i wouldn't tell them either.

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids A colleague of mine has a friend who hid from her 8-yo daughter that she (the 8-yo) would die within a few years because of a terminal illness she got...

    Schumacher94 , Gustavo Fring Report

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    Huddo's sister
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can understand why, you want the child to live as 'normal' a life as she can until she dies, but I don't think this is the way to go about it. Two of my brothers had degenerative disabilities and knew, as did the rest of us, that they would not have long lives. They both pushed back on the estimated prognosis. We spent everyday making sure they got the most out of their short lives. If they hadn't know the prognosis, I think they would have been more scared about what was happening to them, as their bodies kept getting weaker. They wouldn't have been able to mentally prepare for what was to come. As it was, their last days were largely peaceful, surrounded by friends and family.

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    It's not f****d up. But my daughter doesn't know I'm an atheist. She goes to a Christian private school. Going to be an interesting conversation when she is a little older. She is starting to put it together. She just asked me the other day that why does her mom say a prayer for Jesus before bedtime and I say the Green Lantern oath instead.

    Scarn4President Report

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    Angela C
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All that matters is that you and her mom accept her whether she eventually decides to be religious or not (and don't push her too hard in either direction)

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    My 3-year-old is an absolute miracle. Her birth mom (my wife’s sister) didn’t want her, basically tried for an intentional miscarriage via massive drinking and d**g use. Born 11 weeks premature, and with 5 different d***s in her system, she shouldn’t even be alive by most medical estimations, yet here she is. Slight developmental setbacks, but she is solidly inside the bell curve. Her socialization is on point, and she should start school on time. She will know none of this until she is in her teens, most likely. I am so grateful for this impossible little person.

    Edit: Holy c**p this blew up. Thanks for the gold and silver, kind strangers - all firsts for me!

    Edit 2: To clarify, she will most likely know that she is adopted fairly early, as it will inevitably come up. The big f****d-up secret will be the dire circumstances of her gestation and (shockingly viable) birth. All she will know is that her biological mother wasn’t ready to give her the life she deserved, and we were. “Genes don’t make your family, love does.” She also has an older sibling, way too old to conceivably be mine, so the concept of a loving non-biological parent won’t be too farfetched for her.

    Edit 3: More details filled in, my wife remembers better than me (I didn’t actually meet her until our daughter was 2 years old). Will also add that my wife’s sister, while not involved in our little girl’s life at all, has been clean for a long while now and is doing quite well.

    everybodylovesrando Report

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids I‘m the child but my dad waited till I‘m grown up to tell me that my mom gave me a lot of sleeping pills when I was a little child, so she could leave me alone at home to maintain her relationship with her lover while my dad was working in another country.. that cleared up many things

    Edit: thanks for everyone wishing me well, I really appreciate that
    I‘m doing well and it doesn’t affected me beside that I don’t remember much about my childhood, but I didn’t suffer or whatever.
    Meanwhile I‘m dealing with depression and anxiety since a few years but I‘m not sure if this links to the drugging. But meanwhile I‘m pretty good at being depressed to be honest haha. Otherwise is my life really good.

    I want to clear up that I‘m In okay terms with my mom, she learned from her mistakes and I forgave her. I just don’t forgive her that she did my dad so dirty, my dad is the greatest person I’ve ever known and he deserves to be happy.

    anon , Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some parents don't deserve to keep their kids. This woman is both a bad mother and a bad person in general.

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    Just how abusive their biological father was to me and how neglectful he was of our eldest yet dependant on her emotionally. Also, that he never wanted a son and that he never had any interest in anything to do with our second born.

    My biggest fear is them seeing exactly what he did to me though...they don't notice the way my heart wants to leap out of my chest when there's a knock on the door. They think I won't let them play alone in the front yard because of cars going past, not because I'm scared their bio father may find them and snatch them. Same as how they believe I just hate big crowds and rude people pushing and shoving, not because I'm constantly on edge looking for that one face. They'll never know I broke down to their school principal about our past after seeing one of the exs Facebook posts. They'll never know the carefree person I used to be though and that sucks. eldest (just shy of 8 now) has started asking questions and being that one of her earliest memories is of coming home to me in a police car because, "daddy was too sick to take car of me so the police brought me home." I'm going to have to explain a little more soon enough. Its been 3.5 years since my kids have had any contact with him. Explaining the past terrifies me.

