Double standards are everywhere and they’re out in the open—you don’t even need a magnifying glass to spot them. Whether in real life or in media, we’re constantly bombarded with examples of how men and women are treated and portrayed differently even though we’re talking about the same thing.

Reddit user Meet_Me_In_Heaven asked their fellow redditors to share the most egregious examples of double standards that "disgust" them, so have a look below, and let us know what you think they say about the state of society in the 21st century, dear Readers. Upvote the double standards that you agree have no place in the modern world and share your own examples in the comments.

One crucial real-life issue and pervasive gender double standard that we’ve been hearing and writing about is that the Covid-19 pandemic disproportionally affects women. Not only have women been shown to be more at risk of losing their jobs during the lockdowns, but they also spend more unpaid time at home doing chores and taking care of family members. Even in developed countries, there’s still an expectation that women ought to do the lion’s share of the housework.


People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) I'm a straight male. I went to a gay bar with some gay women and their straight married women friends. One of the straight women was being basically sexually harrassed by another gay woman there, to the point of being chased around the table, all the while saying she was married to a guy and she wanted nothing to do with it. The whole bar was laughing. If I did that to a woman in a regular bar, I'd get my ass kicked, thrown out, or arrested.

Hebshesh , Joe Wolf Report


    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) It's okay for men to not want kids, but women are "broken" or will "change their mind" if they say the same.

    Notwillurs , Keren Fedida Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm almost 36 and been in a relationship for 6 years. If I wanted to have kids, I would have them by now. Still get asked when we'll finally have children by friends and family over and over again. Get treated like a villain for refusing to give children to my partner (who doesn't want to have kids either).

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Child predators. Both men and women should receive the same charges.

    Illimani_again , Report

    To learn more about the unequal distribution of housework and other tasks and what can be done to change it, Bored Panda reached out to relationship expert Dan Bacon, the founder of The Modern Man, who gave us some insights on what can be done to share the load. In short, he explained that communication, respect for each other’s choices, and mutual support are key to a healthy relationship. Especially during these difficult times.


    “Both a man and a woman should always show gratitude towards each other and from that, you will both feel happier about being loving towards each other because you know the other person appreciates what you are doing,” relationship expert Dan highlighted that thanking someone for taking the initiative with chores, instead of berating them for usually ‘not doing enough,’ yields far better results.

    For Dan, it’s important not just what we say in relationships, but how we say it.


    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Men get pockets big enough to hold all their stuff while women get fake pockets that are sewn shut, or a micro pocket that can't fit anything.

    surebegrandlike , planet coline Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    😭😭😭 this is just sad ...I can never find pants with pockets :(

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) When movies need an ugly guy, they hire an ugly actor. When they need an ugly girl, they hire a smoking hot actress and put glasses on her

    imaLilT-pot , Buena Vista Pictures Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People were stunned when they found out that Charlize Theron is a great actress when she put on weight for "Monster" and that she's not only a pretty face (she's stunning by the way!)

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    Society has been making money off of women’s bodies/sexuality forever and no one cares.
    A woman makes money off her own body/sexuality and it’s suddenly a problem.

    SassySavcy Report

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    Mike Crow
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is very true. What is the issue if a woman decides to be a sex worker (physical or online) out of her own free will?

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    Relationship expert Dan gave an example where he heard from a man who was cleaning up the bathroom and found his wife complaining about how he was doing things. This led to an argument and the couple didn’t speak for a couple of days.

    “He was very upset that she didn’t appreciate his proactive approach to helping out. All of that stress could have been avoided if she walked in and said something like, ‘Oh, thanks, honey. You’re cleaning the bathroom. That’s one less thing for me to do. Thank you.’ Then, if she wanted him to clean the bathroom the way she normally does it, she could ask, ‘Do you want to know how I get those stains out?’ or, ‘Do you want me to tell you some of the ways I do it that makes it easier?’ and if he then said yes, she could tell him,” Bacon gave some practical examples of effective communication.


    “If he said no and ended up causing damage to the bathroom for example (unlikely, of course) or not cleaning it properly, she could then talk to him about it and ask why he thought it turned out that way, after all the good effort he put in. He could then realize his mistake, feel supported by her and decide that he probably should have asked her how to do it first, or continued cleaning until he got it done right.”


    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) I was at the park working out a few years ago and on a bench was a couple arguing. The girl proceeds to slap the crap out of her boyfriend. She then goes for another, but the dude blocked her and held her wrist. The girl then burst into tears and questions why he hurt her like that.

