“Do men have women heroes?” That’s the intriguing question that attorney Jessica Brown asked her Twitter followers. The responses that she got were very varied and Jess sparked a real debate on the social media platform.
The responses were refreshingly honest and people went into detail who their female heroes are and why. A lot of people said that they see their mothers and Margaret Thatcher as their personal heroes. Scroll down, have a look at who some men call their personal heroes, and upvote your favorite tweets. Oh, and let us know in the comments below who your female heroes are, dear Pandas.
Jess’ thread got more than 106.9k likes on Twitter, was retweeted 10.1k times, and got a lot of people passionate to talk about the subject. While not every interaction was friendly, the important thing is that people got to talking, right?
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Her charity is called The Fistula Foundation and it's one of the charity options on Amazon Smile :-)
One conclusion that you can make from the attorney’s thread is that some men definitely have women heroes while others are upfront about the fact that they idolize other successful men. In other words—a lot depends on each individual person.
However, why are some men more reluctant to have female heroes? It might be related to the fact that some boys have trouble accepting women superheroes. Actress and Harry Potter star Emma Watson touched on this issue in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. In her opinion, boys have been conditioned to look up to male superheroes and avoid female ones.
As a woman living in the #NZHellhole (I’ll stop making jokes about that when anti-elimination people stop calling us a dictatorship), seeing a certain person on that list made my day. :)
“It’s something that they are not used to and they don’t like that. Anything that deviates from the norm is difficult to accept. I think if you’ve been used to watching characters that look like, sound like, think like you and then you see someone up on the screen and you go, ‘Well, that’s a girl, she doesn’t look like me. I want it to look like me so that I can project myself onto the character,'” Watson pondered.
She added that girls feel less threatened and have an easier time relating to all characters, whatever their gender might be.
Saw her live on her last tour. One of the best rock and roll shows I ever saw. btw-she wrote "Blue Suede Shoes"
“Women are great at doing that. We see whoever is on screen and we recognize the human qualities in the man that we relate to and there’s not such a gap, but for some reason, there’s some kind of barrier there where [men] are like, ‘I don’t want to relate to a girl. I don’t want to, I don’t want that,’ which I think is inherently part of the problem,” the actress and UN ambassador for the HeForShe initiative said. However, not everything’s grim and Watson believes that things are slowly but surely changing.
She's the Lioness of West Sumatera who fought against taxes levied by the Dutch East Indies Company on the population of Manggopoh. Despite still nursing an infant, she successfully led the rebellion, resulting in her husband being exiled to Manado while she was imprisoned with her child.
That's so sweet. I appreciate that a politician so young can be someone's hero.
Sakine Cansiz was a co-founder of the Kurdish PKK after she'd been imprisoned and tortured by the Turkish police. She was shot dead in Paris, France in 2013, a case that remains unsolved.
"Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters." -Rosa Luxemburg, a wisdom that has been forgotten. Nowadays, thought crimes are getting prosecuted, sometimes in some countries in a court of law and very often by news media and on social media sites. Intolerance towards dissenters is constantly growing.
thatcher let the irish starve and die in prison, she despised and undermined the working class. Then she got to die peacefully in her bed, in old age, not a hero, but a villain.
Glad to see at least that all the Thatcher ones are getting down voted. Honestly, WTF???
Can we take a moment to pay tribute to this lovely polish lady in the picture.
Her name was Irena Stanisława Sendler (1910-2008), nurse during WW2.
She saved approx 2500 children by smuggling them out of the Nazi camp. She was carrying out infants on the bottom of her toolbox every time after visit of Nazi camp. Risking her life every day!
In 2007 she was a candidate to receive a Nobel peace prize... lost to Al Gore and his climate change chart. Screen-Sho...56-png.jpg
I wanted to write about Irena Sendlerowa, I'm so glad You already did.
Load More Replies...I am surprised there was no mention of Florence Nightingale since she revolutionised medical care and she did it even though her family disapproved (and many others) were against her because she was female. They expected/wanted her to meet a man, have kids and become a happy little housewife instead of getting an education and doing what she wanted.
Excellent choice. The odd thing is how many people seem to think she was a hands-on nurse. She was a powerful, kick-a*s administrator who essentially faced down the government and military establishment till she got what she wanted.
Load More Replies...Can we take a moment to pay tribute to this lovely polish lady in the picture.
Her name was Irena Stanisława Sendler (1910-2008), nurse during WW2.
She saved approx 2500 children by smuggling them out of the Nazi camp. She was carrying out infants on the bottom of her toolbox every time after visit of Nazi camp. Risking her life every day!
In 2007 she was a candidate to receive a Nobel peace prize... lost to Al Gore and his climate change chart. Screen-Sho...56-png.jpg
I wanted to write about Irena Sendlerowa, I'm so glad You already did.
Load More Replies...I am surprised there was no mention of Florence Nightingale since she revolutionised medical care and she did it even though her family disapproved (and many others) were against her because she was female. They expected/wanted her to meet a man, have kids and become a happy little housewife instead of getting an education and doing what she wanted.
Excellent choice. The odd thing is how many people seem to think she was a hands-on nurse. She was a powerful, kick-a*s administrator who essentially faced down the government and military establishment till she got what she wanted.
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