    TaterJade Report


    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids Not really f****d up but still a big secret. I've been living 5 1/2 hours away from my wife and daughter for the past 11 months. Every time I talk to my daughter she asks when am I coming home? Well little does she know that next Friday when her and her mom come for what she thinks is just a weekend visit they are actually coming to pick me up for good.

    Thanks everyone for all the kind words.

    To clarify a few things. My move was medically related.

    I got shot when I was 13 and this is in no way related to that.

    I am a social worker by trade but have not worked in the field these past 11 months due to my situation. I actually did an ama about it a few years ago.

    My wife and I did get divorced and yes we did co parent. However recently we have decided that the truth is we should have worked harder on being together and are giving it another go. I call her my wife because I never really stopped thinking of her that way.

    I mentioned being shot because people were checking my post history and seeing that I had been shot but not that it was when I was thirteen. People were wondering if that is why I had been away.

    I want to thank everyone for the incredible show of support and compassion. For all of the kind words. I would especially like to thank those who shared their personal stories of similar circumstances. Thank you for the gold and everything else. Honestly I am unable to properly express how your words brightened my day and will continue to provide encouragement.

    *Update*First of all thank you again for all the many kind words and the Show of support.
    My wife and daughter picked me up earlier this afternoon. We opted not to video the moment as it felt impersonal and we just wanted to truly enjoy each others company as we soaked in the monumental occasion. I definitely cried more than my daughter did. Over the course of the day she became more and more excited and exclaimed "I can't believe you are coming home" It has been a fantastic day.

    My_Grammar_Stinks , PNW Production Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids Long time listener, first time caller.
    My daughter, along with my parents, think I go to a desk job everyday but I’m actually at home working as a camgirl.

    xaxax_s , Kampus Production Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sex work is work. Power to her if she's making enough to support herself and a kid.

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids Adoptive parent of three kids two of which are biological siblings and cousins. Found out a year after the adoption that the biological parents were half siblings who shared the same dad. The bio parents found out after they had the first child and proceeded to have another. The kids are now 16 and 13 respectively and have zero clue that they are a product of incest. Unfortunately their biological grandpa just passed away, so there very well could be a big reveal coming in the near future.

    Tippett17 , Vlada Karpovich Report

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    Debby Keir
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    4 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To me, 'incest' takes 2 forms. One is where 2 people who KNOW they are closely related have or force a relationship. That's moral incest. In other cases, 2 people meet, fall in love and have kids, not knowing that they are related. It could just be donor sperm, so without the circumstances, this could just be truly sad, rather than morally repulsive.

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    Before I found out I was pregnant with my first child, I took a s**t ton of pills. I think it's the closest I've ever come to s*icide. I had always dealt with anxiety and depression. I feel like the extra hormones put me over the edge. I found out about a week later that I was pregnant (surprise). I was terrified the entire pregnancy that something would be wrong with him. Luckily, he was completely healthy and is an incredibly smart child. I've never told anyone. I feel so guilty.

    _Azalee_ Report

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    Earonn -
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Could someone please give OP a hug and tell her that it wasn't her fault?

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    After reading a bunch of these, I feel pretty good that my most f****d up secret is that I eat most of their halloween/easter/parade candy when they are at school.

    gidikh Report

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    Willie D'Kay
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is f-ed up. There is no excuse for stealing from kids. I never touch my kids' candy. But I don't need to when I have my own secret stash, lol.

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    My husband is in the Army and we live in South Korea. It cost $2k to ship our dog here so we decided to leave our cat with my husbands’ parents since they love that cat and we knew they’d take good care of him.