    To myself I was thinking, wait you can hit him but when he defends himself its wrong?

    RRDude1000 , Vera Arsic Report


    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) That men can't be raped or physically/mentally abused.

    mmm-pistol-whip , RODNAE Report


    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Women things like baking or cooking are just for women until it's a profession, and then it's for men.

    ShovelingSunshine , Forte Village Resort Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh yeah. If I say a word "a cook" you will most likely think of a woman. While when I say "a chef" it will probably be a man. And I wouldn't blame you - it's the same in my own head but it's just so wrong and sad nevertheless.

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    According to Dan, by choosing not to attack our partners verbally for their ‘mistakes,’ we avoid making them go on the defensive. This reduces stress, helps maintain the relationship, and, in very practical terms, helps deal with the double standard of how housework is distributed.

    “They remain in love. They feel supported, appreciated, respected and there is no need for an angry, resentful war to break out over little mistakes or errors. Of course, approaching conversations like that also applies to a man talking to his girlfriend or wife who is doing something around the house,” the expert pointed out that it goes both ways.

    “For example, if his wife is doing more than normal around the house, a man should be supportive of her, appreciative and respectful, rather than just expecting that she should do it because she’s a woman. No one has to do anything in a relationship. It’s always a choice. This is why you should always come from a place of love and support, rather than in an angry, attacking way where you essentially become enemies who are trying to beat each other in a pointless, ‘I’m a better person than you’ war.”


    While there are plenty of double standards out there, at least we’re better equipped to deal with one of them—sharing housework and other tasks during the pandemic through small changes in how we communicate and show gratitude.


    When a girl is into more traditionally manly stuff nobody bats an eye, but when a guy is into traditionally feminine stuff people give him funny looks and question his sexuality

    zamememan Report


    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Abusive behavior is funny when coming from a woman. I pointed out to my husband that in movies and TV shows, women get upset by a man's actions and slap him and no one bats an eye. Showing a woman hitting a man normalizes this cruelty and it needs to stop.

    LadyEvilNightQueen Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can’t stand it when I see a woman slap a man and it’s considered acceptable.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) How it's okay for men to go to strip clubs but strippers are looked down upon or made fun of by society.

    turtlepie90 , Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Many people who are strippers are very well educated and a lot are also studying. Stripping is a way for them to make ends meet. As long as it is THEIR choice and they aren’t being forced or pressured into it, then I don’t see an issue.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Pedophile teachers, when it's a man, you tend to see "Male teacher raped student", and when they're women it's normally "Female teacher had sex with student", I despise the downplaying of it when the teacher is a woman, and seeing comments like "that kid should be lucky, his teacher is hot" disgusts me.

    PuppeteerGaming_ , Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They did it on Dawsons creek, affair with teacher...woohoo go Pacey. It is horrible, all girls school here had rumors of teacher having relations with student, nothing happened, another teacher married an ex student a year or so after she graduated. Now years on I realise that would have been considered grooming. So horrible

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Body shaming men. Make fun of a woman’s boob size and people are aghast. Make fun of someone’s d**k size and that’s hilarious. Slag on a woman’s weight and that’s a no-no, but ‘I only date six feet and taller’ is acceptable. They are things a person really can’t do much about, and both being socially linked to equate manliness.

    calliegrey Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Adrianna should probably take a moment to question the significance of her own existence.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) A woman with her kids is "taking care", a man with his kids is "babysitting"

    eeyoremarie , Juliane Liebermann Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is pathetic! Anyone who suggests I'm babysitting my kid will get a earful from me..

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Men or boys who are sexually abused by women are told to feel lucky. People will joke, 'Where was that teacher when I was in school?' and disregard that being a male victim is a big deal. But sexual abuse messes with you no matter your gender, and being a male survivor is also hard.

    ImInOverMyHead95 , RODNAE Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, yes, yes. I know someone who was raped by a woman and when he went to the police they laughed at him. In 30 years he has not had a partner or interest in having one because of that experience.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Daughters are raised and taught to clean and cook while sons get cleaned up after. My mother got upset with me when I suggested my younger brother learn to take out the trash or do a single chore. When I was his age, I was cooking and cleaning and helping take care of him while getting good grades in school and doing extracurriculars.

