A Dutch menswear company has exposed the lingering anti-gay sentiment that still runs deep in parts of society, by releasing an ad campaign that shows same-sex couples doing things like (shock!) kissing and embracing.

The Dutch are a famously tolerant and open-minded people, and the men’s fashion company in question, SuitSupply, has courted controversy before. However, the founder and CEO, Fokke De Jong, makes his position clear. “The attraction between people is an important part of fashion ad ideas,” he said. “A campaign featuring the attraction between men was long overdue and particularly relevant for our clothing brand.”

Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad reports that the company has seen over 10,000 Instagram followers leave since the controversial ad campaign began, suggesting that it has been poorly received by a large number of people. Mr. De Jong had been aware of the potential for controversy. “We do believe there is potential for negative impact, especially in countries where we have a significant presence, that is known for contrasting viewpoints.” To this end, the photos of men kissing won’t be shown in countries that have a poor record on gay rights, such as Russia and the United Arab Emirates. Mr. De Jong believes that the company’s outlets there would be closed immediately if this were the case.

Clearly though, SuitSupply believe in their inclusivity principles, the strength of their brand, and the willingness of the public (in Western countries at least) to embrace this kind of clever advertising. It has certainly gotten people talking. While there have been, predictably, shrieks of dismay and threatened masculinity by men who cannot bear to see two guys kissing while wearing that most manly of clothing items, the suit; there has also been an outpouring of support and positivity for the inclusive message it sends.


No matter what you think about the suit-ability of the campaign, you gotta admit that it’s bold, eye-catching, and effective fashion statement. Scroll down to check it out for yourself below, and let us know what you think! We don’t know what all the fuss is about, to be honest.


    SuitSuppy’s advertising campaigns are becoming famous for courting controversy

    Image credits: suitsupply

    It has been accused of sexism and misogyny in the past

    Image credits: suitsupply

    Campaigns usually appeal to the classic image of masculinity

    Image credits: suitsupply

    But this one took a different turn


    Image credits: suitsupply

    Featuring same-sex couples in various forms of embrace, this image of two men kissing was particularly controversial

    Image credits: suitsupply

    “The attraction between people is an important part of fashion advertising”

    Image credits: suitsupply

    “A campaign featuring the attraction between men was long overdue and particularly relevant for our brand”

    Image credits: suitsupply


    Many of the images won’t be shown in countries like Russia and the United Arab Emirates

    Image credits: suitsupply

    As the CEO of the company thinks that the company’s outlets in those countries would be closed immediately


    Image credits: suitsupply

    We don’t know what all the fuss is about, to be honest

    Image credits: suitsupply

    There’s also a video, which you can check out below

    Predictably, some people were very angry about the campaign

    Others loved it though


    What do you think? Let us know in the comments!