    I just learned this week while my husbands’ siblings are visiting us that our cat was eaten by a coyote months ago and my in-laws just never told us. Apparently their neighbors heard a coyote killing something in the middle of the night and the next morning they saw orange fur and cat body parts in their yard.

    We have an almost 5-year-old daughter was loves that cat and we have no idea how we’re going to tell her. She recently drew a picture of him to show her friends in Korea and even today talked about him and how much she misses him. It feels f****d up not telling her but it’ll destroy her sensitive little heart 😭.

    anon Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think that you might try telling her that the cat died in his sleep. It's sad, but a lot more comforting than being told that he got eaten by a coyote.

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    That I (Dad) fell into a real deep depression after he was born that lasted several weeks or months and was borderline s*icidal.

    I was real confused and not sure how to deal with it, because all the dads I knew never talked about it. Most said things along the lines of: "The day my kid was born was the best day of my life", turns out a lot of that was revisionist b******t. It wasn't until after I started asking other dads about what I went through and many said they went through the same thing, also thinking they were the only ones to feel that way after their kid was born.

    We all talk about postpartum depression in women, but never in men. I didn't know it was a thing until much later. So if you are a new dad and feeling in the dumpster, go get help, but you aren't the only one.

    anon Report

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    Huddo's sister
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My best friend's husband (and her) became depressed when she was expecting their second child. She got help but he didn't, other than sleeping with a co-worker.

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids My son was planned, but after separating from his father when my son was 8 months old and having basically nowhere to go/no way to actually take care of us on our own, many many times I thought about the possibility of dropping him off at the hospital and skipping town. I never did, and he is eight now and we are very happy.

    IAmTheAccident , Pixabay Report

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    Earonn -
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And who can blame OP. It's so easy to scream about "the holiness of life" and demand especially mothers to 'make sacrifices', but it's a very different thing to create a society in which single parents get enough support not to have to consider abandoning their children.

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    The sheer volume of BDSM related toys hidden in our bedroom. There's also a 50/50 chance our eldest was conceived in a fetish club.

    Edit : let's clear this up - I am a fetishist, more specifically a submissive and a masochist, NOT a swinger. Since meeting my husband we have been sexually monogamous, although I have engaged in fetish play with other people at clubs etc.

    anon Report

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    Earonn -
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What consenting adults do is no one else's business, and from experience I can tell that I'd rather be conceived by loving parents in a fetish club than through marital rape. Probably would also have given me a better childhood and actual love from my mother.

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    Money is tighter than I'd like it to be. My daughter's Easter gift this year is a brand new expensive hair straightener that somebody else gave me as payback for doing them a favor. My son's Easter gift this year is a Lego set from my childhood. My mom kept most of our stuff in good shape in original boxes.

    Stelly414 Report


    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids That my dad k*lled himself and I found the body. They have an amazing life and I don't want them to dwell on the fact that something so dark could happen to someone so close to them. They're 8 and 11, and I have no plans to tell them until maybe their 20's. When they ask, I just say he was very sick. When they press for details, which they have, I come right out and say "I'd rather not talk about it. Maybe when you're older.".

    RennTibbles , Francisco Gonzalez Report

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    Earonn -
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That actually sounds like a good idea to me. That way the children don't feel lied to later, they are kinda prepared for what's to come but still aren't overwhelmed by something they might be too young to process.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids My bad health. She is two and she just wants mommy to play.

    How do you explain cancer to a two year old?

    SNAFU2019 , Ivan Samkov Report

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    Huddo's sister
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Work out how to say it in the simplest way, like 'mummy is sick' or 'it hurts mummy to play right now' and that is probably all that is needed at the time for a two year old. Fingers crossed the cancer is treatable and you can explain more later as needed.

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    I'm hiding alot of things- I used to be a stripper for 10 years, growing up in an abusive house, I partied hard and used to be part of NYC & Montreal club scene, that I was kidnapped and taken to another country. There's alot of things... Now I'm just a boring accountant mom to everyone. No one has any clue what I've been through. Crazy what your kids don't know about you.

    idontknowanything469 Report


    I had a late term medical abortion booked when I was maybe 19 weeks pregnant I think. I couldn’t tell you exactly.