    ItsD_D , Report

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    Aroace tiger
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    O. M. G this isn't to do with gender because I'm a girl but my sister is 10 I used to do work when I was 10 I understand how annoying it is

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    Overweight male actors always get cast opposite gorgeous actresses as their love interests and nobody bats an eye. Overweight actresses are rarely allowed to be lead love interests in the first place, and when they are, they're more likely to be paired with less conventionally attractive men.

    easy0lucky0free Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And if perchance they are the lead, it's usually for comical reasons. Also, lead actresses are super skinny with super fat bff for comic relief, never the other way round. But where's the between? Average bodies that are neither skinny nor fat, with flabby tammies and saggy boobs are never portrayed even though more people could relate.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Those romantic comedies with the cliché beautiful and smart woman married to the dumbest guy who is lucky to have her. Swap the roles and see people flip out.

    Devistator , Universal Pictures Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My roles are swapped. My hubby is smart, funny and goddam hot as whilst I am not that bright, not very funny and I look like a dogs breakfast. I often wonder HOW I managed to get a catch like I did.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) I’m a young guy. One of my female coworkers slapped my ass about a month ago. I didn’t say anything because I really didn’t care too much, but if the roles were reversed I’d be out of here faster than I could say sexual harassment.

    piratestarx38 , Andrea Piacquadio Report


    Dads are “superhuman” when they take care of baby, cook/clean/etc, or just parent in general. But women are “doing what comes naturally” when we work a full time job while pregnant, go back to work weeks after major trauma, are expected to breastfeed AND work, keep the house, raise good kids, and are somehow bad moms if we complain and feel overwhelmed.

    Ninjaa240 Report


    Women who either have sex, love sex, or have a great deal of it when they are single are considered loose. Meanwhile, if a guy has a lot of sex, then he’s just being a guy.

    InformallyGuavaCado Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also when women have sex on the first date are considered easy and not relationship-material

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Women are 'supposed' to clean the inside of the house while men do yard work. One day, my husband's friend called him while we were cleaning the house. His friend said, 'Uh oh. In trouble with the wifey?' No! He just lives here, too.

    amandadear , cottonbro Report


    If men play video games, it’s normal and expected. If men like sports, it’s normal and expected. If men enjoy something like skateboarding, it’s normal and expected.

    But if a woman does any of those things, she’s only doing it to impress men and couldn’t possibly actually like them herself.

    seahawksgirl89 Report

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    wandile dludlu
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That goes both ways, if a guy likes netball, ballet, sewing or anything that has been traditionally been done by mostly women for decades or centuries... he will be called gay or a sissy

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) As a man, I could go to the doctor and get a vasectomy tomorrow if I wanted to. A woman has to have like two or three kids and be married for most doctors to even consider performing a tubal ligation.

    dsayre1986 , Maheen Fatima Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Of course women should be able to have the same choice as men. Just speculating though: could the reluctance of doctors to do tubal ligation simply be, because it is a more complicated procedure than vasectomies?

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) I’m an 18-24 year old guy, and I work with kids.

    It’s disgusting the amount of protocols and procedures there are to keep me from being alone with kids, but there are almost NONE for the female staff I work with.

    wharepaku1999 , nappy Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is really sad. There are less and less men working with children because of this and peoples ideas that “men are bad”. All children need a male role model and they don’t always get it at home, so having a male teacher, student councillor, social worker can be extremely beneficial. There are more good men than bad, it is just we hear more bad than good. These men are our husbands, fathers, children, friends etc, we need to stop tarring men with the same brush.

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    Even if I, the father, am listed as the primary contact on every single contact form for my kids, the school will still call my wife first. Even after being the only parent the teachers and school have ever seen during drop-offs and pickups, the school still insists on waiting to talk to my wife to 'discuss something about your child,' even though I'm right there.

    geeky_username Report

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    Kari Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honestly, I would make that public. Call the press or otherwise make a scene. That‘s patronising. It’s YOUR child and you‘re an intelligent human being ffs!

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    Dad works late, gunning for the big promotion: “What a great provider!”

    Dad leaves early to pick up sick kids from daycare: “What a great dad! So wholesome.”

    Mom stays late, guns for the big promotion: “How can she neglect her kids like that?”

    Mom leaves early to pick up sick kids: “Figures, she was never really committed to the job.”

    Unknown_Stonefruit Report

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    Shelli Aderman
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Depends on the job. Sounds like a toxic environment, and not at all like most places that employ humans.

