Someone Asks People To Share The Most Terrifying Thing They’ve Seen, Man Shares What It Feels Like To Be Murdered
There is a social stigma when it comes to talking openly about mental illnesses and the impact they have on people’s lives. Many people out there are battling with various disorders and are afraid to open up. But sharing these stories can be important in helping others understand mental health because each story is unique.
Some time ago, somebody asked Reddit users to share the ‘most terrifying thing they’ve seen in real life’, and one user named Nahimgoodu decided to share his experience. What started out as a ‘spooky’ themed forum, turned into a very important lesson about mental health issues and how they can affect people in horrible ways.
Scroll down to read the story yourself, and don’t forget to tell us what you think in the comments!
More info: Nahimgoodu
Not long ago one forum asked their users to share the ‘most terrifying thing they’ve seen in real life’
Image credits: Maraisea
What they didn’t expect was to receive a heartbreaking response by a user named Nahimgoodu
Image credits: Pauline Palita
Image credits: Olenka Kotyk
Needless to say, his story touched many people
Share on FacebookAlthough the details of this experience are horrifying, I applaud the courage it took to reveal this story. It provides insight into a world most of us will never know and, perhaps, will help some who are trained to better help those who suffer. My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine your pain. But be assured there are people who care.
I have nothing but love for this person. I just want to help him/her
Although the details of this experience are horrifying, I applaud the courage it took to reveal this story. It provides insight into a world most of us will never know and, perhaps, will help some who are trained to better help those who suffer. My heart goes out to you. I can't imagine your pain. But be assured there are people who care.
I have nothing but love for this person. I just want to help him/her