    But to cut it short I was the sickest pregnant woman my doc had ever seen. I need a PICC line and NJ tube because I wasn’t able to keep even a single sip of water down. Because I’m a type one diabetic and I got so sick so fast, my body started to shut down and I went into metabolic acidosis. I ended up missing the abortion appointment because I was in the ICU having the acidosis treated.

    When I was starting to turn a corner and heal a little bit they wheeled in the machine to do a bedside ultrasound. I was expecting to be told she had died while I was so sick. F**k, I almost died.

    I was bracing myself to hear “I’m sorry, we can’t find a heartbeat” and what I got was “oh WOW, look at that baby girl MOVE!!” Guess my doc was expecting the same as me. I didn’t know her gender before that.

    It hit me, really hard. Harder than being told I was pregnant in the first place. Couldn’t go through with it and never booked a new appointment.

    I have no intention of telling my daughter that I literally made the decision that my life was more important than hers, even though in the end I realized my error.

    Greyskiesgreeneyes Report

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    Earonn -
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Someone please hug OP and tell her that to choose her own life is perfectly okay. Those who demand parents to be saints are just shits - nobody has a right to demand that from anyone. Not even someone who was willing to give their life themselves.

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    My dad told me my mom had vertigo which is why she fell down a lot. It only took me until I was 6 that i found out she was an alcoholic.

    dyingofdysentery Report


    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids That we're divorced.

    Years before they came along, spouce and I decided it wasn't working out and got divorced. Years later, things still weren't working out fantastically for both of us, so we got back together. Never did get around to getting remarried though.

    ParentsThrowAway559 , cottonbro studio Report

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    Huddo's sister
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't think that sort of legality is needed or makes a difference whether it is known or not. You are living together as parents, that's all that will matter to the kids (if it's a good relationship).

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    My mother hid the existence of a whole extra child from us for the first decade of my life. When you’re the oldest child and you wish for a big sister but know it’s not going to happen, it might still happen.

    Dinoscores Report

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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a sister three years older than me who lives in another state. Never met her, because I'm adopted and my birthmom's dead.

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids My wife is not the biological mother of our twins. We did IVF and their biological mother was an egg donor from a country in South America. My wife carried them and gave birth to them, but has no biological connection. We'll tell them some day when they're older.

    It's a little bit strange, but one looks exactly like me at that age, and the other one looks very much like my brother.

    Edit: For anyone wondering, our twins are 8.5 years old and my side of the family has known the truth from a time long before the procedure occurred. For whatever reason my wife decided to tell her family that she was the egg donor, I the sperm donor, and that we did IVF because we were older and needed medical help to get her preggers. I never understood why, but went along with it because it was what she wanted.

    I will broach the subject when my wife gets back in country from a long work trip. Thanks again to the people of Reddit for helping to open my eyes about the impact of waiting too long to tell our kids the truth.

    Brewbouy , Getty Images Report

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    Huddo's sister
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The counsellor that is mandatory to see twice before the IVF process in my state in Australia, advised it is a good idea to tell you children right from the start (birth) about how they came into being.

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids My dad has a second wife in a different country.

    I got the news from my sibling who lives there, but little does my father know that my brother has told me. My mom doesn’t know about my fathers second wife. Not sure how this will play out in the future. I hope it really doesn’t. The screen writer just forgot to finish this part of my film.

    Edit: Thank you all who are wishing me good luck, encouraging me to do something, and who are asking me questions.

    Your questions are like therapy to me ATM.

    Update- my dad is an arrogant man. It’s 6/4/2019, 4:17am my mom knows. She got the news steadily starting from 6/3/2019, 11:30pm by my dad. She’s been screaming, asking questions and demanding action. My mom is overall a wise, strong woman. This is the latest proof that Most men are pigs. Peace out. I pray for people to be truthful and honest with themselves and others.