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    Women get so much sh*t for being “too choosy” with men and “not giving them a chance” and in general get called uppity, picky snobs because they won’t go out with certain guys.
    But when those same women are victims of date rape/violence/murder, they get blamed and people say that they should have been more careful

    whatever132435 Report

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    Truth Monster
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Women should be choosy, especially if you want children. Childrearing is a long, expensive and trying time. Having a reliable partner that will stay with you when times are hard is invaluable. It literally used to mean the difference between death and survival.

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    I'm a trans guy, and people listen to me as male way more than they did as female

    Spencer2091 Report


    Single mothers are seen as a red flag and are blamed for choosing a deadbeat as their child’s father. But single fathers are considered a great catch and are praised for 'stepping up.

    shaylaa30 Report

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    El Dee
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This must be a new thing. Single mothers have always existed in greater numbers and in the town I was raised in it's always been a big thing. But whilst single mothers would always be able to find a partner, if they wanted to, single fathers were usually avoided. Most women, back in the day, didn't want to bring up someone else's kids. Harsh but true..

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    Female domestic violence victims get lots of support, while male victims get laughed at.

    AngryTomato99 Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is one reason why I do not support white ribbon day. It should not be violence against women and children but violence against anyone. There are absolutely F**K all domestic violence services for men, especially shelters. It infuriates me so much, especially since a lot of homeless men are victims of domestic violence.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Women rarely get complimented for the things men get complimented for: assertiveness, accomplishments, or basically any intentional act. While men rarely get complimented for the things that women get complimented for: their appearance or personality characteristics that make others feel good.

    PTSDaway , Amina Filkins Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe we should just compliment each other more often, particularly for the things that make life more joyful yet are routine.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Mens nips arent censored but for some reason women's nips are.

    ImmaTakinAShit , istolethetv Report

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    Shelli Aderman
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    True! (And bring that apostrophe over to “aren’t, from above, please!) 😉

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) When a woman cries, it's viewed as normal.
    When a man cries, he's told to man up.

    MinutesTaker , Julien Harneis Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I actually like it when a man cries and I don’t mean that I get some sick gratification from the pain of others. I mean I just like it coz it means they are comfortable within themselves to show their emotions.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Clothes from the women’s section fall apart after six months.

    Meanwhile I have a 15-year-old shirt from the men’s section that I still wear.

    Pseudonymico , Artem Beliaikin Report


    If a girl is 21 and a virgin she's considered pure. If a guy is 21 and a virgin he's a loser.

    AdministrationSad226 Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah, as a teenager I wondered how that was supposed to work. In order to get the best ratio of "cool guys" and "pure girls" that would mean all guys would have to have lots of sex with a single girl? Would that be the "mega-slut" or would she be considered as providing a service to society (making the dudes cool and keeping the other girls "pure")? Idk.

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    Men who don't smile: Thinking, serious, determined.

    Women who don't smile: B****y and uninteresting.

    I've never heard of a man getting asked why they didn't smile for something.

    grizzfan Report

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    I want cake
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one really gets me. I get told to smile all the time. I'm not a naturally smiley person. I'm not even a naturally happy person - I'll smile when I darn well feel like it. I once got told on the metro that I'd look prettier if I smiled. My dad was in hospital and we didn't know if he would survive, and this absolute womble tells me to smile. His defence : "how was I supposed to know?". So I told him, "you don't, that's why you keep your trap shut."

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    When a woman is direct to employees at work she is a b***h. When a man is direct to his employees he’s a leader.

    ljm5119 Report

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    Donkey boi
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry, from my personal experience I disagree with this one, There's being a leader then there's being an A-hole. there is a fine line between being direct and being an A-hole. Doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman.

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    Men: I'm a 34in waist and size M shirt in EVERY. SINGLE. STORE.
    Women: Sizes are called different things in each country, and the naming convention bears no relationship to the actual size (what is the 6 in size 6 supposed to signify?)

    helenmaryskata Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I call BS. I'm a 34 to 38 in one sizing method and 44 to 46 in another. Depending on the year, shop etc. I have rarely been the same size. Even better was when I bought a pair of trousers in H&M, next year I had put on 5 kilos so I went for another pair of the same jeans, I fit perfectly into the same size. I now never bother looking at sizes, I just take a handful of trousers into the changing room and try them on till one fits. Even once with some Bear Grylls trousers, they were marketed as 104cm (perfect for me) when they arrived, they didn't fit. I measured them.. 98cms. This an industry problem more than women/men one.

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    A bad dad can lose custody but many times a bad mom won't.

    LumberZach69 Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hear hear, just because you are a mum doesn’t mean you are a good one. It should ALWAYS be what is in the best interests of the child, NOT what society expects or is used to etc.

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    Could not fathom having to give up their family name at marriage, but pressures his wife to do it without a second thought.

    turasatana Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It used to be that the woman passed from being the property of her father to that of her husband. That is where the taking of the name came from. As a side note, my brother took the name of his 1st wife and when they divorced and he re-married he still used that name and my new SiL uses it as well.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Single father's taking their kids to the park and watching them play while they get stares from every other parent or ppl passing by.

    MomoIsGay , Anete Lusina Report


    When men come out and accuse priests or other old men who abused them they aren't interrogated as to why they didn't say it sooner. With the 'Me Too' movement backlash, we see that women are dismissed and not believed when they talk about their abuse years later.

    mostlycoder Report

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    El Dee
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Women are dismissed constantly and accused of trying to get on the gravy train of claiming compensation. This is even when the complaint was made at the time and disbelieved. I'm always shocked at women being complicit in this nonsense, I feel like they've been conditioned into believing it by those with a vested interest ie the perpetrators..

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    Straight girls can hold hands, lock fingers, cuddle, shower, and kiss each other. Two guys can’t even make eye contact without being gay-shamed.

    uke_bass_bro994 Report


    When a guy gets with a bunch of chicks, he’s a “stud”. When a girl gets with a bunch of guys, she’s a “sl*t”.

    LithicPlays Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There should be a common word for both men and women and it should mean "it's their life, none of my business"

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    Being over looked for a role (between 20-35) because I might become pregnant.

    hopalongsmiles Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The one solution to this is for men and women to have the same amount of maternity leave and the same legal minimum time off. In Spain this year both men and women will get 4 month maternity/paternity leave. Now they need to add, for example, that both must leaglly take a minimum of 3 months each. Once this happens, the risk to the employer is the same for either sex so no preferences.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) I work in a woman dominated field (library) and a good portion of my coworkers are self-proclaimed feminists. They constantly complain about "The Patriarchy" while being hateful, sexist group of humans towards the men in the building.

    Deweyfinn551 , Kampus Production Report

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    Kari Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also working in a library that is part of a large university: It‘s not quite as bad here, but one thing that drives me nuts: Our university has an 'equality' department. Yet, they only tend to women: They hold women-only university-wide meetings, they send emails to women about holiday camps for their children, they have a campaign against sexual abuse with a confidential email address - put only in women‘s bathrooms. So male workers have no children? Male workers/students face no abuse? I truly hate it from my guts. Pointed that injustice out to one of their members once. She told me women have it worse and that men don’t need anyone lobbying for them.

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    Expecting women to keep up a constant and rigorous beauty routine while men are doing very little to maintain their own attractiveness.

    celestialism Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am a teenage girl, and I don’t even care about makeup. I spent about 5 minutes doing my hair, and pick out cute outfits for school. People tell me I should do more to please the guys. Meanwhile my brother combs his hair and is told he’s trying to hard.

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    Women can't be topless in the heat like men.

    bett7yboop Report

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    Luther von Wolfen
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In some states women can be topless. Most choose not to. I agree that the law should be equal for everyone. Free the nipple.

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    In popular media, we often see certain portrayals of characters that reinforce gender double standards. Consider how animated figures have been given 'baby face' aesthetics to appeal to certain audiences.


    This concept ties into broader societal representations, as explored in the discussion on child-like features in animated characters, highlighting how seemingly innocent designs can perpetuate unrealistic standards.


    Nobody defines a womans sexuality from whether she's wearing pants or a dress. But when a man wears a dress everybody wants to make assumptions.

    SpixyRAMEN Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well. Women fought for being allowed to wear trousers. Perhaps it’s time for men to fight for acceptance wearing dresses/skirts.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Men point out every woman driver doing something wrong. Ignore all of the male drivers doing something wrong.

    tirednwired , Jim Legans, Jr Report


    The body Positivity movement. Fat women are "strong, independent, beautiful" and fat men are just fat men. Either have both, or nothing.

    IDKanymoretho Report

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    El Dee
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Aesthetics are unimportant and the body image issues forced on our daughters are toxic. However, health should be a priority, the only priority. If you're in your healthy weight range - you're not fat. If you're over it, lose weight. Likewise if you're UNDER it you need to gain some too..

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Bisexual women are sexualized.

    Bisexual men are shunned.

    Jack_Pecke , Kamaji Ogino Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The girls at my school say “I’m bisexual, but I would never date a girl. Like, ew” and there are TONS of those same girls. Meanwhile, there are maybe 2 or 3 out men at my school because they are afraid.