    - random, but not random thought- Clear and honest communication is the key to a beautiful life. ...

    anon , Radik 2707 Report

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    Panda McPandaface
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I understand the reaction but most men are not pigs - any more than most women are 81tches. Some are, on both sides, that's for sure.

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    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids We are so poor. They're little so they don't notice. But we struggle a lot to pay the rent and buy groceries.
    Edit a bit of background: we had our kids kind of young. We were both in grad school. So we're in a weird spot because we both have fancy sounding degrees that your average person would assume turned into a well paying job. I am now a postdoc, and we are notoriously underpaid. Sometimes I think "wow, I have a PhD, you'd think I'd be smart enough to work out how to get more money..." but I moved the family internationally for this job, which is another thing that would make you think we had everything sorted out.

    Philieselphy , Nicola Barts Report

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    Willie D'Kay
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They often say to not put off life events (such as starting a family) until everything is perfect and you're perfectly ready or else you will be waiting forever and miss out. However, maybe having kids when you're both practically career students and possibly racking up enormous amounts of student debt is not the best kind of family planning.


    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids My father found out when he was in his 40’s that his father was not his biological father. His mother (my grandmother) literally cheated on her husband with the milk man.

    merrymordor , Pixabay Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids I was the kid in the scenario.

    When I was like 12, my dad died of leukemia. He was never around much so I didn't see him often, but that was never the secret. I actually remember the day he took off and left us; woke up one morning and there was a pile of new toys on the living room floor with a note for mom.

    Anyway, he started coming around when he received the prognosis. We developed something resembling a positive relationship before he died. When he passed it absolutely destroyed me. I still remember the funeral. I had to be dragged kicking and screaming out of the car because I didn't want to see it. In his will he left me his car - a Camaro, that I was supposed to get when I turned 16. His parents fought tooth and nail to keep it from me (they were really s****y people, his entire side of the family was), and we eventually just told them to f**k off and keep the damn thing.

    Fast-forward about 15 years. I find out the guy that died was not actually my dad - he was my brothers' dad. My real, biological dad has been living in the next town over, twenty minutes from my house, my entire life. My entire family knew about it, except for me. It was why my "grandparents" fought to keep the car - they knew I was not his son (I still don't know if HE knew or not, but I assume so).

    My maternal grandmother has met him several times in my life. My mom said she never thought it was anything worth digging up. Said she intended for me to never find out.

    I've still never spoken to him. I know a name and an approximation of where he lives (as of about ten years ago). Beyond that, I know jack about the guy. Grandma said if I ever want to meet him, she would help me contact him. Dunno if I ever will.

    Edit 1: after laying all this out, and thinking more about it, there's no possible way the dead "dad" did not know I was not his kid.

    Edit 2: for everyone asking me about the lady asking if I'm her husband: no, I am not married.

    supahfligh , Nathan Cowley Report

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    My wife and I each have a child from a previous marriage. Both of our ex-spouses were abusive cheaters. Both children still adore and idolize their other parent and we just keep smiling and nodding.

    This probably isn't the type of thing OP was asking, but it is a secret that we will maintain for years.

    Pincipello Report

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    Michael Largey
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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some day each child will ask their parent "Why did you and dad/mom get divorced?"


    “I Hope They Never Find Out”: 50 Secrets That Parents Swear They’ll Never Tell Their Kids Grandpa's not their grandpa. I didn't find out until I was 30 that my dad adopted me and my mom was married to someone else when I was born.

    My 15-year-old was looking at those DNA kits in the store. "I wonder what surprises it would find!" *Oh, more than you think, sweetie.*

    I'll tell them some day. Just not where what the right time is. Then again, that's what my parents told me when i asked why they never told me about bio-dad until he reached out to me and blew their secret.

    ThePrevailer , SHVETS production Report

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    4 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wished people would stop phrasing it like that. He IS their grandpa, he's just not their BIOLOGICAL grandpa.

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    After all the acid we did, we thought you kids would be flipper babies.

    Blacklight_Fever Report

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    Willie D'Kay
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    2 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Somehow joking about d**g babies isn't quite that funny to me.


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