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    Nobody looks twice at an overweight guy at the pool with no shirt on but if it were an overweight woman in a bikini everyone thinks its gross.

    killaahhhhhhhhh Report


    No matter their skills, men are treated like they know more about any given subject, while women always have to prove their knowledge.

    realhumanperson247 Report


    A grown woman with “daddy issues” is laughed at while the man who abandoned her as a young child and was a sh*tty role model has no consequences.

    will_dog2019 Report


    Men can look like Bigfoot or a Star Wars Chewbacca and it's okay. If a woman has a tiny bit of hair anywhere other than her head, people will get grossed out.

    BigBootyWaifus Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why are people looking, so bizarre. I won't lie, armpit hair revealed on girls takes a second, but that is just a moment to adjust to their norm, no different than the mind scramble made when discussing shaving or waxing, waxing is owie.

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    Dress codes that only apply to men. I have gone to many restaurants or clubs where men have to wear long trousers, a collared shirt, and sometimes a jacket and tie. Women would wear short dresses, hot pants, or sheer outfits. Someone please explain why these ‘codes’ only apply to men?

    bunnyneptune Report


    I can go out looking like a freshly awakened zombie & won't get any complaints. Women are expected to dress & look like models, even if they're buying produce at the grocery store.

    BigBootyWaifus Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There comes a point in everyone's lives where they don't focus about that anymore. I used to put decent clothes on to take out the garbage. Now the neighbours can see me in my pajamas for all I care.

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Only men can be priests in the catholic church. It's outdated and prejudice against women.

    anonymous , Stijn Goris Report

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    Dave P
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is their religion, their choice, don't like it, don't be catholic. In Islam women cannot be Imams, in many other religions they have similar restrictions. Religions have their rules and beliefs and it is very bigoted, narrowminded, an regressive to try and impose your personal beliefs onto others religions. Don't like this about Catholicism, then don't be Catholic.

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    Making fun of a balding man is perfectly acceptable form of jest or rejection. Making fun of any physical deficiency or rejecting a woman based on looks is cruel and vilified.

    Asymmetric_Sapper Report

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    El Dee
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a result of just how much women are judged on their looks and men more for character. If you're female you don't get the chance to show who you are, how you look decides on how you are treated. It's so ingrained that other women are doing it too..

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    Mothers who work shouldn’t have had kids if they wanted someone else to raise their kids. Fathers who work are just working for their family’s future.

    RettieSpaghetti Report

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    When my husband does his own laundry, people are confused and ask why. Why should I need to do a grown man’s laundry when we both work full-time? Yet, my husband has never been asked about not doing my laundry.

    kait09tales Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why do people know, why is this anyones business, is he complaining, bragging ?

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    When the husband works and the wife stays home with the children, the family is "productive" or "successful", but when the wife works and the husband stays home with the kids, the husband is a dead weight and the wife is being overworked.

    bloodknife92 Report

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    Vince Calabrese
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My mom goes to work and my dad stays home with us. Kids make fun of my sister for it! It doesn’t matter!

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    Women are constantly told about the dangers of sex, ridiculed for wanting or having it, and dealing with how difficult it is to get birth control. Meanwhile, men are told nothing about how to be safe and make their partner comfortable, but are given a pat on the back and are showered with condoms.

    RoseNTheGiantLilypad Report

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    Shelli Aderman
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Again, nope. Let’s take a look inward here, and realize that WE are responsible for raising our sons to respect women and men, (depending on what their preferences will be as they grow up). We’ve raised both our children that consent is the most important thing.

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    A man who is quiet is stoic. A woman who is quiet is passive/submissive.

    ccc_dsl Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Next time you meet a stoic Man, ask him to kneel, see what happens 😁

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    The draft. If you are male, it's widely agreed and politically acceptable to force you to go fight and die for your country. People would be up in arms if women were forced to do this.

    ultra_casual Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Though there are several countries that have compulsory military service for both men and women with Israel being the most well known.

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    Some girls think "omg can you be my gay best friend" while actively avoiding lesbians as hard as they can and some guys think "lesbian p*rn is so hot" while hating gay men

    throwagay1u35 Report


    If I dress a certain way to attract a guy, I'm a try-hard sl*t. If a guy dresses a certain way to attract a girl, he's stylish and evolved.

    el_diamond_g Report


    If a man isn't married by 30 it's whatever, but if a woman isn't married by 30 then there's something wrong.

    AngryMaxFuryStreet Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In modern day Europe, nope. I know tons of unmarried women and men, nobody cares. Their parents or grandparents might make comments, but they are older generations.

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    The wage gap. A former employee decided to only hire men for office positions because they wouldn’t ever get pregnant or need maternity leave either!

    The wage gap. Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The one solution to this is for men and women to have the same amount of maternity leave and the same legal minimum time off. In Spain this year both men and women will get 4 month maternity/paternity leave. Now they need to add, for example, that both must leaglly take a minimum of 3 months each. Once this happens, the risk to the employer is the same for either sex so no preferences.

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    A woman can be just as creepy, perverse, and uncomfortable as a man. But they’ll never be taken accountable for it.

    shroooomology Report


    If you are a woman and can't do house chores, you are useless and don't fit the idea of a woman, if you are a man that can do house chores then you are gay, this isn't a manly job...

    JupitersGiantStorm Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    As a non binary i agree with this whenever my mom is to yell at me for not doing chores perfectly and saying i don't act like a girl ...well thx mom

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    Guys can hang out with whoever they want, though girls can't hang out with just any guy 'cause apparently every guy wants to sleep with us.

    anonymous Report

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    El Dee
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 a certain age I think that this is probably true though. Teenage boys are a slave to their hormones and would probably sleep with anyone at all. So yes, if you're female and have a pulse they probably do. NB I'm saying this with decades of perspective, I didn't used to think that back then..

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    Men cannot experiment with the same gender without being considered gay. Meanwhile if girls do it they're just having fun.

    Damienplz Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In high school it is extremely common for girls to experiment with other girls, and this person is right, no one seems to bat an eye lid. If the roles were reversed though, well that’s a different story.

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    Dating apps. As a dude I'm expected to send the first message, be unrealistically witty and funny to set myself apart from the hundred other guys currently messaging her, and have a total banger of a profile to have even the slightest chance of getting a match. Meanwhile ladies leave their bios completely empty and expect having the perfect man to be handed to them on a silver platter, no messaging first or nothing.

    CrumblingAway Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't message them then. They're kinda already showing the contribution they'll bring to a relationship tbh.

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    I cisgender girl can go get a boob job with no issues. But a transgender girl such as myself needs a referral from a psychiatrist to make sure "we don't regret it"

    The-Lazy-Lemur Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I actually understand why that is done and should stay that way, having a boob job to enhance what you have is completely different to having a boob job to change your gender. There is a difference. In saying that, I believe ALL plastic surgery should be done after a psych consult unless it is for medical reasons.

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    Woman showing her feelings/crying/getting mad: Healthy person expressing herself

    Man showing half the feelings: immature manchild

    DieSchungel1234 Report

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    Mrs_ Possum
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hmm not sure about this one. When women cry or get mad, there can be an element of "oh look she's hormonal, calm down dear" in my experience 😕 It's not good. Making fun of anyone for showing emotion, regardless of gender, is not ok.

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    When a dude walks around without a shirt that's fine but if I wear a cute top where you can see my bra straps and the back of my bra that's somehow inappropriate...

    fabulicious_mirror Report

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    El Dee
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In a hundred years time our great grandchildren will look upon us as we looked upon the Victorians who got upset about 'a bit of ankle' on show..

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    Women in business that are strict and tough are "crazy b****es" but men in business that are strict and tough are "strong leaders."

    Starr-Gazer-C Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    To be fair, I did work for a crazy bitch. I've also dealt with a lot of crazy bastards too.


    When a less-than-perfect man only goes after perfect-super-model women, and then complains that women only care about looks and not personality when the man fails.

    anonymous Report


    When a boy loses his virginity, he's a man; it's a rite of passage. If a girl wants to lose her virginity she'll be "broken" or not "pure."

    ThatGirlWithTheBook Report

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    People Are Sharing What Double Standards Between Men And Women Annoy Them So Much, It's Disgusting (50 Pics) Making fun of men in comedy movies... every father has half the iq of his wife

    etiQQue , Columbia Pictures Television Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And if the father isn’t stupid, he’s a massive old grump.

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    So many guys complain about paying for stuff, but if a woman is powerful and wealthy enough to take care of herself, she is often believed to be aggressive and pushy.

    anonymous Report

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    Kiss Army
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have been married for 27+ years but back in my dating days, I always paid for myself or alternated who paid because I never wanted to feel like I "owed" a guy anything. If I gave anything of myself (kisses/cuddles, etc.) it was going to be clear that it was done by choice and free will and I would not be made to feel like I owed him anything for buying me dinner. If they were offended, then we did not need to continue dating.


    When women look after their kids it’s just parenting, but when men look after their kids it’s babysitting.

    min2themax Report

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    Women objectifying men. It's so normalised in modern society.

    Women being called sl*ts because they sleep with many guys, but guys are champs. Simply makes no sense to me.

    heldarman Report

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    Body positive women's displays at Target and jacked men's displays.

    tupacs_mortician Report

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    Sex toys are great and healthy for women but disgusting and perverse for men.

    pyramid-teabag-song Report


    A woman can ask my height but I can't ask her weight.

    VLenin2291 Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You can ask my weight but it doesn’t mean you will get an answer. Just because someone asks for your height doesn’t mean you have to tell them.

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    When a girl is underweight/malnourished she gets praised for her figure. When a boy is underweight/malnourished he gets fed 2x more than everyone else in order to “get some meat on those bones”

    Anxious_Beaver15 Report

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    Shelli Aderman
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not in my house! You get fed no matter what you look like-I should let you starve?! 🤣

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    That women can’t take care of themselves or in my family’s case even make some choices without a man.

    Tsundere-Neen Report

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    Kiss Army
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I first got married and I told my mom I was going to go something, she would ask "What did HUSBAND say?" I would respond "I didn't ask him. I don't need permission." It would drive her crazy. We have been married over 27 years and she still asks me this sometimes. LOL.

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    Girls who play video games are either ugly or looking for attention, while guys who play video games are cool.

    ButtsexEurope Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This made me lol, because generationally, boys playing video games were not considered cool until the past two decades, and that got stronger with twitch and competitions were those guys can earn big money.

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    Thing i hate is office attire, as a man im stuck wearing long pants, socks, shoes, long sleeve shirt with a collar, and a tie.

    Women can get away with a sleeveless dress and open towed shoes then complain the office is too cold so its like 75* or more.

    InsertBluescreenHere Report

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    Truth Monster
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So get yourself a nice dress and open-toed shoes. Sue for discrimination if they reprimand you.

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    Socially awkward women being cute but awkard men being creepy.

    psychomaniac26 Report

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    Sarcastic Panda
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've never seen this, but can believe it. I'm socially awkward, but most people say 'get out there, talk to people.' my dad gets it, he was introverted too

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    After a meal is done in many households, it is expected that the women need to get up and clean and put away the dishes, after the spent hours preparing the meal, while the men sit and drink.

    NiceKindheartedness1 Report

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    Bunny Wood
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Perhaps you are living in Italy in 1920 ? Thats your first mistake

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    Meet a interesting woman, have a chat, wonder if she want's to meet up again for a date, she feels the same, you look at each other expectantly, waiting.... waiting for the man to make the move.

    User avatar level 1 REO-teabaggin Report


    As a teen, all my guy friends could stay out all night while I had to be home by 11.

    Nerobus Report

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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s not a double standard, that’s the decision of your parents. If she talked about her brother I could understand it, but different parents different rules.

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    Why a man in a relationship can go out and drink with friends or go to the bar, but if the woman wants to do it then she MUST be cheating.

    boymom04 Report


    Women are called girls even when they are adults yet men are not called boys when they are adults.

    Notmykl Report


    I never hear anything about forcing women to register for the draft like men.

    TMHousehill Report

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    Flora Endebez
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Some people are arguing for women to also have mandatory service in wars, but my civics teacher told us that's unlikely because of how long it takes


    Women are expected to be parents, and men are not. So when a man parents his child, he’s basically emasculated for being a decent human being.

    paredclia Report

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    Bunny Wood
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "Women are expected to be parents, and men are not"-Nope. Thats just flat out not true

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    A woman suffering in public needs help.

    A man suffering in public is a nuisance.

    5th_Law_of_Robotics Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I need an example of this ever being a thing. Anyone suffering needs help, when would a Male suffering in public ever be a nuisance?

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    A small girl being flirted with grown men is creepy and disgusting, but a small boy being flirted with grown women is ‘cute’

    sennersko Report

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    Foxxy (The Original)
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    WTF, who says it is “cute”. I have never heard that before, it is creepy either way

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    I hate how women can flaunt their curves and skin, but if a guy does it, he's either vain or a pervert.

    MadWit-itDug Report

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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This one isnt really true.. guys can flaunt their body while having their shirts off and is okay..but if a woman did it it would be nudity.

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